Vii ne 8 The Canadian SiaicMiun. Bowmanville. June 25. 1997 Enniskillen News by Betty Wright On Sunday, June 22nd wc held our Sunday School and Community Picnic at Tyrone Community Centre with a joint service with Reverend Norman Seli leading us in the Worship service. Wc would like to thank Reverend Scli's father (The Banjo Player) for coming and helping out with the service. Everyone who attended the service service and picnic had a great time and a delicious meal. Alter the picnic games followed. Our summer church services are as follows: These will be joint services at 9:30 a.m. June 29th at Tyrone - The Friendly Club will be worshipping worshipping with us. July 6th at Tyrone - Reverend Seli will be preaching. July 13th at Tyrone - Reverend Paul Irwin will be our minister. July 20th at Tyrone - Reverend Seli will be worshipping worshipping with us. July 27th at Tyrone - Reverend Seli will be preaching. August wc will be back in our own church again. The renovations renovations will be done. August 3rd Enniskillen - with Reverend Norman Seli as our minister. August 10th Enniskillen - with Susan Plcasancc leading us in worship. August 17th Enniskillen - Ralph Worry will be leading us. August 25lh wc go to Enfield Church. Reverend Norman Seli will be with us. August 31st again at Enfield with Ralph Worry. Mrs. Lome Butterfield. Regional Rd. 20 and Alan and Edith Grccnhow, Diversion, Cumbria, England in the Lake District were Monday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Belly. The Community Barbcque put on by the Enniskillen School was a huge success. There arc still chocolates for sale for the Restoration Fund of our church. Contact Wanda Sharpe 263-4720. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainlon attended the Open House for Ada and Murray Adams on Sunday at Memorial Park Club House for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. Brent Clemens, Bryce and Tori, Courticc were Thursday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coombs, Scarborough were Sunday visitors of Clara Page. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Sara Clarke won 4th place in the Shot Put at the Divisional Championship held at the Civic Auditorium for Junior Senior Public School. Congratulations Sara. Mrs.Wilfrid Bowman visited Mrs. Harold Beamish at E.xtcndicarc Nursing Home in Oshawa. They were both dinner guests at The Keg of Mr. and Mrs. John Beamish and family, Bailcboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Demers Sydenham visited with Ella on the weekend and they attended the Decoration Day service service at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggolt visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gcrryts, Mosport Road on Wednesday and on Sunday they attended a performance of Mcdicvil Times. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chambers, Lindsay and attended Decoration Day at St. Peter's Cemetery, Vcrlum on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick llowc visited visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Brad Huggins and family, Peterborough. Mr. Edgar Wright and Betty visited Melanie Axlord and Dan Blakely last Monday night. The U.C.W. meeting was held June 18th. Wc met at the church at 9:30 am. and were invited to tour the garden of Jake and Dorothy just cast in the vil lage. This was just beautiful, the flower, shrubs and Gofer Pond was equal to a mini Cullen Gardens. Wc then visited the home of Carol Christie where Carol and Nikki welcomed us with a coffee break and as our numbers increased till all were ready. Wc left together to have our luncheon luncheon in Burnham House at 760 Lansdoxvnc E. Peterborough. 20 ladies were shown to a dining room, where wc were served a delicious lunch. Wc had a short business period where wc finished finished plans and decisions until we meet again in September. The meeting and programme was planned by Velma Griffon and Margaret Stainton. We would like to say thank you to the ladies who shared their cars. For those who couldn't join us, wc missed you. Best wishes to Ruth Stcngcr in hospital. Before wc meet again wc have two dinners, a wedding and a bake sale to keep us alert. Wc also have a musical concert planned for October 3rd, bring your neighbour and you can sit with your feet up that night. New Executive for Lioness Club Members of the executive of the Bowmanville Lioness Club seem to be all set for those lazy days of summer. But, they'll actually be very busy with the Lioness Club's community activities activities in the months ahead. Club members include: front row, from left, Ann Hilborn, Vice President; Linda Rohr, Treasurer; Doreen Cripps; President and Elizabeth Anderson, Secretary; Shown in the back row, from left, arc: Billie Kemp, Director; Dianne Short, Past President; Anne Kent, Tail-Twister and Shcrron VanZant, Director. The Lioness directors took office on June 17th. Blackstock Truck and Tractor Pull Set for July 4th and 5th Two great nights of entertainment entertainment are coming soon at the annual Truck and Tractor Pull at the • Blackstock Fairgrounds. pro stocks to highway tractors. tractors. On Saturday night, starting at 7:00 p.m., you'll sec the tractors in action - vintage fun and thrills July 4- 5 at the Fairgrounds in Blackstock. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMER HOURS This will advise that the summer hours for the Municipal Administrative Centre will be 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., starting Wednesday, July 2, 1997 until Friday, August 29, 1997. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 /7\. MUNICIPALITY OF taring ton ONTARIO Date of Publication: June 18, 1997 June 25, 1997 CS-lnd. 6719 ©j.p. ® Ontario Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Home Annual Licence Renewal of Strathaven Lifecare Centre, Bowmanville In avoirdancv xviih lhv Nursing Humus Acl. public opinion is buiiiK requested priur to ;i final decision brinn made on the above. if von have vomniriit> or opinions and wish to briny them to the attention of the Ministry of Health, you may submit them in writing by addressing them to: liirvvlor. Residential Services lira licit untario Ministry of Health â7' hi YunyvStreet. Till Moor North York. Ontario ML f M llv'> pi) !•!27-7.'if)7. by July LW l'l!)7 Please include the name of the nursiny home and quote Project F07MI.S cm all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before makiny a final decision. The action gets underway models, stock, pro-stock and Friday, July 4, at 7:30 p.m. the super powerful modifieds. with the truck pulls featuring Don't miss the Truck and everything from 4X4 stocks, Tractor Pull - two nights of Newtonville Fifty-five persons enjoyed the card party at Newtonville Hall on Friday, June 20th. Winners of the euchre games were: 1st Charlene Narlack with 88 points, 2nd Velma Clarke 87, 3rd Margaret Peacock 86, 4th Klaus Zulaul 86, 5th Betty Snow 85, and 6th June Wilson 84. Draw winners were: Martha Build, Joyce Stacey, Alden Hubbard (2), Muriel Burlch, Eileen Stapleton and Marie Couroux. The next card parly at Newtonville Hall will be held on Friday evening, July 4th. Orono On Wednesday evening at Orono Town Hall the following were winners of the euchre games: 1st Roy Hayward with 86 points; 2nd Joan Sutcliffe 83; 3rd Lena Graham 78; 4th Clara Mculeman 77; 4th Gladys Greenwood 77 and the low scorer was Ruth Grady. Draw winners were Helen Thorne, Gladys Greenwood, Ruth Grady, Waller Murphy, Bernice Partner and Marie Couroux. This was the last card game in Orono Town Hall until September. Clarington Y.W.C.A. Looking for Volunteers Bored? Don't have a summer job but would like to gain valuable work experience? If you are 14 years of age or older and like to work with children, then the Clarington Y.W.C.A. wants you! Camps are held each week throughout the summer from June 30 to August 22 for children ages 3 to 10, and arc located at Bowmanville Memorial Park, Orono Provincial Park, and Trinity United Church (Bowmanville). All volunteers must submit a resume, and arc expected to attend an interview. Volunteers must contribute their time lor a minimum of one week. For more information or to take part in this exciting, valuable experience, please call 623-9922. Four Generations Four generations of the West family are pictured here during the 70th wedding anniversary celebrations of Elmira and Fred West. With Mr. and Mrs. West are: son, Fred West; grandson, Tim West and Great Granddaughter, Katrina West. On some of our best selling '97 CM vehicles in stock. Amount Financed Cc ist of Borrowing at 7.9%** Cost of Borrowing at 3,9% * Terms APPROX. SAVINGS $20,000 $3,391.36 $1,632.64 48 mos. $1,758.72 $25,000 $4,239.20 $2,040.80 48 mos. $2,198.40 $30,000 $5,087.04 $2,449.44 48 mos. $2,637.60 Pontiac Grand Am Pontiac Sunfire GMC Jimmy Chevy Blazer Chevrolet Cavalier Chevrolet Lumina Hurry, because just like Spring, these breaks won't last. You should know this: 'This limited time oiler may not bo combined or used with other oilers. Otter applies to retail dolivorios ol 1907 now or demonstrator models purchased from dealer inventory. Financing on opprovod GMAC credit only, Example 1, $20,000 ol 3,9% APR, the monthly payment Is $450.08 lor 48 months. Cost ol borrowing Is $1,632,04. Tolal obligation Is $21,032.04. Example 2, $25,000 ol 3,9% APR, tho monthly payment is $503.35 lor 48 months. Cost ol borrowing Is $2,040.60. Total obligation Is $27,040.80. Examplo 3, $30,000 at 3.9% APR, tho monthly payment is $076.03 lor 48 months. Cost ol borrowing Is $2,449.44. Tolal obligation Is $32,449.44. Soo dealer 1er conditions conditions and details Down payment may bo required. Qutmtitios limited. "Dealer plan rate os of May 1,1997. Ei GRADUATE PROGRAM