The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. May 13. 1998 Page 5 We Asked • •• And You Sm.. Is aggressive driving a problem hr you? Jeanette Ferguson Osliawa "In Osliawa you see drivers quite often go through eaution lights; so, starting into a green light, you should always look left and right. And you get cut off quite a bit without signalling. signalling. I think in a city people get too rushed." Scott Alton Bowmanvillc "I notice it in Bowmanvillc -- a lot of fast driving and cutting people off -- more than I've noticed before." Ian McLean Oshawa "I've seen it mostly in Oshawa -- speeding, running running red and amber lights. It's a little more intense than it was years ago. Out here it's lovely, though." Asked in Enniskillen The Parasiliti Princesses Turn One! Happy Birthday to Kirsten and Megan, on May 12th. It's been a wonderful year, full of laughter, love and joy. Mommy and Daddy love you very much. Birthday wishes from Mono, Grannie, Great Gran and all ol your family. A special special thank you to Uncle Dave and Aunt Sherry for all of your love and support. Happy Birthday also to Uncle Carm and our friend Annika! Defining Moment in Canada's History g>t. holm's: En git can Cljurclj Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, MAY 17TH, 1998 ROGATION SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Each Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying on ol Hands lor Healing @Jp Rector-The Reverend Canon Byron Yales, B.A., S.T.B. É Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Frank W. Lockhart, M.A., M.Div., M.Th., Th.D. SUNDAY, MAY 17TH, 1998 10:30 a.m. "Who Is Jesus Christ and Do&s It Matter?" Nursery Care and Church School Available ©jp A Warm Welcome To All Visitors BQ ©J.P. è-t. futurs ntteb Cljtttdj 178 Church Street Bowmanville Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. Intern Minister: Richard Parker Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, MAY 17TH, 1998 10:30 a.m. "No Boundaries" Nursery Care for Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're now to Bowmanvillc, we invite you n* to make St. Paul's your church home, B§« I $ t « I t { i X^ ss F0 * Now Available In ^ > BOWMANVILLE 3 New Programs this Spring > Infant and Toddler Gym (with parent) - improve basic motor skills * Kindergym (ages 3 - 5 years) - variety of fun movement activities » Kid Fit (ages 6-12) - raise self esteem, improve sport skills Call 697-1473 for Info and Registration Also ask about Learn to Swim Program and Summer Day Camp Programs ; r I I >. } y ♦ y < ooooccoooosoooccoooccocooo Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, B.Sc, Phm. Reason #123 for a man to quit smoking: smoking: Smoking damages the tiny blood vessels in the penis that must enlarge to allow the substantial rush of blood during an erection. Echinacea Is generally a safe herbal product that helps boost the immune system and helps to prevent colds and flu. However, people with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, diabetes mcllitus, tuberculosis, AIDS or other immune system disorders, should use caution because echinacea may worsen the symptoms of their disease. There Is growing evidence that people who take vitamin C will reduce their risk of cataracts. Doses of around 200 mg per day seem to be all that Is needed. When you arc put on a new medication, keep a diary of any discomfort or unusual effects you experience. This will help you keep your pharmacist and doctor informed about reactions reactions so they can better advise you. Communication Is number one with our pharmacists. We believe In the maxim: "Before you take It, talk about It". We'd be happy to talk to you about any of your medication concerns. Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharhnacy Ltd. 222 King St, East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (90S) 623-7611 ' a 11*. Editor's Letter Cyclist Stops in Classroom Early Monday morning my journey continues. On both sides of the winding road the mountain laurel and rhododendrons are in bud and waterfalls splash down in energetic splendour. A sign beside the road informs me that I have just crossed the Eastern Continental Divide. The water behind me drains into the Gulf of Mexico while the rivers ahead drain into the Atlantic. 1 have thus arrived in the South-Eastern United States. At noon I stop at one of the restaurants where they serve fried chicken and 1 meet Anne and Buddy. Questions, questions and more questions. questions. Most I have heard before .but every now and then a new one is added. I never tire of answering them. After only a few minutes, I am invited to come to their house and stay as long as I -wish. I: am tempted but decline as graciously as 1 can. It is only noon hour and I can travel quite a few miles in an afternoon. Never the less I am once again struck by the kindness of so many people I have only met for a few minutes. minutes. Compare that, however with what happened the next day at Gastonia. I was travelling travelling along on the paved shoulder when a car with three young men came up behind me. One of the fellows fellows yelled something which is not fit to be repeated and threw a glass bottle at me. It missed me but it caused me to rethink my statement before I started this journey which was that every 60 year old could and should make a similar similar trip. I still believe everyone everyone could but I am not sure everyone should. The next day it is rain most of the day. This is always unpleasant and especially especially so since I had slept rather poorly in a bad excuse for a motel in Charlotte. All night long trains, planes and traffic had kept me awake. That afternoon I pulled into a Sport and Bait store along the highway and drank two big bottles of fluid. The proprietor started asking me questions and before long he had contacted the local press. They met me a few miles down the road and I spent a pleasant hour telling my story and answering questions. Upon their recommendation recommendation I spent the night in a clean, quiet and reasonably priced motel in Ashcboro. The following day I continued continued and reached Raleigh early in the afternoon. Signs along the highway directed me to St. Augustine College which was started July 19, 1867. This college which is mainly black is situated on over 100 acres and has grown over the years with new buildings, yet it has maintained maintained some of the earliest buildings built by the students students themselves, There arc 1600 students on campus including one student from Toronto. She is here as an exchange student from the University of Toronto, We talked about the southern hospitality, charm, strange expressions and the gracious attitude of people from this area. She is a warm, friendly young lady and an excellent ambassador for Canada. My friend, the president of this prestigious college is attending a meeting in New York but his stuff do everything everything possible to make me feel welcome, Within minutes I feel as if I have known everybody for years. It feels good to be on a campus instead of the treacherous treacherous road and within a few "hours I am lecturing various classes on the Legacy of Europe's colonialism in Haiti, Moving forward by faith - Johannine Scriptures Women's studies etc., etc. I am exhausted by the end of the day but have enjoyed every minute of the experience. experience. It is great to be "the teacher" again if only for a little while. Sincerely John Veldlmis From page 4 and that's the way we do tilings. We are a compassionate compassionate nation, deeply proud of those things that make us different from the rest of the world. Over the years we have been raised with a number of basic beliefs. Our mothers mothers taught us that if we were ever in trouble, we could simply turn to a policeman and he would help us find our way. When it came to politics, we believed that the system worked. It was a kinder and gentler political system than that practised by our neighbours south of the border, but in the long run, the system works. The people elect the Government that they deserve and although most politicians are far from perfect, perfect, they all start down the political path because they want to help society and they have a deep-rooted admiration for the political process. Unfortunately, governments, governments, as a whole, sometimes sometimes lose their way. This past week saw that special bond between government government and the people over-ridden by a blatant political steamroller that "whipped" every member of the Government to stand in their place and refuse to give financial aid to thousands thousands of Canadians who contracted Hepatitis C prior to 1986, through no fault of their own. Of course, those who supported the decision to close the door on these Canadians in need will rationalize their position by whinning about the cost of such compensation. That argument is certainly interesting, interesting, coming from a government government which has no problem problem with spending millions on matters like the Pearson Airport Enquiry, helicopters, helicopters, submarines and an uncounted number of Canadian flags given away by Sheila Copps. However, every member in the Government ranks stood as one to refuse compensation compensation for all the victims of the scandal surrounding tainted blood. After the vote, the Federal Health Minister, Alan Rock said, "Tile file is closed." Not really. This action was a defining moment for Canadians. It will cither be the beginning of the end for this present Government, or the beginning of the end for a Canadian way of doing things, that most of us have learned to love and respect. I, for one, have great faith in Canadians. The files arc never closed on unjust decisions. It may take a long time, but Canadians will see their way clear to assist the victims of this tragedy as they fight to avoid financial ruin. It may be another time, under another government, but it will happen. That's the way we do things in this country. W.H. Stockwell Bowmanville Happy 1st and 6th Birthday Happy birthday kids! Love from Mom, Dad, Family and friends, Kristie DeJager May 11th, Jake DeJagcr April 20th. The Statesman's Carrier of the Week Colin Fenton Colin has route six in Bowmanvillc and 1 . lias'been a' Statesman Carrier since 1991. He likes computers and riding his bike. Colin will receive a McDonald's Extra Value Meal. Congratulations Colin for being our Carrier of the Week. Hwy. 2 (King St. West) Bowmanville mcsport . ... INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY mmuER ÜEEmWÏÏEELmODWED mu WEGiTMOR mommRmwEjmwim QrnJmmmm For further information call: (905) 903-9141 or visit our web site: