The Clarington/Couriicc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, September 20,1997 Page 7 Your Guide To: Health, Hobbies and Entertainment ■ Çafé Displays Selections from Art Rental Inventory Silks Café in downtown Bowmanvillc is displaying 23 paintings which arc available through the Visual Arts Centre's art rental program. They will be on {display until October 27th. Here, Art Rental Consultant Irene Lubowilz (left) land Tracy Sachdeva, of Silks Café, admire one of the works on view. Over 25 lartists are represented in the rental program which is popular with many local businesses and homes seeking original works of art to brighten their surroundings. surroundings. T/hc rental program is currently offering one month of free rent for new subset! bers when they rent for the minimum of three months. The cost per month' is as little as $10. For details, call 623-5831. The Board of Directors of The Memorial Hospital Foundation Invites You to QÀm 'kyvmmcj, G^W The 10th Annual Harvest Ball Friday, October 24, 1997 Lions Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanvillc Proceeds will benefit the Diagnostic Imaging Department - Ultrasound Unit with Colour Flow Doppler- $80.00 per person (tables of 8) Please call the Foundation Office k (905) 623-3331 ext. 1880 k ©j.p.i IONOAY10 FRIDAY MATINEES 1,1 - 1 MAI INI I s S£50 STILL 1/2 PRICE TUESDAY-ONLY $A25 ALL S H O W S Smoke-Free Honie Contest -Children breathe more second nand smoke at home than aiywhere else. Now ydu cai 1 protect your child's health/and win exciting prizes/The Durham Region HealtlilDeparlment is inviting inviting you to enter the "Open the Dbor to a Smoke-Free Holme" conteit. H"ChildreiV exposed to second hand! smoke suffer more ear infections, asthma attacks, bronchitis and -p( tumoniar says Dr. R ibert Kyle, Medical Officer of Health. "Parents often worrj about the effect of; smokirg on their children, children, but fhd it hard to stop smoking completely. By going oitside to smoke, your chid will breathe cleaner ar." ; All participants will receive a kit designed to help yoi 1 make your home smoke-tree. Tips on how to start ojening the door to cleanerjindoor air are provided, provided, ncluding stickers to remind visitors of your ohoice/All contestants will benefii from less second hand .-moke, and some will win gjeat prizes. ) Przes include a three day, |vo night stay at the Carriage Hills Resort at Horse'shoe Valley, two tickets tickets te| an upcoming Mirvish Production at the Princess of, Wales Theatre; flights around the Toronto skyline; a $100 shopping spree at the Oshawa Centre and many more. ;j Entering the contest is easy. People can register at ope of opr displays at the following locations: Pickering Town Centre, October 1 ^, 3 and 4, 1997; Bowmailville Apple Festival, ^ ' anti the Octobei 1997. ;j Or jc registration form to the Health Department at the W.hitby Mall, or call Durham Health Connection Line at (905) 723-5338 ext. 2(58 oil 1-800-841-2729. - \ The) contest launch is September 30, 1997 at the Parkwbod Estate, Loijal celebrities will be there to join the fun and everyone is invited. V The grand finale occurs tlie week of November 17th, with the prize draw. October 18, 1997; Oshawa Centre, 23, 24 and 25, end a completed A sure sign that autumn is right around the corner is the start of the annual migration ofjbirds to the sunny south. {To say farewell to these leathered friends CLOCA is holding its annual Waterfowl Viewing Day on Sunday, September 21 from 9:00 a.m. to\ Noon at Lynde Shores Conservation Area. ;■ Members of the public may attend the event at the southeast viewing platform of Cranberry Marsh. <U JAW (AA| (DOLBY DIGITAL, FRHHURS 7.06, WO SAT-SUN MAT. 1.05,3.40 A* POUCE ONE (AA) (DTS DIGITAL) FRI-THURS 7,9.35 SATSUN MAT 135,4.10 M A OUT (PG) FRI-THURS72U30SATSLNMAUZ, 140 WISHMASTER (R) FRI-THURS 7.40,9.45 SAT-SUN MAT. 2,4.05 THE GAME (AA) (DOLBY DIGITAL) FRI-THURS 7,9.40 SAT-SUN MAT. 120,4.05 EXCESS BAGGAGE (PC) (DOLBY STEREO) FRI-THURS 7.15,9.30 SAT-SUN MAT. 1.05, 3.20 KULL THE CONQUEROR (PG) (DTS DIGITAL) SAT-SUN MAT. 1.15 MEN IN BUCK (PG) (DTS DIGITAL) FRI-THURS 7.45,9.55 SAT-SUN MAT. 1.10,3.30 . FIRE DOWN BELOW (AA) (DOLBY DIGITAL) FRI-THURS 7.30, 9,45 SAT-SUN MAT. 1.10,3.30 COPLAfO (AA) (DOLBY DIGITAL) FRI-THURS 7.10,925 SAT-SUN MAT. 1.30,3.45 CONSPIRACY THEORY (AA) (DOLBY DIGITAL) FRI-THURS 7.05,9.45 SAT-SUN MAT. 3.35 DOUBLE BEI -HBCULES(F) GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE (PG) (DOLBY DIGITAL) FRI «CUB 7.15 GEORGE 9.15 sat-sun team 1,7.15 gborgeios, 9.15 MON-THURS HERCULES 7.15 GEORGE 9.15 WKMkAVKN T^ISHMASTE^ r.t ( .h < i ni «ll.ll Mill U I'll II il. l.lïlMAlklV " : kulUKI kl KI/MXN MOW PLAY!IMG! An Out-And-Out Comedy. Kevin Kline In<feOut PLAYING! FROM THE DIRECTOR OF 'SEVEN* MICHAEL DOUGLAS (Kme SKAN 1'KXN vuuvihe-^mtrxom SNOW PLAYING! OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE presents DANCING AT LUGHNASA BY BRIAN FRIEL an Irish memory play directed by Rod Corley September 18 - 21, 25 - 28, October 2 - 4 8:00 p.m. 62 Russett Avenue, Oshawa Tickets: $12 at Information Oshawa Oshawa Centre Information: (905) 723-0282 STEPHEN o LAURA FEARING * SMITH in concert ON SALE MONDAY, . 22nd!? CAPITOL THEATRE - PORT HOPE Sun., Oct. 26 - 8 p.m. Reserved Seating $20.00 (GST incl. plus $1.00 handling) at the Box Office (M - F, 10-4) or call: 885-1071,800-434-5092 BRIDES-TO-BE... Planning a Wedding? Come and meet the Wedding Experts. Bridal Fashion Show) Admission is FREE, but by invitation only. To obtain your personal invitation for you and your mother or guest, please give us a call. Phone: 623-5873 Place: Bowmanvillc Lions Centre Time: 7 p.m. Date: Wednesday, October 29th Look what WELCOME WAGON has in storé for you ... • Free Admission • Exciting Door Prizes • Special Displays • A Gift Bag for Every Bride "New Exhibitors Welcome" ©j.p. The Canadian Statesman ' . ..^&>tiependent GOOD TIME POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP SWF, tall, thin, 25, br hair, enjoy biking, SWF, 20, looking for black male, 22* swimming, movies, would like lo meel a 29 for friendship, possible relationship, tall, aggressive, muscular man who I have dark br. eyes, shrt. med br. knows riew lo have a good time. hair, interested in going for walks, AD# 1519 movies, dining out. AD# 1190 I *7 ' ty • ' y Women Seeking.. SENSUAL 1 ROMANTIC SWF, 40, professional, Durham Region, Intelligent, educated, vivacious, articulate, sensual, romantic, 5'4", auburn hair, brilliant smile, enjoy stargazing, hot oil massages, lino dining, dining, if you ere confident A lull ol lile I'd love lo hear Irom you, AD11665 EASY GOING A FUN LOVING SWF, 31, 57", reddish br, hair, br. eyes, have Z children, easy going, lun loving, great person, enjoy everything, dancing, fishing, camping, dining out, looking lor a gentleman Interested In n lun relationship. AD* 1782 ATTRACTIVE A ATTACHED SWF, attractive, attached, 36, br. hair, blcurfous, looking lor Ihe same lomalo or well built male, discretion & cleanliness cleanliness required, AD* 1801 YOUNG, FUN A OUTGOING | SWF, blue eyes, blonde hair, young, lun, outgoing & attractive, love Ihe outdoors 8 sports, looking lor a gentleman who Is a professional 8 knows how lo Ireal a lady Ihe rlghl way. AD* 1566 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SWF, 37, separaled, have Z children, enjey dining, dancing 8 long walks, looking looking honest, sincere, single, separated while male. AD# 1541 KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN SWF, 18, tall, slim, shoulder length br. hair, looking lor loll, muscular, attractive man who knows how lo have lun. AD* 1557 HANGING WITH FRIENDS SWF, 19, slim, black hair, 57', IZ0 lbs., like gothic mon wilh altitude, enjoy shopping, shopping, smoking. AD# 1617 SINGLE FEMALE SWF, 18 , Interested In meeting a while male. AD* 1572 GENTLE TOUCH SWF, 32. small frame, large eyes, looking looking lor an attractive woman with a gentle touch to spend some special times with. AD* 1757 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, romantic at heart, lamily orienled, career mom, looking lor special man lo share life's wonders wilh. You must love children, enjoy outdoors 8 be adventurous. adventurous. I love dancing, live Ihealre, movies. H you are between 38-44 8 ready lor a relationship, I look forward lo meeting you. AD# 1488 CURIOUS FEMALE SWF, 21, married, curious about Ihe same sex, looking lor someone who understands where I am coming Irom, AD# 1457 WARING FOR MR.RIGHT SWF, 39, single mom, n/smoker, enjoy bowling, dining out, movies, going lor walks, or qulel evenings at home. I am patiently waiting tor Mr. Right AD# 1708 BIG BROWN EYES SWF, 5'2", lull figured, br, hair, big br. ayes, my husband 8 I are looking for a lull figured female. AD* 1060 FIRST TIME SWF. altrnctlvo wile, 28, 5'6", blonde hair, br. eyes, very bicuiious, looking lor attractive lomalo lo share my tsl lime wilh. AO# 1364 WHERE ARE ALL THE NICE GUYS7 SWF, 49, brunette, 57", rVsmoker, social drinker, emotionally 8 linanclally secure, il you are 50-59 over 5'9", over 160 Ibe, 8 onjoy dining 8 cinema, give me a call, AD# 1191 FIRST TIME SWF, 33, bicuiious, looking lor attractive female to share my Hist time with, I'm allracllye, 5'4', dirty blonde hair, blue dining c COTTAGE LIFE SWF, 5'2", 135 lbs., reddish blonde hair, hazel eyes, seeking honest, caring, caring, slim man, 60-65 who enjoys collage collage life, fishing, dancing, quiet evenings lor possible relationship. AD# 1351 DROP ME A LINE SWF, looking lor some lun, H Interested Interested drop me a line. AD# 1737 LIKE TO KEEP ACTIVE SWF, 34, 5'2", slim build, attractive, intelligent, looking lor friendship with someone who enjoys children, is considerate, considerate, friendly, outgoing 8 has a sense ol humour. I love music, dancing dancing 8 like lo keep active. AD* 1518 GET TO KNOW ME SWF, 19, 5'6", red hair, blue green eyes, cute 8 adorable, outgoing, good sense ol humour, lun, sweet 8 noneel, looking for someone who Is sweel, honesl 8 caring. I'll be wailing. AD# 1508 GREAT SMILE SWF, 40, 5'4", auburn halt, great smile, hazel eyes, med, build, allrac- llve, humorous, creative, sensual, romantic, looking lor someone who enjoys Ills 8 Is romantic 8 spontaneous. spontaneous. AD# 1019 NEED EXCITEMENT SWF, 32," divorced, have I child, have been working loo hard, need some excilemonl In my lile Irom a guy who Is 30-40, atlracllve, good sense ol humour 8 loves kids. AD* 1118 BICURIOUS FEMALE SWF, 39, 5r, tall, slim, 125 lbs„ long br, hair, bluo eyes, very atlracllve, looking lor bicurious lemale to share lun times wilh. AD# 1352 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 This Is a FREE telephone call secret. AD# 1855 Men Seeking.. MISSED CONNECTION SWM, good looking, ad# 1819, Nancy, I did nol gel your lull telephone number, please rerecord a message. AD# 1861 LETS MEETTONRE SWM, 31, 6', 165 lbs., med. build, black hair, Interested In meeting nurses 8 n/smoking females, looking for a lemale who loves outdoors, movies, car shows, easy |)omg, lun loving 8 spontaneous. LATE NITE RENDEZVOUS SWM, 27, 5'11", 195 lbs., blue eyes, br. hair, Interested In meeting other gay gentlemen, must be cross dressers, lor fate nile rendezvous. AD* 1895 SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP SWM. 36, blonde halt, 5' 10", 150 lbs., no dependents, Interested In talking lo you II there Is a chance ol a serious monogamous relationship. AD* 1817 GOOD LOOKING SWM, 26, good looking, would like lo meel older, mature women. I am considerate considerate 8 generoua. AD# 1819 DISCREET ENCOUNTERS SWM, attractive, 30's, attached, looking lor females ol any age lor discreet encounters. AD# 1826 ATHLETIC 8 OUTGOING SWM, professional, athletic, outgoing, enjoy sports, movies, reading, quiet limes, looking lor bisexual females. AD# 1832 inuwiuiy wiuoi | miiiiiuu nurnaili YU lor late night encounters. AD# 1835 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWM, 50, 5'io", 170 lbs,, outgoing, professional, enjoy sports, reading, dining, dining, seeking bl or bicurious lemales, 20- 50 lor Intimate encounters. AD# 1836 LOTS OF AFFECTION SWM, recently separaled, 37,5'8", 155 lbs., br. eyes, attractive, have 2 children, children, like outdoors, camping, racing, would like lo meel a nice a honesl woman who likes lois ol allection. AD# 1931 TRY NEW THINGS SWM, 21, 6', br. hair, blue eyes, looking looking lor SWF, 18-24,1 like outdoors, biking, biking, camping, 8 travelling. I am Independent, Independent, honesl 8 lair, looking lor someone lo gel together wilh 8 try new Ihlngs.AD* 1800 TIME 8 EFFORT SWM, 35, 5*10", 165 Ibe., light br. hair, dark blue eyes, looking lo meel a gal around my age 8 willing lo pul lime 8 effort Into a relationship 8 accept somebody somebody lor who they are. AD# 1808 WANTING TO MEET SOMEBODY SWM, would like lo meel a lady who Is secure, likes lo have a good lime 8 knows what she wants out ol lile, AD# 1812 CASUAL ENCOUNTERS SWM, 33, 6', professional, seeking lull figured female lor casual encounters. AD# 1605 oyos, like' outdoors, dining 8 dancing. AD# 1325 ROMANTIC 8 KIND SWF, 41, Interoslod In long lorm rola- hunt, play iking To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1-900-451-4552 Ext 88 The cost ol this call Is only $2.29 per minute long I llonshlp, love lo cook, ski, llsn, cards, enjoy being wilh people, looking lor someone romantic 8 kind, AD# 1074 NOT INTO BAR SCENE SWF, 32, lull figured, light bt.hnlr, br.oyos, enjoy outdoors, collage, movies, qulel ovonlnge, looking tor SWM, 30-38 who lo Independent, open- minded, undorilnnding 8 lovoe to laugh. AD# 1622 [ I KNOW HOW TO TREAT A LADY SWM, good looking, 6\ 190 lbs., mus- cular build, would like lo moot an older, mature lu|l figured lomnlo lor good limes, AD# 1879 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH SWM, 30, 6', good looking, good shape, happy, easy to gel along with, seeking a lull figured nurture lomalo lor good times. I like lo go out dining 8 dancing, AD# 1888 ROMANTIC 8 PASSIONATE SWM, 165 lbs,, 5'10", groan grey oyos, br. hair, cleanshaven, very III, romantic, paeslonnlo, love music dancing, camping, looking lor some body who loves Ihe outdoors, lino din Ing, horseback riding, baseball, swim mmj) 8 jjolng away fo on oxollc place Retrieve your messages from your mailbox for FREE Just call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 option 2.for FREE