26 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, June 15,1994 Section Two Correspondent - Betty Wright Plan a Farm Vacation A family barbeque was held at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Dave Borto- lazzo, Kylie and Anthony, celebrating celebrating Anthony's 2nd birthday. Happy ,Birthday, Anthony from a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Down, Paul Cochrane were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephenson. Mrs. Marjorie Martyn, Whitby was a weekend guest of Ron and Sandy. We had a very successful yard and bake sale on Saturday at the Chinch. Many thanks to all those who contributed contributed to the sale and to all those who helped in any way to help make it the success that it was. More details details next week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munnock, Scotland, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Mr. Darryl Walton and friend from Ottawa were Saturday visitors of Mr. Gordon Stevens. Mr. Andre Comellier played in a baseball tournament. The name of the team Andre plays for is Howzitgoin - A's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Oshawa, were Thursday noon dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman were last Sunday night dinner guests of Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, Orono. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Brad Huggins and family, Peterborough were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe celebrating Debbie's birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Debbie. Reverend Bonnie Kelly, Keewatin was a Tuesday afternoon visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. Mr. Cameron Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Oshawa were Saturday Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Martin, Bowman- ; ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore/ Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Hampton were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. A barbecue was held on Thursday at CLOCA for the Father's or friends • - r of the Grade three/Grade four students students of Enniskillen Public School. A good time was had by all. ^ David Staititon, Cobourg, Linda Cryderman, Bowmanville were this . week's visitors of Mrs. Len Stainton. / On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Dick ; Howe were afternoon and supper guests of Tim and Tracy Howe and family, Newcastle. Reverend Bonnie Kelly, Keewa-. tin, Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Raglan . , were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Farewell Retirement celebration will be held for Doug and Vange Wanren of Hampton Church on June 25th at the C.E. Wing of the Hampton Hampton Church. Entertainment, presentations presentations and light lunch. The Wright, Werry, Phillips Picnic Picnic will be held on June 19th at noon hour at the Tyrone Community Centre. Centre. Please bring dishes, cutlery, chairs and food. Another heartfelt thank you from everyone at the Enniskillen Sunday School for everyone's support in this year's anniversary celebrations. Without your support and help the dinner would not be possible. Thanks again. Congratulations goes to all students students graduating this year and congratulations congratulations go to all Prom Queens and Prom Kings. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill attended the Anne Murray Show in Peterborough . Memorial Centre on Tuesday evening. evening. A family gathering was held at Mr. and Mrs. Dave Snowden's on Sunday celebrating Stuart and Doreen Doreen Lamb's anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton were Sunday lunch guests at George and Velma Kctchison's in Belleville • celebrating Steven's baptism. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Willoughby, Bowman- villc were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Payne and family were Sunday evening dinner dinner guests of Carl and Doreen celebrating celebrating Billy's 12th birthday. On Sunday Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Miss. Myrtle Tamblyn were guests at a bridal shower for bride- elect Laura Plummer, Orono. The Enniskillen U.C.W. Pot Luck dinner will be held in the church basement on Wednesday June 22nd at 11:30. All ladies are welcome. Please bring a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leadbeater and family, R.R. #2, Baltimore Baltimore when Janet had some of her piano students do a recital at Baltimore Baltimore Church. Master Ryan Leadbeater Leadbeater was one of the pupils participating. A number of the Wright family treated their mother and grandmother Annie by bringing in a delicious supper supper on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in honour of Annie's birthday. birthday. Planning an Ontario vacation? Why not stay at an Ontario farm? The Ontario Farm and Country Accommodations Accommodations Association (OF- CAA) has 125 farm families who welcome guests into their homes and can be found in all parts of Ontario. Various types of accommodations are offered. "At Home" accommodations accommodations offer meals and lodging: guests usually live in the farm home and share meals with the farm family. Separate accommodations on the farm: guests stay in separate houses or cottages with housekeeping and kitchen facilities. Bed and Breakfast: arrive after the evening meal and usually usually depart after breakfast the following following morning. Daily tours usually include include a visit to the bam and a presentation on farming - other attractions attractions may be available. Farm and Country Accommodations Accommodations and Bed and Breakfast holidays make unique gifts for special occasions. occasions. Gift certificates are available from the OFCAA. The Ontario Farm and Country Accommodations Bed and Breakfast, '94 directory is now available. It contains contains a complete listing of Ontario Vacation Farms, rates, services, activities activities and nearby attractions. Directories are available from your local Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Office, Office, Home Hardware, various local business or from the OFCAA, R.R. 2, Box B.R. - 10, Alma, Ontario NOB 1A0. June 18, 1994, 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Bowmanville Recreation Centre THE GARAGE SAIE TO ETR) AU GARAGE SUES Here's the perfect opportunity to pick up quality, inexpensive, reusable household goods and, at the same time, help support the community groups of Clarington. Now that's what we call one-stop-shopping! For more information call Clarington's Community Services Department at 623-3379. This is a project of Clarington's Community Services Department, in cooperation with Clarington Department of Public Works, Salvation Army, Browning Ferris industries and Durham Region's Works Department, DURHAM REGION -Cl MUNICIPALITY OF arington ONTARIO Ontario