The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. November 12. 1997 Pace 5 Hospital Foundation Donates $8,000 For Defibrillator Campaign On November 4th, Memorial Hospital in Bowmanvillc donated $8,000 for the Clarington Fire Department's defibrillator campaign. Pictured from left are: Doug James, Shirley Robson and Anna Strike, from the MHB Foundation; Bowmanvillc Fire Station Captain Cord Weir; Mary Fletcher and Rob Payne from the Foundation and Lucky, the Fire Department's dalmatian mascot. The first of the five defibrillator machines is due to arrive this week. Training for 120 lire department staff and over 100 volunteers is expected to begin later this month. Marriage Announcement Rick and Bonnie Stockman proudly announce the marriage of their daughter Rebecca and Mark Wright of Jackson Mississippi. The ceremony took place on May 17, 1997 in Jackson. Rebecca and Mark 'now reside'in Madisson, Mississippi. ÉÉ>t. SioW# it Anglican Cïjurcï) Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1997 TRINITY XXV 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Each Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying on ol Hands lor Healing qjp Rector - The Reverend Canon Byron Yales, B.A., S.T.B. BS S, Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario iWA fin Church Phone office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Frank W. Lockhart, M.A., M.Div., M.Th., Th.D. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1997 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 a.m. "Blessed Are the Peacemakers" Nursery Care and Church School Available A Warm Welcome To All Visitors El &t. $auV* Bntteb Cfjut'cf) 178 Church Street Bowmanville Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. Intern Minister: Richard Parker Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1997 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. "Living Love" Saturday, November 29th, 1997 BEEF DINNER 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. TICKETS-623-7361 ' ©j.p. Nursery Cnro for Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're new to Bowmnnvllle, wo invite you to mu ko St. PiuiPh your church home. 0 Letter to the Editor Let's Preserve Historic Hangars in Oshawa Dear Editor; Once again we are about to remember the sacrifices made in order that we have privileges of freedom; such as being able to publish this letter. It is therefore of paramount paramount importance that artifacts artifacts of that terrible time be preserved, in order that future generations will be reminded to be on guard against tyranny and oppression. oppression. To this end, I have written written to Oshawa's Mayor Diamond to preserve the airport hangars which played a leading role in Oshawa's war contribution. To their credit the army maintains a museum at the airport, which young people people especially are fascinated with and prompts enquiries. However, we owe so much to the aircrew who participated participated in the Battle of Britain as well as other R.A.F./R.C.A.F. missions; many of whom were hurriedly hurriedly trained in the hangars. 1 ask all your readers to write to the mayor of Oshawa to insist that the hangars be preserved in perpetuity. Yours truly, E.W. (Ted) Wood house We're Celebrating Our Justin Barry would like to personally thank all patrons and the community for a third truly successful year! JUSTIN CnO OPTICAL BARRY J "We have the Quality and Service you can see ' 30 King St. W., Bowmanvillc 623-3132 Report from Queen's Park by John O'Toole • Reforming Education Taxes As I take time to review the days' and week's events, I am struck by the comments comments made by our veterans and public figures. Remembrance Day reflections at our community community cenotaphs should cause each and every one of us to stop and pay respect. Over 100,000 Canadian men and women have given their lives for our freedom and our democracy. As I looked out on the parades in Port Perry, Bowmanvillc and Orono, I was very much impressed by the Girl Guides, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Cadets who participated participated along with their leaders. The veterans, along will) the Canadian Legion members, bring our communities communities together to remember remember those who have given us our wonderful country, Canada. (With freedom, comes responsibility). We are receiving approximately approximately 90 calls per day and numerous letters at our constituency constituency office. Most people people arc looking for information information on Bill 160. Interestingly enough, I heard from people with a number of concerns, for instance school bus operators operators who are now receiving no pay, some support staff in some area, who have had no say and perhaps no pay, and parents wondering who is going to pay their day care. Several OAC students called to explain that their Christmas exam results are important to their post secondary secondary admission. Several taxpayers called to say they paid their taxes and now expect a refund. During the past two weeks, I have attempted to return many of the calls personally. personally. I apologize to the many I have not called. The most important change with Bill 160 is that the province is moving to pay a greater share of educational funding. funding. Currently, approximately approximately 60% of your municipal tax bill goes to support education. education. Effective in 1998, 50% of your school support will now be paid through your provincial taxes. The province has promised a new funding model. Bill 160 will result in the province funding the major part of education. Bill 160 also gives the province the authority to set the funding rules. A number of people asked me to explain our new funding model. A panel of four experts, who along with input from across the province, are bringing forward a new method, of funding education education equally for each student in the Province of Ontario. The panel members are: Peter Howarth, Associate Director of Education for the Peel Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Philip DiFrancesco, a superintendent of operations with the Ilamilton- Wcnlworth Board. Nora Grey a superintendent superintendent of finance with the East York Board of Education. Enid Slack, an economic consultant in public policy research in the area of public public finance. She teaches graduate courses in public finance at the University of Toronto. The student based grant formula is as follows: 1st. A foundation grant to LOCAL COUNCILLOR WARD ONE JANE ROWE.,, mr Happy 45th Anniversary With joy and thankfulness to God, we announce the 45th wedding anniversary of Hans and Ann Snoek of Orono, on November 15,1997. thank yon, Mont and Dad, for your faithfulness to God, to each other and to us. Happy Anniversary Love from all your children and 29 grandchildren! m * 1 Leigh Sauginson Hair Works 78 King St. W. Newcastle 987-5176 The Hair Works is pleased to announce an addition to our staff- Leigh Sarginson of Port Hope. Leigh has 14 years experience and specializes in long hair updos and braids, etc. As an introductory offer, we are giving as a gift a 950 ml bottle of infusium free with every perm or color with Leigh. Offer limited to Nov. 30/97. The Hair Works is a full service salon offering perms, colors, highlights, roller sets, updos, braids, ear piercing, facial waxing and full barbering services. Gift Certificates are available. Book your holiday appointments early. We catty ABBA, Paul Mitchell system Professional Biol age products. Appointments not always provide a base level grant to every student. This will cover the teacher and classroom classroom resources. 2nd. A special purpose grant, which recognizes the different needs of every student student - special education will recognize both learning disabilities disabilities and physical handicaps; handicaps; an educational opportunities opportunities grant for those students students with special needs or at risk; an ESL/FSC (second language) grant for new Canadians. 3rd. A per pupil accommodation accommodation grant which covers covers building maintenance, healing, renovation, repair and existing space, as well as new student spaces. 4th. An allocation to recognize recognize school administration, administration, as well as school board administration and out-of- classroom support staff. 5th. A transportation grant. All industrial and commercial commercial taxes will be collected collected and utilized locally. The province will assume approximately 75% of education education funding compared to less than 40% today. This important change has been recommended in both the Royal Commission on Learning, as well as the Fair Tax Commission. The province will set the mill rate across the province and has promised to freeze your local educational taxes for three years. Why is this change so important? Today, we have some students being educated educated at approximately $5,000.00 annually per student, student, while other regions spend almost $9,000.00 annually per student. The new funding model will ensure that every student student will receive their fair share of resources no matter matter where they live. This provincial control is a problem problem for some people but I believe that every child should come first and not be subject to how assessment rich some boards arc compared compared to other smaller, poorer, poorer, mainly rural boards. I will state again that the Durham Public Board does a wonderful job. At the same time the Durham Separate Board spends approximately $600.00 less per student and N/C as well as Victoria County Boards spend less per student. Public education is about students and every child deserves equal access to a quality education. I am pleased that our students students are back in school. At the same time, I feel very strongly that political action does not belong in our classrooms. classrooms. P BODY & SOLE Tl V The hair salon & spa to be at! | - SPECIAL FOR YOU - $5.00 OFF ANY SERVICE ~ {WITH THIS AD) • FACIALS • FULL HAIR SERVICE • PEDICURES • MASSAGE • MANICURES • AROMATHERAPY • EAR CANDLING • WAXING • REFLEXOLOGY • LASH/BROW TINT BODY & SOLE HAIR SALON & SPA 234 King St. East, Bowmanville (905) 623-SOLE (7653) Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, B.Sc. Phm. Why do some people eat flaxseed as a dietary supplement! Flaxseed oil contains alpha-linole- nic acid which is converted to an omega-3 fatty fatty acid in the body. These are the compounds that arc purported to lower triglycerides and have anti-inflammatory and anti-blood clotting effects. Coffee is generally not recommended for anyone with gastric ulcers, heartburn or sleeping problems. Coffee does increase the production of stomach acid and the caffeine content (about three times the amount in tea) can cause irritability and insomnia. The flu shot season is here again. Not everyone wishes to have a flu shot but certain groups of people should have one. These include the elderly (especially those in nursing homes), those.with chronic lung, heart or kidney conditions, children with asthma and those persons with immune system problems (like AIDS). When taking medications, write down any discomfort or unusual effects you experience. It is important to keep your pharmacist and doctor informed about drug reactions so they can advise you better. The goal of our pharmacists is to build a rapport with you. We want to help you become more informed about your medications. We believe it's Important that you take charge of your own health and having the right information about your medications is part of it Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (905) 623-761 WINTER its way... ULTRA GRIP HP Performance » Radial for Winter Traction.; VAN HEMMEN 317 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-2121 Mon. - Thurs, 8 - 5:30; Fri. 8 - 5; Sat. 8 - 2 NO CHARGE: • tiro disposal • Installation • balancing • valve stem Dundns St. </) c 3 a 0 1 , "O CC -- Vniiiloimyicn ° "Tiro "Xjj Warren Rd. p Consumers Dr. '