SCOREBOARD Clarington Masters Slo Pitch (Final Standings) The Clarington/Courticc Independent. Bowmanville, Saturday, September 20,1997 Pace 5 A Division GP T-Mac Insulation 15 Cow. Sand & Gravel 15 Lee J. Motors 15 Raiders 15 Newcastle 15 Rc/Max 15 B Division Hooper's Trophy Centre 15 Bull Security 15 Crock's Service Centre 15 Thistle Valley Rams 15 W L T Pts. 10 4 1 10 4 1 5 1 6 3 9 6 6 8 1 0 14 1 21 21 19 15 13 1 12 3 0 9 5 1 6 9 0 12 1 13 1 3 24 19 Tournament -- Saturday, September 20, 8:00 a.m. ♦ ROSSLAND tu o Ü 2 □ I NOSJ w ADELAIDE cc HWY. 401 328 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 if busy call 725-2831 WHOLESALE & RETAIL 4x4 Cedar 85£ lin. ft. (seconds) ®j.p. Bowmanville United Soccer Association ÛLommaQ SomeffaQl SOooQQmg iTuesday, September 23 at 7:30 p.m ! at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex , 'beüBffm ;aQQ etpBptmQfflG, 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I From The Optimist Club of Newcastle Village to the following for their donations and support of The Orono Fair Dance: The Apple Blossom Shop Carl Vajda - Molson Breweries Orono Fuel and Lumber John Mutton Co-Op Sandra Martin Stedmans Co-Steel Recycling Dawn's Clothing Hands Fireworks Cathy's Gold Jim Grant - Humpty Dumpty Hooper's Jewellers Newcastle IGA Welcome Feeds, Bill Tomlinson Price's CountryjMarket M Captain George's - Newcastle ,, ■ Vi8eo King - Bowmanville Orono Fair Board Orono Times Clarington This Week The Canadian Statesman ' The Volunteers who gave Doug Rickard - Durham their time and to all who Growers Co-op attended and helped make ^Sandm Thornhill itam ' m * «■ ■ ww m 'W' Bowmanville ■b/.WPËÏW-W- CFCCinil : Starting Tuesday, September 23rd Registration 6 - 6:30 p.m. * Class 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex : Located at the Intersection of Regional Road #57 and Hwy. "2 across from Canadian Tire $45 for 8 weeks Ages 6 and up * • Streetwise Sense • Building Confidence • SelfDefenseTechniifues Contact: Instructor • (Sensei) Bryce Johnson (6th Degree) (705) 374-5458 or Rec. Complex (905) 623-5728 Loose clolhing should be worn. Clarington Boys Slo-Pitch ^would like to thank the following team sponsors and coaches for their support and time to make the '97 season a success. TEAM SPONSORS Junior Ducks Clarington Pet Connection Purplehill Orangemen Morris Auto Glass & Audio Hopper's Trophy Centre Van Dyk Realtor Bowmanville Sport Shop Dennis Pizzeria Roy's Enterprise Early Treatment Centre Hooper's Jewellers 'Bowmanville Legion COACH Steve Larmer Lome Dawson Dan Sturroch Brian Martin Ed Hooper Bill Pollard Peter Niklaus George Walhout Jim Goswell Andy Hendriks Jim MacMaster Terry Lynch We would also like to thank the sponsors, co-ordinators and all the parents that helped with this year's tournament. CO-ORDINATORS Anne Cook Steve Goodfellow Isabelle Goodfellow SPONSORS Â & P Food Stores Dempster's Bakery lyi&M Meats Hooper's Trophy Centre Thanks also to Joe Kennett and Gary Cox from j the Municipality of Clarington for their assistance throughout the year. O: i > < ► Support Keeps Growing for Terry Fox Run SIGN UP - The annual Terry Fox Run for cancer research was held in Bowmanville on Sunday, September 14. Participants were able to run, walk, roller blade, or use whatever whatever means they needed to get around the 10km course. In the above photo, some of the participants check in at the registration table before the start. Over 350,000 Ontarians were expected to participate. For the 17th year in a row, Canadians from coast-to-coast helped raise funds for cancer research by participating in the annual Terry Fox Run. Locally, participants arrived under ideal weather conditions at the Memorial Park Clubhouse in Bowmanville to try and attempt to complete the 10km route. Some walked, others hiked, and there were some who ran the entire course. Whatever the means of transportation, everyone finished. Over 350,000 Ontarians were expected to participate in this year's event. Nationwide, Nationwide, close to 4,000 communities communities held fund-raisers fund-raisers in honour of the runner runner who attempted to cross Canada with his Marathon of Hope. The annual run has become so popular in Canada, that it has spread worldwide over the last 17 years. Over 270 cities in 58 countries participate participate in international runs. GET LOOSE - Prior to the start of the Terry Fox Run, those participating were able to stretch out and warm up properly thanks to an aerobics instructor from Lifestyles Gym, who led the group through a short routine. DEDICATION - The Statesman's Nancy Pleasance- Sturman was one of the many participants at the Terry Fox Run. She took time out to paste a name up on the Dedication Board. * Running boards now included py~], '97 GMC Safari Van smartlease when your life is larger than a minivan ^ 190 HP Vortec 4300 V6 engine, 4-speed automatic transmission, 4-wheel ABS, dual air bags, side-guard door beams, 5,500 lb. towing capacity, deep tinted glass, air conditioning, rurendbe $20,488 ^ plus freight $845. |)cr month/36 months plus a down 8-passenger seating freight $845. Get what you want from your GMC Dealers. You should know this -H.isr.lnn.. H> month In I'f'l/tiMC S..UM V.m ISA n|iiippml <»s di'M nhrtl A minimum iinwn p.iymrnl .4 S 1 .... I Amu, ,1 kdumvlh- I,in,I .Tt, KM) km Su ,»< pn rx, rss k.lumvlm Olh.-t l.sisr options .iv.iil.lhln '1» um|hl VMS h. rn, r* r arul t.urs ,.m no ">< . V Pvl'.Ln, uii -i h -Is I >r. t,,„lr u,,y hr rss.ny D.m'h may '-'"I h'-v-r In, Im.-. . Mir, ,,ppl„ s ,nl rnh.,1 OnUnn lu •Ur IIIIH'I li'.r.r option', , t it y Or.,In m.ty ■.nil Ir.v.r In In.-, OUn -ipph- '■ ", ( ( to .pi.ihlinl irl.iil uMn-, Not .til vrlm 1rs .iv.lil.lhlr -H .ill -Ir.ilns ( )A( . Srr I Ir.tlrt In , un, I,lions ,,nl 'Irt.uls