t iï mmmSm x™::ï::i: :: : i Sii b il V _ g X g y/w# wiji> SCI v<l 905-623-3303 36 Pages Wednesday, July 27,1994 Bowmanville, Ontario 140th Year 560 + 40 G.S.T. = 600 Issue 30 "" ; • ; Former Regional Councillor Considering. Candidacy Former regional councillor, Ann Cowman, is.considering a bid to become become the next mayor of Clarington. Last week, she filed some of the preliminary paperwork necessary for candidates who want to be on the 1994 municipal ballot. "I'm giving it serious thought," Cowman said when asked if she had made a final decision to run. "A few people have approached me and Clarington Athlete Wins Gold Medal Newcastle's Jim Shaw has struck gold in Berlin, Germany. That's gold as in a gold medal. Shaw, representing Canada at the Paralympic World Championships, Championships, smashed his own world record in the discus event, placing first in the C8 (cerebral palsy) class. The 21-year-old still has two events remaining. He is scheduled to compete in the shot put and javelin, javelin, which will be held on Thursday Thursday and Friday. tried to talk me into coming out of retirement." And although she considers these to be the early days of the campaign, campaign, she added: "I would say the chances of me going for it are pretty high.". Ann Cowman served 10 years as regional councillor and was a member member of Newcastle (now Clarington) Council for a total of 14 years. All of that time was spent as a representative representative of Ward One (former Darlington Darlington Township) as a local and also regional regional councillor. She ran unsuccessfully for the mayoralty in the last municipal election, election, placing second among four candidates. The race between Cowman Cowman and Mayor Diane Hamre was so close that a re-count was required., required., X In addition to her stint as a regional regional councillor, Cowman has a background in property management, management, travel and health care. She has also been active'on volunteer boards and committees. . "I feel I would be a reasonable alternative if the people are looking for an alternative," she said. ' ■ 7 Potential Candidates File Pre-Election Paperwork With the 1994 municipal elections elections just over three months away, only a handful of poténtial candidates candidates have declared their intentions. As of Tuesday morning, July 26th, nine people had filed notices of registration with the Clarington clerk's department. : EMERGENCY IS OPEN - We don't like to correct other newspapers' errors; we've enough of our own. But, when it's important, we're happy to help. The emergency department at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, is NOT closed for two weeks. It's the operating room that's taking a holiday for elective elective procedures only, from July 24 to August 7th. QUICK ACTION - In our election roundup last week, it was mentioned that the Conservatives and Liberals don't seem too active locally in their preparation for the upcoming provincial election. Apparently, we were mistaken, j those two. parties are teginmng'ta warm- , tip r 'fdr:the:bttttle':a't0'adr'because before the weekend was over, a prospective candidate for the Liberal nomination nomination had called, left his photo and background material. There's still no information from the Conservatives about their prospects, not even a rampant rumor. More information may be forthcoming at the Liberal picnic next Wednesday at Mac and Norma Ransberry's farm. CIVIC HOLIDAY - The unsettled weather of the past few days should be calming down in time for everybody to make the most of the long weekend and Monday holiday ahead. As usual, one of the most exciting events to happen in that connection connection is the 62nd annual Regatta at Caesarea, starting with a parade parade Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The cottagers always go to great lengths to make that a colorful event. Here at The Statesman, because of the holiday, the deadline for classified advertisements in the August 3rd Statesman has been set back to Friday, July 29th at 4:30. Have a great holiday. FOR WARRIORS ONLY - If you are a war veteran or member member of the Canadian Armed Forces (Regular/Reserves), Allied Forces member, and their families, and would like to get into the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto on Saturday, August August 20th, free of charge, there's a procedure to be followed. You must write, including a self addressed, stamped envelope including proof of Military Service (personal number and name of unit), by August 15, to: Warriors' Day Tickets, Box 42504, Medical Centre Post Office, 2620 Eglinton Avenue East, Scarborough, Scarborough, Ontario, M1K 2S0. Maybe they'll let you march in the parade too, although it wasn't mentioned in the news release. The notices are not the final step in getting one's name on the municipal municipal election ballot. But they do allow allow candidates to begin their campaigns campaigns and to raise funds. For the mayoralty seat, Ann Cowman and incumbent mayor Diane Hamre have filed papers. Cowman's registration was filed on July 20th and Hamre's on March 25th. Following is a list of other candidates candidates who have registered: Anna Vandenhoven (Hydro Electric Electric Commission); Carson Elliott (Regional Council, Ward Two); Ann Dreslinski (Regional Council, Ward Three); Patricia Pingle and David Wing (Local Council, Ward Two); Thorsten Koseck (Public School Board, Ward On&.and Char- maine Dunn, Public School. Board, Ward Two. • - > : . . In ihe^November, l^üt .eteddoris. the public and separate school- boards, the hydro commission arid Clarington Council. Newcastle Man Seeks Liberal Nomination Business is Looking Up I Folks travelling near Baseline Road last Tuesday might have wondered about the bulging craft they saw hovering high above a field. The big yellow blimp belongs to photographers Neal Cane and Randy Kowal (foreground) who run Aerostat Aerial Imagery based in Courtice. Since starting their venture in 1989 the pair have photographed construction projects, proposed landfill sites and even an ancient Indian village near Oshawa. -photo by Lorraine Manfredo SMELLY INKS - A problem has arisen around this place following following the use of special scented ink for the Strawberry supplement supplement we published a couple of weeks ago. There were some interesting comments from staff members when that sweet smelling aroma floated through the plant. Possibly, the best comment came from one of them who questioned what kind of ink is in the works for the next farm tabloid. He's planning to take holidays when that one is printed. TESTING THE WATERS - This morning, a check with the town administrative staff disclosed the information that Ann Cowman, former councillor and mayoralty candidate has registered registered as a candidate in this November's municipal election. This could indicate that she is planning to run for mayor, challenging incumbent Diane Ilamrc, or she may just be testing die waters to detennine what support would be available throughout the municipality of Clarington if she did throw her hat in the ring again.. We'll just have to wait and sec what develops. KINSMEN CARNIVAL - As we approach the Civic Holiday, please keep in mind and reserve some time for the rerun of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club's gigantic carnival from August 4 to 7th. It will be at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex at the west end of town. If you've any influence on the weather person, person, you might sec what you can do; it's essential to have good weather for such an event to be successful. > _ George Khouri A Newcastle resident has announced announced he will seek the Liberal Party . nomination in tire Durham East provincial riding. "In a time when people arc very skeptical of elected officials," I would like to add a new and fresh face on the political scene in our area," said George Khouri. Khouri, who is the owner of Landmark Furniture in Whitby, says lie would like to bring a businesslike approach to government. "Government "Government must be answerable to the public public and cut waste, not essential services," services," he added in a news release last week. Another priority would be to restore restore Ontario's competitive edge and credit rating and try to lure back investors and businesses. These entrepreneurs entrepreneurs have "lied during the NDP reign," Khouri said. Khouri also promises to work with government and business to promote a healthy economic atmosphere atmosphere and increase the numbers of jobs in the community. lie believes in working with the teaching profession and school Turn to pago 2 by Lorraine Manfredo Getting their business off the ground was no problem for two local local entrepreneurs armed with plenty of ambition and a big yellow blimp. Four years ago, Randy Kowal of Bowmanville and Neal Cane of Oshawa launched their unique aerial photographic system after dipping into savings and applying for federal federal research funding. "We both had good paying jobs," says Kowal. "It wasn't a matter of money. We decided to do it for the independence." While still holding down their full-time positions -- Randy at an engineering firm in Whitby and Liberty St. Gets New Sidewalks The construction of sidewalks for the cast side of Liberty St., in Bow- inanvillc should begin with the week. Clarington Council has voted to spend ,$197,000 for the sidewalk construction between King St. and Concession St. and also south of Fenwick Avc. Miwcl Construction, of Stouff- villc, Ontario, was awarded a contract contract to build the sidewalks at a cost of $133,435.42. 'Hie remaining costs of the project arc for engineering, administration, land purchase and utility relocation. The estimated cost is within die amount of $210,000 which has been budgeted for the work. Public Works Director Walter Evans said the project should be completed in three to four weeks. He added that a landscape plan to place trees on the .cast and west side of Liberty St. will be discussed at public information sessions in the fall. Evans explained dial residents noted that previous construction on Liberty St. resulted in the removal of large trees. The planting of additional trees is intended to make up for those which have been removed in the past, Neal at the Darlington Nuclear Station Station -- they worked part-time on developing developing the hardware for Aerostat Aerial Imagery. "We got a lot of help through the Industrial Research Assistance Program Program (IRAP) which provided funding funding for some of our R & D," Kowal says. The helium-filled, polyurethane blimp, dubbed Bertha, was pal- Turn to page 2 / \ Victim of Diving Accident Observes 5th Anniversary ... Page 2 Kendal Eagles Pitcher Looks Back on 25-Year Career ... Page 7 Siberian Tigers Settle in to New Habitat at Jungle Cat World ... Page 1, Sec. 2 [PRESTON] We Move Hi 623-4433 Bowmanville Shop the Rest Buy from the Best! ÈkdïïÆiriüi Your load General Molars dealer for the past 2, r > years. fTSTl 166 King SI. E. fCSTl IfawwgJ TolophonoG23-3096 EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES ; 149 7911-4601 King SI. W. * ^ tou 1 Oshiiwu