The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, July 20,1994 13 Bowmanville Artist Wins Award at Toronto Show Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Mr. Jim Muller were among the guests at the wedding rehearsal at St. Mark's United Church and the rehearsal rehearsal parly afterwards at Gary Sori- chctti's for Darryl Muller and Wendy Sorichetti on Thursday, July 14th. The Edgar Wright family, Mr. Jim Muller and Mrs. Rita Muller, Col- borne attended the Mullcr-Sorichetti wedding at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, followed by the reception reception at the Thunderbird Golf Course, Ashbum on Saturday, July 16th. Congratulations Wendy on your marriage and best wishes for your future future happiness together. With love always, always, from your families. We, the Wright and Muller families, welcome you, Wendy into the Clan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Elison had their family from London for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Stephens had a birthday party for Kcllcc with friends and families attending. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kokomo Beach Party Planned for July 29th By Joyce Kelly Blackstock lost one of its colourful colourful former residents with the passing of George Wolfe of Port Perry a week ago. Even though George had lived most of his life in Cartwright, he never lost his delightful Irish heritage. heritage. Sympathy is extended to his wife Norma, sons Bryan and John and other relatives and his many friends. Reverend Doreen VanCamp has returned to Blackstock when her interim interim term concluded in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan. She has rented the former home of Mrs. Belle Werry and has taken up residence there. Welcome back Doreen. Doreen. Plans are under way for the Marlow Marlow Reunion which will be held in the Blackstock Recreation Centre on Saturday, August 13. The day will begin with a car tour of the highlights of Marlow history in the area. Relatives Relatives are expected from many points in Ontario, other provinces as well as in U.S. cities. For further information call Gwenyth Thompson 985-0043. Earle and Lloyd Trewin attended the "Gathering of the Orange" an Allis Allis Chalmers gathering showing many models of machinery. As well, dealers-past and present were invited for this unique event which was held in Ilderton, Ontario near London last Saturday, July 9. Marilyn Ruth Locke turned forty years young last week. Uncle Jo Baumchen from Chicago took the family to dinner in Oshawa on July 12th to celebrate her special birthday. Afterward the group gathered at the home of Jack and Nellie Baumchen where Marilyn opened her many lovely gifts. Nellie served icecream cake with 40 candles on it. On the actual actual birthday day, July 14 many of her girlfriends showed up at her home to help her celebrate her big day. After all her excitement of the day Marilyn then went to bed to get her "forty winks". On Thursday many local cattlemen cattlemen enjoyed a bus trip to visit points of interest in the Cookstown, Stayner and Orillia areas. They toured several farm operations as well as the new Stockyards. An interesting day indeed. indeed. George and Marilyn Cochrane have relumed home from an extended extended vacation to Western Canada and Alaska. They will have many interesting interesting stories to tell, I am sure. There will be a community bridal shower in honour of bride-to-be Lisa Little at the Parish Hall of the Anglican Anglican Church on Tuesday evening beginning beginning at 7:30 p.m. Lisa and her groom-to-be Brad Eaglcson will be honoured with a Jack and Jill Dance at Bundle Park this Saturday evening, July 23. For more information call 986-4148. On July 15 Diana Baumchen was the guest of honour at a bridal shower hosted by Mrs. Kathy Lcvcrentz. After After Diana opened her many lovely gifts she thanked everyone for the gifts and their best wishes on the occasion occasion of her up-coming marriage on •August 13. The hostess served a delightful delightful lunch of Black Forest cake. Reverend David Shearman will be going on holidays beginning next Sunday. For the first two weeks, July 24 and 31 combined service for Ncs- tleton and Blackstock United Churches Churches will be held at Blackstock at 10:00 a,m. Guest speaker on July 24 will be Reverend Dale Davis. On August 7 and 14 combined service will be at Ncstlcton United at 11:15 a.m. Please mark your calendars accordingly. There were 8 tables at the weekly card party on Tuesday evening at the Town Hall with the following winners winners - Nerta Masters, Loma Swain, Eileen Dawson, Carl Gimblctt, Elsie INVADING SPECIES HOTLINE GET INFORMATION! REPORT SIGHTINGS! 1-800-563-7711 ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANOI, l!RS HUNTERS Pogue, Bernice Loudfoot and Betsy Staniland. Lucky draws were won by James Emerton, Eileen Warder, Bernice Bernice Loudfoot, Nerta Masters, Grace Bassant and Teresa Berkers. You are reminded of the regular shuffleboard that is held at the arena each Wednesday afternoon and evening. evening. If you wish some good competition competition and much fellowship do gather at the area any Wednesday cither afternoon afternoon or evening to see what it is all about. At the regular meeting of the Blackstock Agricultural Society a report report of the Tractor and Truck pull showed a successful event once more. Plans were worked on for the second Kokomo Beach Party which will be held on Saturday July 29 at the Fairgrounds. This outdoor event will attract folks of all ages from the youngest right up to grandparents who can enjoy the great music that this young group of energetic singers and dancers provide. Advance tickets arc available from Joyce Kelly or Jodie Jodie Duff or any member of the Fair Board at $10.00 each. Tickets at the door will be $12. Kids under 12 are free. Plans for the fair on August 27 were worked on as well. Howe with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blakely, Eldorado and Mrs. Lucille Badour, Marmora. Mrs. Rosalie Protch, Oshawa, Mrs. Dick Rowan were Thursday luncheon guests of Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn. Mr. Darren Cecchetto, Sudbury is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, Donna and Ralph. Christopher Avery celebrated his 8th birthday on Thursday by having friends and relatives over. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe visited Debbie and Brad Huggins Huggins and family, Peterborough and on Friday they visited Mary Lee Howe, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howe, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Todd Milford and Jordan, Newtonvillc. Tom Leadbeater and Elaine Ko- renblum of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. Leadbeater. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe had lunch with Rick and Sherry Sherry Howe and family, Newtonvillo and supper with Tim and Tracy Howe and family, Newcastle. This week visitors with Mrs. Len Stainton were Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. David David Willis and Eric, Oshawa, Linda Crydcrman, • Bowmanville, Mildred Hope, Blackstock. Mrs. Gary Fisher and David, Avery Road, were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. . Next Sunday Church will resume at the regular time 9:45 a.m. with Reverend Paul Boughdon, our new Interim Minister. Mn- m i*- V; ÆïSf*/' ■JwLuja • wwmm, .wTC; • ■ri % jpT-n yfbwp -1 W>- l: ;v „„ StoW. Bowmanville artist Todd Tremeer won an Honorable Mention in the Open Studio category and Best Original Print Award at the Toronto Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition at Nathan Phillips Square recently. The print is entitled "In Memory of Distant Legends and Glory." Tremeer was one of 500 artists to participate in the annual art show. It was the first time his work was represented in the event. He is going into his final year of study at the Ontario College of Art. Tremeer will be giving giving art lessons this coming August for interested children. He can be contacted at 623-2677 for details concerning the art program PONTIAC PONTIAC SUNBIRD FEATURES: 4-wheel ABS • automatic transmission • air conditioning • AM/FM stereo cassette • pulse wipers • trunk release • power door locks • Roadside Assistance PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE SEDAN Z'v'U'i-isIp MaML. ■ ' it ' ills - ■■y.mmsmUBàsum BaKfrera PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN FEATURES: driver's side air bag • 4-wheel ABS • air conditioning • AM/FM stereo cassette • pulse wipers • power door locks • Roadside Assistance PONTIAC GRAND PRIX FEATURES: dual air bags • 4-wheel ABS • 160 H.P. 3.1 litre SFI V6 engine • automatic transmission • air conditioning • AM/FM stereo • sport appearance package • power door locks • Roadside Assistance Ht he Exci PONTIAC TEAM • lliiooil on n U0 month Innao Ini Simblnl/Clinnd Am oi|iiippoil mi dosoiiborl, A minimum down luymiml ol $;M)!lli,$;UMll, liuluhl $50S/$505 uml nocimly dopotnt mo reriulrod, It' mid ,'-t month loima ttlao iwmlnblo, Ollor implies to i|untiliod lolnil cunlomoiti only, Some inilnnyo condition! npply 1i,01150, 111.111.111c 0. oral limon not included Du,dm nmy hmoo lor loot), Thin ollor may nut bo combined with any other ollor, loictoiy order or Do,dor Undo may bo nocommy, Soo lor dolrula, " llnsod on 0 0U month lonno lor volildo oi|irlppoil 0:1 dtiricnhad. 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