Page 2 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, April 25,1998 12th Annual .. ... .*S»:V• 5*.» A' :.•$*» ' e'i <' £ '■ it '"4 " v ■ ' Vs V ' < - 1 '• ■ -ArX SwS- • >- vv-, ; ISa- ;: ^ ; ■ ' :i ' Upli tld at the arnet ty. #2 at I wmanvill v Daily draw spending spree with a vendor of your choice! Ontario *7<i£e *?*tcCefre*tcie*it &(ucntcc& ^ttdefoetuiertt Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited Publishers of The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K9 P.O. Box 2000,1712 Baseline West, Courtice, Ontario L1C 2SS 905-623-3303 Fax: 905-623-6161 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. For 144 Years, Our First Concern Has Been Our Community Publisher-John M. James Plant Manager - Rick Patterson Ad. Manager - Brian G. Purdy Production Assoc. Publisher - Rick James Editor - Peter Parrott Supervisor - Ralph Rozema, Suzanne Bennett, Tim Bowers, Kevin Britton, Sharon Cole, Laurens Kaldeway, Barb Patterson, Tyler Scllick, Jim Snoek, James Stephenson, Vance Sutherland, Jim Tuuramo Advertising Editorial Laverne Morrison Brad Kelly, Lorraine Manfrcdo, Laura J. Richards Office Supervisor-Angela Luscher.Junia Hodge, Grace McGregor, Nancy Pleasancc-Sturman, Marilyn Rutherford, Libby Smithson Around Town LECTURE ON BARNARDO CHIL- Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Home Annual Licence Renewal of Versa-Care Centre, Newcastle In accordance with the Nursing Homes Act, public opinion is being requested prior to a final decision being made on the above. If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention of the Ministry of Health, you may submit them in writing by addressing them to: Director, Long-Term Care Division Ontario Ministry of Health 56 Wellesley Street West, 15th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2B7 (416) 327-7345, by June 1,1998 Please include the name of the nursing home and quote Project #023-99 on all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision. DREN -- A Historic Lecture entitled Nobody's Child. Dr. Thomas Barnardo and the Home Children by Gail H. Corbett, author of the book "Barnardo Children in Canada" will take place Tuesday, May 5, at 8 p.m. The program is at Memorial Park Club House. A light lunch will be served. There's Free Admission. This presentation presentation is sponsored by L.O.L. 2384. For information call 623-2405 after 5 p.m. All Welcome. If the descendants descendants of the Barnardo Children in Clarington were to hold a reunion it would have to be held outside outside as no building would hold them. Local Artist Wins "Best In Show Award" The Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa will host the Oshawa Art Association 30lh Annual Juried Show April 23 - May 10, 1998. Local Artist Bud Hay has been honoured with the coveted "Best In Show" award for his watercolour - "Feathered Friends". Bud has painted the Newcastlc/Clarington landscape for many years. His home in the country just cast of Newcastle Village includes his studio and gallery where his paintings are on display. From page 1 set up to use two types of bags -- a blue see-through bag for the recycables and a green bag for wet garbage. The collection would probably be done by split compartment compartment trucks if the system is brought here, he suggested. "This could totally totally replace the Blue Box where, right now, only 20 per cent of our recyclables recyclables are diverted. With a true wet/dry system we could divert 70 to 80 per cent," he predicted. He said it would be a chance for Clarington "to take the lead" in the Durham Region, where the atmosphere atmosphere offers a "cooperative "cooperative spirit." The province's legislation legislation means that garbage "is a problem problem for all of us," Clarington's chief administrative officer officer observed. SENIORS' ACTIVE LIVING SEMINAR - presented by 50+ Movin' & Groovin' Club will be held Wednesday, May 6, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m, (Doors open at 10:30 a.m.). It will be at Trinity United Church, 116 Church St. Bowmanville. Seminar includes: Demonstrations of Seniors' Exercise Program, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Line Dancing and Square Dancing; lunch; fashion show and door prizes, For further information information phone Jean Pattrick 623-4681, Mary Lane 623- 9732 or Community Care 623-2261. Clarington's Public Works Director, Stephen Yokes, shows what kibble made from compost looks like. The material is made by Thcrmatech, a company based in Hamilton, Ontario. The company is wanting to expand to the Durham Region within the next year. Kibble From Compost Bits Triple R Candle & Gifts 47 King St. West, Bowmanville 697-3580 Durham's Largest Selection of Candles SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER FROM MANITOBA NORTHERN LIGHTS COLLECTION OF VOTIVES (REG. $1.69) SALE PRICE $1.35 ' ALSO: Wrought-iron candle holders • Russ plush toys Pewter photo frames • Milkyway Pentel Pens • Folk-art Wood crafts • Découpagé occasion cards • Porcelain Dolls ©J.P.. Friday, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p. Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. IB ■■tsasyi