The Canadian Statesman. liuwmanvillc. June 25. 1997 Page 5 Report from Queen's Park by John O'Toole • Topless Issue Causes Concern • The Ontario Court of Appeal decision in the Gwen Jacob case lias caused a number number of my constituents to call or write to me. Many municipalities municipalities are attempting to deal with the topless issue by passing passing by-laws to regulate the behavior. Oiir ' Attorney General, the Hon. Charles Harnick wrote on February 10, 1997 to then Attorney General for Canada, the Hon. Allan Rock, requesting him Ur look at ss. 173 and 174 pf the Criminal Code provisions dealing with public nudity. Public decency is at the heart of this issue Public decency. is at the heart of this issue. Vaut aware that members of our government government caucus are considering issuing a Private -Members bill to amend the Municipal Act to allow municipalities to pass by-laws setting out standards standards of dress in public places,, but this is primarily a federal issue and it would make more sense to ensure that every individual shows respect for others. I It is not unusual to see signs in restaurants and other public places stating, "no shoes, no shirt, no service". Perhaps all the news reports are giving this issue more attention than it deserves. I read a petition into the record last week and I have copies of this petition at my constituency constituency office if people are interested interested in circulating it. Bill 99, is the legislation which is intended to reform the Workers' Compensation Board. Members of the legislature legislature will spend 14 days listening listening to input in Toronto and around the province. The existing WCB legislation dates back to 1914. Over the last 10 years, all three parties have attempted to reform this legislation. The Public Auditor as far back as 1992 has recommended, "a strategy strategy to deal with the unfunded liability should be developed and implemented as quickly and, effectively as possible." The current unfunded liability is $10.4 billion and is projected projected to be $18 billion by 2014 if no action is taken. Our average average employer assessment is $3.00 per $100.00 of payroll, second only to Newfoundland. Every time an employer hires.. .someone, they also accept a $4,000.00 piece of the liability. We are adjusting the pre-injury net earnings to 85% from 90% (tax free income). This is similar similar to most other provinces. We are also reducing employer employer premiums by 5% to be competitive with other provinces. Inflation protection protection is being adjusted but disabled disabled and survivors of deceased injured workers are not affected. These changes do not affect individuals currently currently on a WCB benefit. One of the most important changes being considered is ê>t. Jdim's Anglican Cljttrtij Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1997 FEAST OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL 8:00,a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion EACH WEDNESDAY IN JULY: 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying-on ; of-Hands for Healing 7:00 p.m. Contemporary Service aJP Rector-The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B, BQ Ü>t. Raul's Eititeb Church 178 Church Street Bowmanville Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. . Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1997 Sunday Worship -10:30 a.m. OUTDOOR SERVICE and PICNIC at ORONO PARK . St. Paul's is closed for the month of July. The congregation is invited to worship with Trinity United. Nursery Care fur Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you 3 J.P. to fnnkc St. Paul's your church home. the return to work provisions in Part 5, Section 40. There is a great deal of evidence that an early return to work is an important part of recovery. All parties will have to work together to allow the injured worker to return to as normal a life as possible. Finally, the Act is being amended with a new focus on prevention. The new board will co-ordinate the Ontario health and safety system and will adopt a new name, The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Safety and prevention is the responsibility responsibility of everyone in every workplace. Milt Farrow has presented his final report on the Greater Toronto Services Board to the Hon. A1 Leach. The report, "Getting Together" has already had some response from the Regional Governments. The report suggests suggests that we must look forward forward to long-term infrastructure infrastructure coordination in the GTA. Areas to consider are GO Transit, waste management and economic development. The Minister has suggested he is still looking for input and will bring forward legislation legislation in the fall. On a similar subject, I met with the Durham Utilities Group, which is examining the feasibility of amalgamating amalgamating tiie eight municipal utilities utilities in Durham into one. I commend the commissioners and staff for their foresight and hard work. Their excellent excellent report suggests that they could provide a very high level of customer service while saving over $5 million annually. It appears that a couple of municipalities may be having second thoughts. However, it is this type of leadership that is required today so we can provide reliable reliable service at an affordable cost. The second announcement on changes to school curriculum curriculum were made last week. The new secondary school curriculum will be introduced in the 1999 school year. This means that in September, 1997, children entering Grade, 7 will have a new curriculum. Two years later, in 1999, when these students arrive in Grade 9, they Will have a new curriculum that fits. The response from many educators educators has been positive. We must do this right so that our children will be competitive with the best of the world. If you want copies of any reports referred to in this or any article, call my constituency constituency office at 697-1501 or L/D 1-800-661-2433. "Opportunities are frequently frequently missed because they are often disguised as hard work". Decisions, Decisions Christine Gill judges some of the entries in a recent Orono Horticultural Society show. With her are: Doreen Lowery, Show Chairperson and June Heard, a Director of the Orono Horticultural Society. $"$$$ AIR CONDITIONING CHECK-UP firettone INSPECTION & LEAK TEST SYSTEM (FREON EXTRA) Vniacarane 41**° p * rt ' " - 95i taxes extra Apex Auto Centre436-3000 Salvation Army Church 75 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville Sunday School for July and August 11 a.m. ALL CHILDREN WELCOME! Morning service 10 a.m. No evening service for the month of July Evening service resumes August 3rd at....6 p.m. z CLARINGTON ANIMAL HOSPITAL ÏM Tel: (905) 404-2030 COURTICE CORNERS PLAZA 2727 Courtice Road, #1-A Courtice, Ontario CATS ♦♦ DOGS ♦♦ EXOTICS June 28, 1ÇQ7 Love, from your family Happy 50th Anniversary Don and Dolly Brool ks Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, b.Sc, Phm. There's much written about dangers of cocaine use during pregnancy. Duke University researchers report that cigarettes may be more harmful titan cocaine to the developing fetus. Cigarette smoke exposure produced a reduction in some brain nerve cells. Conclusion; Don't smoke anything ... especially if you're pregnant. By the way, cigarette butts can be a cause of poisoning in young children. If you smoke ensure you dispose of your butts. Nicotine poisoning can cause respiratory problems, Irregular heartbeat and convulsions. We've mentioned In this column before of the Importance of handwashing. handwashing. A recent survey found that 48% of people don't wash their hands after petting an animal; 33% don't wash after coughing or sneezing and 22% don't wash their hands after handling money. Routine handwashing handwashing reduces Infection. Can a couple of big cups of coffee help your breathing problems with hay fever? The caffeine In coffee has a relaxing effect on the bronchial tubes which makes breathing easier. However, before drinking more coffee, remember caffeine can also raise blood pressure and cause sleeping problems. Carry a list of routinely used medications with you at all times. This list can be helpful In an emergency situation and save valuable time in treatment. Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (905) 623-7611 ©j.p. WCB Changes From page 4 malely be nothing file worker's doctor can do. To further harass the worker, the boss will be tesponsihle lot developing and policing any form of return to wotk program without any intervention intervention from the Board. What this does is transfer full control of the worker's weekly income into the hands of their boss. Workers will he harassed at home, forced to return to work not fully recovered, or intimidated intimidated into not filing a claim at all. This will certainly result in a "statistically safer Ontario." But, in reality, those injured workers will seek income from the welfare welfare system which will clearly lesult in an off load of financial responsibility from the employers employers in the province directly onto the taxpayers. It is quite ironic and somewhat somewhat disturbing when, on one hand Harris and Winner preach financial responsibility, and on the other give a six billion dollar gift to the employers by way of a 5% reduction in the rates they pay. To add insult to injury, there will be a change in the name of the current Workers' Compensation Board to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Bill 99 has nothing to do with the current or future finances of the Board, regardless what you call it. It is clearly an out right attack on injured workers and their families. The privatization of Ontario's workers' compensation compensation system is on the very near horizon. This will result in a fundamental fundamental change in the system from one that is solely client driven driven to a system that will be more like the USA which is profit driven. driven. The Ontario Workers' Compensation Board is more efficiently run than other comparable comparable systems in North America. It takes about 18% of revenue to pay for the administration of the Ontario system, whereas the private-for-profit private-for-profit systems in the States lake about 50% for administration. administration. The Ontario WCB lias never borrowed a dime since it was established in 1914 and stood in the top ten list of corporations corporations in Ontario in 1996. Smoke and Mirrors? I think so! This Bill is currently before a standing committee who are preparing for public hearings, a process I might add that has been manipulated by Winner et al, so as to limit the input of injured workers and effectively silence them. Of the 600 requests for presenters a total of 30 will he allowed to present in .Toronto. What a joke. There are currently 1300 such requests, with 10 hours of hearing time set for Toronto which began June 16. 1997. There are only six other dates set for around the pi evince. In my opinion, legislation so important to injured workers requires that the committee should be given the consultative time frame to hear from as many stakeholders as possible and these voices would not be the voices of Buzz Hargrove, Cord Wilson or Boh While for that matter. They will he the voices of those workers who have had their lives turned upside down and literally controlled by the WCB. I implore and urge all of those who are injured workers or know of an injured worker, your mother, mother, your brother, your sister, your aunt, father, etc. to contact or write Joint O'Toole and the Standing Committee to force them to listen to reason and allow more time for those wanting wanting to present the necessary and fair allotment of time to do so. The fate of all injured workers, workers, past and present is at stake friends. Do your part. Concerned and Aiiffry Colin Argyll 1 THE CUTTING POST Family Haircare JULY SPECIAL Free Wax with Shampoo, Cut and Styl or Chemical Service Value $7.00 to $14.00 29 Scugog Street ~ LBotvmanviile' 1 623-4551' Parking Exciting News about Hearing Aids! FREE FREE FREE One Year Supply of Premium Zinc Air Batteries with New Hearing Aid Purchase' There's no excuse today for not wearing a hearing aid. Large behind ihe ear models are now very seldom needed as aids have become smaller and more powerful. The latest hearing aids are completely in the canal, lightweight and barely visible. "You wouldn't leave home without your glasses. It should be the same if you need a hearing aid." „ ,, , , ' • Otter valid with this ad For further information or to set up an appointment, please call Bowmanville Hearing Centre Memorial Hospital Clinic, 11 Lambert St., Bowmanville . 623-6500 sue. The Lord Elgin School Council would like to thank the community and all volunteers for helping to make our 2nd annual Fun Fair another great success. A special thanks to the following list of local businesses and individuals who graciously made donations to help raise $2600" (despite the weather) which will be used towards Science and Technology programs and resources. A&P Kut 'N' Kurl Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Lange's Photo Alleen's Beauty Salon Lifestyles Health and Fitness Amey's Distributing Company Ltd. Lily Cup Ayren Links Golf and Country Club Lions Club Baskin Robbins Little Harbour Trading Co. Bev's Floral Creations Lord Elgin School Council Blockbuster M&M Meat Shop Body & Sole MCA Canada Bowmanville Restaurant & Tavern McDonalds - Townline & #2 Bowmanville Zoo Milton's Beer & Wine Brian Hard (Darth Vadcr) Mosport International Raceway Cactus Clothing Mostert Greenhouse Carter's Bakery Mr. Submarine Clarington Computer Centre Pam Fenton (Avon) Clarington Driving Range Parent & Teacher Volunteers • Cliffcrest Cleaners Lord Elgin P.S. Cockerham's Florist Pat Pringle Coronation Restaurant Pizza Pizza Cub Scouts Print Zipples Cullen Gardens R.G. Sanding & Floor Screwing Dairy Dream Ltd. Davis Printing Roy's Variety Family Gathering S. & S. Learning Frank McQuay Scholastic Books Gold Reflections Shoe City Goodyear Bowmanville Shoppers Drug Mart Halenda's Subway Subs Hanc's Restaurant The Bridal Path Harvey's/Swiss Chalet The Cutting Post Heritage House Restaurant The Golden Griddle Home Hardware The Perfect Gift Hooper's Jewellers Tim's Fifth Wheel Truck Stop IGA Troll Books Intowne Gallery Video King James Publishing Winchester Arms Jim Shaw YWCA Kids Zone ttl J.P.