Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, Wednesday, August 10,1994 7 VOLUME 115 IS Pali's BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 27. I!lfi!l ::-r Pet Copy NUMBER 25 Granted Loans of $505,633 To Employ 180 in Five Years Quebec Firm Locating Here Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham, announced today the granting by the Honorable Stanley Randall, Minister of Trade and Development, of government government loans totalling $505,633. to Perkins Perkins Paper Products Limited as partial financing of a new plant in Bow- manville. The loans made up of an interest- free forgivable loan of $205,633. and a ten year $300,000. loan at nine percent, percent, interest are part of the Ontario Development Corporation's financial assistance program for Ontario industry. industry. Receives Certificate of Merit •TURN TO PAGE TWO) Friends Hold Stag to One of the cutest outfits at Blackstock Fair on this charming young couple who put on a great show.! [j. n . „ A ^ nmCkVnn Saturday was this performance by Lome Hoskin's Incidentally, the Hoskin horses won six prizes in the j Ui I Ul /"I ft. A \*UIIICfUll hackney ' pony, driven by his ll-year-old son Philip carriage class at the CNE on Tuesday during the day,| , accompanied bv his seven-vear-old sister Patti. Donna with several other events taking place in the evening, Li mç frpf IFPmPnf and Gary Robillard of Brooklin came in first but our : when they could have gathered in a few more. ;W II I 113 IXCIIldlldll photographer couldn't keep his eyes or his camera off : Stage Wonderful Horse Show PORT PERRY FAIR Many Fascinating Floats Appear In Cartwright's Pre-Fair Parade Held Saturday in Perfect Weather -- Alex Cameron was the guest " of honor at a large and moslrv , ^\ff* enjoyable stag party on xyfflC© If you are looking for ; urday evening held in the 1 some interesting activity on I grounds of Allan Brown's Labor Day, it's only a short ! home at Hampton. Mr. Cam- trip In Port Perry's annual 1 eron, a foreman at the local fall fair. j Goodyear plant, retired Thcv have many atlrac- terday, Tuesday, after lions for young and old, j years' service with the Good along with a good horse {year Tire and Rubber Com show and- grandstand Tea- pany here, lures. -TURN TO PAGE TWO) ^Hours for :al y fLabor Day Good- ' ■ Aï usual a real Rood Fair k I I . I i was held in Blackstock on. NOW | HSDGCÎOr ' Saturday. The weatherman V provided an excellent day. .Attendance was comparable ki L r\j_l ;with last year.\Ui>I L/IcjI „ .... : 1 mented. "There were more at Congratula lions are in t ke p a j r than a t Mosport"! order for Don Harvey who : , . ... .. ■ operated the Ambulance scr- , , hE !X Gra , farmers, felt they, vice here from 1960 untU it „, a : , a „ y „„ Telephone switching equip-. Of Ambulances Next Week All 7 Digits BITS PIECES should stay home and combine combine while weather was so, Sîïtssi !«. M 111 'keen competition ill most' In Bowmanville, change.', classes. have been made which neces- Hospital Services Emergency Health Division (Ambulance) (Ambulance) and has already assumed assumed his new duties,' working out of Headquarters in Toronto. His new post is Supervising Inspector Ambulance Ambulance Services as well as First Aid Instructor and Examiner. The fine parade which lined up and was judged at the High School grounds and paraded to the Agricultural grounds was led' by the Ux- an d aQev September hrirltrp Highland Pine Rand. 1 Ulnli 'Uiplipr, .1. 3 sitate dialing all seven digits; of a phone number to com- 1 plete a local call. Bell Canada says that on, bridge Highland Pipe Band, j digit "dialing is a must toi The helicopter had motor; ma ke sure local calls go; (TURN TO PAGE TWO) i through. Oshawa Man Wins Color TV Set Bill tlcrim.i n| O.'li.'itv.i ,i happy winnei n| lilt" Lions Club Carnival ru\ 'rli I'i'.ino -1-1 mi l-'nil,iv ni, «111. ilo look delivery on Monday when this pjcl'U' v;i 'alien jnsl |n'ioi' in I lu- regular meeting of I lie flub hi ihe Lions Ci'iftC, "'II his will ilnln'i haw ■. eniur TV ,nul Ilf said their black and whirr O' " 'i n' Mist hbuio rl "ki d oui -U ihf win was especially timely, lie and Ids vile ' ' 'v; iv" 1 1 '. I'lT, ' Lie Dunn al lefl, will) Cnvinvnl Cliainnan T.d Mill'i ,iiu.l Dhiu Chiiu 111,111 'ioc L'uu,;vi 1 OMISSION -- In the letter of resignation last week from former Clerk-Controller R. L. Byron to council, one word was omitted that completely changed the meaning of a sentence. Instead of "I" have always agreed with Mayor Hobbs" it should have read "I have NOT always agreed". CANVASS -- According to information received, there is an unauthorized canvasser going around trying to raise money for the Red Cross. Citizens are advised that there is no Red Cross canvass underway at the present time; it was in March. v 7 i Ï • GONE -- Labor Day is on Monday, the CNE is just about over, school starts on Tuesday and another summer is fading away very rapidly. Soon the fall activities will ,be getting underway and there will be leaves to rake. This week Roy Neads starts to make ice for skating and hockey at the arena. Seems like only yesterday lhat summer began. RACE -- John Cannon of Montreal won the big race al Mosport on Saturday and we understand there was not too large a crowd. We were unable (o he there on account of Blackstock. Fair but look forward to the Grand Prix coming up in September. j -, j DIALING -- Don't forget that starting Sept. 2nd, next Tuesday, we'll have to use all seven digits when dialing local telephone numbers. That will take a bit of getting used to. CLOSE ONE -- In a recent edition, one of our staff spoiled an error that could have caused considerable considerable annoyance to those affected. It was in a wedding story and read "The couple exchanged marriage cows," Fortunately, il was corrected in lime. : t t t + WELCOME -- On behalf of the community a hearty welcome is extended to the new school teachers who will be taking up residence in this community this year. Wc wish them much success and hope they will enjoy their stay in the area. PIGEON -- Mrs. M. Somers, R.R. 4, reports that she found a very lame pigeon on their property. II is grey with hluc on its chest and a blue leg hand. Ccmlact her if you have lost one. She believes it could he a racing bird. , .MEETING -- The Northumbcrland-Durham Board of Education meets tomorrow evening in Cobourg al 7:21). Wonder how they are making out in persuading persuading municipalities to turn over lax money so they can reduce their $2 million loan that was cost- | ing 5300 a day in interest? If it's any comfort, the Board in the Smiths Falls area is'having the same problem. Honey and Heenan Explore Proposal Jo Arrange New Jobs 1 Federal government officials officials have been exploring details details of a proposal put forward forward on behalf of the Town nf Cnbourg bv Mayor Jack Ilvcmm the day closing of the Cobourg Depot was «minime- ed. Northmnbevlaiul-Durham M.P. Russell C Honey has kept the Mayor Informed nrnl Mr. Honey and Mr. Hccnnn met in Cobourg on the weekend weekend for a full review nf progress progress made, Mr. Honey Is In Ottawa IliH week fir further iruRN to fACiL nvoi Post Office hours for Labor Day. 1st September, 1969 will be as follows: Wicket Service Nil, Letter Letter Carrier Service Nil, Rural Routes Nil. Street Letter Box Collection, Collection, 5:00 n.m. Despatch nf Mails as usual: West 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.; East 7:00 p.m. Museum Open ;On Labor Day j Among things to see this Labor Day weekend, don't forget that Bowmanville Museum is open on the Monday Monday holdiay this week, as well as Saturday and Sunday. Hours are 2 to 5 p.m. Curator Mrs. Melville Wise man reports that attendance up to Aug. 23 was 1,186 persons, persons, which is 133 ahead of last year at the same date. She also advises that there have been some very interest ing acquisitions of Museum items during the summer. I Some of these are now on display. The feature exhibits for the 1969 season, representing early Ontario industries (some local), local), and the Doctor's Office, have caused interested com- Last week, Gordon Edward Osborne, who is in charge of the Ambulance Service at Memorial Hospital, received a Certificate of Merit from the Surrey (England) County Council Ambulance Service with which he served prior to coming to Canada. On January 5th, 1969 a 727 Boeing aircraft crashed while making a landing in fog near Gatwick airport. There were 63 passengers aboard the plane that burst into flames. Mr. Osborne and Station Officer Davies managed to pull 15 from the burning aircraft before the heat became too intense. According According to the certificate Mr. Osborne acted in 'an exemplary manner'. Other pictures pictures and a story about the ambulance service here appear on pages six and 13 of this issue. Kiddy-Land Featured Lions Hold Fine Carnival Behind Community Centre ment from the many visitors = "T 51 enjoyable community 11-ilarl Cl-tfu. nll'CVeHl man Ken Nicks as passengers. Mr. McTavisih was the driver. The parade started from the grounds of the Legion Hall and proceedeu along King Street, up Silver Street, then Church Street to Temperance, and via Temperance Street and Lowe Street to Beech Avenue and the Lions Centre. „,,,.i„ri President Dunn drew the: evening sta^iled. w ; nn j nR tickets for the Spe-i The spacious tree shaded grounds of the Lions Community Community Centre, ideal weather, and most of all the well planned planned arrangements or Carnival Chairman Ted Miller, contributed contributed to the outstanding success success of the Lions Carnival as Electrons May Play Here On Monday 2 p.m. Bowmanville's Locke TV Electrons journey to Cree- from the United States, a!i: evK " 1 on Friday evcnin E' parts of Canada, Great Bri- The gala j tain and Europe while the: with a parade by the Bow-1 c'iaf Dra\v7""and "the" Spëclàll more this "Sunday for the I general store Victorian par-; manvi lie Legion Pipe Band, chairman was 'j oe | second game of their best of Dor-. '°y collection, and o her and Stewart McTayish s »J9| C . The lucky winncr of : three series. Bowmanville is ; period moms and displays. Chevrolet_wth President Jack |^ c ma ; n prize, a 25 inch already one game ahead. •continue to please young and; Dunn, Carnival Chairman 'old. 'Miller, and Kiddy-Land Chair prize, a TURN TO PAGE TWO) Forester Extends Official Greeting STEAL (:()!■I'ER VIVE Rwiilly, it was discovered that someone had entered live of the new unoccupied homes In Hie Mnvinimn subdivision subdivision on Wnverly Road and stripped copper piping from the inmplclnl bathrooms bathrooms The m.'iirnal loss and dam- i ace In the bathroom walls was over $31111, Bowmanville puller me in- vr.-lli'.iilinp but so far have i not uppreliendcU the tlticf. Should they lose up there, the third game will be played played here on Monday afternoon, afternoon, starling at 2 p.m. on the Soper Creek Park diamond. diamond. Fair at Orono Will Feature Memorial Trot There Is every indication * lhat the Durham Central Agricultural Society's Fair at Ordnn on Sept. •!, 5 and 6 will he one of the best ever held In this area. It swings into action Thursday evening with a 2-hour show of Suicide Hell Drivers from Oshawa, continues continues Friday with a big parade by school children from the area, horse racing during the evening and all Saturday afternoon, followed followed by Tom Bishop's -I-H Ranch rodeo on Saturday evening. On Saturday afternoon starting at 1:30, many of the. top harness raelng drivers In North America will he on hand for the first milling milling of Hie Jack Held Memorial Memorial Trot, with a purse In (lie vicinity of $1,500. Tills will he an annual event that Is a memorial to Mr. Reid who loved the harness racing game. So, plan now to attend any or all of the attractions at Orono Fair, It should he a great show. Following the luncheon period al Spruce Valley picnic area cast of Enterprise Enterprise on Friday, those attending the first Forestry Field Day held for Woodland Improvement Act agreement holders, were welcomed by Arthur Wnlroth, District Forester, left. At right is Paul Rennick who was in charge of the program that also included a symbolic Ire pl'uitm" ceremony, and a brief address by A, J. llct'i'idge, chief of the timber branch, Dept, of Lands and Forests. JUNIOR FARMER ON TOUR Dick Rutherford of Ornno Is Durham County's delegate mi llm .huiler Farmers' United United Nations Bus Tour (runt Aug, 21 to an. They will visit Pennsylvania Slate University, University, Gettysburg, Washington and New York, Young Driver Gives Hackney Pony a Workout