r . The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, March 12.1994 3 MP Concludes Meetings on GST Durham Riding MP Alex Shepherd Shepherd crossed the constituency last week, listening to taxpayers' views on what changes should be made to the GST. "It's time to ask the people dealing dealing with the GST everyday what their views are. I mean the average consumer, consumer, not just the business community, community, manufacturers and accounting associations," associations," Shepherd said. Approximately 60 people from communities throughout Durham , _ Riding turned out for the meetings in £ i ijj \ '-T Clarington, Scugog Township and iBIÉ ® i a V * Uxbridge the week of March 1. ry--Jg if Shepherd plans to take some par- ticipants to Ottawa to explain to the Si 7M federal Finance Committee the problems problems the GST has caused for them. "Maybe we have to get some members of the Finance Committee to sit down and spend à few hours filling out GST tax forms and doing a little GST accounting so they get the point," Shepherd said. During last fall's election the Liberal Liberal Party promised to replace the GST with a tax that would create similar revenues but fairer to consumers consumers and small business. The federal government receives $60 billion annually in revenue from the GST but once tax credits are paid back is left with only $15 billion. People from all walks of life and salary ranges told the MP too many injustices exist under the GST. PATRICK 0.DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic A Complete Denture Service Refines • Repairs • New Dentures Soft Liners FREE CONSULTATION 5 George Street ' , 4473 Science Fair at Dr. Emily Stowe RS. Mis Garrod, Grade 2 teacher at Dr. Emily Stowe Public School in Courtice, explains some of the Science Fair projects to junior students. students. The students' Science Fair exhibits were on display m the school gymnasium on Tuesday, March 8th. . m IR RRSP's CONSIDER YOUR INVESTMENT RETURN. NOT JUST YOUR TAX RETURN. We've helped over half a million Canadians make the most of their RRSP's by providing the highest standard of personalized service in the industty^Why riot find out what we can do for you? Æ5hs f IltVJBStorS Call Andrew Rice HÊÊI Group COO OCfH Building futures since 1940. at Q4U a A>vV I today. ■ INVESTORS group FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. FABRICLAND OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. -6 p.m. SALE 1 'til 9 pim. Wed., March 16 STARTS NOW or while supplies last!! Reg. Price ON ALL ITEMS BELOW!! 45" Selected POLYESTER/ COTTON PRINTS Reg. 6.98 m. The following are just a few of the articles and features we're working on for the March 16th Edition of The Canadian Statesman: TAXES, TAXES, TAXES... What will you pay in 1994? Clarington Council is scheduled to approve its 1994 budget on Monday. We'll bring you the details. ♦ ♦♦ kudos for hospital ... Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, gets top rating after check-up by accreditation agency. ♦ ♦♦ CLARINGTON'S ECONOMIC hlueprint ... The Municipality's new development officer shares his vision of the future. ♦♦♦ FOR THE BIRDS... Historic Clarington homes inspire folk artist's bird feeders. ♦ ♦♦ LEPRECHAUN ALERT ... Don't forget to count the leprechauns appearing in next week's Statesman. Lottery tickets will be given away as prizes for 60 - lucky winners. See the March 16 | Statesman for all the details. The Canadian Statesman "Your Business Partner, Neighbour and Friend Since 1854" 62 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-3303 un i t » 45" Selected 100% RAYON PRINTED CHALLIS Reg. 8.9è m. 60" ALL STOCK JOE PRINTS Reg. 9.98 m. 45" Selected CHIRIMEN CRÉPE 00% POLYESTI Reg. 10.98 m. 45" Selected "TWINKLE" SPORTSWEAR 100% COTTON PLAINS Reg. 7.98 m. 60" Selected HOLIDAY TAFFETA 100% POLYESTER Reg. 8.98 m. 45" "SANTIAGO" Printed COTTON PIQUÉ Reg. 9.98 m. 60" Selected BLITZ and BENGALINE SPORTSWEAR Reg. 9.98 m. 45' and 60" POLLY'S SOLIDS FASHION PLAINS Reg. 10.98 m. 45" 100% Polyester "JASMINE" PRINTS BLACK/WHITES Reg. 12.98 m. BROADCLOTH 1801 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY (Kendalwood Plaza) 721-9152 9 p.m. ONLY Mar. 16/94 600 GRANDVIEW ST. S. OSHAWA (Grandview and Bloor St.) 436-7589 7 ÏT7ÎT777T77T7VTÏï > * w* « * * < * » m » • m« »•* »•■** j «■« » t » î uvi *.» i * * $ < i » t