4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 2,1994 Candidates Announce Intentions for Municipal Election Candidate Running for Seat On Separate School Board IWard Two School Board Candidate Donna Lucas-Astley Donna Lucas-Astlcy is running for Trustee with the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, and Clar- ington Roman Catholic School Board as one of the three trustees to be elected to represent the Municipality of Clarington. Her goal is to ensure students receive the best possible Catholic Education, enabling them to become contributing members of Society Society and the church. Donna has been a resident of Bowmanville for over ten years. A, graduate of Rycrson Polytcchnical Institute, she is married and has an eight-year old son in the Separate School System. Donna is the vice- president of St. Stephen's Elementary School CPTA and has been co- organizer of a successful Fun Fair and other major fundraisers at the school. She has four years of teaching teaching experience and three years of ex- Businesswoman Running for Post On Local Council pcricncc in Admissions and Registrations Registrations at the Toronto School of Business. This past May, Donna represented St. Stephen's at the annual convention convention of the Federation of Catholic Parent-Teacher Associations of Ontario Ontario . She believes: • "Our children must not be afraid to go to school. All violent incidents must be reported to the Police and to the Ministry of Education and Training Training if we want to discourage harmful, aggressive behaviour in our schools." • "There must be some type of common base used by all Educators so that our children have a training core of at least 40-50% in common for each grade level in all schools. 'The Common Curriculum' is a start, but it must be expanded with more specific details and guidelines in English, Math, Geography, and Science Science for all grade levels." • "Along with necessary skills, our children need to be taught the proper attitude to employment and presentation of themselves to meet the needs of possible employers." • "Discipline is not a dirty word. It docs not. infringe on anyone's rights. It trains individuals to follow the rules, so that some type of order takes place to ensure a quiet atmosphere atmosphere and allow learning to take place." Donna plans to work directly with Parent Groups, CPTAs, the Business Community and the Government to get the best possible education for our children and prepare them properly properly with suitable skills to meet the needs of the job market. She feels that changes must be made to ensure IMPROVED COMMUNICATION between Parents, Teachers, the Board, and the Ministry of Education and Training. • "Fifty-five percent of our tax dollar is spent on education. We must make sure that this money is spent on obtaining the best quality of education education for our children, as well as obtaining obtaining the safest standards to get our children to and from school. 1 am not afraid to fight for anything that will help to give our children the best education possible." Donna is very interested in hearing hearing from Parents so that she can be aware of their concerns and reflect them in her decision making on various various issues and expenditures. If you have comments or concerns, you are encouraged to call her at 623-3763. F Gail Syme Ward Two public school board candidate, Gail Syme, is committed to open communication; reading, writing, proper spelling and basic math skills; and no increases in education education taxes. "I am strongly opposed to any increase increase in taxes," she added. "With 61 per cent of our tax dollar going to education, I believe there is already already enough money to give students students a strong reading, writing, and math program in primary grades. Teaching and testing is essential to charting each student's progress and offering remedial assistance where necessary." The candidate also promises to investigate the feasibility of joint busing, purchasing, curriculum sharing sharing and sharing of facilities with other boards. She suggests the possibility of reducing reducing the five-year secondary school program to a four-year program program which would be similar to those of other provinces. "Our abundance abundance of electives is very costly to the taxpayer, the parents and indeed the student himself," Syme said. She suggests combining elective courses with OAC credits and enabling students students to graduate from high school in four years. Job security of school staff would be protected through smaller classes and attrition. She supports expansion of co-op education programs and apprenticeships. apprenticeships. In addition, she suggests partnerships partnerships with businesses to help provide provide equipment and services in schools. The use of volunteers in the classroom is another priority of; the candidate. She suggests volunteers could provide one-on-one assistance to students, so that the teacher is free to teach. The mother of four children, Gail Syme has been active in community and educational work. She has been a co-ordinator/ teacher for a children's camp; a teacher's assistant for nursery and pre-school; a supervisor for kindergarten kindergarten home studies program and a workshop speaker. She is a PTA member, local church member, and participant in the Social Development Council. She has worked as a nurse's aid/ CPR Volunteer at a nursing home and as a bookkeeper/financial advisor advisor for private business. "After extensive involvement in home/school/community, I would like to bring this experience to the Public School Board." she said. Seeking Re-election To Separate Board College Consultant Enters Race for Education Trustee Æ ; v> Marc Battle Marc Battle would like to sec some changes in the Northumberland Clarington Clarington School Board. He believes these changes will help fine-tune the school board and the education system the residents of Clarington depend on to educate children children in the public school system. Battle works as a Curriculum Consultant Consultant at Durham College. 1-Ie has been involved in a number of organizations, including the Board of School Age Care Association of Ontario and Brighter Futures. Issues like fiscal responsibility rank high on Baltic's list. He says as a person involved with children, he has "an understanding of the impact of fiscal responsibility." I-Ic would like to sec some cost reducing reducing options investigated in conjunction conjunction with the separate school board. One of those would be shared- busing. "Why can't we unite with the separate separate school board to combine our bus schedules," lie asked? Down the road, he would also like to see a Confederated School System. While he can't sec it happening in the near future, he would like to sec the systems in place now working toward toward it as an ultimate goal. Battle would also like to sec students students becoming more involved in curriculum curriculum decisions. He proposes a "parcnt-sludcnl- tcachcr advocacy committee. This would include the students in evaluating evaluating their learning experiences. "It would allow them to try out the skills the system is teaching them," he noted. He added, this kind of committee would make the school system become become accountable to the ones who arc benefiting from it. Baltic says he would be a trustee who would not only represent the parents parents in Ward Two, but also the students. students. Baltic has lived in Bowmanville for five to six years with his wife. They have a son. i, Municipal Election Day is November 14th Bonnie (Bonita) Cunningham Businesswoman Bonnie Cunningham Cunningham is seeking the local council seat in Clarington's Ward Three. Bonnie has lived in the village of Newcastle since 1969, after relocating relocating because of an employment opportunity at A VP Extrusions Ltd. She decided to seek the council seat because of several concerns. She notes that the municipality's top three employers are all owned, operated and subsidized by the taxpayers. taxpayers. These include Ontario Hydro, Hydro, a crown corporation; the Municipality Municipality of Clarington, a municipal corporation and Memorial Hospital, which is funded by the Ministry of Health. "We have got to look ahead to the twenty-first century; we must become aggressive and actionary instead instead of reactionary," she said. "Clarington is lagging behind seriously seriously in economic vitality due to our inability to think globally, like other successful municipalities in the Greater Metro Toronto area. "Wc must, however, have structured structured and balanced growth management management without compromising future generations or the heritage that makes Clarington so unique." The candidate also fears a declining declining police presence in the community. community. "If you have an emergency that falls under the jurisdiction of the OPP, the officer now responds from Whitby, due to the closure of the Newcastle Detachment. You figure out the response lime," the candidate candidate said. Cunningham also notes that although although Clarington is the fastest- growing municipality cast of Toronto, Toronto, with income and retail sales above the national average, the growth has occurred because of the grass-roots quality of life which attracts attracts young families. She adds that they quickly become disheartened over "inadequate recreational and cultural facilities, high taxes, and crowded classrooms. "In the October 19th issue of The Statesman, a member of the current council admitted councillors were most prtxluclivc as a council when they worked together," Cunningham noted. She adds: "Quite frankly, this does not foster a lot of confidence in the municipality's ability to manage even basic services, let alone conceptual conceptual problems, technically- challenging decisions or the social well-being of the residents of Clarington." Clarington." Bonnie Cunningham sees real value in terms of rendering a valuable valuable service to people. RE-ELECT Charmaine DUNN SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE WARD II Authorized by the C.F.O, for the Charmaine Dunn campaign © Caroline Burke Caroline Burke is seeking re- election as a Trustee on the Peterborough, Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Caroline is a member of St. Joseph's Joseph's Parish and has served, two terms on the separate board. Caroline cites the advancement of computer studies and the upgrading of computer equipment as an issue that needs to be given priority. Caroline has been very active as a Trustee and as a parent in lobbying the Provincial Government for a new Cadiolic High School which will serve all of Clarington. Along with permission to build the new St. Stephen's Catholic High School, Clarington was awarded a new Catholic Elementary School. Caroline knows that now that we are building these new schools we must ensure that we arc equipped with the best facilities, the latest in technology, and programs that will prepare our students for the future and is prepared to work to that end. She believes that maintaining strong Catholic programs is imperative imperative if we are to maintain our identity as a Separate School System. Caroline is proud of the fact that she has not missed a board meeting and has a better than 98 per cent attendance attendance at committee meetings. She has been instrumental in obtaining a zero per cent increase in taxes which resulted in a decrease in education taxes for Clarington. Caroline is seeking your continued continued support on November 14th. ELECT REG WILLflTTS for MAYOR of CLARINGTON Good Government Requires 1 ) Ability to work with people 2) Accessibility 3) Strong leadership 4) Commitment to the people 5) Accountability 6) Protect the environment For information or help Call 623-7084 WILLATTS, REG Authorized by the CFO (or the Reg Willatts^campaign^ FURNITURE INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE ■w Our biggest of the Year' George Khouri - Owner of Landmark and Candidate for nomination GEORGE Urges You To Buy Canadian & Get Ontario Working Now!! © 'BeautcfatC Camel-Back Sofa In Attractive & Durable Nylon Cover MADE IN CANADA *299 & PAY NO TAX! Loveseat & chair also on sale Huge Chair Sale Over 150 Chairs must go!!! Swivel Rocker or Wing Chair *199 & PAY NO TAX! Glider or Rocker Deluxe Wing Back Chair & PAY NO TAX! *299 ^ÙCdA. Waterfall Style Ultra Comfortable Sofa MADE IN CANADA *548 & PAY NO TAX! Loveseat & clipir also reduced Traditional Sofa In Designer Covui bvfDEÜOR-RESÎ) *599 & PAY NO TAX! 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