6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Wednesday, January 24, 1996 r Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle by Lorraine Manfredo Don't look at your weigh scale to tell if you're healthy. Look in your grocery cart. If your load is short on nutrition nutrition but heavy on fat, sodium and sugar, then chances arc you may need a little H.E.L.P. That's the Healthier Eating Lifestyle Program. It's a new 12-week program offered at Memorial Hospital in Bowmanviile under the guidance of registered dietician, dietician, Christina Lamothe. Slic'd like to sec more people get off their frustrating yo-yo diets and simply adopt a healthier lifestyle. "Everyone thinks the key to health is dieting and weight loss. That's not it. We just have to learn to make changes in our lifestyle so we can do the things we want to do." The H.E.L.P. program teaches teaches healthy eating and lifestyle skills. It focuses on such basics as: • menu planning • reading labels • attention to portion sizes • body image • and exercise. It's different from conventional conventional weight loss programs because because it gives the individual more control. "Some diet centres hand you a bag of low fat food. Once that food in gone, you go back to your old eating habits. Control Control is still in their hands." Almost half the women in North America and one quarter of the men are interested in losing losing weight at any given time. But diets can be monotonous, even dangerous. And most arc doomed to fizzle. In fact, 95% of people who do diet end up heavier than they started as a result of metabolic changes caused by drastically reduced caloric intake. While Lamothe laments society's society's current obsession with thinness, she also points out that individuals at unhealthy body weights risk developing diabetes, stroke, cancer and other cardiovascular disease. The exact- date and time of the H.E.L.P. program has not been set, although it will likely begin in mid-February, one evening per week. (Lamothe hopes to lake an informal census census of registrants to determine the most convenient evening.) Classroom instruction will last a little over an hour, with ample time for a question-and- answer session and discussion. The cost will be $125 for the 12 weeks. It should prove to be a wise investment in a healthier future. future. Anyone interested is asked to call Christina Lamothe at Memorial Memorial Hospital: 623-3331, ext. 5750. Oshawa Little Theatre Cast Spreads "Rumors" Tiic Oshawa Little Theatre cast are currently rehearsing their roles for the upcoming production of Neil Simon's farcical romp, "Rumors". This uproarious comedy is directed directed by D'arcy Smyth and showcases the acting talents of some of Durham's finest performers. The play runs February 1 to 17 at Oshawa Little Theatre. Is 1996 your year to shape-up? If so, dietician Christine Christine Lamothe suggests trading in your fad diet for the common sense of Canada's Food Guide. She'll be heading heading up the Healthier Eating Lifestyle Program (H.E.L.P.) at Memorial Hospital this February.,To register for the 12-wcck course call 623-3331, extension 5750. OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE presents /QX the hilarious farce RUMORS^ by NEIL SIMON Directed by D'Arcy Smyth Produced by Lamie Rosen February 1 - 4, 8 - 11,15 - 17 at 62 Russotl Avenue, Oshawa Curtain Time 8:00 p.m. Tickets arc $12 available in advance from Say well's, 14 Simcoc St. S., Oshawa or at the box office on performance nights © j.p. The Lung Association wants to see a generation of non- smokers. The sooner the better. It's a lofty goal. And, during the National Non-Smoking Week (Jan 15 to Jan 19) the association association was promoting its Lungs arc For Life School Program Program so fewer of today's kids grow up to be tomorrow's smokers. The Lung Association is targeting targeting grade six students across Durham because the pre-teen years arc prime time to get through to kids about the drawbacks of smoking. Cathy Sakata, community program coordinator, calls it the "decision-making age." They're still receptive to adult input, she says, and peer pressure hasn't become quite the force it soon will be. The big problem is that a smoking addiction takes its. young victims by surprise. Like generations before them, kids get conned, Sakata says. Kids get the mistaken impression impression that the majority of adults smoke, when in fact only one- third still do. "They'll have cigarettes The Oshawa 8c District Chamber of Commerce and The Clarington Business Group presents "The Politics of Downloading" Tuesday, January 30,1996 Bowmanviile Recreation Complex (Highway 2 and Regional Road 57) 12:00 noon $26.75 (includes $1.75 GST) In her annual address to Durham businesses, Clarington Mayor, Diane Hamre, takes an in-deplh look at the fiscal realities facing municipalities across Ontario, Hear how Clarington plans on dealing with provincial cutbacks. Her Worship, Mayor Diane Hamre Annual Mayor's Luncheon COMPANY NAME: CONTACT: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: , FAX: NUMI3ER OF TICKETS: x $26.75 (GST WR107804734) For reservations call Deborah at 728-1603 or fax this form to 432-1259 Please make cheques payable to: The Oshawa & District Chamber of Commerce 50 Richmond SI root East, McLaughlin Square, Oshawa, Ontario 1,1 G 7C7 plrxtso Involco chrxiuo to follow cheque unclosed CANCWATION1WFUND AVAIIAHLT UNTIL JANUARY 23, 1996 Brought to you through tiro gonotous support ol ®lfe (ttmiahum Statesman ■62 King St, West, Bowmanvlllo when they're with llicir buddies" buddies" (over half will try it by age 12 ) "and before they know it, they've become smokers and they've never made a decision." decision." That's where the Lungs arc for Life School Program comes in. It gets the anti-smoking message across at a critical stage of their social development. development. The easiest way to avoid smoking is not to start. The content of the school program varies, but usually lasts a little over an hour. "Basically, we try to make them understand what happens physically," says Sakata. "The decision to smoke is not just to have a cigarette. We tell them they won't feel as good playing playing sports. And we ask who will get hired for the paper route - the smoker or the non- smoker? Smokers-find gelling up in the morning harder." The easiest way to avoid an addiction is not to start. Kids in grade six can understand that. Even by grade eight, prevention prevention is often too late. Almost a fifth of Canadian schoolkids are already hooked by then. In fact, smoking cessation programs have been introduced in some junior public schools. If you'd like to invite the Lung Association to your school or group, call 436-1046. One of the instructors who'll be talking to kids in Clarington is Joan Johnston, who runs Smokers Overcoming Smoking (SOS) seminars for adults out of the Oshawa headquarters at 40 King Street. West. Johnston smoked for 30 years before giving it up for gtxxl four years ago. When her 12-ycar-old asthmatic asthmatic granddaughter was caught smoking recently, she was anxious to convince iter to stop. It was Johnston's collapse due to smoking-related illnesses illnesses which convinced her to finally finally kick her habit. Now she wants to save lier granddaughter granddaughter and others of lier generation from a similar fate. According to the Lung Association, Association, as long as there arc children smoking, there is someone facing a future of cancer, emphysema and death Rom smoking-related illnesses. "We lia vc to make them aware of the importance of this," Sakata says. "We have to make them aware that it's serious." serious." Strong anti-smoking messages messages taught at home should be backed up at the schools, she says, through policy and classroom classroom instruction. The Facts of Lighting Up By age 12: 50% of Canadian children have tried smoking By age 14: 15% of boys and 20% of girls arc daily smokers By age 17: 27% of boys and 30% of girls arc habitual smokers Despite the Ontario Tobacco Act, which prohibits the sale of cigarettes to anyone under 19, kids still get hold of them - from older kids who sell them individually or from friends. Eaelt month, 3,000 children enter the tobacco market in Ontario. Peer pressure is the largest factor leading kids to smoke. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON March Break Bonanza and Summer Day Camp Programs Applications are now being accepted from responsible students for the 1996 March Break Bonanza and'Summer Day Camp Programs. Responsible students 16 years of age and older who have good leadership and creative skills will .be required to supervise and work with children 6-13 years of age. Experience would be an asset. Applications may be submitted prior to February 12, 1996. Thank you for your interest, however, only those applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. For further information, please contact the Community Services Department. Office of the Administrator 40 Temperance Street Bowmanviile, Ontario L1C 3A6 t MUNICIPALITY OF J glaring Ion rT: OUTAniO ~ Please quote File #2-96 CS-5672 ©J.P. NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call Welcome!^* z AGON Wel< Sandra Yates Maria Boone 623-5873 987-5030 Bowmanviile Area Newcastle - Orono Area Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information.©]