4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, May 18,1994 Section Two inion and Comments Letters to the Editor Bingo Hall a Terrific Idea Dear Editor: and 2 not to mention parking across As I read Laura Richard's Out- the street at Canadian Tire or the look Column. I can't help but shake church. I personally have seen many Canada borrows approximately $2 The problem stems from a very billion a year to give to approximate- overly bureaucratic and hierarchical ly 150 developing nations. _ administration. Once a decision on That's right, you've read my first funding a program is made at the top sentence correctly. it makes no sense once it makes its This borrowed $2 billion is spent way through the bureaucracy and into by the Canadian International Devel- the field. opment Agency (CIDA) throughout the world as the agency sees fit. Armed with this knowledge I decided decided to attend a Public Accounts Committee meeting looking into CIDA's spending practices. And apparently apparently I'm not the only one with misgivings about CIDA's spending habits. The federal auditor general was there too and subsequently released a scathing denunciation of the agency's spending. Why, for example, is CIDA paying paying money to third parties without finding out and documenting if the projects are finished as originally planned? And why are many of CIDA's projects non sustainable? Projects are started around the world and never completed. Or, money money is spent on food - and I'm not At the first committee meeting I asked CIDA's president if she planned addressing these problems. Her replies were vague. She simply said she could fix the problems. She was equally vague when asked how she was going to make CIDA's reporting system back to her office more effective and accountable. accountable. I concluded I was not going to let a government agency, spending $2 billion the taxpayers borrowed for it, off the hook in one 2 1/2 hour meet- payers of Canada. Can I take full credit for the change in this agency's attitude? No. But I did have an impact on her attitude attitude towards how our borrowed money is spent. And it gave me the feeling one MP can make a difference difference protecting taxpayer's money. The president of CIDA and I now have an ongoing relationship in an attempt attempt to further monitor the agency's effectiveness. There is still the question of con- my head in wonderment. Why would anyone want to spend such an incredible incredible amount of money beautifying an unfinished project? Would Laura Richards or anyone else for that matter matter plant a garden and landscape around their home before it was completely completely built? I think not. I do not want my tax dollars (and yes, yours too) wasted on an extrava- gent Rock Garden and Pond when what we really need to finish is the second pad of ice. (I've heard it is "close calls". Add to this confusion a Firehall and,well I'm sure you get the picture. (God forbid there may also be a softball game or two). Before wasting our money on something no one will use (I want to watch the game not read a book in the snow) or possibly ever see (our seniors can barely make it along some of our sidewalks never mind all the way out there). Let's clear the cobwebs and think of a much more productive way to spend our money, still on the blue prints along with the that is, if we must spend it at all terrace and pond) with so many families families moving here, many with young children, the second pad would cer- trolling government spending in a tainly not be wasted and in fact time of restraint and can Canadians afford expenditures like CIDA. Although needier countries than ours exist, and we have a duty to help others, I am not convinced continued expenditures in the billions of dollars ing. I persuaded the chair of the com- can go on without risk to our own to bring her back in two mittee weeks. I was surprised when we had our second meeting. Her attitude toward me changed entirely. She started the meeting addressing all the issues I against feeding the hungry first - but had brought up two-weeks prior, there is, in some cases, never any fol- She said she had agreed to meet low-up education and training on with the auditor general in the fall, how developing nations can grow And she detailed her plans to make their own. CIDA more accountable to the tax- standard of living. How much help this country is going going to give developing nations in the future is a profound choice Canadians Canadians will have to make. I think it would be reasonable to suggest we decrease our commitment to CIDA by 50 per cent aind have the agency operate in fewer countries where their efforts could have a greater impact. would create at least more revenue and more jobs than the landscaping could ever do. But all this aside, what about parking at the centre? Anyone who has attended a Junior C game knows the dangerous situation that arises with people parking cm Highway 57 Diane Daigle Bowmanville P.S. A Bingo Hall is a terrific idea!!! All the different organizations, organizations, sports or otherwise, could rent the facilities to raise funds for our children's sports or other positive ventures. Now that's clear thinking and I'm sure all the locals would support support our own organizations instead of Oshawa's. Reader Question Comments In Recent Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: I would like to respond to the letter letter that recently appeared in The Canadian Canadian Statesman concerning same sex benefits from Reverend Claude um? Yes it is to cover the news, but it is also to express personal thought and opinion. Whether I agree or you agree with what newspapers cover should not have any bearing on what $60 million more than they do now. be sitting. These few days are tradi- This is revenue formerly collected by tionally known as "Constituency public boards. Approximately 60 per Week." This week will also give me cent of the loss experienced by public the chance to visit the dentist, my op- boards will be offset by increase in . tometrist, my doctor and get the car provincial grants. serviced as well. Since my election in . - . T , , 1990, I have not missed one day at Over the last year, I have arranged Last week, down at Queen's Park, the Premier and members of the Liberal Liberal party, all took turns taking potshots potshots at Mike Harris and his so called, "Common Sense Revolution." In my opinion, his ideas make much less common sense then the title of his so called "revolution" suggests. Judging by the media response so far, they all seem to share my point of view as well. In recent week I met with Separate Separate School Board members who told me of the need for more equitable sharing of the assessment base for their education needs. At the same, time, I received hundreds of letters from separate school supporters telling telling me of the need for changes. In the , , ... . c ^, recent Budget, the Minister of Fi- alogue between the Mimster of Edu- nance announced that legislation will ^ myself. I am now told that be introduced to change the way in fhndmg announcements for new which tax assessment is divided be- schools m Durham East will be an- tween public and separate school pounced shortly. Like you, I am also boards which share the same boun- hopeful, that all the efforts put for- daries. The changé in assessment dis- wanifor a new St. Stephen s Camo- tribution will be phased in over three he High School will be rewarded, years beginning in 1996. When the het s keep our fingers crossed, change has been implemented separ- Next week, following the Victoria est to perfection when filling out a ate school boards will receive about Day holiday, the Legislature will not job application! meetings with the Separate School Board and the Mimster of Education and myself, to tell the Minister about the dire need of a new Catholic High School in Bowmanville. I have also raised the issue in the Legislature. I have received hundreds of letters from separate school supporters, asking asking for a new high school. All the letters letters have been answered, and I can assure you all that those concerns have been the subject of a weekly di- the Legislature or on committee, on your behalf. For this perfect record I owe thanks to Dr. Angl of Orono who keeps me well and fit. I also owe thanks to Dr. Sandra Zakarow of Oshawa, who arranged dental appointments appointments to allow me to carry out my duties without interruption. 6 you see me around this week and notice my sunburn, I want you to know that ■ like to know what happens to the oth- D. DePrine, ■ HI. The good Reverend is printed. The right of the individual is another example of someone using to express his/her viewpoints no mat- religion, in this case Christianity, to ter what they arè must be of maxidictate maxidictate morality. Where does this mum importance and should not be (im)morality come from? A myth up altered out of fear of retribution, in the sky. A science fiction novel. If In saying that you feel the number, you do not subscribe, be castigated. I of homosexuals is drastically smaller for one will not be buying. I have known a number of gay people over the years and to my surprise surprise none bore horns and a tail. Why not? That ole devil must be a sly one. I have seen more evil perpetrated by some Christians than from that of any gay person I have met. It is really no wonder that so many are driven to commit suicide or forced to live a lie in an environment that is extremely hostile and violent toward them. Who would chose to be lesbian or gay in a society where all you face is constant ridicule and screams of blasphemy? I cannot imagine the torment. Reverend DePrine, in stating that positions in the magistrate should be used to uphold moral and ethical conduct conduct according to scripture, 1 would I haven't been laying around. The bum came through sitting on the stage at the Ganaraska Forest Dedication Dedication Ceremony last Saturday afternoon afternoon at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. I should always cany a hat since my hair is rather on the thin side! Anyway, Anyway, it was wonderful to be there along with many people who made this natural heaven a place of enjoyment enjoyment for everyone. Until next week - We are all clos- than that of what is being claimed you only i make the point that the tax dollar stràin would not be as huge as is being made out if same sex benefits benefits were granted. I know many straight folks like myself who are honest about supporting supporting gay and lesbian rights. I am in no position to question how someone feels who is not heterosexual and make blanket statements that they are perverse. I guess I must have been manipulated by Satan to come to that conclusion. Repent! Sincerely Paul Pfeiffer. OXFAM Responds To Catastrophe in Rwandan Villages The human catastrophe in Rwanda has reached genocidal proportions. Hundreds of thousands of people Statesman to champion the cause of have fled the country and are in des- "perverse moral behavior" by mount- p 6rat6 nee d of emergency assistance, ing her journalistic pulpit. I think the The Canadian government is now only one mounting a pulpit here is backing a call for an emergency ses- more than obvious. What exactly is s i on of the UN Human Rights Com er religions or viewpoints contrary to yours that members of parliament may hold? Should they be crushed to ensure maximum control and dominance dominance by some in the Christian Church over the lives of Canadians? You accuse Laura J. Richards of using using her position on the Canadian the purpose of the newspaper medi- Concern for Sound Development of Children Dear People who are committed violence. This is certainly not a new to the sound development of our chil- revelation, but perhaps if more par- dren: ents were aware of this, they might Yesterday at the kindergarten or- be able to see things in a different ientation night, I had another oppor- light. A standard adult reaction at the tunity to experience first-hand the inappropriate behavior of the child is genuine concern your team at Waver- anger. If parents, however, saw it for ley Public School has for the well- what it is - deep fear on the part of being of our young ones. Another bp- the child of being abandoned and portunity, you see, because my older having t0 «f lght fà. himself', they child is already enrolled m your Jun- m j g ht be in a position to get to the ior Kindergarten program, and over root ^ p ro blem with a few gentle the past few months I have had nu- questions that could reassure and merous positive encounters with comfort ^ c hild. \ t i s often quite members of your staff. helpful to let the child know: "Hey This said, I would like to make a ^ p m on your team! I'm not ap- comment about a topic Mr. Henry proving of your violent behavior, but raised in his speech - that of violence, whatever it is that bugs you, we're All of us have, of course, heard about fighting those monsters together!" and discussed to death the subject of 6 violence on T.V. In my observation, In one instance, we had a visit though, it is quite often children who from our friend's four-year-old boy go through a phase of insecurity in and his three-year-old sister. We their lives, who threaten or react with hadn't seen them for awhile. After having spent her children's first few periods of time. Besides the insecuri- years exclusively at home, their mother had recently been offered unexpectedly unexpectedly the opportunity to return to work. Until permanent arrangements arrangements could be found, the children had spent time with several babysitters. babysitters. From the moment Ben stepped out of the car, he talked mission. If convened, they would be asked to send human rights monitors to help rectify a volatile situation. Though not enough and not fast enough, it is movement in the right direction. OXFAM-Canada is responding to this emergency by channelling funds to support the refugees fleeing this horror. Our limited funds however, do i no permit us from adequately re- ty that is expressed in their acts and threats of violence, it is also the lack of boundaries these children feel. Every child tests a situation again _ and again, until he is quite sure how spring to the level this tragedy de- far is far enough. If he or she is left mands , \y e are hoping that media running freely at a young age for outlets yound the region will lend a -- rr - - -- , many hours a day, the child has no- -h an d to support the people of Rwan- about how big and strong he was and bodyto teach him/her these boundar- ^ informing the Canadian public bragged about his imaginary weap- ies. They are left to learn in the jun- a 5out the situation, as well as by pub- ons. He continued with verbal as- gle out there, where the rule ii c i z i n g ways that they can help, saults and the odd little punching at- "everybody for himself' takes prece- tempt. At one point, while taking a dencc over concern and compassion snack break, I overheard him say for olhcrs - Not a positive permanent "Justin, yon know I can beat you '^TaU'nMcT^ cducators un!" I held my breath to hear my 7. us . a11 ' Pf, " ld «™cai°is, son's response He .surprised me. continue to work togclhcr on Ihe re- "Ben, just cat your fhtill" Talk about mforcement of non-violence, to help knocking the wind right out of Ben's OXFAM-Canada in London, Ontario Ontario has set up an emergency response response account throughout southwestern southwestern Ontario with Canada Tmst - donations can be made at any Canada Trust Branch set up to receive dona- sails! I have also observed children who arc being left to themselves over long , . _ , ,. tions. Donations can also be sent di- make our community a safe place for rcctly l0 our London office at 356 allof us toenjoy. - 1 t --~--•- Sincerely, Ulrike Fliesser Queens Avenue, London, Ontario N6B 1X6. For more information please phone - 519-432-2123.