The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, May 2,1998 Paec 9 Comedy Crusade Visits Port Hope Tickets arc now on sale for Dave Broadfoot's (mostly-diffcrcnt-cxccpt- for-lhc-cxtr a-funny- favourites) "All New Comedy Crusade". Dave Broad foot brings his hilarious contemporary Durham College Choir Performs At Benefit Durham College Community Choir will be performing at a HeartBeat '98 - a benefit concert for the Cardiology Department, Hospital for Sick Children. This concert concert will take place on Saturday, May 9, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mark's United ' Church, 201 Centre St. South, Whitby. Along with the choir you will hear one of Canada's best known and greatest singers Maureen Forrester, accompanied by the talented musician and composer David Warrack. Other artists include the well-known children's entertainers "Just for Kids", the George Lake Big Band and the Durham College Community Choir Director, mezzo soprano Wendy Hcdderwick White. Demonstrating his enthusiasm and support . for the Durham College Community Choir, HeartBeat '98 and the Hospital for Sick Children, the President of Durham College, Gary Polonsky, will be making his public performance debut. HeartBeat '98 is the third in an ongoing series of concerts to raise funds for the Clinical Research Fund of the Department of Cardiology at the Hospital for Sick Children. For more information, please call the HeartBeat '98 benefit host, Christopher White at (905) 723-6442. MedicAlert Protects and Saves Lives For over 37 years, MedicAlert has been protecting protecting and saving the lives of its members by providing health professionals vital medical information when it's needed the most - in an emergency. MedicAlert protects almost 900,000 Canadians 24-hours a day, in 140 languages, languages, anywhere in the world. If you have a medical condition, drug or food allergy, allergy, special need, personal request or medication that should be known in an emergency, emergency, consider becoming a member of MedicAlert. When you enroll you automatically automatically become a lifetime member. A MedicAlert membership membership includes a stainless steel bracelet or necklet engraved with your important important medical information, member ID number and a 24- hour emergency hotline number. number. For additional protection, protection, members also receive a wallet card that lists medications medications and the names and phone numbers of your physicians and emergency contacts. This May, MedicAlert is promoting the benefits of wearing their internationally recognized bracelet and necklet as part of its "May Month" initiative. For the past 32 years, McdicAlert's "May Month" lias reached out to the estimated one in live Canadians who have medical conditions that should be known in an emcr- fency. 'flic message for this year is, MedicAlert: Speaks for You. For more information please call toll-free (Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. EST) 1-800-668-1507 throughout Canada or (416) 696-0267 in Toronto, or visit McdicAlerl's web site at satire - through his own insightful quips, as well as those of Sergeant Major Renfrew and hockey star Big Bobby Clobber - to Port Hope's Capitol Theatre, May 24. Showtime's eight p.m. In an uproarious fast- paced two hours, the sky's the limit with Broadfoot poking fun with no holds barred at everything...weird news events, sleazy sports events, male-female relations, relations, Canada-U.S. relations, relations, Canada-Mexico relations, Canada-Ottawa relations, brain dead judges, badly hung juries, unconscious mounties, the second sinking of the Titanic, moronic rappers, satanic nursery rhymes, plus the bizarre questions that come from the audi- ence. The sky's the limit, poking fun at everything As the veteran comic says, "I'm old enough to say what I want." Still, he's revered by all as a comcdic master. "I have heard all the great speakers in this part of North America and Dave Broadfoot is belter than the best," said Norman Vincent Pccle. For tickets sales May 24 - Port Hope's Capitol Theatre, (905) 885-1071 or (800) 434-5092. ONLY$ 10.00 INCLUDES: TRANSPORTATION, DINNER AND GST For <Reservations < Call 576-1357: rNew Dutch Oven &weat ù> V)V?l€4i i per person Special Mother's Day Buffet All you can eat $ 12 9S| Children $ l 00pcryear (ie. 2 years. $ 2 IXI ) Daily-Buffet • Salad Bar • Smorgasbord Fully Licensed OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 9 PM Highway 115/35 at Taunton Rd., Orono ■ m CALL (905) 983-5001 E3 ©j.p. Bowmanville High Tiff School presents 0 tj BYE BYE }f 0 oPz BIRDIE April 29, 30, May 1, 2 8:00 p.m. /fw^ Bowmanville High School Auditorium (90$) 623-4416 Students/Seniors $6.00 Adults $8.00 . ODEON (INEMAGUIDE r ClARINGTON PlACF CINEMAS Hwv '2 & '57 -- BOWMAN VILLE ivosi 69? coos CINESAVE TUESDAYS ON1Y $A 25 ✓presented in ALL SHOWS DIGITAL SOUND SH0WTIME5 FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, MAY 01 TO THURSDAY, MAY 07 Port Darlington Marina Hotel Unique i Waterfront 1 Setting c™™™? (kùt u& l&t - ühiY titl't \o iitiv) .It V ÛldiüVV yffaiAen't, 7*fë&}7'99tcUy1 (Mi Brunch 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausages, French Toast, Waffles, Home Fries, Pcrogies, Chicken, Ham, Meatballs, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Rolls, Butter, Apple and Orange Juice, Tea, Coffee. $ 10.95 plus taxes for Adults $5.95 plus taxes for Children from 5 to 10 years (Children under 5 cat free) Family Evening Buffet Menu 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Beef sliced from the Roast, Ham, Chicken, Pork, Pork Tenderloin, Potato, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Rolls and Butter, Dessert Table, Coffee, Tea. $16.95 plus taxes for Adults $7.50 plus taxes for Children from 5 to 10 years (Children under 5 cat free) Reservations Required - 623-4925 ^^TOPor^arlingtoi^oad^owmanvi^p^ n stfei I: BP®», m™JLsa.»r iejot-SEE"/' r a;:: rz™a$ Open for lunch and dinner on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10 *S cafe - !Fresh Martlet Cuisine Licensed by LLBO (905) 623-8772 73 King St. West Bovvmanville Wheelchair accessible ✓ TTTANIC{PG) FrVThurs: 7:30 S*Sui Mat: 12X0.3:40 ✓ LOST IN SPACE (PG) FtvThure: 6:50,9:40 S«-SunMat: 12:45,3:55 ✓ THE 000 COUPLE 2 (PG) FrvThufs: 7:10 Sal-Sun Mat: 125,3:55 ✓ SCREAM 2 (R) Frt-Thurs: 9:15 THE BH3 HIT (AA) Fri-Thure: 725,9:45 Sal-Son Mat 2-00,420 ✓ TOMORROW NEVER DIES (PG) Fri-Dm: 7.05,9-50 Sat-SunMat 1:10,3:50 ✓ CITY Of ANGELS (AA) Fri-Thuts:7:00,9:30 Sat-SunMat 1:40.405 ✓ MERCURY RISING (AA) FrVïïm: 7:35,9.55 ✓ TARZAN AND THE LOST CITY (PG) Fri-Diuts: 7:15,9:10 Sat-SunMat: 1220,220,425 ✓ OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION (PG) Frf-TTm: 6:55,920 Sat-SuiMat 1:30,4:15 LES MISERABLES (AA) Frt-Thuts:6:45,9:35 Sat-SunMat 1:15,4.00 ✓ BLACK DOG (AA) (NO PASSES) FrFThurs: 720,925 Sat-Sun Mat: 1:00,3.-Q5,505 BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE (F) Sat-Sun Mat 1210,2:10,4:10 "A PERFECT DATE MOVIE!" NICOLAS CAGE MEG RYAN CITY OF ANGELS fa) gnU-™! I5r THIS CLASSIC Sz\( ;A IS NLWACAI NAN HIT'S MAGNIFIŒMT! \ i ■ n j v H"i_; ci 11 i Ci 1 1 : m n i ,i ,i- hu.i Will ll It till it' 't'V in, , -> l'\ 1 i.mi V . - m in.I < .. Hi. \ IA:-li LES Misérables . . COLUMBIA^*' maruia/atf NOW PLAYING! PICTURES X S W A Y Z E dent Presents Women seeking... WHATS INSIDE THAT COUNTS Singlo while fomalo, divorced, 33, smoker, llnlil brown hair, brown oyos, lull linurocL scoking singlo while malo, 32-40, musl bo linancially socuro liko mysoli, I onjoy collage, fishing, camping, camping, family, animals. Ad# 3279 ■ NEW TO AREA While female, Item Toronlo, finding II hard lo got lo know people hero. Looking lo mool guys or girls lor Irinnd- ship only. AD# 3072 OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE Opon-mlndod, oasy-going couplo, vory ollrncllvo. slim and hoallhy, Booking opon-mlndod, casual, nllraclivo malo who likes lo havo lun. AD# 3 M0 Questions?? <11 C-23G'GG'M FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo whlto lomalo, 42, 5'9", hazel oyos, charismatic, romantic, Christian values, lamily limo very Important, enjoy ouldoor activities, walks, cycling, camping, camping, movlos, candlo light dinners, looking lor Iriondshlp llrsl. Ad# 2917 CONFIDENT A ATTRACTIVE Singlo while lomalo, silly, lun loving girl, divorced, 2 children, looking lor some- ono lunny, tall, easy going, allracllvo, soli sulllcronl malo. Ad# 2539 GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR Singlo while lomalo. 32, singlo mom, short, culo , socking tall handsome man who lovos kids & has a wild sldo, smoker, smoker, ocasslonal drinker, II you want lo gal logolhor lor a cup ol colloo loavo a mas- sago. Ad# 2G26 QUIET TIMES Singlo while lomalo, quoon size, 2 children children 37, seeking malo lor qulol tlmos, omployod, onjoy outdoors, lamily lilo, II this sounds liko you call mo. Ad# 2298 HAVE FUN Single while lomalo, 5'7", 150 lbs., socking socking bisexual females lo go oui & havo lun. Ad# 2413 LONG DRIVES Singlo while lomalo, 5'4", 120 lbs., blonde hair, enjoy rollerskating, walking along the beach, long drives, eating out, dancing, seeking honesl & kind male. Ad# 2310 SEEKING SPECIAL PRINCE SWF, 30, 5'3",135 lbs., enjoy dancing, pool, movies, seeking special prince, sincere, romantic, 30-40, tall & confidant. Ad# 2254 GOOD TIMES SWF, looking lor friend, somoono lor good limos & bad. AD# 2170 CURIOUS FEMALE SWF, married, 2 children, curious In mealing & being with anolhor woman. AD# 2184 SEEKING TALL MALE SWF, 5'7", br. hair, br. oyos, enjoy fishing. fishing. skating, camping, hockoy gornos, walks, soaking tall mala, 32-40. AD# 2155 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SWF, allracllvo, bl-soxual, 27, 5'7", ICO lbs., socking F or couplo. AD# 2000 ATTRACTIVE A AFFECTIONATE SWF, 30, singlo molhor, 5'6", allracllvo, allocllonolo, easy going, Inlolllgonl, seeking alloctlonato, strong, honosl malo. AD# 1008 COMPANIONSHIP SWF, inloroslod In moollng somoono lor companionship who has 2 kids, II you oro Inloroslod AD# 2049 I loavo mo a mossago. To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1 -888-400-3283 Ext. 88 DANCING & PARTYING SWF, 19, 5'5", blondo hair, hazol oyos, liko shopping, dancing & partying. AD* 202G SHY FEMALE SWF, shy, 5'3 N , 135 lbs., slrnwborry blondo hair, sooklng malo who Is roll- ablo, sonsiblo, onjoy walking, spending qulol nights at homo. AD# 1943 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH SWF, 20, avorago looking, lull ligurod, liko sports, looking lor malo 20-30, who Is lun, honost, trusting, AD# 1950 LOOKING FOR GENTLEMAN SWF, looking lor gontloman, 32-39, loll, nico looking, truslworlhy, humourous, I'm 5'3", 130 lbs., 30, onjoy movlos, going out tor walks, srnokor, casual drinker. AD# 2000 SENSUAL & ROMANTIC SWF, 40, prolosslonal, Durham Rogion, Inlolllgonl, educated, vivacious, nrticu- lato, sonsunl, romanllc, 5*4", auburn hair, bfllllanl srnilo, onjoy stargazing, hot oil mnssngos. lino dining, II you oro conli- dont & lull ol lilo I'd lovo lo hoar Irom you. AD# 1065 EASY GOING & FUN LOVING SWF, 31, 57", reddish br. hair, br. eyes, have 2 children, easy going, tun loving, great person, enjoy everything, dancing, fishing, camping, dining out, looking (or a gentleman interested in a fun relationship. AD# 1702 ATTRACTIVE & ATTACHED SWF, atlractivo, attached, 36, br. hair, bicurious, looking lor the same female or well built malo, discretion & cleanliness cleanliness required. AD# 1901 BIG BROWN EYES SWF, 5'2", full figured, br. hair, big br. eyes, my husband & I are looking for a lull figured fomalo. AD# 1000 YOUNG, FUN & OUTGOING SWF, blue oyos, blondo hair, young, lun, outgoing & atlractivo, lovo the outdoors outdoors & sports, looking lor a gontloman gontloman who is a professional & knows how to treat a lady the right way. AD# 1566 LOOKING F_OR A FRIEND SWF, 37, soparaied, have 2 children, enjoy dining, dancing & long walks, looking honest, sincere, singlo, separated separated while malo. AD# 1541 HANGING WITH FRIENDS SWF, 19, slim, black hair, 57", 120 lbs., liko gothic mon with altitude, onjoy shopping, smoking, AD# 1517 GOOD TIME SWF, tall, thin. 25, br hair, enjoy biking, biking, swimming, movies, would liko lo moot a tall, aggressive, man who knows how to havo a good time. AD# 1519 KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN SWF, 10, tall, slim, shoulder length br. hair, looking (or tall, muscular, attractive attractive man who knows how lo havo lun. AD# 1557 To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1- 900-451-4552 Ext. 88 Men seeking.. SUCCESSFUL EXECUTIVE Married man, 41,5'B", 165 pounds, likes lo havo a good limn. Looking lor a spacial, spacial, soxy lady, slim and nllraclivo lo sliaro oncounlors. Discrotlon assured. AD# 3052 COMPANIONSHIP Married man, 5'Bti", 1G5 pounds, ollrncllvo, ollrncllvo, well built with a strong sox drive. Looking lor a slim, allracllvo woman, lo sliaro discrool oncounlors. Married Is lino. AD# 3081 LONELY GENTLEMAN Singlo whilo malo, G5, 5'11", 140 pounds, non smoker and social drinker. Sooklng lomalo will! a good sonso ol humour who onjoys qulol ovonlngs nl homo, dining oui and walking hand In hand. AD# 3068 SINCERE 8, EASY-GOING Singlo whilo malo, 20, 8'4", blond, mus- cular, Llkos spoils, dining, partying, dancing and cars. Looking lor slncoro, oasy-going whilo womon who llkos lo parly. AD# 3071 MOONLIGHT STROLLS Singlo whilo malo, 36,5T0", brown hair, bluo oyos and Ihin build. Interests oro camping, walks on Iho boach, moonlight strolls, nights on Iho town and romantic dinners. Looking lor a gal, ago and appoaranco not important, who wants lo find somoono lo spond good llmos logolhor, perhaps leading lo a long term refationship. AD# 3075 VERY PATIENT Whilo malo, hl-curious with somo expo- rionco, 36, 140 pounds, vory potion! and easy going. Looking lor somoono slim, whilo, 25-35, bl- curious or now lo scono, lor discrool casual oncounlors. Nothing sorious, just lor lun. Discrotlon is vory nnpotlonl. AD# 3083 CASUAL TIMES Black malo, sludonl, 21, 5'10", 250 pounds. Inloroslod In sports. Looking ior whilo lomalo, or couplo, lor discrool soxual oncounlors. AD# 3092 COMPANIONSHIP Molo, 23, non-smokor and social drinker, who onjoys sporls, going oui, playing pool, going lor walks, biking and swimming, Is looking lor a lomalo, 19- 23. AD# 3126 KIDS OK Singlo white malo, lato 30's, non smok- or, linancially socuro. Enjoys, swimming, swimming, skating, skiing, long walks and conversation. Sooklng lady who onjoys lilo and cuddling up alter dinnor lo watch a movlo. AD# 3130 SPORTS & MUSIC Malo, 23, looking lor lomnlo 19-23. Enjoys hockoy, baseball, loolball, shopping, shopping, listening lo music, going oui, dining dining nnd playing pool. AD# 3138 HONEST & EASY-GOING Singlo Europonn mate, 38, 8'2", 155 pounds, brown oyos, black hair, no dopondonis, non srnokor, omployod nnd soil sulllclonl. Llkos ouldoor ncllvillos, movlos and qulol ovonlngs nl homo. Looking lor o woman with tho snmo qualitlos. AD# 3157 LET'S MEET TONIGHT Singlo whilo mate, 32, G' tail, modium build, short black hair, Inlorosls Include Iho outdoors, dancing, movlos, car shows, long walks on boach. Would liko lo moot on easy going, lun-lovlng, spoil- Innoous woman. 25 • 40, who llkos lo mool now pooplo nnd try now things. AD# 3155 COMPANIONSHIP Single white male, 6' tall, 175 pounds enjoys Iho ouldoors, sollball. water ski ing, snowmobiling, going oui lo dinner and a show and having a good limo Looking lor somoono who would liko lo bo Irionds, lor good convorsalion and companionship. AD# 3169 QUIET TIMES Malo, looking lor bl-lomalo, preferably coloured, 18-22. lor qulol limos and quid ovonlngs. AD# 3212 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo malo, lair, dark hair, dark oyos who llkos camping, lishing, canoeing, nnd Iho ouldoors. Looking lor single whilo lomnlo lor roinllrmshrp Friendship llrsl. Singlo molhors nul 1 ptoblorn. AD# 3165 FUN TIMES Malo, looking lor submissive,preferably black, woll-cndowcd lomalo, 18- oarly 20's, lor lun limes and long walks. AD#3188 EXPLORE FANTASIES Allachod malo, 45, oasy-going and relaxed, looking lor lomalo bolwoon 30- 50 who would'liko lo explore fantasies by phono wilh possibilities ol moollng ai a lalor date. Exlromo discrotlon Is both required nnd assured. AD# 3189 QUIET EVENINGS Singlo whilo mate, 39,5'G", 160 pounds with long blond hair and bluo oyos Inloroslod In yard sates, Ilea maikols, auctions, dining and having qulol ovonlngs ol homo. Sooklng singlo white lomalo lor possible relationship. AD# 3202 A LITTLE SHY Singlo white malo, llrsl limo using service, service, a liiilo shy, Inloroslod In moollng young lady, 25-30 lo havo discrool ovonlngs logolhor, dining A dancing, Ad# 2920 DISCREET TIMES Singlo whilo malo, looking lor anolhor white molo, ago unimportant, looking lor somoono lo go oui wilh lor discrool limos, prolly good looking, ploaso leave your number. Ad# 2758 ADVENTUROUS TIMES Singlo whilo malo, GT, 1G0 lbs., good build, looking lor same lor lun & ndvon turous limos, Ad# 2973