Page 16 The Claringlon/Courticc Independent. Bowmanvillc, Saturday. September 20. 1997 • Memories from M.J. Hobbs The years from 19S3-89 were directed by principal Mr. Wally Hcinbuch. The first two years of this era we were without a viceprincipal viceprincipal due to declining enrolment. Mrs. Marilyn Moore was V.P. for the years 1985-88 and Mr. Ron Tuttle started his tenure in that position position in September 1988. The Valedictorians for this span of years were: (84) Kathy Kemp, (85) Jason Webb. (86) Laura Wills, (87) Julie Walsh (88) Lisa Sosnowski, and in 1989 Adam Rowdcn. During the 1983-84 year Mrs. Nelson directed a very active "Young Authors" club. Some of die literary personnel personnel were, Jtinaid Shaikh, Shari McColl, Bruce Coulter, Kathy Kemp and Paul Senyk. Alison Cole, Jody Jones, Jenny Metcalf and Jackie Turkocio kept girls' athletics hopping, while Joe Braccia and Lucy Davidson kept busy with the drama club. Angie Samis created the need for a new category in academics by achieving a perfect record of 'TVs" in every subject all year. 1984-85 marked the beginning of instrumental music at Hobbs and Mr. Elliott Tremeer was borrowed from Bowmanvillc High School to get it started. This year, also was the beginning of Grade 7's going to Camp Taxvingo while the 8's went to Ottawa. Nancy Pitt bid us adieu and ' went to enrich the Wavcrly School. Mr. Dunlop and his girls were area basketball basketball champs. Ken Mercer, Paul Boyle and Andy Van Heuvclen represented Hobbs well in boys' athletics. Claudette (Murray) Van Sickle took over the music department in "85-86" and inherited Brian Van Dam, and Rob Romano. Alannah Coles became a full time staff member member and developed a strong choir. Stcpli Axford began her reign as an outstanding soccer player which carried on to Durham College. Neil Taylor, Heather Richards, Leah Cook and Andrew Kammondy kept life interesting and active throughout the year. The "Pale Dragon" was the drama production in 1986-87 directed by Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Nelson. The halls were always full of enthusiasm and laughter thanks to I leather Seaton and Slcph Robot, and who can forget the timely foul-shooting foul-shooting of I leather at the Courticc basketball tournament. Glenn Waters and Jeff Pickcll led the boys' athletics while Karen Rottinc and Ginger Richardson were active in all girls' sports. ' As 1987-88 unfolded, Brian Walker was practicing his speech for "Olympic Torch", ceremony in Bowmanvillc, while Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Coles had the band and choir in top form. Mr. Webster gave Mrs. Murray some tense moments while the girls' volleyball team was taking extra time to win the volleyball championship, championship, several of them were to be going on stage for the play, "Scrooge". Both events were a resounding success. Sandy Ashton was the official sportswear person for that year. Sarah Ewlcs, Sarah Wills, Petra Van dcr Hcyden, Deanna Gordon and Mike Spencer led a productive and enjoyable "Ottawa" trip. Who can forget Mike Dying over the wall as the '"Christmas Martian". As 1989 wound down so did Mr. Hcinbuch's time at Hobbs and his career in education, education, he retired that June. New staff members that year were: Mrs. Amesbury (French), Pam Buttery (Special Education and Athletics), Charlie Ramin (Music), Linda Simpson (Guidance), and we had two Mrs. Smiths in Special Education. Tom Sawyer was a resounding success and "Career Day" organized by Carolyn Barkcy, Brian Walker, Jenny Hudgin, Nicky Watt, Valeric Ollcrcnshaw and Rayna Scott gave the students students a different perspective of the world of work. Mr. Hobbs passed away in 1988 and his visits to the school will be sadly missed. Hampton Jr. Public News PUBLIC NOTICE INTENT TO ESTABLISH, LAYOUT AND OPEN A HIGHWAY BEING AN EXTENSION OF BROWNSVILLE ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 18 & 19, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington at its meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, September 29,1997, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., proposes to pass a by-law to authorize the extension of Brownsville Road between Lots 18 and 19, former Township of Clarke. Council, at its meeting of June 9, 1997, authorized the making of an agreement to construct the extension of Brownsville Road for approximately 200 metres (650 feet) southerly,-to-the-north-limiSdf the Ministry of Transportation property (Imperial OilSite)^ , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT before passing said by-law, Council or a Committee of Council shall hear, in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard. ■ Patti L. Barrie, Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 MUNICIPALITY OF ( clarington ONTARIO Publication Dates: September 3,10,17 and 24,1997. CS-Ind. 7007 by Deborah Patrick and Debra Gilbert The 2nd annual Hampton Fun Fair will be held on Thursday, September 25, from 5 till 8 p.m., at the school. It will be even bigger and more fun than last year, so make sure that you plan to attend! We will be serving hot dogs and hamburgers, so don't cook dinner! As usual, we will have lots of games and events for the kids, with the addition this year of a prizc-cvcry-timc jar draw. We will also be holding a silent auction in the library, with products and services from many local businesses and members of the community, community, including ski passes, custom made children's clothing, and many exciting items for your home! We arc still accepting donations. If you have an item or service to donate to the auction, please call Debbie Patrick at 623- 5312 or Linda Jaworski at 263-2862. We are also looking for parents and older siblings to work at the various booths, so please contact the school if you have time to volunteer! School Council News Our first school council meeting of the 97-98 school year was held on Tuesday, September 9. Of primary importance was the issue of class size at Hampton. The new Board guidelines, which cap primary classes at 20 students, students, have created classes at the junior level with 35 or more students. Our principal has tried to move students into split classes to relieve the numbers in the upper level classes while still maintaining the maximums for primary, and this has proven to be nearly impossible with the limited number of classrooms at Hampton. We arc attempting to get further information from our Board administrations on how we can ideal with this problem. We will notify the parents of any further developments developments in this area. Our general meeting will be held on Thursday, October 16 at 7 p.m. in the school library. Anyone interested in running for council positions should plan to attend, as ou'r new council will be elected at that time. Open House Hampton Junior Public will be holding our annual open house for families and students on October 7 front 7 Free Latex Eggshell Finish $23" * Receive your free "Decorating Planner" and your free bottle ' of IYI83 spray cleaner k when you purchase f 2 gallons (3.79b) of Benjamin Moore's MooreStylc latex eggshell or latex pearl. From"* Pearl Finish "-*25" flBERNETHY'S IX PRINT and WflUPflPER ffî 55 King St. W., Bowmanville @ , $ „ „ K am- 623*5<t3 l Hours: Mon.-Wod. 8-6; Thurs. • Frl. 8 • 8) Sat, 8:30 - 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. It's a great opportunity to come and meet your children's teachers and sec what they arc working on this year. School Health and Safety Now that we arc back in school, please remember safety! We have had many complaints about speeding on Old Scugog Road near the school, so please SLOW DOWN and observe the 50 km/h speed limit! Look for Hampton's newsletter this year during the third week of every month. C n i. BHS Academic Team to Compete in Edmonton The members of this year's Bowmanvillc High School Academic Decathlon team arc: Heidi Douglas, Kelly Ogilvie, Julie Biclawski, Laura Gauthier (in the front row), along with coach Norm Johnson, and other members: Jessica Archibald, Fraser McArthur, Perry Paladino, Kim Browne and Krista Traynor. The nine-member team began work over the summer by reading prepared materials materials and getting ready for presentations. During the school year, the team will meet 47 times in preparation for the various tests in music, art, mathematics, science, science, literature and social sciences. The students will participate in the 1998 Canadian Academic Decathlon in Edmonton, Alberta, The trip will cost $6,500 and the students hope to approach local service clubs and businesses in their fund-raising efforts. 1 (pWiW fuppleO by Ctntaun j -- yv YEARS 1997 CAVALIER Z24COUPE 7/ VÏ, J - L, lr >f t