Page 6 The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, April IS, 1998 CRHL Tournaments Recognize Champions NEWCASTLE VILLAGE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC. 98/99 REGISTRATION FOR ALL RETURNING AND 'NEW PLAYERS (Health card # and photocopy of birth certificate are required) 1 DAY ONLY MAY 2nd, 1998 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL All levels $100 per child, payable on May 2nd, remainder due October 1st (Depending on level, an additional $75 to $250) ALL NEW REGISTRANTS COULD BE SUBJECT TO A WAITING LIST Please contact: BOB HOLMES AT 987-7219 HFRMAN VAI HKY AT7RR-911R Rotator Cuff Tendonitis The annual CRHL House League tournament was hosted this season in !all divisions from Tyke to . Midget. The six divisional tournaments ran serially throughout this winter • from December to March. - All divisions were a tremendous success with a real inter-city flavour. Teams from as far away as . East Gwillimbury, London, St. Catharines, Keswick, Grafton, ; Baltimore, Peterborough .and Fcnelon Falls all par- , .ticipated as well as our /neighbours Oshawa, Newcastle, Orono, Ajax, •, Port Perry and of course our own local stars. A total of 60 house league teams • .took part this year con- . .tributing some outstand- • ing hockey skill and good sportsmanship. The final standings arc '., as follows (by division): Tyke: 'A' Champions: Orono; *A' Finalists: CIBC Bowmanville; 'B' Champions: Ayrcn Links Bowmanville; 'B' Finalists: Computer Doctor Bowmanville; 'C' Champions: Blessings Travel Bowmanville; 'C' Finalists: J & M Tire Bowmanville. Novice: 'A' Champions: Grafton; 'A' Finalists: Carters Bakery Bowmanville; 'B' Champions: St. Marys Oshawa; 'B' Finalists: Coffee Time Newcastle; 'C' Champions: Kids Love Hockey Newcastle; 'C' Finalists: Union Oil Bowmanville. Atom: 'A' Champions'. Glen Stuart Oshawà; 'A' Finalists: St. Marys Oshawa; 'B' Champions: Newcastle; 'B' Finalists: Crows Sports Bowmanville; 'C' Champions: Bowmanville Non-Contact; 'C' Finalists: Christ Church Oshawa. Pccwee: 'A' Champions: Panthers Bowmanville; 'A' Finalists: Harmony Oshawa; 'B' Champions: Roy Nichols Bowmanville; 'B' Finalists: Hoopers Trophies Bowmanville. Bantam: 'A' Champions: Darlington Bowmanville; 'A' Finalists: Kooi Enterprises Bowmanville; 'B' Champions: Fcnelon Falls; 'B' Finalists: Harmony Oshawa. Midget: 'A' Champions: Ramnor Bowmanville; 'A' Finalists: Wallace Auto Bowmanville; 'B' Champions: Harmony Oshawa; 'B' Finalists: Albert St. Oshawa. On behalf of the CRHL, the tournament Director, Iain Myles, would like to thank the following people for their hard work and patience; Todd Stauffer, April Stauffer, Mike Dale, Dave Wright, Bill Carefoot, Linda Larter, David Lartcr, the Jcffcrsons, Renata Anderson, Grant Brock, Greg Balsam, Brad Dewhirst, Jim Bell, Bethany Dewhirst, Melinda Gray, Brendan Grigg, Chuck Bicklc, David Sullivan, Ron Bilcox, Terry Kinghan, Dennis LaFlamme, Nancy Myles, Fred Szcrcmet, Paul Bcncteau, Patty Sinopoli and all the others without whose selfless efforts the tournaments would not have happened. The Director would also like to thank All Canadian Sport Exchange for it's generous contributions contributions of six authentic NHL jerseys in support of fundraising efforts. Finally, the Director would like to thank ail the teams (players and coaches) coaches) who took part this year. You made this year's events fun and competitive. competitive. Have a safe summer and we hope to see you again next year. Football Registration The Oshawa Hawkeyes will be holding a registration for midget-aged football football players on Sunday from 10-12 noon at the Civic Fields. The team plays in the Great Lakes Football League. No experience experience necessary. For information contact Ian Bunting at 433- 4648. QUESTION: "Telma, when you treated my tummy, my back felt much better. Can you explain." The iliopsoas, psoas, for short, is a back and hip muscle. muscle. This is a common contributor contributor to low back pain. In her book, Mvoiascial Pain and Dysfunction Dr. Janet Travell, MD, calls it the "hidden "hidden prankster". Trigger points in the psoas and another back muscle, the quadratus lumborum "are frequently responsible for a failed low back post surgical syndrome". A trigger, or tender point is a knot or point of tension in a muscle. The trigger point for the psoas muscle is in the front of the pelvis, specifically, specifically, the lower abdominal quadrant. quadrant. When this trigger is present, the pain is fell in the low back. What happens is the knot in the psoas, because it is a hip flexor, it tilts the pelvis pelvis forward. This forward pelvic pelvic tilt is most obvious when viewed from the side. The patient reports that they have pain when they try to straighten up. They say that sitting causes them the most pain. But when questioned further, the worst movement is getting up from silling. The hamstrings arid' back mus- '■'cTës'S'phsrtV to'counteract the forward pelvic tilt. When the psoas trigger point is present, the hamstrings and back muscles will not release until the psoas is treated. But because the trigger point is in the front, the psoas trigger is often missed. Your physiotherapist is trained to evaluate your back. The psoas trigger point is identified by palpation. It is extremely tender to the touch. I would say as many as eighty percent of my low back patients have psoas trigger as a major component of their low back pain. Treatment involves: Inactivating the psoas trigger point. In our clinic, we use the Electro-Acuscope Pain and Stress Management Systems. Correcting the forward pelvic tilt through back and hip extension stretches. Strengthening the lower abdominals to counteract the pull of the psoas. The trigger is in the front but the pain is in the back. In order to relieve the low back pain, treatment must be directed to the front. Grant Physiotherapy is located at: 214 King St. E., Bowmanville (905) 623-2783 PUTTING PEOPLE IN MOTION Triple F Bowling Scores t April 10 Jake Dykstra 27, Ann Strikwcrda 23 1/2, Frances Mulder 23, Peter Flonk 22, Don Vander Meer 21, Ann ri Vander Meer 20, Ron Bonsma 18, Nick Bakker 13 1/2. i r '. High Single Ladies - Francis Mulder 255. .i" High Single Men - Peter Flonk 231. High Triple Ladies - Doreen Bakker 298. HighTripie Men - Peter Flonk 620. High Average Ladies - Ann Strikwcrda 174. High Average Men - Peter Flonk 190. » f f i C.M.H.A. Toros Annual Meeting Date: Sunday, April 26th, 1998 Location: Garnet B. Rickard Rec. Complex Hall Time: 12:00 Noon TOPICS: • Election of 1998-99 Executive • Changes to C.M.H.A. By-laws and Constitution • Changes to C.M.H.A. Operational Guidelines • Setting of 1 998-99 Registration Fees • 1997-98 Financial Report • 1998-99 Proposed Budget • A chance to discuss YOUR Concerns and Ideas Anyone wishing to be nominated for election, please contact: Nick Vanseggelen 434-8848 / Kevin Graham 623-5034 "INSTEAD OF SITTING'-BACK TALKING ^BOLff THE PROBLEMS/ • ■■ ; 'STEP FORWARD AND BE A PARTOFTHE SOLUTION' 1 Clarington Minor Hockey Association SPRING TRY-OUTS "AA" Garnet B. Rickard Sports Complex $6.00/hr. Sol., April 18 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Minor Novice (1980) 9:00- 10:00 a.m. Novice (1981) Sun., April 19 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Minor Atom (1982) 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Atom (1983) . 9:00- 10:00 a.m. Minor PeeWee (1984) Tues., April 21 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Major PeeWee (1985) Wed., April 22 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Major PeeWee Thurs., April 23 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Minor Atom 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Afom 9:00- 11:00 p.m. Minor PeeWee Fri., April 24 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. PeeWee Sal., April 25 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Minor Novice 9:30- 11:00 a.m. Novice 11:00-12:30 p.m. Minor Atom 12:30-2:00 p.m. Atom 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Minor PeeWee 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. PeeWee 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Minor Novice 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Novice Sun., April 26 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Minor Atom 9:00- 10:00 a.m. Atom 10:00- 11:00 a.m. Minor Novice 11:00- 12:00 p.m. Novice 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Atom "3:00 -4:30 p:m; ; 'Minor PeeWée' • 4:30 - ;, ;6:00 p.'rtt:" mPëèWeë' ) m 'MY MECHANIC KNOWS MY CAR BEST." 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