( Page 10 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, September 20,1997 Fund-Raiser For Museum At Watson Farms Sunday The Bowmanville Museum is planning its first fund-raiser at Ted Watson Farms on Sunday, Sept. 21. Museum Curator Charles Taws says the fund-raiser will take place between 11 a.m. and 4 pan. There will be a barbecue, barbecue, a story-telling tent with Judy Bagshaw, and an apple head doll demonstration demonstration by Gladys Ashton. Also featured will be wood block printing, where adults and kids alike will be able to purchase purchase a card and print it for a loony. SERVICE SAVINGS from our AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT CLIP THIS AD AND PRESENT FOR SAVINGS! until September 27,1997 A #0 PRICE il IA TUNE-UP | From maintenance tune-ups to complete diagnostics, our fully trained | ^ technicians only fix what is required. j n r i i i i i i 15 % OFF BRAKES leuiiiiiuidMb uiiiy iia wiidi ib lequiitiu. uumpieie uicmb boiviue. vvo ic yuui ado eApeito! If safety is important to you, Canadian Tire is the place for complete brake service. We're your ABS experts! "Your best value in Automotive Service' ©j.p. Canadian Tire 2401 Hwy. 2, Bowmanville 623-5000 HOURS: Mon - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. A Look Back at the Stories That Helped Shape Our Community Honey Again Carries Liberal Banner The Northumberland-Durham Liberals Liberals got the campaign of Russell C. Honey off to a good, if somewhat late, start in Cobourg on Monday night. Between 700 and 800 people turned up to see Honey nominated by acclamation in the auditorium of Cobourg Collegiate West. The special guest for the nomina tion meeting was the Hon. John Turner, Liberal Minister of Finance, a post he took over from E, J. Benson earlier this year. The Liberals arc the last party to nominate their candidate although there was little doubt that Mr, Honey, M.P. for this riding for the past 10 years, would get the nod. Mr. Honey was nominated from the platform by. Jim Clarke, past-prosi dent of the Northumberland-Durham Liberal Association. The nomination was seconded by Anno Kent, an 18- year-old Bowmanville Grade 18 student. Miss Kent was probably a wise choice as a seconder because there were many young people at the nàmination. In " his nominating speech Mr. Clarke never mentioned the F.C. candidate candidate Allan Lawrence by name but ha made several remarks obviously directed directed at him. Mr. Clarke stressed Honey's "genuine involvement with tile people of Northumberland-Durham". which, he said "was not won in a lour week, raz- zlc-dazzle campaign." He referred to (TURN ip PAGE SWOI VOLUME 118 22 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1972 15(! Per Copy NUMBER 40 jtussell C) Honey is congratulated by Hon. John .Turner Finance Minister Defends Liberal Govfs Policies Praises Honey's Record Hon. John Turner, the man (Durham Liberal nomination who took .over the thankless meeting'at Cobourg on Monjob Monjob of Minister of Finance day, "Russell Honey, the in- from E, J. Benson, was on cumbent Liberal M.P., won fctnd at the Northumberland-Ihis.fourth straight nomination, Man in Hospital After Power Steering Fails this.time without opposition. Mr. Turner, the number two man In the Liberal cabinet," dealt with Canada's economic situation, the leadershio issue and the, candidacy of Russell Honey. Turner was high in his praise of Mr. Honey, referring referring to him as "a man of substance, judgment and integrity" integrity" and one who "can (TURN TO PAGE TWO) An alleged failure In the power steering system In his car almost cost James S. Tomlinson, of 23 Albert Street In towh, his life. Mr. Tomlinson was heading south on the Middle Road, just south of the golf course, on Friday afternoon, when he claims the steering failed on his car. He lost control of Approve Oktoberfest At council on Monday, Jim Lawrence of. the Kinsmen Club requested permission for the club to hold an Oktoberfest in the former Royal Theatre building on October 13th and 14th. Council approved the request, request, provided they meet all the requirements of the Liquor Licensing Board. Fire Chief Jim Hayman had submitted submitted a report on the building building with certain recommendations. recommendations. the vehicle and headed into the west ditch. The car flipped flipped over When it hit th( ditch and came to rest against a hydro pole. Mr. Tomlinson was admitted admitted to Bowmanville Hospital with Injuries to his back and ribs as well as lacerations to his left arm. Damage to the car has been estimated at $600. . The accident was investigated investigated by OPP officer D. M, Craig. Cameraman Hoisied by Angry Bovine Photographer Bruce Jones of The Oshawa Times suffered suffered rough treatment on Tuesday when he was trying trying to get pictures of several several runaway cows and » (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Reeve Hits Board lor Inaction The four-county Separate School Board was blasted blasted by several members of council on Monday night for ignoring for the past two years, the complaints about school buses using Parkway Crescent roadway. The main criticism of the board's inaction came from Reeve Robert Dykstra after he had listened to Eugene Murdoch speak on behalf of a large delegation of residents from that area. Mr. Murdoch pointed out the hazards caused by the use of the roadway for loading and unloading pupils at the St. Joseph's Separate School and asked council for some action on their complaints. He mentioned that one little pre-school girl had nearly been run over by one of the parked buses and was only saved from injury by the alertness of her mother. (turn to page two) Lawrence Attacks Liberals for Lack Of Policy on Drugs Allan Lawrence, former Ontario justice secretary, on Friday attacked the Trudeau government for what he said was Its lack of policy on the control of drugs. Speaking to a Progressive Conservative party fund-raising fund-raising dinner in Fort Erie, Mr. Lawrence said the federal government has been "sadly negligent" in not spear-head' ing an , International move* ment to stop the manufacture and Importation of drugs üv to Canada. "If these Initiatives require more money, perhaps even to finance law enforcement and control work in other nations with their consent, then I aee only benefit to us all In spending that kind of money. Some nations do have some sort of an economic interest In being lax In this field. Our Interest should be the op- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Some of the large delegation of Parkway Crescent residents who attended the council meeting Fire Prevention Week Begins This Saturday Fire Prevention Week begins begins this Saturday, October 7 and the theme appears to be "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Just to prove that the Bowmanville Fire Department practises what it preaches Fire Chief Jim Hayman pointed to the 'work his department docs in the field of service calls and inspections. In 1972, 52% of the 142 calls answered to date were classified classified as "service calls". These are situations which are not really fires but appear to present, a possible danger. If a television set or a washing machine begins to smoke the BFD will answer the call. Similarily if a large quantity of gasoline has been spilt the (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Post Office Hours for This Weekend Poet Office hours for the Thankiglvinr weekend are as follows; On Sunday, October 8th, there will be no Street Letter Letter Box collection and no despatch of mall. On Monday, October 9th, the office will be closed all day. There will be one Street Letter Box collection at 5:00 p.m. Alt mall will be despatched at 6:00 p.m. Honeywell Employees Ratify New Contract Employees of Honeywell's Bowmanville factory have ratified ratified a new contract providing a general wage Increase of 14 CHANGES -- Workmen with jackhammers were ' busy this week removing the support stands that had been built under the laundromat machines in the store just west of Graham's IGA. Apparently, Apparently, it will no longer be used as a place where husbands take the week's laundry to bo done. Rumor has it that fried chicken may soon be sold there, but this hasn't been confirmed. per cent over two years. The ratification took place September September 27th at a meeting at The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. The new contract, covering approximately 100 members of local 1658, United Auto Workers, took effect October l.'A 25 cent-an-hour increase became effective immediately, with another 17 cent boost to come on October 1, 1973. In addition to the general increase, increase, skilled tradesmen and , technicians received further! adjustments of eight cents immediately and seven cents beginning next year. Under the new contract, the average Honeywell employee in Bow- manville now earns $3.34-an- hour. Included in the agreement are increased pension, medical and insurance benefits. Honeywell Honeywell raised from $3 to $5 the monthly pension credit employees employees receive for each year of service. The credit will (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Divadale Veterans Entertained at Legion Hall On Sunday, 411 war veterans from Divadale Lodfio In Toronto were entertained l>y tlie Lading Auxiliary it the Legion Hall on ; Queen Street, Several Legion branch members wore also present to help the Indies ind the Golden Lcgtonnlrcs provided several vocal lelcctlons Hint wore deeply appreciated by tho visitors, In this picture, Jack Mantle's group o£ musicians are on tho platform, giving out with enjoyable numbers on the guitars wlillo some of the Legion ladles and the gucsls have n dance, Later, the visitors were served a delicious roast beef dinner and presented with gift parcels to tnlco home with them. BITS m© PIECES HOLIDAY -- Just in ease you don't remember, this Monday is Thanksgiving Day. At the moment, it appears that many of the stores will be closed to mark this annual holiday, while some will remain open to providei service for customers. Area churches will be holding special services and political candidates candidates may be thankful for a short rest before renewing their campaigns. t t t t t WELCOME BACK -- Last week it was County Chryslcr-Dodge going full out to meet their Friday opening deadline in their new quarters at Maple Grove. This week, Les MacDonald and his MacDonald Ford Sales staff have a great deal of work to finish before their branch open- ing at the spot they occupied before County Chrysler moved Into town. We éxpect they too will have their showroom and garage in good shape for their re-opening this Friday. Welcome back, folks! t t t t t TOYS -- Bowmanville Kinetics are launching a campaign seeking used toys to repair for Christmas distribution to the Salvation Army for their baskets. Toy donations are to be left at Crest Hardware or phone 623-3198, or 623-2908 for pick up. t t t t t CAMPAIGN -- Two political committee rooms are now open in Bowmanville, Tho PCs turned out in full force last night to welcome their candidate Allan Lawrence at the committee rooms in the J-Mar building, King SI. East. Mr. Lawrence spoke to them for a few minutes and, no doubt, urged them to extend every effort during the next few weeks, At the same time, Liberal workers were busy pulling their rooms ill shape, installing signs, etc. over the James Insurance Agency offices, at 22 King St. East. Their candidnie, Russell Honey, will be in town toiiight for an organization meeting at tho Odd Follows (Centennial Hall, Queen Slrcct, where lie will speak and also answer any questions. There's no indication the NDPs will open rooms here hut they probably will to provide a local base for their candidate Wilmcr Hill, t t t t t BIG OPENING -- It doesn't seem possible that 20 years have gone by since Ed Rundlc and Morlcy Olcc started the Little NHL here with a Midget hockey team, The next year, George Cawltcr and Don Gll- liooly joined them, and now we have a full-fledged Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association with seven All Star teams, ranging in age from 7 to 14, Tills Saturday nt 2:30, this year's BMHA program of games will be launched with an opening ceremony nt the arena, including many dignitaries, Better come early to enjoy tho ceremony and the games, t t t ■ t t COLOR TOUR -- Once again, the Kinsmen Club is planning * Full Ciivalcudo of Color Tour for Senior Citizens on Sunday, October liilh, This year, the colors are expected to lie especially brilliant, Anyone wishing to go, I'lcaso contact Harry Collacutt 623-5066 or Alex Wiseman 623-2907. NDP Candidate Wilmer Hill "Within Striking Distante" Wilmcr Hill, the NDP candidate candidate in the October 30th election, election, continued his quiet, per- son-to-person campaign in Northumberland-Durham this Coun- Hooper Won't Run for Town Council On Monday night, just before the town council meeting, Councillor Ken Hooper volunteered the information information that he would not be a candidate In the forthcoming municipal election. election. He apparently has decided decided to take a rest from the grind of many meetings and much homework to keep abreast of current town problems. Mr. Iloopcr has been a member of council for many years and a hard working one, well known for his acid comments now and then when one of his colleagues Is out of line or not fully acquainted with the subject being discussed. He has been a stickler for proper procedure and his retirement will be a loss. Wilmcr Hill week with a number of pearances in the Bowmanvi area. jsr. Wilf Day, NDP .party aecre- tary and a Port Hope barrister barrister indicated that, althr jh Mr. Hill's campaign doesn't (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Two Industries Require Water , Tom Rehder of Bowmanville Bowmanville Foundry" and' Rich Whipple, Generàl Manager of the Hollingshcad Corporation Corporation plant here, asked coun- .cil on Monday to give urgent consideration (to their request request for additional '.water supplies for'their plants. Mr. Whipple said 1 theii insurance company insisted the present supply was inadequate inadequate for their sprinkler system and Mr. Rehder stated stated they would be unable to add anything to their plant without more water. The matter was turned over to the Public Utilities for their recommendations as quickly as possible. T-D BANK -- The Bowmanville Branch of the Toronto-Dominion Toronto-Dominion Bank is either planning oh expanding its building or digging for oil. Early this week, a machine was making a big hole in their parking lot. Rain Fails to Spoil Opening Despite the rain and overcast skies the official opening ol' County Chrysler went off on schedule Friday afternoon, September 20th, Cutting the ribbon lo open the new location on Highway 2 near Courtico Rond Is Curl Down. Hcovo of Darlington Township, In the background mo Kathleen ami Lloyd James, Mr. James is iprosldcnt of County Chrysler. Holding tho ribbon arc R. M. "Bud" Allen (lett), manager of the Bank of Montreal and Corel Kruger'(right), man- ager of Chrysler Credit, Later In tho evening Toronto Maple Leaf hotkey star, Norm Ullman (now known as Paul Henderson's centre) made an appearance along with drag-racer John Pctrlo and Ills lomuus Ilcmi-Cudu Dragster.