The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, February 12,1994 13 Winter Woodlot Conference in Kemptville on February 24 "Lumber From Your Woodlot" is the theme of the 1994 Eastern Ontario Ontario Winter Woodlot Conference to be held at the W.B. George Centre, Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology in Kemptville on Thursday, Thursday, February 24th., commencing with the viewing of displays and demonstrations at 9:00 a.m. and the presentation at 10:00 a.m. The morning program will feature Agroforestry Updates on several important important subjects. Arthur Mathewson, Director, of the Ontario Forestry Association Association will discuss Private Woodland Woodland Taxation and Harry Barr of Pa- kenham will outline current initiatives of the Ontario Woodlot and Sawmill Operators Association. Alex Denys Group Leader of the Private Private Woodlands Section of the Ontario Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources will discuss Future Directions in Private Private Land Forestry. In the afternoon two concurrent sessions will be held. One session will feature "Tree Planting on the Farm". Field staff from the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and a Conservation Authority will outline proper tree planting proce- " dures as well as assistance programs available in Eastern Ontario. The other session will feature "Farm Lumber Production". Clarence Coons, of Kemptville, will discuss the development of Ontario's Saw- milling Industry leading to the introduction introduction of small portable band sawmills sawmills which were first introduced in the early 1980's. Today an estimated 1200 of these portable band sawmills sawmills provide Ontario woodlot operators operators with machinery to produce their own lumber and provide on site saw- milling services within their communities. communities. Frank Petro of Orleans will discuss discuss Hardwood Trees and Log Quality Quality and their Effect of Sawmill Profitability. Profitability. Also, the important subject of Air Drying Lumber will also be covered. covered. Several dealers and/or manufacturers manufacturers of forestry equipment useful in farm woodlots will be setting up indoor indoor displays for the day and small portable band sawmills and other equipment will be demonstrated outdoors. outdoors. Registration will be at the conference conference door February 24th, commencing commencing at 8:00 a.m. .The cost is $15.00 per person including the noon meal and coffee. This conference has been organized organized by the Eastern Ontario Agroforestry Agroforestry Committee and is jointly spon sored by the Ministries of Natural Resources and Agriculture and Food, it is co-sponsored this year by the Ontario Woodlot and Sawmill Operators Operators Association and Eastern Ontario Model Forests. This conference offers an excellent excellent program to those interested in private woodland resources. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. For further information contact: Dave Chapeskie, Conference Coordinator, Coordinator, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food, Box 2004, Kemptville, Kemptville, Ontario. K0G 1J0 Telephone: 613/258-8302 or 1-800-267-7953. Cattlemen's Association Approves Funding for Barnyard Runoff Testing The Ontario Cattlemen's Association Association (OCA) is pleased to announce that funding has been approved.for an experimental project to study the effectiveness of vegetative filter strips as means of treating barnyard runoff. Funding has been approved by the Rural Conservation Clubs Program Program of Agriculture Canada's Green Plan. The project will operate from! now until March 1997. OCA will be working on this project project with Mike Toombs, OMAF Engineer, Engineer, P. Eng., Newmarket office. Mike will be responsible for technical technical aspects of the project such as site review of potential cooperating farms, design of the filter strip systems, systems, construction and monitoring supervision. supervision. The project will allow for five farmers throughout the province to have vegetable filter strips constructed constructed on their farms. The strips are constructed constructed to be level across their width and to have slope in the range of 0.5% to 4%. Grass species such as reed canary, broome or orchard grass will be be planted. The runoff is evenly distributed across the strip and the volume of runoff is controlled to allow time for proper treatment. This project will include monitoring of the barnyard runoff and the effectiveness of the filter strip as means of utilizing nutrients from the runoff and treating the barnyard mnoff. Vegetable filter strips have been utilized effectively in areas such as il- linois and 1 Wisconsin states. OCA hopes that this project will eventually offer another ^acceptable alternative for Ontario farmers to consider when examining manure management options. options. If farmers are interested in finding out more information about this project, project, they can contact Mike Toombs, OMAF at (905) 895-4519 or Peter Doris, OCA at (519) 824-0334. Are Not True Says Chairman "Reports of our demise have been greatly exaggerated," says John Core, Chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing Marketing Board. Mark Twain only had to correct an error on the obituary page but the incorrect reports about the death of marketing boards have made major headlines and led television and radio newscasts for the last two days, Core added. "Marketing boards have not been Kiss» VCR SERVICE SPECIAL Your VCR repaired . for only INCLUDES FREE CLEANING VCR CLINIC Plus Parts and Taxes Feb. 9 to 26 r , Since 1982 697-0310 15 King St W Radie /Hue* Bowmanville dismantled by the recently announced announced trade deal under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)," Core said. "The change coming in July 1995 is that border import quotas are being replaced by border tariffs - so only the mechanism mechanism to keep out subsidized product has changed." "Producer quotas are still in effect and will remain after we move to border border tariffs in mid - 1995," Core said. Our farmers need to know as quickly as possible that all of our current operations operations are unchanged, including our regular monthly quota exchange. "Stability is vital for dairy farmers and we are open for business as usual," usual," Core added. Ontario's 8,300 dairy farms produce produce more than 2.3 billion litres of milk annually at a value of about 1.2 billion dollars. "It's important that the largest economic sector in Ontario Ontario agriculture continues to make its huge contribution to Ontario's rural economy," Core emphasized. The meeting today with Ontario Premier Bob Rae and Agriculture Minister Elmer Buchanan is an important important part of the response and a sign of the spirit of co-operation that Ontario will need as we work to make the best of the changes which will evolve in our trade environment between 1995 and the end of the century, century, Core said. Port Oshawa The Public is invited to an INFORMATION SESSION ONTHE OSHAWA HARBOUR COMMISSION PORT STUDY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1994 C.A.W. HALL 1425 Phillip Murray Avenue . Oshawa, Ontario 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Viewing of Port development plans and sketches with opportunity to discuss details with study consultant personnel. Written comments are welcomed for consideration in finalization of Port Study. 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Presentation by Consultant Team on study results to date. 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Question period and comments. 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