! t I News from Soli no The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 19, 1997 Section Two Page 11 by Harvey Yellowlees "Make your own sunshine. sunshine. It may not brown the skin, but it will warm the heart." Well, old man weather has given us a taste of winter with the ground covered with snow. The Rural Bowling scores . arc Hampton on the top, then Newtonshaw, Solina, ili C's and Courticc, then our ghost leant. Ron Broome won the 50/50 draw. I think the draw winner this week should be another player from Solina. On Wednesday night at the card parly at Hampton they had a player that outdid himself by scoring 110 of a count and had 10 lone hands. That was Lloyd Broome. So, of course, Lloyd was the high person followed by: Marie Brooks 79; Jeanic Forsythe 77; Art Compton 74; and Ace Richards 73. Low: Ryan Knott. Draws went to: Wilma Kantor, Muriel Butson, Marie Brooks, Clarence Bray and Ada Richards.Comc again this week. Cards at Solina Hall Friday evening had a smaller crowd than usual due to the weather, but we had a good time and lunch. The winners were Franc Svelcc high 80, Charles Langmaid 72, Marion Broome 69, Alma Langmaid 69. That's their score, not age. Franc Svelcc had the most lone hands and Betty Ann Dodds was the most honest player. Draws were given to Dick Scobil, Si Trewin, Lois Yellowlees, Jean Monday and Harry Knox. A very small crowd at church Sunday morning. Bruce and Donna Snowden and family were greeters and Herb Tink the lay reader. There was a lovely number by the choir. Reverend Munro had a message for the children children about a can of tomato soup and challenged them to bring items each Sunday for the Food bank. His message was "New Beginnings" - "Fresh Answers". Larainc Bennett and Doreen Westlake helped serve communion. Service closed with the hymn "All The Way My Saviour Leads Me" and "Go Now and Pass It On." Coming Events: Joint Session meeting at Eldad, November 24th at 7:30 p.m„ Mitten Tree service at both services November 30lh, Advent Carol service at Hampton Church November 30th at 7:30 p.m„ White Gift service at both churches December 7. Many from Solina attended attended the Santa Claus Parade at Bowmanville on Saturday morning along with thousands thousands more. We had some of our grandchildren dancing. I was happy that Santa Claus waved to me. lie must be a busy man. : Mi 1 . r i i : mlbiW m o': jm «'j » m r l $ {oltstfer Services Pumpkin Hunt Brings in $1,500 for Hospital A Pumpkin Hunt and Fun Fair held last month at Ted Watson Farms in Bowmanville generated $ 1,500 for the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Pictured above with the giant cheque arc: Auxiliary President June Hunter (left) along with Kaye and Bob Ellies, co-conveners of the Oct. 15th event. By all accounts, the day was a tremendous success, with an estimated 3,000 people participating. Christmas Seal Campaign Across Durham Region, November 7th, Durham Regional Chair Jim Witty, each Canadian Tire store and their local mayor helped kick off The Lung Association Durham Region's 1997 Christmas Seal Campaign, which runs until January. "In Canada and across the world, asthma is on the increase," says Anita Witty, Chairman of The Lung Association Durham Region's Christmas Seal Campaign for the second year. "We've got to continue funding research that looks at causes and possible possible cures," she says. Each year in Durham Region, 579 children between 10 and 19 years old are hospitalized due to asthma. "Second-hand smoke is killing non-smokers and making people in its path ill," she says. The Lung Association's fund-raising goal in Durham is $104,600. THANK YOU TO WARD 4 Your support and encouragement during the recent election campaign was much appreciated. Swenly T/UiZ&efcdct DURHAM REGION THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CONSENT APPLICATIONS Durham Region Land Division Committee will hold a Public Meeting on the following consent application listed below: File: LD 277/97, Owner: Leonard and Jennie Falls Lot 5, Concession 5 - Municipality of Clarington Consent to sever a 49.7ha farm with a house and farm buildings retaining a vacant ,45ha retirement lot. PUBLIC MEETING Delegations/public input will be heard on: Monday, December 8,1997 at 1:00 p.m. Durham Region Planning Department, Main Boardroom Whitby Mall, Fourth Floor, Lang Tower The Committee will review all written material beginning at 10:00 a.m. COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? If you are interested or have a concern please attend the meeting or make written submission. The Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss an appeal of the decision or condition if a written submission is not filed before the Committee gives its decision. To receive the Committee's decision, you must make a request in writing. For further Information please contact Marlene Sargent, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer to the Land Division Committee at: 1615 Dundas St. E., Box 623 4th Floor Lang Tower West Building Whitby, Ontario L1N6A3 Tel: (905) 728-7731 (Whitby) Tel: (905) 686-1651 (Toronto) Fax: (905) 436-6612 Enniskillen News by Betty Wright Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ratz, of Huntsville, were dinner guests on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Raglan. Deepest sympathy . is extended to the Cole families on the sudden death of Allin Cole of Bowmanville.. He passed away last week. Mrs. George Wolfe, Port Perry, Mrs. Ernie McDonald, Mrs. J. Fallis, Bowmanville, Miss Clara Page visited with Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and Ella was a guest of Mr. ivison Tamblyn on Saturday at the roast beef dinner in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty joined family family and friends of Ron and Carrol Clemens at their cottage cottage at Williams Point on Friday to watch the installation installation tif their new pre-fab cottage. cottage. There will be a Pot Luck dinner at the Enniskillen Church on Saturday, November 22nd at 5 p.m . Everyone is welcome. Enniskillen Church would like to thank Liz Forster, Velma Griffin and Diane McGill for the beautiful flower arrangements in our sanctuary. The Enniskillen Parent Council is sponsoring the selling of Christmas plants for the Enniskillen School. Please contact the Enniskillen School if you desire any Christmas plants or Marie Sharp at 263-2529. Christmas Penny Sale is on Thursday, November 27th Embark on a new Odyssey. '98 Odyssey WEjAlPtTfRlSlHIIlPlttsEaVSIliNaSB/ '98 ODYSSEY LEASE $298 Per month for 48 months Down Payment $2,550. msrp $29,800* Out Odyssey includes « 2.3 litre 150-hp VTEC engine • 4-Wheel Independent Double-Wishbone Suspension with Front and Rear Stabilizer Bars • Anti-Theft Immobilizer System • Rear Bumper Protector • Tachometer ♦ Dual Air Bags (SRS) • 4-\VTiccl Dec Brakes with ABS • Electronically Controlled 4-Spced Automatic Transmission wuh Lock up Torque Convener and Grade Logic Control • CFC-Frec Air Conditioning • Child-Proof Rear Door locks • Hcat-Absoibing Green Timed Glass to I ielp Protect Passengers and Intenor (torn l leat and UV Rays • Power Windows. Door Locks and Side Minors • Cruise Control • Till Steering • AM/FM Electronically Tuned Steteo wuh Cassette and 4 Speakers • Siorc-m -the-Floor Third Row Bench Scat • 6 or 7-Passenger Sealing •Lease oilers are from Honda Canada Finance Inc . U AC 'Based on a new 1998 Odyssey (model RA384W/RA386W'). $298 per month lor 48 months Total lease obligation Is $14,304. Down payment or equivalent tratle ol $2,350 required, plus first monthly payment ami security deposit ol $375 Zero down payment plans are also available. 96.000 km allowance ( lOi/km exceeding 96.000 km applies) Freight and PD I': ($850). taxes, licem'e and insurance arc additional. Option to purchase ai lease end loi $14,602 plus taxes f height ami I'D I: ($850), taxes, licence and insurance arc additional Dealer may lease/sell (or less These oilers are lot a limited time See Dealer lor complete details WHITBY 0SHAWA 1110 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY LOCAL (905) TOR. LINE (905) 666-1772 686-1745 http://www.l>ondq1 .com ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ IBEH Built Without Compromise. ©J.P. at Enfield United Church. The door will be open at 6 p.m. and draw time is at 7:30. Admission is $1.00 which includes a light lunch. Enfield's Community Christmas Pot Luck dinner at Enfield United Church will be held on Thursday, December 4th at 6:30 p.m. Please bring non-perishable items to be donated to Bowmanville Salvation Army. All are welcome. The youth group will have a Bake Sale/ Fundraiser, at Enniskillen, after church on Sunday, November 23rd. Thank you to the residents of Clarington for your continued support and trust. I will continue to represent ALL of you, ALL of the time. Diane ; -, _ . / V W'. '■ SJ£> RANGE 1 SUITS 5295 ÉJ JW( A 1 Hr I RANGE 3 SUITS a* S9Æ7S •A \\„ \\\ LT RANGE 2 SUITS i395 RANGE 4 SUITS 3S® MEN'S PIERRE CARDIN CORDUROY & HEAVY COTTON TWILL PANTS Values to W° am 6 *" rr teas xtiP 8111 RANGE- OF ; < fflg - SSli TOPCOATS Zip-in Lining Reg. to *265°° NOW /m. ,r " ; " "y Canadian-Made LONDON FOG LEATHER JACKETS i m mm 1rfflw Reg. *495°° NOW $24750 y \ ; vr V-,, .v ■v •" ! >s HATS & FEDORAS • ( Vce v K.-'O ■ MEN'S DRESS SLAX Rcr. .$70 $80 $100 NOW *36 *40 *50 MFN PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS gegoz, Æw /© OFF BOXES BÊ; MEN'S SPOUT JACKETS Values to $195 NOW the J -■■■ '-1 MEN'S MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Arrow, llutliway, lt.V.D. Reg. $40 $50 $60 NOW 1/2 PRICE *20 *25 *30 NECK SIZES m 14 1/2 In 20 --1 SWEATERS™ .PULLOVERS! A SIZE FOR EVERY MAN DUNN'S itftft Jailors - Oshawa Gentry Across from Reltman's WE CARRY SUIT SIZES FROM 3-1 TO S3 SUNDAY 12:00-5:00 MON.TO FRI. 10:00-9:00 SATURDAY 9:30-6:00