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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1994, p. 26

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 21,1994 Section Two VOLUME 315 16 Papes BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S, !%!) lSf 1 Per Copy Mayor Hobbs to Seek Re - election Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs, on council for eight and a half years, said Monday he will seek re-election. Three Busloads of Sr. Citizens Enjoy Kinsmen Color Tour The mayor's announcement, came during a break at Mon- 1 day's council meeting, and! makes Mm the first declared; candidate for that position. j Deputy Reeve Edward Run-1 die. a member of council since' 1963, is the only incumbent not planning to seek re-election, re-election, declaring his retirement In a statement prior to the start of Monday's meeting. Following on the heels of Mr. Rundle's statement, Councillor Councillor Leslie Coon.bes said he would be a candidate for the deputy reeve's chair. Reeve Annie Oke, like Mayor Hobbs, an eight and a half year council veteran, said she will seek re-election to the reeve's position, "although really, I'm not settled on what, position I'll run for," she said. Of the five remaining coun-j cillors, three have announced, they will be candidates In the! Dec. 1 election, with Councillor 1 Colin Cooke running for coun-' cil, Councillor Keith Shackle-; ton not sure what position he will try for, and Councillor; Murray McKnight out for re-, election to council. Councillor Robert Dykslra and Councillor Maurice Prout are the only two incumbents 1 who have not declared, them-' selves, although both indicated Monday that decisions should be forthcoming in the next few weeks. j jMark Fire Prevention Week Invite All Citizens \ To Visit Fire, Police Building On Weekend At Maple Grove United Church auditorium on Saturday night, the stewards j held a euchre and crokinole party, to raise funds. Because that excellent game 1 crokinole is becoming almost extinct, The Statesman photographer visited the j scene and photographed Clifford.Swallow about to make a most difficult shot, all those white men in the centre circle and little hope of clearing them out. Fortunately, for him, the setting was posed and his opponent, Mrs. Swallow, didn't really score a big count. In all, there were six tables of euchre, but only j Mr. and Mrs. Swallow at the crokinole board. Sponsored by Cancer Society Over300 Women Attend Meeting To Hear Oshawa Gynaecologist Explain Details of Their Diseases This coming Thursday, Frl day and Saturday, Oct. 9th to 11th, Bowmanville's Fire and Police Departments are combining combining forces In an all out ef-. fort to mark Fire Prevention Week. All residents of the Town of Bowmanville and the Township Township of Darlington are invited to visit the building on Church Street where both departments are housed to see the facilities that are available and to meet the personnel. Special films and literature will be available. Visitors will; be shown through the building! [and light refreshments will be ; served by the Police Department. Department. This is an opportunity for citizens to gain an insight into the workings of the departments departments and familiarize themselves themselves With the equipment that protects them. On Sunday afternoon, three buses plus several cars were loaded with 128 Senior citizens for the annual Kinsmen Club sponsored two-hour tour of the gorgeous fall colors in the country around Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The trees were not quite at their best, but showed showed enough brilliance to make the trip more than worth while. Later, Kinettes served lunch at Memorial Park Clubhouse, under convenor Shirley Brock. Bob Abbott was in charge of the tour arrangements. This picture shows the interior of one of the buses, about to depart on the tour. --McRobbie Photography Should Exercise, Doctor Says Woman to Woman Week was launched by the Bowmanville Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society on Monday, October 6th. Dr. R. F. Beckett, Beckett, Gynaecologist from Oshawa, Oshawa, gave a very informative ànd stimulating address on "Diseases Pertaining to Women". Women". He spoke to an audience audience estimated at over 300 women in Trinity United Church. Dr. Beckett explained the •natomy of the female organs, using three large anatomical diagrams, and explained the position and function of these organs. During this mass education week women are being being urged to have a Pap Test and Breast Examination and Dr. Beckett dealt at length with these two topics. He told of the Pap Test or Cytology Cytology test which can be done in the doctor's office and sent away to Toronto or Oshawa to be examined under a microscope. microscope. This test is picking up pre-canccrous changes in the cervix and should be done on all women, especially those 'TURN TO PAUE TWO I Solve Mystery Woman Fell Broke Wrist The mystery has been ' solved concerning the B & P ; Club's beauty demonslra- ; tlon last week, when the ! operator failed to appear. Apparently, the Max Fac- ; tor Beauty Products sales- ! man who calls on businesses in this area was supposed to drive the young lady doing the demonstration from Toronto. He didn't show up at the appointed time, so she rushed to catch a bus, tripped, and broke 1 her wrist, and went to hos- : pltal for repairs. It is understood the em- ■ barrassed Max Factor com- ! pany has sent a cheque for ! $50 to the B * P Club to : cover their expenses. Only 30 Attend First Meeting Of Ratepayers NEWS HELD OVER Some of the stories scheduled scheduled for this week hive been held over due to s shortage of space. They will appear in the next edition. Honeywell Appointment I The first of what is expected to be several meetings was! [held last night at Memorial, [Park.Clubhouse In an attempt ! to arouse interest in the municipal municipal elections this December. ! Approximately 30 people at-, 'tended. E. A. Samuel whn had made the arrangements for the meet- ng, had also prepared a suggested suggested agenda that included the selection of a chairman and secretary-treasurer. The meet-; ing elected former Councillor' Glen R. Fry as chairman and , Ralph Whyte as secretary-; treasurer. Commiitccs wrre chosen In arrange for additional meetings,, meetings,, search for suitable can- : dictates and publicize the activities activities of the organization. E. A. Samuel will head the Steering Steering committee along with Ralph Whyte. Maurice Preston is I lie Public Relations Com-' milice and Chairman Glen! Fry will head the Legislative Committee, working with committee committee members Dr. C, F. Cat-, trait and Mike Lootsma. 1 His Worship Mayor Hobbs, ■ Reeve Annie Oke, Councillors ; Colin Cooke, Leslie Coombcs,; Murray McKnight and Keith' Shnckcllnn were among those ! ill Nr, II. Brace, Vice-Prcsi- present and each spoke briefly, dent, Operation! 1 , omimmces Chairman Fry declared Mini Ihc appointment n f Thomas II similar meetings In future Waldm as Operations Man- would endeavor In promote «ger, • Communications and better communications between, Data I inducts division, Honey- prospective candidates and. irUBN 70 PAGt TWO I. 1 (TURN TO PAM TWOl, J Thomas B, Waldln BITS M® PIECES THANKSGIVING -- Monday will be a holiday to 'mark Canada's Thanksgiving Day. On Sunday, churches in the area will be holding special services of thanksgiving for the many blessings we have. Down Montreal way, after that wild Tuesday when police and firemen were on strike and everything was wide open, residents will be giving thanks that they came through the chaos without being killed. Those who take comfort in being critical of police forces should stop and realize what our society would be without them . . . Montreal's problems with its hoodlum element gives a good picture. TRAFFIC -- Roadwork continues at Bowman- villc's main corners where extensive alterations are taking place. Should be much better when it's completed, hut in the meantime detours are the order of the day. However, things in Oshawa are much more confused. There they have a much bigger project underway that has blocked off several streets and approaches to the city. We'll be into it shortly though, when the widening widening of Church Street gets underway. Can't help feeling sympathy for Stew McTavish who has just spent n bundle enlarging his Canadian Tire Store. About the time he's ready to do big Christmas Christmas business, the road outside will be torn up. C'cst la guerre 1 v T t T t CANDIDATES -- The December municipal elections are warming up. It is noted that several members of council, including the mayor are planning to run again, and rumor has it that a brand new slate is being groomed for the contest. Names are difficult to come by, but before nomination day, more information information should be available. Down- Newcastle way, a bitter battle appears to be shaping up, over the sewer situation. Council approved a bylaw to install sewers without going to the people . . . and others are unhappy about it. We also learn that last week's cdilo.rial suggesting they obtain expert advice before proceeding with the levelling of the Community Hall floor was ton late; the job was started Thursday Thursday and completed in short order. Next move is up to the Pine Ridge Festival folks ! Problems,, problems ! T t V t + NOSTALGIA -- The picture of crokinole player Cliff Swallow on this page will bring back many memories of good times to older generation citizens. Most urban residents don't seem to know much about this game that used to he one of the greatest in bygone days when every home had a crokinole hoard (hat was hauled out regularly and used at every party. We recall that James Arthur Worry of Enniskillen, now well into his lid's, was one of the best players In the area. It's mill how mikinolc and checkers have lost their popularity in recent years. Maybe they can he revived 1 V t 1 t t ADULT COUNSELLING --This week we announce something different that will be taking place at Bowmanville High School . .. an Adult Counselling Service. This is nol for young people, it's a service for adults who would like to add In their education. It was tried in the Cobourg-Port Hope area and met with good response Sounds like an excellent program. program. j The times are as follows: [Thursday and Friday, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Satur- ' day. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Plans Afoot for ! Another Musical Next February Remember "The Boy Friend"? Well, plans are afoot for another musical. The joint policy committees of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, the Bowmanville Drama Workshop, and the Department Department of Recreation held their third meeting Wednesday, October 1 at the home of Elsie Wilson, who will act as producer producer of the show to be presented presented next February. Present at the meeting were Rotarlans Ted Mann (chairman). (chairman). Ken Mackenzie, Eric Whyte, Ken Hockln, George Vice, and Drama Workshop members Helen Nelles (chai- man), Marjorie Couch and Jean Sheridan. Rosemary Merkley, the musical director, and Margot Samuel, last year's producer of "The Boy Friend" were also present. Bud Fanning. Fanning. Pat Bundle and A! Strike were unable to attend. Watch for an announcement announcement soon regarding the name of the director, the choice of musical, and the casting dates. Middle Aged Rotarians Prime Heart Attack Targets They Smoke, Eat Too Much Typical Rotarians are prime; candidates for heart attacks;! they're middle-aged,, eat too much, smoke too much and| drink too much and don't get; enough exercise. | This jarring Information wasj brought to Bowmanville Rot-1 arlans on Thursday by one of their colleagues, Dr. Keith Slemon. who was addressing the noon luncheon at the Flying Flying Dutchman. Vice President Stewart McTavish chaired the meeting in the absence ot [President Tom Cowan. A 15-; [year perfect attendance pin I was presented to At Wither-! ; spoon and George Vice was 1 [honored on his birthday. Mer-, 1 rill Brown was in charge of, i the singsong. Dr. Howard Runrtle intro-; duced the guest speaker. a| graduate of the University of! Toronto, and an avid partiel- i pant In sports such as tennis! and golf. Dr. Slemon has a large medical practice in Bow- ' manville. , Fifty-four percent of the: Controversial Vats Still in Gra vel Pit But Odor Not So Bad Post Office Services for Thanksgiving Post Office hours for Monday, Oct. 13th, Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day, will be as follows: follows: The office will be closed all day. Special Deliveries will be delivered. Mails will be despatched as follows: West, 6:00 p.m., East, 7:00 p.m. There will be no mall despatched on Sunday, October October 12th. Closing despatch all mail 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Saturday, October 11th. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Those controversial vats ini a gravel pit west of Newton-1 ville are still there, and, ac-| cording to neighbors are still ; being used as temporary re- ] positories for animal entrails,I although the Northumbcrland- Durham Health Unit ordered them removed by Sept. 24th. During the hot weather, residents of the area complained complained bitterly about the stench from these vats, but fortunately, since the cooler weather arrived, the odor has not been objectionable. One housewife. Mrs. K. Gray, who lives about 100 yards away and lias two young daughters, said she.has contacted contacted every department' she can think of to force the owners owners to move the vats, but to date no action has been evident. evident. She not only objected to the odor, but was also fearful fearful that her children's safety might be in jeapordy as there was nothing to prevent the youngsters from climbing up the ramp and falling into the open vats. They bought their house last April and have spent over $1,000 In renovations. renovations. Now, they would like to sell It and move, but she claims nobody would buy the (TURN TO PAGE TWO I ! Museum Open All Weekend Rnwmanville Museum will soon be closing for this season, It is open daily, 2 to 5 p.m., the remainder of this week, including the entire Thanksgiving Weekend. After Thanksgiving Day, • Oct. 13, the Museum will he open Saturdays and Sundays Sundays only for the. two remaining remaining weekends In Octn- ! her, when it will close for • the season. Appointments for groups, ; however, may he made for j any day or evening to Oct. I 31 si. Kendal Midgets Win Stalker Trophy for Ontario Championship On Saturday afternoon, it was do or die lor the Kendal Midget D baseball squad as they mol Courtright (near Sarnia) in the third game of the Ontario finals. They had lost the first game 10-0, won the second 5-4, and came through to win the deciding game 5 to 1, with Garry Smith and Mike McGregor the two hurlcrs who brought them to the title, Teem members are shown here, with their trophy, I immediately after the final game; front row, left to right, Coach ! Maurice llillowcll, Terry SI ark, Jerry Thompson, Stove Fair, Jerry , Lord, Capt. Bill Robinson, Bill Lord, Bruce Alldrcad and Manager ' John Thompson; hack row, Coach Ralph Kennedy, Michael McGregor, McGregor, Garry Smith, Jerry Murphy, Bill Mercer, Dan Notion, Stephen West, Ted Stark and Coach Larry Hoy. This Player Has a Big Problem

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