Page 12 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, June 21, 1997 Trial Underway for Woman Accused of Shooting Husband The trial of a Bowmanvillc woman accused of the shooting and attempted murder of her husband is expected to continue for the next three weeks at provincial court in Whitby. Christine Alexander, 47, faces attempted murder and firearm charges related to the November 2, 1995, shooting in which her estranged husband, David, 47, was shot in the face with a .22 calibre calibre rifle. Mrs. Alexander has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder. The trial began on June 18 with the prosecutor alleging the enraged Mrs. Alexander shot her husband at their Hwy 2 home near Holt Road when he refused to back down from his intention to seek a divorce after 22 years of marriage. In the crown's opening address to the jury, Mrs. Alexander was described as physically.abusive. • . She is also accused of twice assaulting her husband with a knife, and stalking him prior to the shooting. Prosecutors say they anticipate introducing evidence of a 14- month period of abuse which drove Mr. Alexander to end the marriage. The couple's two sons were removed from the family home by Children's Aid in the spring of 1995, the court was told. Although the victim survived the shooting, he still has the bullet lodged in his head. THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 1997 FINAL TAX N9T1CE FIRST INSTALMENT of the 1997 FINAL TAX NOTICE is due for REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX First Instalment PAYABLE JUNE 25,1997 If you have not received your Final Tax Notice, please telephone the Municipal Tax Office at (905) 623-3379. 1997 Taxes are PAYABLE at the locations detailed on the front of the Tax Notice. Failure to receive a Tax Notice does not eliminate the responsibility for the payment of taxes and penalty. J3L MUNICIPALITY OF arinqton R.L. Swan Tax Collector CS-Ind. 6179 ONTARIO ©J.P. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMER HOURS This will advise that the summer hours for the Municipal Administrative Centre will be 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., starting Wednesday, July 2, 1997 until Friday, August 29, 1997. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 J3l MUNICIPALITY OF arinqton ONTARIO Date of Publication: June 18, 1997 June 25, 1997 CS-Ind. 6719 ©j.p. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS ADOPTION OF A BY-LAW REGULATING SIGNS Pursuant to Chapter M.45, Subsection 207 (146) of the Municipal Act, notice is hereby given of a meeting of Council to be held on July 7, 1997 to consider the adoption of a By-law regulating signs. The new By-law would have the effect of repealing By-law 76- 25 (Sign By-law) of the former Town of Newcastle, now the Municipality of Clarington. The new By-law'would control and regulate the erection, placement, .maintenance and display of all signs Within the corporate limits of the Municipality of Clarington. Explanations and details of the By-law may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the office of the Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, or by calling Heather Brooks, Planner, Planning Department at 623-3379. The meeting required pursuant to Chapter M.45, Subsection 207 (146) of the Municipal Act will be held as follows: DATE: MONDAY, JULY 7, 1997 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Council shall hear any person who will be affected by the proposed By-law and who applies to be heard by contacting" the Clerk's Department prior to July 2,1997 at 12 Noon. ,Gi MUNICIPALITY OF arinqton ONTARIO Publication date: June 18,1997 CS-Ind. 5476 Franklin Wu, R.R.P., M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 ©j.p. Executive Reviews Challenges and Achievements at Memorial Hospital From page 1 Memorial Hospital is part of a coalition of 905/GTA hospitals which want to see growth funding funding incorporated in the annual funding formula "so we don't have to continue to lobby," Wilson said. During the past year, the board and staff have been designing the future role of the hospital and health care system in the Durham Region through the restructuring process, Wilson said there is a move to close and merge hospitals to "streamline and rationalize the system" led by the Health Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC). Using the Acute Care Study as a jumping off point, the commission has began its analysis of Durham's hospitals. Since integration is the way to go, "we have been participating participating jn a Council of Durham's health care providers, which includes the acute care hospitals and the major community care services. services. This group coordinated the submissions by the Durham Region community-based providers and the Hospital Council of Durham Region to the Restructuring Commission," Wilson said. Also, "we . are actively working with our partners in the community and in the region to develop this vision of the future," he said. Another goal the hospital is working towards is bringing more doctors to the area. To that end, "we have engaged consultants to work with a lead group of physicians on to investigate the issues related to establishing an integrated integrated health system." Dr. Leon Irish told the 30 members of the public in atten dance that, in the next three weeks, there should be an announcement made introducing' introducing' a new general surgeon to the community. He also stated three new physicians would be setting up practices in Clarington in the near future. CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the following in our 75 Years Storewide Summer Fun'Sale. Page 7. Item 5. Rawlings 10-1/2" baseball glove, 80-3004X is not exactly as shown. We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current 75 Years Vacation Start-up' Sale. Page 3. Bauer In-line M20 Junior skates, 84-7364X are only available in sizes 1 to 5. Page 28. Motomaster SK110, LE and Aqua Plus tire. Copy should read: While quantities last. Selection may vary by location. ©j.p. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. cnote325/326-97 zones all - PADDY'S APPLIANCE Sales & Service Jed McKeen, Owner LARGE INVENTORY OF NEW & USED APPLIANCE PARTS ryry In Stock Appliance Parts with this coupon until July 15, 1997 I i ! i i I NEW AND RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES • Washer • Dryers • Fridges • Dishwashers • Stoves • Freezers • Dehumidifiers ' • Bar Fridges • Air Conditioners * All used appliances come with a 6 month warranty * Manufacturer's warranty on new appliances. ' ■ - 'w J ' •< * i V-yi . • 7 ':■■■ Ênt/Kut Dcmby ROPER KitchenAid Larry Dean Licensed Serviceman Visit our large showroom Taunton Road, Hampton STORE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Thursday Evening till 8:00 p.m. I e ra c DIRECT PAYMENT ©J.P. FOR SALES OR SERVICE CALL 1-800-798-5502 OR 263-8369 VISA N ♦ PADDY'S MARKET ■ ony Rd. Taunton Rd. ■o DC 0) u K to m j b 3 Hwy. 2 jc. m o X O X