4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 5,1994 Clarington Meningitis Case Reported by Lorraine Manfredo Denis Beaulieu has been warning folks for years not to bank on national national pension funds or health insu- Denis Beaulieu ranee to protect their standard of living living after retirement. As a financial advisor with The Equion Group of Whitby, Beaulieu seeks investment options to ensure clients keep a comfortable lifestyle once their weekly paychecks stop and investment income suddenly becomes becomes crucially important • "Government cutbacks are going to come in Old Age Security and Canada Pensions," Mr. Beaulieu told fellow Rotarians at the Flying Dutchman Hotel last Thursday. It's going to come as a shock to the unprepared, unprepared, he said, since Canadians have been "spoiled rotten" for so long. "Even corporate pensions are going going to be gone or modified severely because workers are living longer and retiring earlier. They didn't plan on that when these pension funds were set up in the 50's and 60s." Beaulieu's client list is varied. He provides financial planning services services for all kinds of people, from business owners to retired couples to divorcees. "It's a myth that only the wealthy or those in financial trouble will seek the services of a financial planner," planner," Beaulieu told Rotarians. But there are still too many people people who are burying their heads in the sand, he says. Without proper financial financial planning, those headed toward toward retirement are taking a huge risk. Baby boomers should be especially especially concerned since they are going going to have to pay more for medical insurance in the future. In fact, the baby boom generation has it particularly particularly tough, caught between caring for aging parents and kids who aren't leaving home. Beaulieu operates on the belief that lifestyle should not be curtailed after retirement. In order to do that, a retiring couple needs to aim for an after-tax, after-inflation, annual return of $25,000 to $30,000 to live comfortably, comfortably, he says. The Canadian Association of Financial Financial Planners is barely a decade old in Canada. The field has only been licensed in the United States for 25 years. Four years ago, Quebec began licensing licensing planners and many registered registered financial planners would like to see the same requirement in Ontario. Ontario. Beaulieu argues it would help prospective clients assess the credentials credentials of money managers. To earn the designation Registered Registered Financial Planner (RFP) applicants applicants must pass a six-hour examination examination and demonstrate 30 hours study every year. "We are not yet at the level of accountants accountants of lawyers, but we are moving toward that goal. The next step in establishing ourselves as a. profession is to become licensed." Mr. Beaulieu was thanked for his informative speech by Rotarian John Risk. A spokesperson for the Durham Region health unit says a single case of meningococcal disease reported in Clarington is not cause for alarm. Dr. Linda Panaro, Associate Medical Officer of Health, said a child is being treated for meningo- coccemia (an infection of the blood caused by the meningococcal bacteria). bacteria). But, she added that the risk of the disease spreading is very low. "We have never had a meningococcal disease spread from one case to another another in Durham Region," she added. added. The disease tends to appear in the fall and winter months, with four to six cases usually reported in Durham Durham during a typical winter. Dr. Panaro added that, for most of the population, the disease docs not pose a danger. In fact, anywhere from five to 25 per cent of people in a typical population have the bacteria bacteria in the back of their throat, but never develop the illness. While the incidents of disease are low, certain precautions will help prevent it from occurring. The health unit recommends people people cover their mouth when coughing coughing or sneezing and people should not share water-bottles, drinking straws, forks and spoons, or cigarettes. cigarettes. The bacteria are spread by contact with saliva or sneezing/ coughing. Symptoms of meningococcal meningitis (an infection of the brain and spinal cord) include fever, headache, headache, stiff neck', nausea and vomiting vomiting and sometimes a rash. Anyorte with a stiff neck and/or rash should consult their doctor. Medication is available for people people at greatest risk from the disease. The Clarington child who contracted contracted the disease developed symptoms symptoms Thursday. She is being treated at the Hospital for Sick Children. The identity of the child was not released, but she was described by Dr. Panaro as a "pre-schooler." Life Membership for B&PCIub Veteran Helen Devitt (right) was made a life member of the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club last Thursday, September 29. The club membtirs and friends gathered at Bowmanville's Baseline Baseline Community Centre for the presentation. Here, she receives a plaque recognizing her achievements from National President Sharon Selkirk. Helen joined the club in 1954 and has held most offices, including including the presidency. She is currently Archivist and also Club Historian. Historian. The Canadian Statesman Carrier of the Week James Carpenter Route #26 Since January 1994 Previously delivered Route 15 This week's carrier will receive a FREE BURGER, FRIES, DRINK and an ICE CREAM TREAT compliments of DARI DREAM. 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