I The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 16,1994 7 Morris Funeral Chapel is p Undergoing Renovations Clarington Fire Calls Mar. 8 13:18: 4 Alexander Blvd., Bow- manvillc, chimney or flue fire 17:26:58 Little Ave., assist police Mar. 10 12:34:1585 Townline Rd. N., rubbish rubbish fire 15:11: 2758 Solina Rd., rubbish fire Mar. 11 07:37: 9 Loscombe Dr., assist police police 17:03: Rebecca Ct. & Liberty St., vehicle fire 22:23: 1915 Regional Rd. 3, chimney chimney or flue fire, estimated damage $6,500, heating equipment Mar. 12 16:00: 264 King St. E., detector activated activated 20:35: 59 Jackman Rd., detector activated, no fire Mar. 13 08:15: Hwy. 115, at 4th Concession, Concession, alarm, no fire Mar. 14 09:13:264 King St. E., detector activated activated P Bowmanville architect Reg Freethy (left) goes over renovation plans with Paul Morris, owner of the Morris Funeral Chapel. Construction Construction at the chapel will progress in three phases, with most of the woric to be completed by early July. Plans include an improved, .Wheelchair accessible entrance, better handicapped access and larger Visitation rooms. . ft Not even the most solidly estab- Renovations specifically address jjlished businesses can afford to lg- ncc( j s 0 f elderly and handi- $norc the changing expectations of ^ The front entrance will be completely completely ripped out and a wheelchair K\\** 84 King St. West ■ Bowmanville, Ontario Woodworking and Sculpture Studio Open To The Public • Would you like to work with wood in a friendly atmosphere where the tools and the space are provided? • Come and Visit the Studio HOURS: 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 10:00 a. m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday No Membership Required For Information: (905) 728-2188 or Drop into the studio for coffee Owner: Jacques Côté Open House Sunday, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Temperance and Church St. Bowmanville 623-3432 SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH, 1994 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery Minister: Rev. Harvey Osborne, B.A., M.Div. 623-0009 §>t. John'8 Anglican C&urtb Temperance St. S„ Bowmanville SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH, 1994 LENT V (Passion Sunday) 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Preacher: Ms. Mabel Dittrick Wed. 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying-On-of-Hands for Healing Rector - The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B. Bl with jjthe public. S$ Morris Funeral Chapel, lïroots stretching back more than a «century in one family, is a business ynot content to rest on good reputation reputation alone. I ' Owner Paul Morris feels the time jtis fight to respond to his clients' .^changing needs. He'll be embarking £on a major renovation of his existing existing 35-year-old chapel located at Division Division and Queen Streets in Bow- »manville. He is willing to invest |ôvor $225,000 in structural improve- jfments to ensure his business matches matches the growth of the community. He fwanted his dollars to do much more |than just spruce up the premises. Over $225,000 in 1 Improvements to |35-year old Chapel "Interior decor alone just won't ;Ücut it," he said regarding the new access ramp and electronic outwardopening outwardopening doors will be installed. At present, the only level entrance is at the side of the building. "Everybody who is handicapped wants to come through the front door like everyone else," says Mr. Morris. New front steps will flare out further further to the sidewalk, so the grade can be reduced. A two-tone rose reflective reflective glass canopy will extend over the entrance, offering protection protection from sun and rain. The effect of the glass will be eye-catching. "There won't be anything else in town that looks like this," said Morris. Morris. The most recent renovations at the Morris Funeral Chapel occurred 10 years ago when a five-car garage was added, a new roof was put on, and air conditioning was installed. Many of the improvements incorporated incorporated in the architect's plans were the result of a one-and-a-half year ■ïdesign drawn up by local architect su ™ cy ; . , , , SfRegFreethy A total of 89% of people who I The first of three phases of con- were ^ 10 flU in ** surveys re " jfstruction is scheduled to begin later s P° nded - jjjpext week, with the bulk of the renovations renovations being completed by this summer. The first stage involves up-grading up-grading the entrance to reduce con- ftgestion and make the building more '^accessible to the handicapped. Subsequent Subsequent work will permit staff to jf'handle higher volume and enhance ^service to clients. j$V: "This building was built to accommodate accommodate a maximum of 170 fu- |.ncrals a year. Last year, we did 150. ü -Judging by the growth we have ex- ;<pcricnced in the last 10 years and filature filature population projections, plus the -,.fact that our population is aging, it stands to reason that the death rate ft will also increase," Morris said, ft Visitation rooms will be expanded expanded and buffered for sound. Rest | rooms on the lower level will be expanded. expanded. ft The heavy traffic area in the £ main foyer heading into the chapel jfwill be widened to twice its present [I'width. p : Two back pews on cither side of ft the chapel will be removed to make v room for a handicapped washroom ;* at the right rear. An audio visual I booth is also to be built at the rear of ®thc chapel. Morris says the concept ftof taping funeral services for the ♦[benefit of out-of-town relations will I"be appreciated by an increasingly [♦[transient society where loved ones !«;arc scattered across the country. I Hospital Launches ^Nutrition Campaign March is National Nutrition Month, an appropriate time for Me- ftmorial Hospital to launch its ['■"Healthier Eating Lifestyles" pro- gram. Headed up by dietitian Mail Mail rybclh MacNcil, the 12-wcck pro- ftigram will start in early April and L- run Tuesday evenings, ft The "Healthier Ealing Lifestyles" ^program promises that no craslt dirtying dirtying is involved, and that the moth- î*'ods taught can easily fit into a person's person's present lifestyle to ensure t» : hcallhful, natural eating Imbits. t$; 1 For more information about the ^•program,. please contact Mary belli ffi-MncNoil at tlie hospital - 623-3331, extension 5750 or 5752, Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, b.sc. Rhm. i "reduce your March Is Nutrition Month In Canada. Here are some! nutritional Capsule Comments... If you are supplementing your diet with calcium, don't take the calcium with foods high in fibre. High fibre foods absorption of calcium. So separate them by an hour or two. Grapefruit doesn't burn fat away. It doesn't contain any magic Ingredients to increase the rate the body burns fat However, It ii high in Vitamin C and certainly certainly replacing some high-fat foods with grapefruit will help you lose weight If you are trying to reduce your sugar Intake by avoiding foods with "sugar" on the label, you should watch for other products that also signify a form of sugar. Some examples include mannitol, lactose, sorbitol, fructose, corn syrup, glucose and dextrose. The Chinese have lower cholesterol readings than North Americans, The Chinese diet is lower in fat higher In fruits and vegetables and also higher In fibre. They eat less meat too and this results In lower cardiovascular disease. Practising good nutrition is a good habit to get Into, Another good habit is having the pharmacists at Clinic Pharmacy fill your prescription needs. We hope to see you soon! Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (905) 623-7611 Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 [ft. Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div., M. Th. SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH, 1994 10:30 a.m. "Immanuel - God With Us" Saturday, April 9th - 5:30 p.m. Spring Roast Beef Dinner All welcome Church School for all Children §>l haul's Snittfr Church Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, MARCH 20TH, 1994 11:00 a.m. "Go For The Glory" Nursery Care for Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home. #■ all t ITTLE EOPLE .. and "Big People" too! cui Old-Fashioned Candy • Scotch Mints • Gumballs • Assorted Gummies • Licorice Ribbons • Tbffees • Swedish Berries • Assorted Fruit Drops • Licorice Twirls ( Red - Black - Fruit) Only... 990 3-Days Only - Thurs., Fri. Sat. McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King St, W. UAi..«ii»«t4iia Bowmanville