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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1997, p. 18

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Page 18 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc. Saturday. September 13. 1997 Around The Town BASKETBALL ENTHUSIASTS! -- Come and be a part of the Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce's inaugural 3-on-3 basketball tournament to be held at this year's Fall Festival in Newcastle's historical historical downtown. The festival and tournament goes off on October 4th, rain or shine. Entrance fee is $15. For contest contest rules or to sign up, call Chamber of Commerce President Troy Young at 983-6103 or John Clark at 987- 9900. COPE MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM --- The Clarington COPE Mental Health Program is looking for volunteers to support clients in one-to-one matches and in group programs. An eight-week training course in "Helping and Communication Skills" will be provided. For more information, please call Janice Kraft at 623- 4123. FITNESS FOR LADIES -- Ladies Fitness Class resumes at Crossroads Christian Assembly Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m., beginning September 30th. Hostess: Toni DenHollandcr. Crossroads is located at 978 North Street, Newcastle, at Hwy. #115 and Concession #3. For more information, please call 987- 9955. We Asked...You Said Do you think something should be done to control photographers from hounding celebrities? Ml Nothing's going to stop them. Human nature being what it is, people are still going to continue doing it. Jim Anderson Maybe there should be a time limit on '\ how long they can film a person person and there shouldn't be so many at once. Margaret Langlois Yes. They get too involved in the celebrities' celebrities' private lives. Julie Stephenson J Past A Look Back at the Stories That Helped Shape Our Community J Laments Wins PC Nomination A t enthusiastic Cobourg Meeting Attended by Over1,000People VOLUME 118 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2i, 1972 ISe Per Cup- NUMBER 39 b* Benvm Mo.t t.wn t.lKi* jL.nmeo irv.ii Cob"'. 2 i* cla;. ?0 ro the -e/mer Oea, to Oi ii e Aihn La •• 'ifn t "• 1T uve li-'O tor No.-M.01i imi- tand-Om n-01 ov . D,n irt (.; a 21-y, '--s'-old»ng hi eir.- Thei «- Wf-tc 448 vj'llirt ri p|o. g» t« i it the nominalior. •hC' v «-re part of nn nudu of OUh- pno ", ho ero '. cii'r* tl.f r olio&inio's audio» 20-) p'-oplt •• at* nod •( ♦.edirg? \ i i ^ li - e TV that xvis set up m Hr-:;. Rober' Stanti<ir : , x-d- tr of to» Conservatives, «vg;. on hand for tne and ho bronchi alone hs «- itire', entourage, including a fi-ni-roo band named Ja'opy and halt, e dozen of the young Stanfield ~-t I; ,leiup> M rt» nif d the -1 : .if r.iv up pi'iu 1* to the (uinv hi noinlnaun.) mc/hne' and 1er* «he c'O" t\ in /Inline O Ov.r of the surprises of the TURN TO PAG* Tv.Q • LA WHENCE SLIPS INTO™ 'I OWN ON WEDNESDAY V C candidate Allan Law- i ioncc slipped into town this moi nine, to no a little "main- st 1 voting". The Sidtcvman found out about his vital purely by ac- eloeni when our reporter diopci'd into the PC committee committee room on King Street c\ at lunch time. Appaierith, Mr. Lawrence v av accompenied by a repo* repo* ipj and photographer tvum the Globe and Mail. We wonder if he realizes there is a newspaper here too? Many Advantages of Insurance Policies Explained at Rotary Bowmanvillc Rotariansiselling life insurance is a very heard a classification talk'difficult field because it. deals from Jack Terpstra. Sept cm- with death and very few pco- ber 21st at the Flying Dutch- pie want to talk about death, man Motor Inn concerning hi? However, Rotav. Jack feels present vocation, the life in- this is the wrong way to look aurancp business. at it. Life insurance means In Mr Terpstra's eyes most LIFE and a secure financial people view life insurance future for a bereaved wife and from a far too narrow perspcc--family. It can also provide sec- tive and many people are very!urity for retirement. Bceptical about even talking toi The speaker is active in the a life insurance man. One of field of Estate Planning which Mr. Terpstra's professors at involves making sure a proper university ' warned him thatl (turn to page-two j Alleged U-turn in Fog Causes 4-Car Pile Up Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanfield sit next to Allan Lawrence and his wife Moira at the nomination meeting meeting of the Norlhumberland-Durham Progressive Conservatives Conservatives on Wednesday, September 20th. The smiles are very much in order because only minutes earlier |Mr. Lawrence, the former provincial Secretary of When Peter Hupei, 52. fromlonto, causing an estimated,. , , . Toronto decided to turn oroundi$l,000 damage to the Penderl-Justice, had won the nomination over David Gray, on County Road 57 on Sunday .vehicle and S500 damage to his I * 24-year-old research chemist. In the background is a member of Stanfield's touring band, Jalopy, who had warmed up the more than 1,000 people who attended the meeting. In his nomination speech, Mr. Lawrence! , M .? re lhal '„20 mothers, most required said he quit provincial politics because all the neces- ot lhem wilh smaU children " sary reforms were being blocked at the federal level by the Trudeau government. ' morning, September 24th, he own car. p* 111 could have had no idea of the! Only minutes later, Arnold! HODV PÇ chain reaction it would cause. Thornton, 51, of Park Road! 1 1 7 « T In the middle of his alleged South, Oshaxva, come down U-turn, Mr. Pender's car col- County Road 57 in the heavy ' TURN TO PAGE TWO) lided wilh a southbound driven by Bruce Pender, 34, of Wellesley Avenue in Tor- JUST IGNORE IT On page six of this issue, k there's an advertisement r concerning a Notice ol Sitting Sitting of a Select Committee of the Legislature. Word was received Wednesday morning that the advt was not to be run. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, It had already been made ready for publication, Anv readers planning to make the trip to Thunder Bay for this meeting are asked to ignore the notice. 1,500 PUCKS FOR W.H.A. Who said the World Hockey Hockey Association wouldn't get off the .ground this autumn? Indications suggest suggest otherwise. The Winnipeg Jets recently recently purchased 1,500 hockey hockey pucks. Made at Good- ycar-Canada's Quebec city plant, the pucks are used by most National Hockey League teams, American Hockey League teams, and have been approved by the Ontario Hockey Associa- Preliminary Total 46,109 Fatal Mistake Carl D. Mullen, 19, R.R. 2, Pontypoo], was driving on County Road 5 in the north end of Manvers Township on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 23, when a pony owned owned by E. Neil of R.R. 2, Jan- etvllle, jumped onto the road In front of his car. Mr. Mullen was unable to avoid striking the animal animal and, as. a result, the pony was killed. An estimated estimated $500 damage was done to the Mullen vehicle. Constable T. A. Yardy of the Newcastle O.P.P. investigated investigated the accident. Arson Suspected $1,000 Reward Offered By Victim of Barn Fire 7,855 More Eligible Voters Than 68 Federal Election OUTDOOR SERVICE IN TYRONE PARK The Salvation A r m y (Bowmanvillc Corpsi will comlurt an outdoor worship service at the Community Park of Tyrone, Minday, Olulier 1st. 3:00 p.m. * li ucather conditions are unsuitable, the aboie service service «illl be held in the Community Community Hall at Tyrone. are welcome. By James Cutting -when there were only nine j Carroll Nichols, returning Idoublc polls. •officer for Northumberland-: Mr. Nichols explained there .Durham federal riding Wed- jhas to be a double poll when Incsday revealed there would 'the number of eligible voters re 40JU9 eligible voters for P er each polling station reach- the Oct. 30 election. !es more than 350 voters. If ! This represents an increase,the number is just one or two •of 7.855 voters more than the!voters over 350 limit, he can Î9Ü0 election, ./hen 38,254 vot-'M it go by hut if it reaches ers were eligible. 354 he definitely,, splits the Mr. Nichols said there po ^- : would have to be 41 double: Darlington Township in uolls or split polls, a consid-1Durham County will have to crable increase over 10(181 (turn to page two) Liberals Plan Area Meetings For Next Week Three important organization organization meetings are being planned for next week by Northumberland - Durham Liberals. The Bowmanvillc Liberals Liberals will hold their annual meeting and election of officers officers on Wednesday, Oct. 4th at Odd Fellows Centennial Centennial Hall, Queen Street, at 8:15 p.m. On the following even lug, Oi t. 5th, Darlington Township Liberals will hold a similar meeting at Solina Community Hall. And the Manvers Township Township Liberals will get together together the ne r xt evening, Oct, 6Ui, at the Chamber of Commerce Hall, Vontypool, for their annual meeting ami election of officers. Russell C. Honey, who is expected to lie re-nomlnat- ed on Monday in Cobourg, plans to attend these other meetings. John Bird, a Newcastle arealonly burned down the Bird Doultry farmer, is offering a barn but tried to set fire to the Bird farmhouse as well, by pouring gasoline over the front and back doors. Fortunately, Fortunately, the fire did not spread through the house and only the doors were damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Bird were not at home at the time of the blaze. A second fire was started a Mothers Want Action on Parking Problem poi „ $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction conviction of the culprit who started the fires that destroyed destroyed his bam and damaged a neighbor's building early Thursday evening, September 21. Mr. Bird is the owner of the Newtonville Game Bird Form located a half mile east few hours later in the founda- of Newtonville. ition of a nearby house that is The suspected arsonist not (turn to page two> BITS m PIECES I PREVENTION -- Last night, on the parking lot east of the fire hall, a large crowd of spectators gathered to watch the town's new foam producing machine in action as a warm-up for the Fire Prevention Week display in October. Before the machine was shut off, the parking lot resembled a washing machine that had gone beserk with an overdose of detergent. It was an impressive show. t T Ï - T TOO EARLY -- Our apologies to the Rev. Stanley Snowden of Maple who attended' Maple Grove United Church's' Centennial recently and was given an early retirement in the caption below the phiito that appeared on the front page. It appears he's still very active in the ministry, hut appreciated the congratulatory retirement cards received from friends. t t t ï ï ON SAME CARD -- Bowmanvillc Kiwanis have done it again. As a community service they have arranged a meeting of tile three federal election candidates for Monday, Oct. 23rd. It will be held in the auditorium of the new Bowmanvillc High School, with each candidate speaking for 10 minutes and then answering questions from the floor. As it will be only one week from election day, it could bo a most interesting session. t t t t t BIG DAY -- With the fog of Sunday and the excessive amount of traffic because of the Grand Prix at Mesport, Provincial Police report a record record they'd just as soon forget. In nil, there wore 25 accidents during the 24-hour period. Most of them were fonder benders without any serious or fatal injuries. The only fatal came at the CPU overhead bridge at 2KIII a.m, and that was investigated by town police, This too set an unhappy unhappy precedent because although many have gone over the bridge from almost every angle, this man was the first person killed there Hint we can remember, t t t t t WEARY STAFF -- If you've noticed the lights on and the typesetting machines and presses working long hours at The Statesman office recently, it's because the staff arc preparing the voters' lists for the federal election, By the time this appears In Russ Honey Is Only Contestant Federal Finance Minister Will Speak at Liberal Nomination Meet Next Monday will be a big) inight /or the Liberals of Nor-j thumbertnnd and Durham ! when they meet in Cobourg Collegiate West to select their candidate for the federal election election on October 30th. To date, it appears certain that the only contestant will be Russell C. Honey, the incumbent who has represented this constituency constituency since 1962 and in the last Parliament was Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons. Commons. Guest speaker at the meeting meeting will be one of the most influential members of the Trudeau government, the Hon. John N. Turner, currently Finance Finance Minister, who was first elected in 1962 to represent Montreal St. Lawrence-St. George. He was appointed Minister without Portfolio in 1965 and since then has been General until his appointment ;first appearance in tills arc» Registrar General, Minister of as Finance Minister in January and it is expected the Collect £rïf Ur 8nit u nd Corporate Af- of this year. iate auditorium will be pack- faiis, Solicitor General, Min- 1 An excellent speaker, Mr. cd to capacity with delegate! of Justice and AttorneyiTurncr will be making , his,and other Jnùnest cd.,citizens.. Parkway Mothers Stage Protest Demonstration Against School Buses 1 to use Parkway!the lot forced the church to t and Parkway Avenuclprohibit this policy, of their routes because! The streets in the Parkway tney are not allowed to turn!Crescent area are quite nar- Russell C. Honey Hon. John N. Turner with small children in hand, staged a protest derm onstration in front of St. Joseph's Joseph's Separate School or Parkway Crescent Monday morning, September 25th. The women arrived at 8:30 carrying carrying placards protesting what they feel àre the hazards for small children created by the six school buses which are used by the school. At present) the buses are HYDRO STILL ON STRIKE The three-month old strike by 12,000 Ontario Hydro workers is still on. The only development this week was the turn down by CUPE 1000 of Hydro's new offer that called for a three year contract with the minimum minimum wage increase of 16.5 percent and a maximum of 24 percent, plus a cost of living allowance and other concessions. Crescent as part they ai uol _ around in the parking lot of [row and none of them have St. Joseph s Church on Liberty sidewalks, noted Mrs. J. Wha- Strect. The buses were usingjlen, one of the spokesmen for the church parking_ lot up,the group. Mrs. Whalen's until a few years ago but dnm- thrcc-ycnr-old daughter, Lori, age to the blacktop surface ofl iturn to page two» Car Crash at Bridge Kills Young American A single car accident at the,cast across the bridge on Sun- CPR bridge on Highway 2 just day, September 24th at 2:00 west of town has claimed the a.m. when he failed to make life of a voung American and the corner onto Highway 2 and left another in hospital in crashed through the guard Oshaxva with head injuries. rail. Ronald J. Parkos, of Madi-; A passengci in the car son, Wisconsin, was heading 1 (turn to page two» Enthusiastic Response For Olympic Judo Coach From Bowmanville Lions by Bob Benson Monday night's meeting of! the Bowmanvillc Lions at the! Lions Centre must be classi-i fled as one of the high points | of recent weeks. Leo Hauns-i berger, Coach of the Canadian! Olympic Judo team, was the guest speaker and he held the Lions audience captive while he detailed his recent trip to the recent Olympics in Munich, Germany and . added his thoughts on Olympic sport in Canada. Jack Munday introduced Mr. Haunsbcrger. Both men are fellow teachers at Courticc Secondary School. Mr. ITnuns- berger, a fourth degree black belt in Judo, wore the brilliant red and white Olympic parade uniform issued to all of the 300 Canadian athletes and coaches ot the games. He spoke of the fantastic facilities at the Olympic Village Village where the competitors were housed. Superb and bountiful food, ' a pool and sauna, and even physio-thera- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Two Very Young Picketers Concerned Pnrlcwoy Crescent iUWi flagon I. lior.vni.initlnn in Iront of St. Joseph's bppni'.tk* Scowl uo Monday, September 25th. They ^nraJcJ with nuir.iilecenlii to protest nijulnsl the six school buses which use the area streets. The women want the buses to no back to using the parking lot of St, Joseph's Church which Is adjacent to the school. ... - , appe print, most of them will be dragging their feet and looking forward to a return to the normal work day. t t t t t ONE GAME TO GO -- Willi the Soviet.Team Cumula series all lied up nl three games apiece plus one tic, the final game on Thursday should lie one lo remember. Belli sides arc Imimd In lie up light and over anxious lo score at any cost, We only hope there will lie no major Inlor- luitloniil Incidents or brawls lo mar the performance. performance. Whichever way 11 goes, (lie players nn belli loams must have learned a great deal from curb oilier. The Team Canada players arc to lie com- mended on the way they have come back and tied Ibo series, The NHL playoffs will be lame affairs by comparison, Busy People Getting Ready For Opening Tile new County Chrysler- Dodge building at Maple Grove has been the busiest place In the area this week as, day and night, staff and. contractors have been rushing 1 to finish the building in time' for thn Grand Opening this Friday. j , In nddilion to completing the -nciv building, there linve been [additional complications because because all I lie parts, materials, «vu 3 and other equipment ftom the King St. East location 'hr-vc had to be packed nnri transported to the new locn- jtion and nlnccd in their new spols. While all this 1ms been igoliifi on, customers have hod ;t«> have their carp serviced so ill's been quite a headache. However, by Friday, President President I.lnyd James assures up all will he In readiness to Wellcome Wellcome guests to the opening, [when the 1013 Chrysler and j Dodge models will lie on flip- Inlay in thelt new show mom ill members ot the uppe.r ;n bit wary, u will ho enUci- Ittamtyible. Lori ami Whalen, np s' nrcl 4 y.ears respectively, respectively, join with I heir ino^'or f' I'aflcvn- Crescent in n protest demonstration .uiuim-' 'hv u>v r.t neluhhor. bond streets' In the school huso- t v " Si. -Joseph'* Separate School. Not Ions ulo ;> l rtr.>0 tail when the wagon she 1-1,5 (.«; ,• ,ne t * ( out con- . ho! and ended up nedr-nm ,»•> •••* 1 .• ;.i c\ when 1 i a. Ivf.oiiig vivlmei null', t' •••!■: v h yjl i uui Irvin lUKlviMeatii «. • ». >y.\s 1 ■».»■' i

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