Page 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 22, 1998 Section Two Amnesty International Regional Meeting In Bowmanville The Clarington Action Circle of Amnesty International, newly formed in late 1997, is pleased lo announce it will host the annual Kawarlha Lakeshore Regional Meeting of Amnesty International Sunday, April 26. The meeting is at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Bowmanville. Representatives from other Amnesty International groups from an area west lo Ajax-Pickcring, cast lo Brockvillc and north to Lindsay and Peterborough will attend for education, inspiration and celebration. The public is welcome to attend the first porlhon of the meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to hear speaker Anne Woolgcr of Refugee Services, Toronto Amnesty International. The latter portion of the meeting is a business session for members only. The Clarington Action Circle of Amnesty International was started by Rev. Hugh Donnelly of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and Alice Dana of Bowmanville. Meetings arc held monthly at St. Andrew's. The group is in the process of educating itself about Amnesty International and writes letters to governments governments around the world asking them to free prisoners of conscience arid those imprisoned for their political beliefs. Anyone interested in attending the regional meeting and/or the monthly meetings of the Clarington Action Circle may contact The Rev. Hugh Donnelly at 697-3848 or Alice Dana at 697-3006. 'Tell Us All About Samson! 1 The local girls of Timnath gather around to do their washing and gossip about a stranger in town with very long hair. A man known as Samson. Pictured here (clockwise) Sarah Segers, Rebecca Walhout, Crystal VanWinklc, Jessie Bellman, Aimcc DcMillc, Rebecca Denbraasen, Amy Schuman, Amanda Shotton and Natalia Nossa. This is a scene from St. Stephen's upcoming production of Samson. The performance dates arc April 22, 23, 24 and 25 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets can be obtained by calling 623-7583. Barbershoppers Present Annual Snow May 9th The Oshawa Horseless Carriagemen Barbershop Chorus will be presenting their 49th Annual Show "A Wonderful Day of Song" on Saturday, May 9th at afternoon afternoon and evening performances at Eastdale Collegiate. The matinee begins at 1:30 and the evening show is at 8 p.m. Bowmanville Toastmasters Book Signing April 24 Newcastle author Marie Parker will be signing her books at the Chapters Book store in Ajax from two p.m. to four p.m. on Sunday, April, 26th Her latest publications include a romance novel entitled "All in the Genes" and a collection of poetry and drawings entitled "Inside Out." Her other books include two children's stories and a book on how to make dollhouse furniture called "Something Small." Miniaturing is her second second hobby. Older Adult Association Meets Apr. 28 Independent older adults over 55 years of age in Clarington are invited to meet Tuesday, April 28, from 9:30 - 2:00 p.m. at the temporary location in Memorial Park Community Hall, 120 Liberty Street South in Bowmanville. You can play bridge or euchre from 10:00 a.m.; alternatively, play games, crafts or socialize from 10:30 a.m. Square dancing is from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Low cost lunch at noon and transportation for a minimal fee can be arranged when ordered in advance by Monday noon. Phone Community Care at 623-2261. /titanic (PG) Fri. - Thuri. 7:30; Sal. • Sun. Ml 2:00, WO /toil In Spate |PG) Fri. • Thun. 6:50, 7:40; Sal. - Sun. Mal. 12:45, 3:35 /Mercury Riling |AA| Fri. • Thuri. 7:25, 1:55; Sal. • Sun. Mol. 1:40,4:15 /The Odd Couple II (PG) Fri. - Thuri. M5; Sal. • Sun, Mai. 1:15, 3:30 /City of Angeli |AA) Fri. • Thuri. 7:00, 7:35; Sal. ■ Sun. Mol. 1:30,4:05 /Object 01 My Affection (PG) Fri. • Thun. 705,9:30; Sol. • Sun. Mai. 1:10,3:55 /Major league: Sock To The Minori |PG| : ri. • Thuri. 6:45,9:15 /Nighlwolch (AA) Fri. • Thuri. 7:35, 10.00 /Stream 2 |R| Fri. • Thuri. 7:10,9:50; Sol. • Sun. Mai. 1:45, 4:30 [he Big Hit |AA| Fri. -Thun. 7:20,9:45; Sal - Sun. Mat. 2.00, 4:20 /My Giant |PG| Fri. • Thuri. 9:25 /Tartan And The toil City IPG) Fri. • Ihun. 6:55,9.00; Sal. ■ Sun. Mai. 12:20, 2:20,4:25 Sorne/i Great Adventure |F) Sal. - Sun. Mol. 12:10,2:10, 4:10 /Greaie (PG) Sol. • Sun. Mal. 1:20,3:45 Symphony Presents "Orchestral Suites" Sun., April 26 at 3:00 p.m, at College Park Church in Oshawa The third concert of the Oshawa-Durham Symphony Orchestra's 1997/98 season is entitled 'Orchestral Suites - A selection of delicious string orchestra pieces'. It will take place on Sunday, April 26, starting at 3:00 p.m. at College Park Church, 1164 King Street E., Oshawa. The ODSO is at the peak of its artistic excellence excellence and, as it is only presenting presenting four concerts this season, any opportunity to experience this fine orchestra's performances should not be missed. Tickets are available at The Canadian Statesman, 62 King St. W„ Bowmanville; Walters Music Centres, 349 King St. W. Oshawa; Whitby School of Music, 103 Dundas St. W„ Whitby and Wilson and Lee Ltd., 87 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa or by calling the ODSO at (905) 579-6711. Tickets are also available at the door. Included in the price, for those who wish to attend it, is a pre-concert session entitled 'Orchestral Insights' during during which a discussion is held about the music which will be performed. This is led by one or two of the musicians who will be playing in the orchestra or a guest artist. It is a popular popular addition to the program. program. The limited reserve scaling scaling can be arranged through any Barbershopper or by calling Jean or Murray Osborne at 436-2419. The show offers some unique differences from past years. There will be a Pre-Show Half Hour Sing- Along with East York's Bill O'Hara at the piano and the Master of Ceremonies will be Neil Aitchison. Both of these gentlemen arc entertainers entertainers of note in their own right. "Power Play" is a 10th place international quartet and is a family group consisting of a father, two sons and a nephew. "Acappclla" is noted for vocal jazz and contemporary contemporary music. The Oshawa Chorus is a newly-acclaimed 3rd place winner at the Ontario Region Spring Competition. All together this makes for an entertaining entertaining time with a variety of music. Through our shows and performances around Durham Region, the Horseless Carriagemen have continued to support our charity, "Harmonize for Speech," which contributes lo the Campbell Speech Clinic at Oshawa's Grandview School. Bowmanville Toastmasters exceeded their expectations at their Tuesday, April 14,1998 meeting when they returned lo the format of three prepared speeches. Toastmaster Nancy Barnes, chairman, had expectations as her theme! She encouraged each of us to have high expectations. If we don't set high goals, our achievements will be only mediocre. Toastmaster Cam Berry led us through the changing seasons with his impromptu speech topics. Toastmaster Fred Archibald was selected as the best impromptu speaker. speaker. Our ranks were joyfully joyfully swelled by live guests. They all participated and enhanced the meeting. Join us any Tuesday evening 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at The Darlington Hydro Information Centre, Bowmanville. For more information, please call 623-2243 or 623-3527. ^Buster's flC KJE Scarecrow gfg^.ai a tribute to Idhl SSfcfiP* John 06 H • *** 'Cougar* ggjg fypi ji Mellencamp ' Saturday, ££ April 25 Tickets: s 7 00 Advance s 10 00 At The Door For info call (905) 987-4442 45 King St. W., Newcastle To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 Bowmanville High School o Zy 77 f presents BYE BYE BIRDIE April 29, 30, May 1, 2 8:00 p.m. (Free performance for Senior Citizens on Monday, April 27th at 7:00 p.m.) / \ \/£vX Bowmanville High School Auditorium (905) 623-4416 Students/Seniors $6.00 Adults $8.00 4 £> NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call i'ELCOME^JI Wagon r r SiNinn 1Q10 Sandra Yates 623-5873 Bowmanville Area Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. This is a FREE tolophono call Meetîn To Listen & Respond To Ads ■Ip 1 Call 3^ 1-900-451-4552 ACE Ext88 Women seeking. NEW TO AREA While lomalo, from Toronto, finding It hard lo gel lo know pooplo More. Looking to moot guys or girls lor friendship friendship only. AD# 3072 OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE Opon-mindod. easy-going couplo, very atlractivo, slim and healthy, socking opon-mindod, casual, allractivo male who likes to havo lun. AD# 3140 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Single whilo lomalo, 42, 5'9", hazel oyos, charismatic, romantic, Christian valuos, family limo very important, enjoy outdoor activities, walks, cycling, camping, movies, candlo light dinners, looking lor friendship first. Ad# 2917 CONFIDENT & ATTRACTIVE Single whilo lemalo, silly, lun loving girl, divorced, 2 children, looking lor someone funny, tail, easy going, attractive, attractive, sell sulticient male. Ad# 2539 GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR Single while lomalo, 32, single mom, short, culo , sooking tall handsome man who loves kids A has a wild side, smoker, occasional drinker, il you want lo got togelhor lor a cup ol colfeo Icavo a message. Ad# 2G2G QUIET TIMES Single whilo lemalo. queen size. 2 children children 37, sooking male lor quiet limes, employed, enjoy outdoors, family lilo, il this sounds liko you coll mo. Ad# 2290 HAVE FUN Single whilo lomalo, 57", 150 lbs . sooking Uisoxunl lomolos lo go oui & have lun. Ad# 2413 LONG DRIVES Single white lomalo, 5'4", 120 lbs., btondo hair, onjoy rollerskating, walking along llw boach, long drivos, ontlng out, dancing, sooking bonosl A kind mnlo. Ad# 2310 SEEKING SPECIAL PRINCE SWF, 30, G'3 H ,135 lbs., onjoy dancing, pool, movies, sooking special princo, slncoro, romantic, 30-40, tall A confidant. confidant. Ad# 2254 GOOD TIMES SWF, looking lor Irloiid, somoono for good limes A bad. AD# 2170 CURIOUS FEMALE SWF, married, 2 children, curious in meeting & being with another woman. AD# 2184 SEEKING TALL MALE SWF, 57", br. hair, br. oyos, onjoy fishing. fishing. skating, camping, hockoy gamos, walks, seeking tall male, 32-40. AD# 2155 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SWF, attractive, bi-soxual, 27, 57", 1G0 lbs., seeking F or couplo. AD# 2000 ATTRACTIVE & AFFECTIONATE SWF, 30, single mother, 5'G", attractive, nllcclionato, easy going, Intelligent, sooking alfcclionalo, strong, honost male. AD# 1000 COMPANIONSHIP SWF, Inloroslod In mooling somoono lor companionship who has 2 kids, il you nro inloroslod loovo mo a mossogo. AD# 2049 DANCING A PARTYING SWF. 19, 5'5", blonde hair, hazel oyos, liko shopping, dancing A partying. AD# 2026 SHY FEMALE SWF, shy, 5'3", 135 lbs., strawberry blonde hair, sooking male who is roll- oblo, sensible, enjoy walking, spending quiet nights at homo. AD# 1943 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH SWF, 20, average looking, lull ligured, like sports, looking lor male 20-30, who is lun, honosl, trusting. AD# 1950 LOOKING FOR GENTLEMAN SWF, looking lor gentleman. 32-39, tall, nice looking, trustworthy, humourous, I'm 5'3", 130 lbs . 30, onjoy movios, going out lor walks, srnokor, casual drinker. AD# 2000 SINGLE FEMALE SWF, 10 , Inloroslod In meeting a white mnlo. AD# 1572 SENSUAL A ROMANTIC SWF, 40, prolosslonnl, Durham Region, inlolligonl, oduentod, vivacious, articu- Into, sensual, rornnnllc, 5*4", auburn hair, brilliant smile, enjoy stargazing, hoi oil massagos, lino dining, il you nro con- lidonl A lull ol lilo I'd love to hoar from you. AD# 1GG5 EASYGOING A FUN LOVING SWF, 31, 57", reddish br. hair, br. eyes, havo 2 children, easy going, lun loving, groat person, onjoy overylhing, dancing, fishing, camping, dining oui, looking for a gentleman interested in a fun relationship. relationship. AD# 17G2 ATTRACTIVE A ATTACHED SWF, allractivo, attached, 3G, br. hair, bicurious, looking lor Iho same lomalo or well buill mnlo, discretion A cloanlinoss required. AD# 1901 DIG DROWN EYES SWF, 5'2", lull figured, br. hair, bin br. oyos, my husband A I are looking for a lull ligured lomalo. AD# 10G0 YOUNG, FUN A OUTGOING SWF, blue oyos. blonde hair, young, lun. outgoing A altraclivo, lovo Iho ouidoors A sports, looking lor a gonllomnn who is a professional & knows how to Ireal a lady the right way. AD# 15GG LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SWF, 37. sopnrntod, havo 2 children, enjoy dining, dancing & long walks, looking looking honosl, sincere, single, separated whilo mole. AD# 1541 HANGING WITH FRIENDS SWF, 19, slim, black hair, 57", 120 lbs., 1 like gothic mon with nttiludo, onjoy shopping. shopping. smoking. AD# 1517 GOOD TIME SWF, tall, thin. 25, br hair, onjoy biking, swimming, movies, would liko to moot a tail, aggrossivo, man who knows how lo havo a good timo.AD# 1519 KNOWHOW TO HAVE FUN SWF, 10, tall, slim, nhouldor length br. hair, looking lor tall, muscular, allractivo man who knows how lo havo lun. AD# 1557 GENTLE TOUCH SWF, 32, small frame, largo eyes, looking looking lor an nllraclivo woman with a gorille touch lo spend some special limes with. AU# 1757 CURIOUS FEMALE SWF, 21, married, curious about the same sox, looking lor someone who undorslands whore I am coming from. AD# 1457 Quosllona?? 41G-23G-GG44 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF. romantic at heart, family oriented. oriented. career mom, looking lor special man lo share life's wonders with. You musl lovo children, enjoy ouidoors A bo adventurous. I lovo dancing, livo Ihoalro, movios. II you aro between 30-44 A ready for a relationship, I look forward to mooling you. AD# 1408 WAITING FOR MR.RIGHT SWF, 39, single mom, n/smokor, onjoy bowling, dining out. movios, going lor walks, or quiet evenings at homo. I am pationtly wailing lor Mr. Right. AD# 1708 FIRST TIME SWF, altraclivo wilo, 20, 5'G", blonde hair, br. oyos, very bicurious, looking lor allractivo lomalo lo sharo my 1st limo with. AD# 13G4 WHERE ARE ALL THE NICE GUYS? SWF, 49, brunollo, 57", n/smokor, social drinker, emotionally A financially socuro, il you aro 50-59 ovor 5'9 , over 100 lbs, A enjoy dining A cinema, give mo a coll. AD# 1191 Men eeeklng.. MOONLIGHT STROLLS Single white male, 3G, 5'10", brown hair, bluo oyos and thin build. Intorosts aro camping, walks on Iho beach, moonlight strolls, nights on iho lown and romantic dinners. Looking lor a gal, ago and appoarnneo not Important, who wants lo find somoono lo spond good limes togelhor, perhaps leading lo a long lerm relationship. AD# 3075 VERY PATIENT Whilo male, bl-curious wilh some experience, experience, 3G, 140 pounds, very patient and easy going. Looking lor someone slim, whilo, 25-35, hi- curious or now lo scono, lor discreet casual cncounlors. Nothing serious, jusl lor lun. Discrolion is very important. AD# 3003 CASUAL TIMES Dlnck mnlo, sludont, 21, 5'10", 250 pounds. Interested In sports. Looking lor whilo lomalo, or couplo, lor discreet soxual oncounlors. AD# 3092 COMPANIONSHIP Mnlo, 23, non-smokor and social drinker, who onjoys sports, going out, playing pool, going lor walks, biking and swimming, Is looking lor a lomalo, IQ- 23. AD# 312G KIDS OK SUCCESSFUL EXECUTIVE Singlo whilo mnlo, Into 30's, non smok- Married man, 41, 5'0", 1G5 pounds, likes or, financially socuro. Enjoys, swim- lo havo a good limo. Looking lor a spo- mlng. skating, skiing, long walks and clal. soxy lndy, slim and allracllvo lo conversation. Sooking lady who onjoys share oncounlors. Discretion assured, lilo and cuddling up aller dinner lo watch AD# 3052 a movie. AD# 3130 COMPANIONSHIP Married man. 5'0b", IG5 pounds, allrac- live, well built with a strong sox drive. Looking lor a slim, altraclivo woman, lo sharo iliscrool oncounlors. Married Is lino. AD# 30G1 LONELY GENTLEMAN Singlo whilo mnlo, 05, 5'H", 140 pounds, non srnokor and social drinkor. Sooking lomalo with a good sonso ol humour who onjoys qulot ovonlngn nl homo, dining oui and walking hand In hand. AD# 30G0 SINCERE A EASY-GOING Singlo whilo male, 20, G'4", blond, muscular muscular Llkos sporls, dining, partying, dancing and cats. Looking lor slncoro, easy-going whilo woman who likos lo parly. AD# 3071 SPORTS & MUSIC Malo, 23, looking lor lomalo 19-23. Enjoys hockoy, bnsubnll, football, shopping, shopping, llslonlng lo music, going oui, dining dining ond playing pool. AD# 3130 HONEST A EASY-GOING Singlo Europoan malo, 30, G'2", 155 pounds, brown oyos, black hair, no dopondonls, non srnokor, employed and soil sulliclonl. Llkos outdoor activities, movios and qulul ovonlngs al homo, Looking lor a woman with Iho sarno qualities, AD# 3157 LET'S MEET TONIGHT Singlo whilo mnlo, 32, G' tall, inodlum build, short black hair. Intorosts Includo Iho outdoors, dancing, movios, car shows, long walks on boach. Would liko lo moot an oasy going, fun-loving, spontaneous spontaneous woman, 25 • 40, who likos lo moot now pooplo and Iry now llilnhs, AD# 3105 COMPANIONSHIP Singlo whilo malo, G' tall. 175 pounds, onjoys the ouidoors, sollbalt, water skiing, skiing, snowmobiling, going out lo dinner and a show and having a good limo Looking lor someone who would like to bo friends, lor good conversation and companionship. AD# 3169 QUIET TIMES Malo, looking lor bi-lomalo, prclornbty coloured, 10-22, lor quiet limes anU quiet ovenings. AD# 3212 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo malo, tall, dark hair, dark oyer who likos camping, halting, canoeing, and Iho ouidoors. Looking for single whilo lomalo lor rolalionship Friondshlp lirst. Singlo mothers not n fjroblom. AD# 3105 FUN TIMES Malo, looking lor submissivo .preferably black, woll-ondowod lomalo. 10- early 20's, lor lun timos and long walks. AD# 3100 EXPLORE FANTASIES Attachod'malo, 45, onsy-going anti relaxed, looking for lomalo bolwcon 30 50 who would'liko lo oxploro fantasies by phono wilh possibililios ol mooting nl n Intar dnto. Exlromo discrolion Is both roqulrod and assured, AD# 3109 QUIET EVENINGS Singlo whilo malo, 39, 5'G", 1G0 pounds wilh long blond hair and bluo oyos Inloroslod in yard salon, lloa markets, nucllons, dining and having qulol ovonlngs ol homo. Socking singlo while lomalo lor possiblo rolalionship. AD# 3202 A LITTLE SHY Singlo whilo mnlo, first limo using ser vico, a liillo shy, Inloroslod In mooling young Indy, 25-30 lu havo discroui ovonlngs logolhor, dining A dancing. Ad# 2920 DISCREET TIMES Singlo whilo malo, looking lor anollioi whilo main, ago unimportant, looking lor somoono lo go oui wilh lor discroot timos, protly good looking, plonso lonvt- your numbur. Arl# 2/50 ADVENTUROUS TIMES Singlo whilo malo, GT. IG0 lbs., go<K build, looking lor snmo lor lun A nilvon .lumuiliiuuaUXMlU