20 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 16,1994 Additional Classfied Wanted to Buy I will buy your unwanted items. Before you throw out or hide them in your basement, phone me at 728-8485, please leave message. Tenders Bethesda Cemetery Board is receiving tenders until April 8,1994 for grass cutting and grounds maintenance for the 1994 season. Tender in writing to: Bethesda Cemetery Board, c/o Glenn Smith 5113 Old Scugog Rd. Hampton, Ontario LOB 1 JO. Telephone 263-2092. Wanted to Buy FREE PICK UP ON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 44-tlS CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY In the Re-Use Recycle Held, geographically protected areas. Proven results. Non-disclosure Agreement required. Prices start at 52,000.. Call (519) 438- 3970 to enquire. BUSINESS SERVICES CALL CANADA'S LEADER In Farm Tax Services: Income tax, GST, bookkeeping, financial statements, NISA and year-round planning. For FREE consultation, call TaxGuata today 1-800- 265-1002. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School ol Auctioneering. Next Class: July 16-22. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School ol Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S7V9. (519)537-2115. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES. Income Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondence. Free brochures. No obligation. U & R TAX SERVICES LTD., 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE ol Vancouver offers correspondence courses lor the certificate ol Counselling Studies to begin the 15th ol the month. For brochure phone: 1-800- 665-7044. CRAFTS GRAFTERS WANTED: Sell your arts and crafts every day without being there. Write for Information: The Cralters Marketplace, Box 26029C, Guelph, Ontario NIE 6C8 (519) 763- 2750. FOR SALE ARCTIC WOLF FOR SALE in 16 packs lor under 520. Available at the beer store. ENERCRAFT a leading manufacturer ol Portable Band Sawmills also carries woodsplltters, edgers, chainsaw chain grinders, bandsaw blade grinders, skidding winches and more! Open House/Demo Day - May 28, 1994 - Call 1-800- 387-5553 lor details. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT hiring lor summer. Chambermaids, waitresses, gas attendants, cashiers, For application send self- addressed stamped envelope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C. VoE 2S0. SALES HELP WANTED START YOUR OWN HOME-BASED BUSINESS! Watkins is today's best business opportunity! For FREE Information call Independent Marketing Director, 1 -800-263-2999 Canada. MISCELLANEOUS INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE 18-30 with agricultural experience to live/work in ew Zealand, Europe, Japan. , «206, 1501 17th Australia. Costs/details 1-800-263-1827, Avenue, Calgary, AB. T2T 0E2. MORTGAGE S MONEY AVAILABLE. Any Purpose! Credit Cards, Bills, Construction, Arrears, Purchase, Refinance. Example 520,000 pay 5235.00 monthly. David/Kevin (416) 447- 1616, Donmills Financial, All may quality! MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE! ConventlonaVEquhy 1 sts and 2nds. Consolidate bills Into low monthly payment, renovate or finance business. Rates from 5.25%. Call Toll Free 1-800-265-2694. PERSONAL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, friends and families - find out facts the Society doesn't want you to know. Confidential. Write: JW Fads, Box 294, Nelson, B.C.V1L5P9. WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free Information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1M0. LIVE A HEALTHIER and longer life! Rid your body of harmful effects of daily pollution. Buy & read "Clear Body Clear Mind" by L Ron Hubbard (522.00). Call 1-800-561-5808. LACK OF MONEY? Effects of the economy? Worried about Jobs? Be happy and succeed In He! Buy and read "Problems of World by L Ron Hubbard (530.00). Call 1-800-561-5808. GREAT SEX, no age limit. Overcome all erection problems. D.V.A. TAPS cards accepted. Get the tacts from: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C. VOE 2Z0 1-800-663-0121. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshate? We'll take it! America's largest, oldest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentals needed. Call 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StraHwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 57,899; 40x72 511,924; 50x90 516.954; 60x126 525,883 - other sizes available - Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS, Straight Sided Models. Various sizes, eg. 30'W X 50'L - 57,152.00 including ends and door. Call Future 1-800-666- 8653. TRAVEL COINS • A UNIQUE approach to collecting from RIVER CRUISES. Spend 4 or 5 nights cruising Heritage Collectibles, handsomely mounted and central Canada's calm rivers in exquisite comfort framed collections of historic coins and banknotes. Free colour catalogue 1-800-451- 5796. aboard a modern, elegant replica steamboat. Outstanding scenery, world-class attractions. From 5860. Free brochure 1-B00-267-766B. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today/ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, are invited and will be received received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender CL94-5 Electrical Services, Street Lights The scope of service required includes qualified tradesman for emergency and general repairs repairs to street lights on an "as required" basis. Closing Time and Date: 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Wednesday, March 30,1994 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, a.m.c.t.(A) Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (905) 623-3379 ext. 268 £k MUNICIPALITY OF arinqton ONTARIO Date of Publication: March 16,1994 11-1SN Sorority Makes Plans for 1994 Happenings By Gayle Stevenson Wine-making, a car rally, craft auction, guest speakers, reminiscing; these are just a few of the interesting "Happenings" at Preceptor Delta Eta sorority this year. We prepared extensive gift packages packages for our "Special Family" in the community for Christmas and several different occasions throughout the year. We lost a very special "sister" Leona Leona Wolitski, in January. Sorority was a vciy important part of Leona's life and we will all miss her very much. We continue to serve refreshments at all Blood Donor Clinics at the Lions Lions Centre and contribute to many worthwhile organizations in the area. Anyone wishing proreinformation about Beta Sigma,Phi.Sorority may call our Vice President, Roz Yeo, at 623-4688. DURHAM REGION THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WINTER SLUDGE MANAGEMENT CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING In June 1992, the Regional Municipality of Durham initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for winter sludge management. This Class EA is being conducted pursuant to the requirements of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Sewage and Water Schedule C Projects. In October 1993, the Region gave public notice that the preferred alternative for the winter sludge management was the storage of digested sludge using enclosed storage tanks located on or adljacent to one or more of the existing water pollution control plant (WPCP) sites. This alternative was selected through a public consultation process. The Region, in consultation with a Public Consultation Working Committee has just completed the preliminary evaluation of the potential sites for the proposed sludge storage facility. The candidate WPCP sites on the short list are Corbett Creek WPCP in Whitby, Harmony Creek WPCP in Oshawa and Port Darlington WPCP in Bowmanville. The proposed sludge storage facility may be located on or adjacent to these candidate sites. <8) POTENTIAL CANDIDATE SITES The Region will be holding a Public Consultation Working Committee meeting on March 30,1994 at 6:30 p.m. at Durham Region Works Department located at 105 Consumers Drive in Whitby, At this meeting, the information collected on physical, economic, social and natural features associated with each candidate WPCP site will be presented. Any interested parties arc invited to attend the meeting and provide input on data collection and evaluation criteria for consideration by the Public Consultation Working Committee. For further information on the Project, please contact Mr. Cane or Mr. Lee at the following addresses. Mr. Don Cane, P.Eng. Shncoc Engineering Group Limited 1815 Ironstone Manor, Suite 10, Pickering, Ontario. L1W 3W9 Telephone: 905-831-1715 Mr. Chang Lee, P.Eng. Region of Durham 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario. LIN 6A3 Telephone: 905-668-7721 This Notice issued 16th March, 1994. Farmers Take Part in Leadership Program "Political Process and Urban Society" Society" were the topics featured at the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) seminar held February February 28 to March 2 in Toronto. Charles Stevens, R.R. #8, Newcastle was among the 30 Leadership participants participants attending. The Speaker of the House, David Warner, discussed his role in the Ontario Ontario Government. "In addition to presiding over parliament, and managing managing the buildings at Queen's Park, the speaker is a referee, a diplomat and a representative of his constituents," constituents," said Warner. David Lyon, Chief Administrative Officer of the Premier's Council, explained the legislative legislative process and how things really work at Queen's Park. Liberal Agriculture Agriculture Critic, Joan Fawcett, described described her role in opposition to the government. AALP members were privileged to attend a reception with the Honourable Henry N. R. Jack- man, the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. Ontario. Because the AALP participants arc involved in various sectors of the agri-food business much of the focus was on Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food (OMAF). OMAF Deputy Deputy Minister, Rita Burak, explained that OMAF is expanding its emphasis beyond agriculture to include the food industry and the rural community. community. "Client demands, the global economy, economy, trade agreements and environmentalism environmentalism are," according to Burak "some of the issues affecting agriculture agriculture in the future." Ken Knox, on his last day as Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Services Division, Division, OMAF, moderated a panel discussion on land use, competitiveness, competitiveness, marketing and research. In groups of three, the Leadership participants fanned out across the city to visit ten different Government Ministries. Each of these ministries, in its own way, has an impact on rural rural communities. Another objective of the session was to increase awareness of a large urban society. The AALP group toured several facilities in Metro Toronto. Toronto. The highlight was a tour of the Campbell Soup Company and meet ing with Campbell's President, Daniel Daniel O'Neill. O'Neill challenged the AALP participants, as leaders in the community, to take charge of their own situations. "The North American Free Trade Agreement presents great opportunities for , Canada", said O'Neill. "It's up to individuals and industry to capitalize on them." They also visited the Ontario Food Terminal, the Daily Bread Food Bank, Seaton House Men's Hostel, and Metro Toronto Police Headquarters. Headquarters. Police Chief William McCormick McCormick and Norm Gardner, Vice- Chairman of the Police Services Board, outlined creative measures to reduce the police budget. The next seminar for this class is in Owen Sound in mid-April. The purpose of the Advanced Agricultural Agricultural Leadership Program is to develop leaders who will work to maintain the strength of Ontario's agri-food industry. The program is administered by the Agricultural Leadership Trust - a partnership of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, University of Guelph, Ontario Ontario Federation of Agriculture, and Foundation for Rural Living. Funding Funding is' provided by the Trust, rural and agricultural organizations, and participant tuition fees. For more information contact Patricia Patricia Mighton or Cathy Hondcrich, Box 1030, Guelph NIH 6N1 (Telephone: (Telephone: 519-767-3266). Be sure and visit us during the "Win a Pot of Gold" Sale! mother mod LATEST FASHIONS IN CUSTOM DRAPERIES, PLEATED SHADES and CALIFORNIA free „ W-HOME CONSULTATIONS and ■^'[ALLAT/ons ^ AVAILABLE • Draperies • Valances • Mini-Blinds • Pleated Shade • Verticals • Roller Shades • Wallcoverings • Full line of Hardware • California Shutters • Everything Professionally made on the premises! 34 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2826 Rob Perkin Ken Hockin Brad Hockin Pat Marjerrison Hockin's Home of the Week Marg Bain Bill Whyte Tastefully decorated and upgraded home close to all mmmm amenities. $127,900. Marg Bain 623-2661. pKHR ÏInr¥T\i B. JLvy V-/ JSJIN Ken Hockin Real Estate Ltd. Realtor mM Al Beard 123 King Street East, Bowmanville 623-4115 Jack Ricard mm NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE Edvan Realty Ltd. 214 King St. E., 623-4445 Bowmanville 686-0477 85 King St. W„ Newcastle 987-4733 OFEFf HOUSE BLITZ Sunday, March 20th, 2 - 4 p.m. The Sign of a IxHider m <4* J ' (É>)' iVl : \ YOU WON'T WANT TO LEAVE! Val Aston" Over 3600 sq. ft. of well planned living space, 4 bedrooms (room for more), 3 baths, 5 sitting/rolaxing areas and much, much more. 25 Orchard Park Dr. Follow algm from Hwy. 2. Call Val Aston**, Assoc. Broker, 623-4445 or 623-4907 (Res.) c . llOUTi,./-: . SapjHJil; ... i; . / ' »«j U J ! CENTURY GEM " GRACIOUS HOME With wrap around verandah set on ona acre lot. 2 storey workshop makes this a hobbyists dreaml $199,900. 210 King St. W., Newcastle Call Jill Hills*, Sales Rep. 623-4445 or 786-2393 (Res.) Wilma Entwlstlo* Masterpiece of quality in decor and restoration. Centro hall, 4 bedrooms, 1.3 acres. Asking $398,000. Dir: Hwy. 2 oast to 1800 Rudell Rd. and Open House signs. Call Wilma Entwisle*, Sales Rep., 623-4445 or 786-2911 (Res.) OPEN .... HOUSE l||f 1 - 3p ' m ' ALL DRESSED UP AND READY This bright and roomy 3 bedroom home Is clean and sits on a large private lot In Orono. Dir: Main St. N. to right on Station St. to 12 Princess St. $109,000. Call Dirk Woudstra*, Sales Rep. 623-4445 or 623-1336 (Resj Dirk Woudstra* CUTE AND COZY PtiSt# ^«Wftlllittiminip II II.'- Janlco Parish* NEED HELP TO QUALIFY? Newcastle Village. 3 bedroom bungalow on corner lot, 2 + 1 bedroom bungalow, beautiful largo lot with 2 bedroom In-law apartment. Walking distance lo detached 1 car garage, gas healing, Poifoct starter town. A steal at $134,500. homo at $116,900. ' Call Janice Parish*, Sales Representative, to view 987-4733. \r '■i ■ l *«•»! 41 1$, 4 f 41* M. ' i|. y v y it i \ :?• t i •