4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 9,1994 Section Two Christian Schools Perform in Band Clinic On Monday afternoon, when the Ontario Legislature resumed sitting it didn't take very long for things to settle settle down in the same routine as before before - namely - taking cheap shots. What a way to begin. I blame television, television, for it seems as if everyone is playing to the unseen audience. What other reason can be given for the actions actions of Mike Harris, Leader of the Progressive Conservatives, who created a halloween type atmosphere in the House with the production of two shopping bags marked, "Trick and Treat" which he then used as aids in chastising the government over jobsOntario programs. Would this be tolerated at meetings say of a School Board? Of course not, so why should it be the norm at Queen's Park? I say, take away the television cameras and then perhaps people will start acting more normally - perhaps! And then perhaps the visitors, children especially, especially, would cease to confuse their visit with the building previously on the site - an insane asylum. One of my evenings last week was spent down at the Ontario Police College College in Alymer, speaking to about 200 selected educators and police officers officers from across the province to discuss discuss practical methods of ensuring a safe school environment and to provide provide a better understanding of how justice and education systems can interact. interact. This high profile seminar dealing dealing with violence in schools was in my opinion very timely given the recent recent shooting of teachers in a Toronto Toronto school. On August 15, 1994, the Liberals at Queen's Park made a request under under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, for access to the budget and expenditures for each Minister's Office in our government. government. As Parliamentary Assistant to the Solicitor General and Minister of Corrections, my own budget and expenditures expenditures were included in the request. request. Actual spending for all ministries is down from 1992/93 in both salaries salaries and operating expenses by approximately approximately 12 per cent. The minis tries budget projections for 1994/95 totalled $26.6 million, but based on actual spending to date, this fiscal year spending will be about $17.9 million - $4.7 million less than budget. budget. Since we are the first government to keep clear, centralized records - and the first government to make these records available for public scrutiny, we are unable to compare current spending to previous governments. governments. What we do know is that by 1989, the number of people in the Liberal Minister's offices had grown by 53.18 per cent, and the Liberal staffers received a 10.2 per cent wage increase in 1989 and another 5 per cent increase in 1990. Since my election in October 1990, Ï have significantly underspent my constituency budget, and last year I returned over $7,000 to the Ontario Treasury. The MPPs salary and expenses have been frozen at the 1989 level, all of our staff have had their wages frozen since 1991 and their real wages wages have gone down due to the effects of the social contract. Despite this, my staff continue to provide a very high level of service to the constituents, constituents, and also represent me at functions functions outside of their working day when I am detained at the Legislature, Legislature, without any overtime charges. They all go that extra mile, and feel good about it too. I'm proud of them. On Monday last week, I also took part in the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations in Ontario at Quéen's Park. Hundreds of school children tool part in the ceremony which was attended by the Consul General of every nation with an office in Ontario, Ontario, along with the Lieutenant Governor, Governor, the Premier, and the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations in New York. The complete ceremony was filmed by TV Ontario and should be watched out for. On Thursday afternoon in the Legislature I was again honoured to be asked by the Premier to speak on / by Alex Shepherd, M.P. J Is Remembrance Day still" relevant? relevant? Yes it is because it is important to remember not only where we have come from but who we are today. Life in the trenches, far from home and family, and facing death on a daily basis must have been thought provoking for Canada's youth - a time for introspection. What were their thoughts? Obviously they wished they were home with friends and family where peace and dignity were the norm. I'm sure they thought about what quirk of human nature transferred them to such a hostile environment. Moreover they concluded that our way of life in Canada - as peaceful and tranquil as it is - must continue. Today we debate government deficits, deficits, changes to social security and whether or not we will have enough money for retirement. We fret about our children and grandchildren, and their education while forgetting life could be considerably considerably worse. We conceal our symbols of unity like the flag and fail to celebrate our triumphs as a nation. Yet, the men and women who were part of the conflicts we remember remember this week did not have these problems. They knew who they were and for what cause and values they fought for. They fought for a free Canada. But they didn't sec these freedoms as an inherent right but rights that have to be earned and protected. For them earning rights meant blood on the battlefield and unmarked unmarked graves. French and English, Protestant, Catholic, atheist, black and white - all fought side-by-side without taking time to consider their differences. They were united in the objective or insuring sovereignly for their nation. nation. But where does this leave us and those of us who don't know what conflict is all about? How have we worked to protect and foster the freedoms so many gave their lives to protect? How have we reflected on Canada and how we can make it a better country. Have we taken the time to be involved involved in our country's evolution as opposed to reacting to it? Have we been prepared to wear our nationalism on our chest and try to change those who would dismantle Canada? We must never forget those who gave their lives in the Great Wars. And those who fought and were lucky to make it back home. We must not forget their thoughts in the lonely trenches and the cold North Atlantic. We are now the trustees of their values. We must use their suffering to give us strength to continue building building this great nation. We must never let their loss of life be in vain. We remember them, their thoughts and tremendous courage as we move forward in building Canada. Canada. behalf of our government on Remembrance Remembrance Day. I have now spoken on behalf of the government on five different occasions in -the Ontario Legislature, a responsibility usually given only to those in Cabinet. Bright and early on Friday morning morning I was at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital for a round table discussion with Community Care Committee members. And then off to the opening opening and dedication of the new "Ken Hooper" Fire Station in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Many people deserve a lot of credit for this, and to name them all Students from four Christian elementary schools participated in a would take up more space than I m band clinic at Durham Christian High School on Friday, November alonTmy thanks^to Ontario Hydro 4 - Durin 8 *6 morning, the students learned more about their individ- for making this valuable addition to ual instruments under the guidance of professional musicians. In the afternoon, the instructors joined the bands for ensemble playing. Some of the members of the Knox Christian School band are shown above. Grades five to eight participated in the workshops. the safety of all of us, possible. Their contribution was enormous. The past weekend was a busy one, Courtice High School Graduation, Remembrance Dinner in Port Perry, Charter Night Celebration for the Knights of Columbus - St. Francis of Assisi, Sunday morning Remembrance Remembrance Parade in Port Perry followed by an afternoon Remembrance Parade Parade in Orono. This week "Constituency Week" is booked solid with events and meeting meeting constituents. The Toronto Star writer Thomas Walkom has said the job of an MPP is really part-time position. position. He may be right in the case of some MPPs. I have made it a full time job with ions of overtime as well. I couldn't do it any other way. Until next week - remember, even the Lion has to defend himself against flies. No Increase in Hydro Rates For Second Year in a Row Good news from Central Ontario Electric - your Ontario Hydro service provider. There will be no increase in electricity rates for the second consecutive consecutive year. This announcement was originally ner. And we will fulfill these commitments. commitments. In listening to you during the last two weeks we have heard our customers customers say that "I paid more for electricity electricity last year than before, it seems made by our President, A1 Kupcis on like you did raise the rates last year". October 17th. We stated our commitment commitment to keep the engine of the Ontario Ontario running, to listen to you, to be environmentally environmentally responsible, and to do all our work in a safe, efficient man- Letters to the Editor Cuts To Psychiatric Hospital Funds The following is a copy of a letter sent to Health Minister Ruth Grier by The Ontario Association of Professional Professional Social Workers. Honourable Ruth Grier, A reduction in funding to various Ministries is not surprising given these times of fiscal restraint. However, However, our Government's choice of the population which will be affected by the cuts is surprising. Except for children children at risk, it is difficult to imagine a more vulnerable population than those in need of psychiatric treatment. treatment. However, it is in fact this • group, including adolescents and young schizophrenic patients who cuts take place. Whitby Psychiatric Hospital is one of those hospitals which will feel the impact of the cutbacks and is our Government so naive as to believe that other community services will be able to accommodate these cases? If so, they are acutely unaware of the severe lack of mental health services in the Durham region, a region which continues to rapidly grow and, moreover, moreover, is notorious for its chronic wait lists. • In particular, the proposed cut of 5 million- dollars from the budget at Whitby will likely result in the closure closure of up to 100 beds and the loss of will essentially be left without treat- approximately 120 jobs. Is the Ministry Ministry of Health aware that this is the only psychiatric hospital between Toronto Toronto and Kingston, serving an enormous enormous catchment area? Are they also aware that Whitby is the most underfunded underfunded of the psychiatric hospitals and that further budget cuts will strain an already overburdened treatment treatment resource? Still, budget cuts will mean more than falling below the standard bed- ratio. In our view, the Ministry is re- victimizing a mental health service that has already been forced to reduce its budget and they are essentially demonstrating their lack of research and insight into the invaluable work ment resources once the proposed Santa Parade November 19 For many, this observation is familiar. familiar. The severe weather conditions of 1993 resulted in higher bills for many of our customers, but not higher rates for the electricity they use. Others have said "why aren't my rates going down this year, like they are for your large industrial customers?" customers?" The answer is that we had to make choices. In holding the line on rates for residential, agricultural and seasonal customers we passed on the results of our cost-cutting initiatives. In passing on a rate reduction to our largest industrial customers we were offering relief to the sector judged to be most vulnerable to the competitive pressure of the marketplace. And as Ontarians, we will all benefit from their sustained success. The pursuit of further'efficiencies, environmental sensitivity, and safety will continue in Central Ontario Electric. Electric. We will also continue to provide our customers with a reliable service. The cuts we have made in non- essential service will affect the delivery delivery of some of our programs, as well as alter the inner workings of our organization. organization. But we will continue to focus on the things our customers tell us are most important to them - cost and reliability, and we will continue to hold the line on rates. for the remainder remainder of the 90's. Sincerely, Chris Bieber Manager Central Ontario Electric Continued from Page 3 Bowmanville High School was Hello - Boys and Girls, Moms and Dads. Santa and his Elves are starting to get very busy here at die North Pole. Before I get back to work, Santa Santa must remind you of this year's Santa Claus Parade in Bowmanville, on Saturday November 19th, at 10:30 demonstrating their lack of research maybe 70 people, while the one in a.m. Santa's good friends at the Bow- and insight into the invaluable work Newcastle Village was about 130.1 manvillc Post Office informed me provided by those who are employed heard that 15 people showed up at that they will once again be passing in such hospitals. To work with the the one held in Courtice. out candy and collecting letters for psychiatric population is no less than Santa. admirable and there are those in the I do hope all of my little friends various professions themselves; so- will show up on the 19th, to sec San- cial workers, psychiatrists, psycholo- ta and all the other fun things in this gists, etc., who have absolutely no desire to work with such a demanding demanding clientele. However, this is how our Government rewards mental health workers, cutting their budget, firing some, overworking the remain- year's parade. Until then good-bye and remember remember to write to: Santa Claus, North Pole, Ho Ho Ho Be good, help your moms and One politician told me to watch the numbers on voting night. It seems that while Courtice has a large population not everyone gets out to cast their ballots. As I look at it, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain if your taxes or mill rates are hiked up, dads and may all your dreams come clients whom they serve. They have or your son comes home and says dcr and leaving behind the vulnerable "Hamlet has been banned from my true. Love Santa Claus P.S. Thanks to Edic Cole and her hard working crew this will be Santa's Santa's 33rd parade here in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. undoubtedly given a whole new meaning to the phrase "Mental Health Reform". Yours very truly, Angela Townend, M.S.W. Public Relations Committee OA.P.S.W. - Durham Branch English class.' Caring about the community you moved to in order to get away from the big city is what voting is all about. So, get out there and vote on Monday, Nov. 14. It's your municipality too!