Page 12 The Claringlon/Courliee Imlepeiulenl. Bowmanville, Saturday, April 25, 1998 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE EMPLOYMENT OPPS. MANITOULIN HEALTH CENTRE, operating two rural hospitals with a combined size of 70,000 sq. ft., requires a Director of Environmental Environmental Services responsible for administrating programs to maintain maintain buildings, grounds, equipment equipment as well as housekeeping and laundry services. Successful Successful candidates will possess first or second class stationary engineer engineer certificate, proficiency with computers and computerized building building systems, and solid managerial managerial experience. Please submit resume and salary expectations to: Personnel Dept., MHC, Box 640, Little Current, ON POP 1K0. Fax: (705)368-3603. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1 -800-267-1829. Quality of Course, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 3015, Ottawa, ON K1L6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute Institute of Canada offers on-campus on-campus and correspondence courses courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Counselling Practice, to begin this month. Free catalogue, call 24hrs. 1-800-665-7044. Mental Health Awareness Day The 7th Annual Mental Health Awareness Day will he held on Saturday, May 2. 1998 at the Oshawa Centre from 9:30 to 6:00 pan. Some of the agencies providing information and education include the Whitby Mental Health Centre, Durham Region Mental Health Mobile Crisis Service, Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, Oshawa Durham RAPE Crisis Centre, Oshawa General Hospital, COPE Mental Health Program and more. This event is being hosted by the COPE Mental Health Program of Durham Region Community Care Association. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Hydro Staff Report Accident- Free Year Clarington Hydro staff have gone a full year without without any accidents, repealing repealing a similar successful record they set in 1996. Being accident-free is not only good news for worker health and safety, but it also saves the company money, allowing the Clarington Hydro Electric Commission to offer its staff annual rebates for fit-' ness centre memberships.' One third of accidents, when they do happen, are back-related, says Dave Clark, CI-lEC manager. ' from. A Look Back at the Stories That Helped Shape Our Community fishermen's Luck Still Holds Good VOLUME 119 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1978 15c Per Copy NUMBER 18 Pupil-teacher Ratio Up Area High School Teachers Oppose Proposed Staff Cut Crown Queen of Cartwright High's Formal ;Ont. Ups Libraries !■ ' ' " -Hi SibSS.'- .... , Either fishermen in this area haven't been having much luck over the weekend, or they're reluctant to talk about their catch or have their pictures taken because The Statesman hasn't received one call about a big fish being caught. This photo was taken late Monday at the Goodyear dam where about a dozen anglers of all ages were hard at it, but not a fish was to be seen on the bank. Must have been the rain and cool weather that brought on the usual fishermen's luck, a wet rear and hungry stomach, to put it in nice language. Rotary Youth Exchange Pennsylvania High School Students Get 'Red Carpet' Treatment in Bowmanville * -^^or the Bow-*, humus'of various" Rofarioiltf tec. under llie chairmanship of ninvillc Rotary club's aclivi- for the duration of their stay.-Jack Lander, who introduced 'iïes is centred, around young The exchange was arranged the yoimg people and the BBS people and, at' the Thursday, by the club's Youth Commit- April 2fith meeting of the club, six high school students from Franklin, Pennsylvania, were the guests of honor for lunch. The young Americans are in Bowmanville as part of a Rotary sponsored student exchange. exchange. Students from BUS left Wednesday morning for Pennsylvania and the American American students arrived Wednesday Wednesday afternoon for their imir-dax visit to Canada. They have heen billeted in the Memorial Park Buys Two Sets Of Bleachers Contract negotiations be- and the teachers feel that the tween the Board of Education students will bp the ones to and the 448 high school suffer if the ratio is increased. 'teachers in Northumberland It was estimated that 75 and Durham have stalled on classes would have to be the issue of student-teacher dropped from the curriculum, ratio. including such subjects as According to Toronto taw- ( Continued on Page Two ) yer Brian Bcllmore, who is acting as the teachers' ne- { gotiator. "we haven't even begun to discuss salaries yet ^ because the cutting of staff is rfi rt r,c Tft the imminent matter, and the i i i 1 v prime concern in these negotiations". negotiations". According to the teachers the School Board is working or The Ontario government a student-teacher ratio of 18 tc announced on April 30th that one for next year The current t| ic 372 local, county and ratio is 17.5 pupils for every regional libraries in the prov- teaehcr. ince will receive an $8.7 mil- In effect, the Board will lion increase in grants this employ 430 teachers next year year, IHfewer than at present. The grant for Bowman- Phis docs not necessarily ville's Public Library on mean that 18 teachers will be Temperance Street will be in- fired by the Board. Some ol creased by $0,204 in 1973-74 to the 'redundant positions" arc a total of $11,904. expected to be absorbed by Newcastle's Public Library rc-tircmcnts, deaths, and will also get an increase of teachers who voluntarily over 100 per cent of their* .cave for positions elsewhere. 1972-73 allotment. Their 1973- In a letter from the loach- 74 grant will be $2,531. ors, released by the BUS rep- Both Library Board Chair- resen at, ves on the Teacher- man George Vice and Head Board relations Committee, Librarian Mrs. M. Stout Lynch and Miss A. agreed that the additional * . -- iho on!.nn,?n S rE 0l S„ < l 11 r 1 î unds arc mucl ' needed to Cartwright High School student, Janis Dorrell Community Centre and attracted an excellent includes not*only teachers bu° liEy's facmties^inchidéd crov/ . n ^ Q 1160 ! 1 °V he , At . Home F , ormal on turnout despite the inclement weather. Congratu- othcT professional staff as among the areas which could April 27th, by last years Queen, lations arc in order to the crew who did such a fine well, such as principals, vice-benefit from the increased Glenna Clement. Miss Dorrell is flanked by her iob of transforming the are 1,10 reference two Princesses, Michelle Robinson and Kathy ballroom B Mir/ZidSiS units SC me"h£^± Gunter. The Formal was held in the Blackstoi ballr °° m ' sVM? GIRLS SOFTHALL The release from the teach- ers stated that "the 18 to ] ratio, proposed by the Board is one of the highest now in existence in Ontario." The provincial average for student-teacher ratios stands at 17.1 to 1. Both negotiator Bcllmore hall into an elegant Photo Courtesy of the Port Perry Star (Continued on Page Two) Opening Session Conditioning Course Asthmatic Children Kinsmen 'Cribbing Sat. May 5 PAVING CONTRACT Alex Carruthcrs, M.P.P.. Durham, in a report from Queen's Park, has announced announced the calling of tenders tenders for a contract to include grading, drainage, granular hase and paving on the Macdonald-Cartier Highway from. Highway 33 at• Newcastle'* Easterly, a distance of 5.1 miles. PRACTICE First practice of the year for Knapp's Towing girls' team in the Durham Ladies softball league will be held on Monday, May 7th at Memorial Park, starting at 8:30. Anyone interested in trying Don Kemp of-90 Queen st, out for the team should phone was the winner of first prize, Don Kemp Wins $ 1739 Cash In Legion's April SO-SO Draw BITS m® PIECES Cribathon The Physical Conditioning breathe Asthmatic children May 5th. Course lor Asthmatic Children have problems breathing out A cribathon, in case you which is being held al the and he discussed the four are * 11 surc - 15 l ' lc same as a Bowmanville Library, held its mam causes of asthmatic walkalhon, except that the first Introductory Session attacks. The parents response participants push n crib rath- April 30th. 7-8:30 p in Mrs Mi the lecture was shown in the t-T than walk a prescribed Marjorie Pewtress. Executive question period which fol- nEnc h?nm n« Sven-,my the Norlhumhcr- love-1 Ssl hc °c™n andTmoney land-Durham TB & Respira Mrs demonstrated raisàd is used for charitable , lory Disease Association in the exercises to the parents, 1 tinduced Dr A B Sylvester Hard on the heels of their SW'ÆS r B C r: L E 'wnifhor™nvnr St p W n C f W * W P re F^ing nbout manvilic Kinsmen and their . p weather over Easter weekend. That was Kinetics arc preparing to lake before it slipped back into winter a bit. plus the part in the Second Annual rainy season. Sorry we mentioned it T.ih.thnn' this Saturday, DIAMOND -- If diamonds are a girl's best friend, there's one gal around town who is pretty lonely these days without hers. Don't know how it came to land at the police station but they have a diamond ring that can be claimed by the owner. Wednesday, April ,25th. RED SHIELD APPEAL r Frank's Variety received the The Salvation Army's tied one of the coaches, Mel $1739, in the Royal Canadian sc fi cr ' s award of $171 for the Shield Appeal for funds began Burgess at 023-5082 or Frank Legion Welfare Fund monthly f a ' e °t ticket No. 3100 to Don in the Bowmanville area on Bull at Ü28-2028, or- Knapp's Drjmffvhlch was held at the kemp. , May 1st. according to Captain,- Towing 023-5118. ' " Ladies' auxiliary bingo on Second prize ol $100 was won Scott Hewlett, in charge of the urivcT/in S n r ', Gco ' 'n TJautpson Of local Salvation Army work. "INS 101 MARK j3 Eastview Road, Lindsay, Chairman of the Appeal will Terence Dawson of New- far Ins ticket, No. 1391. The h e Dr II B Bundle castle was awarded the top seller-award of this ticket The obicctive of the Anneal mark of 93 at the Oshawa went to Geo. Smith, a member according to Dr Bundle will Kiwnnis Music Festival on of Branch 178, in the amount of ^Tl^oo" He ported on reading $ T,Ud sates for the month can^uv ichildren 14 years and under. ) vcrc §3677, down about $480 |J Ian Munday was tied for Inst month but this was J f - iv in whinh P vnnr first in the Grade V piano solo f a M «"tara can'assisi Tim SaNa. came third nlhellt and under tickets at Slo per ticket for the lio " Army in bringing happi- ^enrv Millionaires Dinner on April ness to thousands regardless (Continued nil Pace Two, nl color - rac0 or creed. category. Three's a Crowd on No. 2 Highway The Memorial Park Association has purchased two sets of bleachers for Diamond (I) North Diamond Diamond at Memorial Park. Each set of bleachers will seat 52 adults with comfort. In other words. .V.' people to a bleacher. The bleachers will he put up probably on Friday. Max llh. uhile Mr.v CalheriiH' Pidduck from lhc REUNION -- This Saturday, members of the Mad , .ariouk Midland Regiment will hold a reunion in Port villi gave a very inleiesling ciinduc-H-i the I- un and Games elubs in Zone C, which runs Hope with a full day Of action, including a business leeuie 111 the parents. I lie pe ml villi the child, en. from Wliilby to Colbornc and mcclinc nrobablv a mrndn n dinner anri rlnnpo children received one hour ol I he six weekly sessions arc a s far north ns Bancroft will mLLL1I1 fai P 1 ODuUly a para (1C, a (linnci and dailCG. being vonducied by the Nor- S | ar t f rom p ort perry on Headquarters for the event will be the recently ml-Durhum TB & Saturday morning and travel completed Legion building. Should be a good conditioning procedures under the instruction ol Physiotherapist. Physiotherapist. Mrs II R Hay ne l)r Sylvester described asthma as it a Meets children He outlined the anatomy ol the lungs and explained bow we Ihumhvr It spiralor> Association in the 25 miles to Lindsay, coopération with the (lalibur If you'd like to sponsor a ton Kuwait ha. Pine Ridge Cribbcr, get in tduch with any District Health Unit Kinsman you know or contact It you have an asthmatic either Jim Lawrence at Jury child and are interested in & Lovell's or Marty McLay at attending, plmne (12:1-2511 the Royal Bank bash! Having Hard Time Getting Arena Roof Fixed KNOW HIM? -- Saturday's Toronto Star published published an article concerning a $58,000 legacy left to his relatives in the Soviet Union by a 'Bowmanville grocer Peter Chodok.' lie specified that his assets were to he liquidated and sent to the USSR in the form of goods to avoid (lie state getting any of it, If anyone has Information concerning this man, we'd be most interested in hearing more details about him. CHANGEOVER -- It's difficult to explain to outsiders, but for the past few weeks, The Statesman has been printed from a combination of computerized type and hot metal. This week, we are making almost a complete changeover with everything except the classified being set on these fantastic new phototypesetting machines. The printers are now making up the pages with strips of paper that arc waxed and stuck into place, before being photographed. We're still having problems getting the pictures to reproduce well, but bear with us. The large crowds attending the Figure Skating Carnival here on Friday night, and the skaters Involved, had problems ducking the rain coming through Hie Arena roof, while out behind a |nrgo trailer filled with roofing material waited Vlently for someone to unload It and start the ANOTHER TRY -- Chuck Smith Ims to lie given a medal for persistence, A few months hack when lie was about to open Ills Mary Brown Virginia Fried Chicken palace next to the IGA on a Friday, the place was burned out Thursday night, This Friday lie's ready to go again with an opening in the same locution oml probably will he silting up nil night with his fingers and legs crossed. We'll hope lie makes it tills time and also hope many of you will he oil Imm! to give him a first day boost, major repair work. It must have become impatient or tired because suddenly one support 111,001) -- it you punched through the asphalt and the whole trailer Wednesday evening, we'd îfke to' remind'you tipped over on it,s tride. Now, it will be much more there's a Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic at the dd icult to unload unless there's a handy opening Lions Centre on Beech Avenue, It'll bo open until at lit,- rear of the trailer. htno Innlehl. Two curs pulletl out to pass onothur vehicle on Highway 2, near Comity Chrysler, Into Stimlny afternoon, April 29th, „ oml the pliolo (above) shows -- It you arc rending this early the nitcmmiii. r ' • The car In the picture was driven by r,7-year-ohl llownrd Mosher from Pickering. Dnnmge to II,o null, him heen (-stimuli'll nl $l.i*iii In a,MI- -r> lion, the shuttered pole will cost $21,0 to replace. Surprisingly, Surprisingly, no one was seriously hurt in the accident. According to OPP report», Mosher liml polled out to puss n enr driven by James McKnlght of llowmimvlllc, A third vehicle, driven by 22- year-old Mnrlo Btitlz of Osh- 'own. nlsn nllemnleil In puss McKnlght hut I,ml to cut off the Mosher cor to get hack In time. Mosher lost control of Ills enr oml slid no feet sideways before striking the pole., Miss lltid/. Ims heen charged by Newcastle OPP with Improper Improper passing. PC I). It. Meeoy investigated the mishap.