l I I I Dress SHIRTS and SLACKS Leather Coats • Suits Sport Jackets Outerwear A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago- 987-4201 Happy New Year to one and all! Christmas Dinner at Newcastle Community Hall on Sunday, December December 25th, was successful, according to helpers who were in attendance. Donors Donors were very generous and recipients recipients who benefitted from hot turkey and leftovers were Hostel Services, Helping Hands Food Bank, St. Vincent's Vincent's Kitchen and Denise House. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Marion Fisher, Belleville, Harold Powell and Tom Schubcr, Oak Park, Illinois. Christmas dinner guests on Sunday were Beth and Wayne Marklc, Alyssa and friend Rob Howson and Andrew, Scarborough, Judy Powell, Bowman- villc, Lynn Pigott, Oshawa, Dale and Wayne Hunt, Russell, Graydcn and Adrien, Pontypool. Sunday morning Mr. Albert Pearce visited Ric and Marilyn, Trisha and Kevin Pearce, Port Perry. In the evening, evening, Albert enjoyed Christmas with Ted and Elizabeth Pearce, Adam and Jason, Bowmanville. At noon on Friday, 32 seniors and Lions enjoyed free lunch at the Donut Gallery. On Thursday, December 22nd, Commissioners Pauline Storks, George Van Dyk, Susannc Elston and Paul Rccsor attended Clarington Hydro Hydro staff party. Mrs. Gladys Wood received visitors visitors all last week. On Monday, Cheryl Ardum, Scarborough, visited. Tuesday Tuesday visitors were Audrey Reid, of Bowmanville and Lena Graham.. Stewart and Jean Wood, Orono, were Wednesday evening guests. Lynda and Wayne King, Orono, Thursday; Glenn Wood and boys, Reid and Irma Wood, Ncwtonville, on Friday. On Saturday Floyd and Leslie Wood and Jenna came from Elizabethville for a visit, as did Marilyn and Alec Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa, were Saturday supper guests of his mother Christmas Day. George and Maxine Felgate, Claremont, Bmce, Toronto, and Pamela, Union- ville, enjoyed dinner with Mrs. Wood. In the evening they chatted via .tele- Elizabethville By Edna Thlckson December certainly has been a very busy month, between Xmas dinners dinners and concerts. On Dec. 6th, the Elizabethville Sunday School had their conceit with a good crowd and an entertaining program, as usual. Almost every organization had a special dinner. One of the first was the seniors group. The Women's Institute had their Xmas meeting with carols and the U.C.W. had their Xmas dinner at Jackson, and Susan's home last Tuesday, Dec. 13th. We had most members out, and two visitors attended, attended, Mrs. Sedgwick and June Smith. Bertha Trew, the president, presided. presided. The story of the birth of Jesus was told by Margarette Walker, Susan Pe- cock, Bertha Trew and June Smith, interspersed interspersed with songs by Vivian, Irene and Helen. We enjoyed a nice dinner to wind up the meeting with business, coffee and Christmas cake. The North Hope school had all the students at their concert that was held on two nights, so parents who worked would be able to be present. The Sunday School at Garden Hill had their concert last Saturday night and there were others too numerous to mention that I was unable to attend There was a good crowd at church, most of them adults as the children had their concert on the previous evening. evening. Announcements included the information that the regular service would be held on New Year's day. At the conclusion of the service there was a brunch that everyone enjoyed. Irene Beatty had Diana and Bill and their little girl home from British Columbia for Christmas. Suzanne and I had June's girls, Donna and Pat and her husband Dan over the week-end. We had Darlene, Mark and Brenna. We had Xmas dinner dinner with Suz and family and came back here for bed space. I had Beryl, Pat and Dan and Donna. I hope to collect the names of all the area Christmas visitors for next week's column. There was one more piece of good news. The Embry boy who was hurt in a car accident was home from Toronto Toronto for Christmas. If you are new to Bowmanville... lUls fm'ivi WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with Housewarming Gifts and Information about your new location. Call Your Hi Neighbour Hostess Marie Hodge at 623-7452 phone with Colleen Felgate who is spending Christmas in New Zealand. Mr. Harry Wade was a Saturday night visitor with Kevin and Brenda Wade, of Bowmanville and Sunday dinner guest of Marg and Bill Wade, Bowmanville. Thursday visitors with Harry Wade were Ross and Marion Bamscy, of Port Hope. On Tuesday, Jean and Brcnton Rickard visited Stanley and Muriel Rickard, Port Perry. On Sunday evening, Jean Brcnton enjoyed being with the Rickard families families at the home of Annabcllc Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Lcland and Feme Crago, Bowmanville, Bill and Madeline Sargent, Lanry, David and Brian, Toronto, were Christmas dinner guests of Richard and Germaine Germaine Sargent, Bridget, Derek, Craig and one-day-old baby Sargent, of Courticc. By the way, Newcastle Guides still have some of those lovely chocolate mint cookies which they arc very anxious anxious to sell. Maybe by New Year's, some of your goodie tins will be depleted. depleted. Call Dorella at 987-4238. On Christmas Eve afternoon, the Cragos were pleasantly surprised when former neighbour Lindsay Foote, of Orleans, dropped in for a visit. When Lindsay left, she was a little little girl and now she is a beautiful young lady in grade 12 and has had two weeks as an exchange student in Korea. Dad and mother, Dave and Carla and brother Adam were visiting Whitby grandparents. Lindsay also called on Amanda Rogers and family. On Saturday, Dec. 18th, Dorella Chard and Greg Forget held Christmas Christmas for their families. Johnna and Todd Bate, Bowmanville, Delann Chard and Jim Wood, Starkvillc, Tina, Tom and Blair Monroe, Oshawa and Dan Forget. Christmas Eve visitors with Dorcl- la and Greg were Gary and Susan Forget, Forget, Lindsay and Jean-Paul Aurora. With Marjorie and Murray Patterson Patterson for Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ian and Sarah, Mr. and Mrs. Nico dcJongs, Lesle, Jennifer and Megan, all of Whitby, Mrs. Evelyn Northrup and Bob. Christmas dinner guests of Bud and Jean Wagar were John and Jeannette Jeannette Johnson and Stephanie, Barrie, Bill and Danielle Wagar, Buddy and Lisa, Whitby, Roy and Susan Poole, Anita and Christina, Newcastle. ■ Christmas visitors with Mrs. Vicki ' Gray were Greg and Cathy Gray and family, Deltona, Florida, George and Diane Gray, Stephen and Michael, Whitby. Mrs. Isabel Wright had all her fam- . ily home for Christmas dinner on Sunday. Sunday. Seventeen came from Picton, Florida and Oshawa. Birthday greetings to Amos Langley, Langley, Allison Powell, Nellie Martin, Wilda Williams and Kaye Quinncy. Congratulations and best wishes to Robin and Myrtle Alldred who will observe their 57th wedding anniversary anniversary on January 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred entertained entertained all their family to Christmas dinner on Sunday. Grand-daughters Robin and Erin Alldred of Bowmanville Bowmanville were included in this gathering. Sorry to report Mrs, Hazel Murphy is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Tuesday evening dinner guests of Bob and Cathy Vasseur, Adrian, Marcel Marcel and Jcncllc were John and Mary Metraillcr, Hampton, Ron and Mary Anne Metraillcr, Jean Marc and Michelle, Michelle, Bowmanville, and Jack and Helen Crago. On Wednesday evening at Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall, the Orono and District Fiddle Club had their Christmas party. The capacity crowd enjoyed lunch. Fifty-fifty winner was Evelyn Stinson who plays the piano for these monthly entertainments. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Mr. Douglas Rowe, Bowmanville, were Christmas Eve visitors with Douglas and "Annette Nugent and Jenna. Jenna. St. George's Anglican Church St. George's celebrated their annual annual Christmas service this past Christmas Christmas Eve at 11 p.m. It was a joyful and well-attended service. The Rev, Robert Robert Harley preached his usual meaningful meaningful sermon. The congregation would like to wish all those in Newcastle and area a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The flowers at the front altar were to the glory of God and in loving memory of Duncan and Mary Wilmot Galbraith and their daughters Marjory Helen Wynn (1976) and Vivian Wheeler Mattson (1979), given by Arthur Arthur Wynn, Aldcn Wheeler, and Diana Wheeler Granficld. The flowers on the side altar were to the glory of God and in loving memory of John D. Bcccrott, given by Melanie and Rod, Peter and Julie, Stephen Stephen and Sue. Christmas memorial flowers were to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Joan and Ken Haring, Anne Scarlett, Mary Gatrod, Doris and Albert Maxwell and Joan Dawson. Dawson. United Church On Saturday evening at Newcastle United church, poinsettias, wreaths, candles and greenery made a beautiful setting for the Christmas Eve service. The twelve gifts of Christmas was the theme. The readers and the gifts described described were: Sheila Stiles, music; Sherry-Lee Boyd, anticipation; Hazel Crago, Joy; Loma McSwan, laughter; Nancy Armishaw and Elaine Lamont, sharing; Ken Boyd, giving our very best; Charles Ewcrt, festive spirits; A1 Taunton, shelter; Vem Rowe, peace; Linda Garvin, promises; Amanda Storks, Christmas time; Rev. Stiles, Christ Child. Christmas Day service at Newcastle Newcastle United Church was one of sharing time with members and the congregation. congregation. Familiar Christmas -carols were; enjoyed. On January 1st, Rev. David Black of Ncwtonville charge will be the guest minister. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, December 28,1994 15 Newcastle Christmas Party lor Newcastle Pre-schoolers Community Bowling Scores Monday Ladies' League: Mary Picrik 176,196,306; Linda Nor- rish 271,211; Val Withcridgc 185; Cindy Angicrs 175,177; Loma Crockett Crockett 323,177; Marilyn Major 181,248,181; Donna MacKay 195; man Blackburn 236; Liz Willems 263; Laura Willems 175; Betty Major 193; Beth Stacey 183, 260,219; Marion Marion Martin 198,221; Kathleen Poole 179,197; Karen Whalen 185; Trixie Wright 235.176: Jean Pollard 190, 196, 237; Dcbi Hannigan 192. Tuesday Seniors Marion Allin 182; Lil Boldcrstonc 153,205; Ruby Brunt 150; Marg Burley Burley 172,152; Marguerite Cooper 224; Vance Cooper 189,183; Loma Crockett Crockett 169,195; Mary Foster 157,152; Roy Hayward 150; Jenny Hicks 201; Lonn Pardy 159; Albert Pearce 158,159; Eleanor Perrin 163, 163; Stan Powell 152,199; Marilyn Martin 199; Alec Martin 150,182; John Thome 162; Joyce Stacey 181,175; ■June Wilson 169; Tom Wilson 151. Thursday Mixed Lge. Kathryn Brown 179,195; Fac Forget 243; Garry Saxby 225, 216, 241; Joe Mcndonca 188,255; Ken Jury 232; Jackie Kindratiuk 202,251; B. Lewis 202, 188; Roy Hopkins 217; Bill Brown 191,198; Dorella Chard 214; Amos Langley 227; Wes Forget 261,200; Ted Ritchie 216; Tom Kindratiuk Kindratiuk 280,178; C. Anderson 248; H. Anderson 174; Jean Hall 197,196; C. Ryan Hancock, age two, thoroughly enjoyed the activities at the ion i°7fi 0 i n R s- rriaVnrntTotA Newcastle Family Connections Christmas Party on December 22. 199,176,185, Greg Forget 264,181. Prc . school ^ played games, ate snacks and met Santa Claus. United Way Hurry In For Best Selection!! r 5 DAYS ONLY! OFF EVERY BOOK RED STICKER PRICE December 27-December 31 $ GIANT BOOK SALES Bowmanville Mall lo-swel murs..ni.; sat.io-4 623-3599^ r ling items over $ 100.00 except topcoats Dunn's pays the equivalent of both taxes Tailors -- Oshawa Centre Across from Reitman s A SI7£ FOR EVERY MAN Q PE N S iWtlf Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10 - 9 ■.£ cAFiRYsun sizes from .1 : io v Saturday 9î30 - 6:00 Mitt