18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, December 21,1994 Busy Christmas Schedule for Hampton Girl Guides The kids arc out of school on Thursday and Christmas is on Sunday. Sunday. Could this week have gone by any faster? Well, I do hope you arc taking a well deserved break, reading the paper while sipping a hot beverage. beverage. The Hampton Girl Guides have been busy this month. Recently, they made jars of jelly. One each to take home and one for distributing while Christmas carolling. This Thursday Ebenezer U.C.W. Meets in December At Courte School At 7:30 p.m. on December 13, 1994, Ebenezer U.C.W. met in the Courtice North School Library. Seventeen Seventeen ladies took advantage of this opportunity which was arranged by Charlotte Hughes. Our President Greta Down read 'The Meaning of Christmas' from 'Ideals' - a reminder that Christmas is in our heart. Together we repeated die U.C.W. Purpose and the Lord's Prayer. Charlotte introduced Principal Fred Mandryk, who welcomed everyone, everyone, telling us that the school is glad to have such community groups. Greta gave a report on the Ebenezer Ebenezer U.C.W. Executive meeting when the annual reports were completed. Two archive albums were on display, and Greta asked that when we were admiring them, we think of the late Kay Mackie and give thanks. Kay was our archivist until her death. A letter from the Bay of Quinte Conference Conference U.C.W. was read. It thanked us for the U.C.W. gift to the Native Healing Fund. We are supporting Financially Financially our two young people who are attending the Toe Alpha Conference, Conference, Charlotte opened the worship service service with the carol, Angels we have heard on high, and the Bible readings from Isaiah Chapter 6 and Luke Chapter 1. The Christmas meditation followed as Charlotte used the White board to assist in the presentation from 'A time to Gather' by Robert A. Wallace. It was called 'Digging to Bethlehem', and was an exercise in digging down through the layers of time as if they were the results of archaeologists archaeologists digging down through the layers of silt and debris of centuries centuries to the time of the birth of Jesus. The celebrations of Christmas at the various levels were often quite startling. startling. For example, during the Cromwell Cromwell era, Christmas was outlawed. The devotions closed with the singing of 'Joy to the World' followed followed by prayer. For our special meetings, we look forward to readings by Sadie Cour- ticc. We were not disappointed as Sadie Sadie read three selections from her favourite favourite 'Friendship' books. Charlotte spoke of the new Cour- ticc North School as one well qualified, qualified, for she had been a pupil in the former North Courtice School and is the present Teacher Librarian. We had a tour of the' school and this was a delight, particularly for those who went to school before the computer era. Greta thanked all those involved and closed with a very Fitting Benediction. Benediction. Charlotte prepared and served a very dainty lunch. Project Funding Two infrastructure projects worth $126,370 have been approved for the Township of Hope under the Canada/ Ontario Infrastructure Works program, program, Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs, Ed Philip, Northumberland MP Honourable Christine Stewart, and Reeve Ian W.M. Angus announced announced today. The funding will be applied in two phases to rcconstmct and later resurface resurface 4th Line Road, between Concession Concession 3 and Concession 4. The resurfacing, resurfacing, drainage improvements and elimination of dust will not only provide provide more convenient travel for township township residents but allow major farming farming operations in the area to get their produce to market as quickly as possible, possible, The reconstruction phase is scheduled scheduled for completion shortly, with the resurfacing beginning in June 1995 and completed by July 1995. The projects will provide 34 person- weeks of employment. "The infrastructure program is designed designed to get shovels in the ground and give local economies a boost. Whenever these improvements arc made, they help attract industrial, commercial and residential development development to the area," said Mr. Philip. "These improvements to 4th Line Road will improve motoring safety and convenience and be a boon to the major farming enterprises in the area," said Mrs. Stewart. the Guides will be singing for the patients patients at the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. The Guides, Brownies and Pathfinders Pathfinders enjoyed a Saturday matinee of the Nutcracker. This was held at the O'Keefe Center in Toronto. A delicious delicious meal was enjoyed at the Organ Organ Grinder. The Wednesday Card Party had a low turnout for their Christmas party. There were thirty-seven players in all. The evening's highest score was 84, earned by Doreen Brock. Next it was a three way tic. Barb Cochrane, Art Compton and Win Brown all scored 79. Joyce Potter had 75. Don Cochrane had the Most Lone Hands of Five. Carl Gimblctt was the Most Honest Player. No one won the Special. Special. The Draw winners were Grant Bright, Richard Manns, Marie Brooks, Joyce Potter and Loma Swain. Two special door prizes were won by Vcma Slutc and Don Cochrane. Cochrane. Doreen Ferguson had the Most Lone Hands of the year with forty. A reminder that this was the last Wednesday Euchre Card Parly of the year. Cards will resume again on January January 4th. A Christmas Eve service will be held on Saturday, December 24th at 7:30 p.m. in Hampton. Eldad members members arc welcome. A special evening has been planned. There will be be a Christmas pageant, a communion cel ebration and a candle light procession. procession. Christmas day the service will be held in Eldad at 10:00 a.m. and Hampton at 11:00 a.m. Come celebrate celebrate Christ's birth in this family centered centered service. Well folks, that's all the news I have for you this week. Before I go, I would like to wish you and the ones you love the merriest of Christmases. 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