8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 7,1994 Section Two , . v \.,' ' V . .-<>> ; ' -.v ,.y s -.- . ; . • ^ % * *•' ' ' , VOLUME 115 22 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. lflfiü 15# Per Copy number ;;a Takes Over Oct. 20th Hire New Clerk-Administrator Joseph M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T., will take up the duties of Clerk-Administrator for Bowmanville Bowmanville on October 20th. This was decided at a special meeting meeting of Town Cpuncil held tn the Council Chamber on Monday Monday evening. Councillor Robert, Dykstra, seconded by' Councillor Leslie Coombes, moved that the recommendation recommendation of the committee appointed to Interview applicants applicants recommended by the auditors (Thorne, Gunn, Hel- liwell & Christenson, Toronto) for the position of Clerk-Administrator Clerk-Administrator be accepted, and that Joseph M. Mcllroy, A.M.- C.T., be appointed Clerk-Ad ministrator for Bowmanville at a salary commencing at $12,500 to remain so for 1970 At the request of Reeve Annie Oke there was a recorded recorded vote. This was as follows: Reeve Oke nay, Deputy-Reeve (TURN TO PAGE TWO) On Tuesday evening, Durham County Orangemen and women welcomed the Grand Master and Sovereign of British America to Tyrone Community Hall, in the person of Most Wor. Bro. Rt. Rev. Dr. C. K. S. Moffatt. of Brandon, Manitoba. This is the first time in memory that the highest officer of the lodge in Canada has visited this area. Mr. Moffatt is'shown above being led to the platform by the Durham County Master Clarence Bradley who was chairman for the evening. They were preceded to the platform by the Grand Master of Ontario East, Most Wor. Bro. E. Jackson Wildman and other Ontario East dignitaries. dignitaries. Piper Gary Cole led the platform parade. Hampton Man Shoots Near Record Size Bull Moose Near Cochrane First Visit by Grand Master' High Orange Lodge Officers Attend Meeting at Tyrone Speaker | A fair-sized crowd was on I e I hand at Tyrone Community Canadian L ub Ha11 TuesdaY evenin B an " i auspicious occasion when the j Grand Master of the Loyal Orange Lodge of British Am- I erica, Most Wor. Bro. the Rt. ' | Rev. Dr. C. K. S. Moffatt of Brandon, Manitoba, was the honored guest. The Master of West Durham Coimty L.O.L. Clarence Bradley was in charge of the event. Other guests included Most Wor. Bro. E. Jackson Wild- man, Grand Master of Ont. East; Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Keyes, Grand Treasurer of Ont. East: Rt. Wor. Bro. David David Griffin, Deputy Grand Treasurer of British America;| Rt. Wor. Bro. Thomas Davison, Davison, Deputy Grand Secretary of Ont. East; Rt. Wor. Bro. Sidney Brown, Grand Chap- tain Ont. East; Rt. Wor. Bro. Morgan Brown, Past Grand Master of Ont. East; Rt. Wor. Bro. Leroy Heaney, Present Prov. Grand Sec. Ont. East. Grand Master Moffatt, who (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Two Young Men Killed At Dorset Two young Bowmanville men were killed instantly when their car crashed late Sunday afternoon on Highway .75,-about two miles north of the Forestry School at Dorset. Dead are: driver of the car, Allan Linton, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Linton of 4 Scugog St., Bowmanville, and a passenger In the car, Lawrence (Larry) Dunn, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dunn of 26 Lambs Lane, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Only one car, was Involved In the crash which occurred about 25 miles north of Min (TURN TO PAGE TWO) COMPLETE SAFETY CHECK Staff Sergeant Swingham- mer of the Newcastle Detachment Detachment OPP reports that 105 vehicles out of 133 checked last week by the Dept, of Transport failed to pass the safety examination. Of these 16 were ordered off the road and platea removed, because df major defects. Three school buses were tn this category. Ask Service Clubs to Assist Chamber Plans to Sponsor "Meet Candidates Night" Prior to Town's Election Walter Bowler, R.R. 1, Hampton, who has only been hunting for two years, will be envied by many longtime bushmen after shooting shooting one of the largest bull moose ever brought back to this area. He was with a party of nine from the Perth area, who were hunting in the Cochrane area. On Thursday, just before sunset, they were three miles into the bush, when a huge bull came out of the woods and charged toward him and his friend. The animal was shot six times with nine mm shells before it was brought down. Bowler said he has never seen anything more majestic than this magnificent beast standing there, with the sunshine gleaming from this tremendous set of antlers. They were in perfect condition, 59" from tip to tip. The great head measured 34" from the tip of the nose to the middle of the forehead. They estimated the animal's weight at 1,600 pounds. Hon, Paul Hcllyer, P.C., M.P. Mr. Hcllyer will address the opening meeting of ihe West Durham Canadian Club to beheld beheld in Trinity United Church; Hall at 8:15 p.m. on Monday.: Sept. 29th, 1969. He has held the offices of Acting Prime Minister, Minister of National. Defence, Minister of Transport,' and Minister of Housing. He : served at Parliamentary Rep-1 resentative to NATO for both j the Liberal and Conservative! administrations. The Club will welcome new members. ; Swingers and Hoedowners Go This Friday Both the swingers and the hoedowners will have a field day this Friday evening when two outside dances will be held, weather permitting. permitting. Up town'at the main corners, corners, Cable TV will he pro- I TURN TO PAGE TWO) The luncheon meeting of the: who is the representative of iBowmanville Chamber of|Town Council on the board; 'Commerce Directors at the|Donald MacGregor, Malcolm Bowmanville Country Club Mackenzie, Maurice Preston, last week decided that thojKen Nicks, Mrs. Fred KXamp local C. of C. will ask service I and Secretary-Treasurer Peggy clubs here to again assist in Frank. .arranging a "Meet the Candi- Councillor Shackelton Initiates Initiates Night" prior to the com-1 formed the board that he ring municipal election. A would like to see the C. of C. | similar one was held under the; encourage candidates to run I same auspices before the last'for Town Council. He said he j election for Town Council. felt that a cross section of President R. G. Lawton the citizens of Bowmanville presided at the luncheon meeting which was attended by nine other members of the C. of C. Board of Directors, ! Harold McGee. Jack Bryson, I Councillor Keith Shackelton, would make an effective council. council. Mr. Bryson, the Membership Chairman, reported that to date the C. of C. has 81 mem- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Belgian Driver Wins Easily at Players Grand Prix ' s,Jackie Ickx of Belgium won the Player's Grand Pri&nf Canada nl Mosporl on Saturday driving Ihe HO-Jap 225 miles race nl an average speed of 112.76 miles per hour. He eliminated his only competition Jackie Stewart, following a collision between the two ears'that broke one of Stewart's wheels and forced lorn mil of ihe race Ickx finished 46 2 seconds ahead ol teammate Jack Brabham, This photo shows the cars at the first turn after the start, Mechanical problems forced all but eight of them out of the race before it ended, The crowd was estimated at over 40,000. Considerable Considerable favorable comment came from drivers and spectators over the many improvements that had been made tn increase the safety factor, such ns new guard rails nil along the home stretch. Ickx won $20,000, i Brabham $15,000 and third place Jochen Hindi $10,000, BITS MW PIECES BLOOPER -- When the Editor starts reporting social events, like weddings or anniversaries, all too often he misses some detail or assumes something that is wrong. This happened last week in the report of a golden wedding. George Richardson all of a sudden found that according to The Statesman he had acquired acquired a wife. This week we publicly acknowledge our error. George isn't married at all. t t t t t WINNERS -- The Hub of the Universe, called Solina by the natives, has done it again. Both of their football teams have won championships. On Saturday, Tyrone Seniors went down to defeat 1-0 with John Werry scoring the winning goal. This is the fourth year in a row that Solina Seniors have won the trophy. Earlier, their juniors had done likewise. t T T t t OLDTIMERS --> Remember that Oldtimers soccer game at Solina? Word came in today that the proceeds proceeds from that historic event came to $235.06 that has been donated to the Glenholme School for Retarded Children in Oshawa. Harry Davey and his helpers who organized the day are to be congratulated congratulated for their efforts. T t t t t ARTIST -- Terry Firth, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Firth, King St. East, has received international recognition for a drawing she sent to the Jack & Jill magazine, published . in Philadelphia. Her drawing of ducks in flight was chosen from among thousands of others mailed in from the US and the world, and will be published in the October issue. She will also receive a "Certificate of Merit" from Karl K. Hoffman, Jack & Jill Publisher. t + . t t t OHSIP TAKES OVER -- Latest information on ihe Ontario government Medicare plan is that premiums will not be tax deductible. At the moment, the scheme appears to be just about as confused an issue as the school changeover was last year. Oh, well, time will straighten things out, we hope ! t t t t t DELICIOUS -- Fortunate fisherman Bill Slaghl Sr. dropped in to say he'd had another successful catch on the weekend, hut didn't provide any details. The Editor and his family acknowledge with thanks the cleaned and filetted pickerel that Bill shared with us. They were simply delicious. New Cars on Display Attract Big Crowds I( the large crowds at openings openings are any indication, this coming, year should be an even better one for car dealers dealers and manufacturers. The new car introductions began on Thursday and will continue through this week at County Ohrysler-Dodge, Cowan Pontiac-Buick, Roy Nichols C-hcvrolet-OldsmobileJ MacDonald Ford and Macintosh Macintosh Chrysler-Plymouth, to mention those- whose advertisements advertisements appear regularly in The Statesman. General Motors and Ford launched their 1970 cars last weekend and large crowds took advantage of the opportunity opportunity afforded to crowd the various showrooms where the new cars were on display. There were added attractions such as free draws, refresh- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) $200 GUITAR RECOVERED Bowmanville police advise that the $200 guitar stolen from the Town Hall auditorium auditorium recently had been .recovered. It had been taken by a juvenile, and belonged to the rock and roll group who had been using the hall for practice. It is understood the group has moved ont since the thefl. New Sport for Young People All Women Urged to Attend Meeting on Their Diseases Oct. 6 The Bowmanville Branch oficrature door tn door, as well: the Canadian Cancer'Society ■* /"m* and speakers being' 1 available. announces that October 5th, Dr _ Fi Beckelli „ pmm p to llth Is .designated is "Wo-J ncn t Gynaecologist from Osh- man to Woman" week. jawa, will speak nn "Diseases A mass education program Pertaining to Women" on urging women lo have Papl Monday, October fill), II pm smears and brcnsl examina- In Trinity Church Hall, All' tinns will he carried nut with women are urged In attend,i volunteer women givin$ ill-'especially young mothers, This week, residents ol the Maple Grove area may have seen what to them was an unusual sight, an airplane in the sky, soaring along without any noise because them was no motor on the plane. The project is yet another facet in Leo Haunsbergcr's capabilities. He not only operates the Maple. Grove Judo Club where citizens can learn the fine art of judo and karate, he also teaches at' Couilicc Secondary School and now is involved ns an instructor in the Central Ontario Soaring Association. Qualified pilot of Ihe tow piano is another CSS teacher Ken Dennis who tows the glider to about 2,000 feet whore It Is cut'loose and flics like a bird back to the landing strip on Mr. Haunsbcrger's property. Those who have taken flights in the glider say it is a wonderful experience. These two photos, taken Monday, show some of the participants and,in the top oicturc, Ihe plane and glider lake off into the sky. Orange Grand Master Visits Tyrone