i Page 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 25, 1997 Section Two BIACKSTOCK NEWS Students and Residents Attend "Farewell" at High School by Joyce Kelly On Saturday, the 60th anniversary of the annual Ferguson Picnic was held at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Over 80 descendants of Sarah and Samuel Ferguson enjoyed a full day's programme which concluded concluded by attending the Strawberry supper at the Blackstock United , Church. Many members of the clan attended from distant points. David and Mary Ellen Taylor travelled from their home in Minneapolis, Minnesota to attend. They belong to Branch 3 to which Bill Marlow belongs. Bill is the only Cartwright member member of Branch 3.- The annual Strawberry supper supper at the United Church on Saturday evening was a fine success success with many people enjoying the delicious meal. For registration for the ONO Swim Bus programme call Nancy Bryans at 986-5530 as soon as possible. Dora Martyn, Muriel Wotten, Helen Dorrell and ■ Carol Thornton attended the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Women's Institute held in Hamilton last week. They were among the over 2000 women from around the world celebrating celebrating this important event. Many from this area attended the decoration service at the Pine Grove cemetery, Prince Albert on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Lloyd and Thelma Wright were part of the overflow congregation congregation at the Dedication service of the St. Mary's Chapel, Lifford on Sunday afternoon. This beautiful beautiful new chapel replaces the St. Mary's Church which was destroyed by lire some years ago. Among the clergy present was • Reverend Susan Sheen, minister at Millbrook and formerly a teacher at CHS. Many members of the community community and former students attended the open house held at the high school on Friday afternoon afternoon to say "Farewell" to Leo Plue who is leaving CHS on June 30th. Best wishes in your new appointment. There were 13 tables at the card party with the. following winners - Roy Werry with a high score of 90, Velma Johnston, Naomi Kemp, Helen Dorrell, Norman Rohrer, Marg Finney and Grace Manns. Lucky draws were won by William Dunn, Gary Nottenboom (2), Keith VanCamp, Tom Manns and Richard Potter. St. John's News by Colin Beal On Thursday, June 19th, the ladies of St. John's joined with the ladies from our former sister parish of the Ascension in Port Perry for a supper in St. John's Parish Hall. St. John's provided the 'main' dishes, while the Ascension ladies tempted 'our side' with some quite 'sinful' desserts. St. John's own Newfoundland lassie, Olive Grunert, provided the entertainment entertainment and kept the assembly in stitches with tales from the Rock! 1 am assured that all who attended attended are eager to do it again. Sunday, June 22nd was a day for congratulating" a lot of St. John's people for a variety of reasons. reasons. At the Sunday Eucharist, Father Hugh presented certificates certificates to 25 younger members of the parish who attend the Church School and/or have been active in one or more of the Children's Choirs, Father Hugh's Instrumental Music Group, the altar servers. All these children have worked very hard during the year and richly deserve their certificates of merit. We also congratulate those who have taught and assisted in the various activities, they too, have worked hard and unstintingly with the children. The congregation also extended very warm congratulations congratulations and thanks to Jane Fisher who has taught in the church school for more than 10 years - the last 4 of which she also served as Church School Superintendent. These last four years have seen a sizeable increase in the School enrolment and Jane has done a remarkable job in ensuring that the programme programme has been well presented in all the various age groups. During the Sunday Coffee Hour, birthday wishes were sung for Norma.Wolfe and Jack Green and, while there was no musical accompaniment, many friends took time to give hugs, love, good wishes and congratulations to Catherine Corden who is retiring retiring from her long and successful career as a teacher. Tuesday, June 24th, is the Feast of Saint John the Baptist, the patron of the Parish of Cartwright, and Father Hugh will celebrate the mid-week Eucharist in honour of the saint and in thanks for, and commemoration of, the founders and builders of the parish. The service will commence commence at 7:00 p.m. Our Parish Birthday celebra tions will continue through Sunday, June 29th, the Feast of. St. Peter and St. Paul, when, after the Sunday Eucharist, there will be a Parish Birthday Party with a Barbecue, pot luck picnic lunch and games for children of all ages. A special guest at thfe church service will be Reverend Canon Ansley Tucker whom many will remember as a former Parish priest of St. John's. Ansley will preach at the Service, Father Hugh will celebrate the Eucharist. We welcome all present present and past members of the parish, and friends in the community, community, to join us on this day of rejoicing. Neil and Noreen Malcolm attended a double celebration on Sunday in honour of their granddaughter granddaughter Janelle Kellogg. Janelle was confirmed at Welcome United Church on Sunday and also celebrated her thirteenth birthday at. a family gathering held at her parents, MaryLou and David Kellogg. Congratulations to three local boys who. were 'p ar t of the Man vers Mustang Midgets who were crowned All Ontario Champions after winning four games against a team from Walpole Island. Derek Lceming, Brennan Malcolm and Jeff Newell attended a recent banquet along with their team mates, friends and family members at the Manvers Arena Banquet Hall to celebrate their championship. The boys received a video of the highlights of the series, a team picture, championship medallions medallions and either a leather jacket or engraved hockey ring. Congratulations boys! PERFORMANCE DEALERS Gives new meaning to the words "booster seat SMARTLEASE r T7 Grand Am Sedan 3b months/$li4SD down 155 HP 3• 1 litre SFI Vb engine-i 4-speed automatic transmission with enhanced traction system-i v n dual air bags-i 4-wheel 1! 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