Page 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnnvillc, May 13,1998 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auctions Services Sat., May 23,11 a.m. Selling the estate of the late Lew Johnson, R.RJ2, Port Hope, on location Hwy. 28, 3 miles north of ' Hwy. 401 (park along • Hope Twsp. Cone. 4). ; "Vintage cars, vehicles, equipment, household cont- ; ents, furniture and antiques". . 1930 Ford Model A Roadster ; (dual sidemounls, dual tail i lights, rumble seat, new top); ; 1928 Ford Model A Sport ! Coupe (rumble seat, LH emer- 1 gency brake); 1926 Ford j Model T-Tudor coach; 1926 • Ford Model T-2 door coupe, ) (wire wheels, new uphol- ■ stery); 1947 Chev Fleetmas- ( ter (6 cyl., 4 door); large sup- ■ ply of vintage parts and ac- ; cessories; 1989 Buick Park , Avenue ( 6 cyl., 4 dr., loaded, ; 170,000 km., certified); 1988 . Chev Silverado pickup (8 ; cyl., auto., loaded, 148,000 . km., certified); 1967 Willys ' Jeep TY (4 cyl., w/plow); JD ! 420 gas tractor w/loader; Fer- ' guson mower (3 pth.); Mott ; mower (3 pth.); Walco rotary • mower (3 pth.); Cub Cadet ) 1811 riding mower (18 hp., 50" j deck); Smoker Craft 14 ft. alu- , minum boat motor and trailer; j 15 ft. tandem trailer; Moore ; double skidoo trailer; garden • utility trailer; 3 van storage J boxes; fridge; stove; mi- | crowave; washer; dryer; {freezer; dehumidifier; power tread mill; VCR; stereo; 7 pc. maple dinette suite; 9 pc. walnut walnut depression dining suite; 2 pc. chesterfield; coffee suite; double sofa bed; double Craflmatic bed; dressers; , chests; cedar chest; linens; | bedding; occasional chairs; , occasional tables; lamps; par- i lour table; washstands; 3 antique antique rockers; 10 crocks; old v radios; old phone and nu- • merous other articles. House- , hold contents sell at 11 a.m. 'Vintage autos, sell at 1 p.m. I "All good original vehicles". -Terms: Cash, app. cheque, ; Visa, MC, Interac. • Auctioneer: ; Frank G. Stapleton Newtonville (905) 786-2244 ! 1 (800) 263-9886 Sat., May 23,11 a.m. Absolutely Unreserved Auction Sale of Real Estate, Furniture, Antiques, Shop Equipment, Lawn & Garden The property of the late Thomas Thomas G. Wright, south 1/2 Lot 7, Cone. 11, Ramara Twsp. 169 Hwy. off Hwy. 12 to Udney -1 mile north to County County Road 46 and 1 mile east. Oak round table, 6 matching ressback chairs, 3 press- ack chairs, buffet, 2 rockers, rockers, Climax woodstove, Mason & Risch piano and bench, chesterfield, antique ■table, china cabinet, pictures and frames, dresser, chest of drawers, 2 metal trunks, wooden trunk, 3 steel beds, antique Bonet dresser, 2 ;dressers, antique small round table, antique pine 'drop leaf table; Viking small deep freeze, gun rack, wooden butter butter box, cheese box, wheelchair, wheeled walker, vacuum, wooden ironing board, Kelvinator refrigerator, small h.d. stove, ornament stand, quantity of dishes, some silver, collectables, some antique dishes, 8 pc.. set of stainless steel pots and pans, full contents of 75 - 100 yr. old home, John Deere 214 garden tractor, snowplough, snowplough, snowblower, cultivator, cultivator, disc, Ford garden tractor tractor 38" mower, large quantity of workshop tools, table saw, lathe, homemade bandsaw, small drill press, forage, anvil, anvil, leg vise, small air compressor, compressor, some lumber and plywood, plywood, 3 wooden stepladders, Fleury 21 walking plough, fence stretcher, rope box, buzz saw frame, saw vise, 2 wheeled garden trailer, McCormick McCormick 6' oil bath horse mower, mower, 1969 Fargo 1/2 ton with cap - as is, 4 wooden trunks, many other items. REAL ESTATE: ESTATE: Approx. 4 acre lot with frame house, kitchen, living room, bath, 3 bedrooms, pantry, pantry, basement under main part of house, oil furnace, well, new roof, small barn with adjoining adjoining workshop, lot nicely situated with excellent view. Terms on property: 10% down day of sale, remainder In 30 days on closing. This property property is selling unreserved as estate estate must be settled. Terms: Cash or ID cheque. No reserve. reserve. Household furniture at II a.m. followed by workshop and garden. Real estate at 2 p.m. Viewing - Afternoon of May 21, 22 and day of sale. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions Reaboro, ON (705) 324-9959 Mobile 749-7084 Sat,, May 23,1998 10 a.m. Consignment Equipment Auction Berrybank Farms R.R. 2, Taunton Rd. Orono 1 1/2 miles west of Hwy. 115 Selling a full line of farm equipment, tractors, machinery, machinery, vehicles, hardware and tools, etc, For information information and to consign to this auction contact the Auctioneer John D, Berry (905)983-5787 fhuis., May 14,5 p.m. Estate Auction at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay Selling the property of local homes and appliance store closing. Reconditioned appliances, appliances, furniture, 8 pc. oak dining suite, walnut china cabinet, bedroom suites, some antiques, glass, china, Interesting items, some tools. Orval & Barry McLean Auctioneers (705) 324-2783 or call 1 (800) 461-6499 for flyer, certified appraisal service, to consign estates or list your spring on site sale, Sun., May 17,10 a.m. Auction Sale MacGregor's Auction Centre, Bowmanville Antiques, collectables, flower shop items, household effects, tools, motors & motorcycle (Viewing 9 a.m.) Take Hwy. 2 to Scugog St. north 1 km. Sunday's auction features a varied selection including Hoosier and Victorian cupboard, cupboard, dressers and chests of drawers, mise, fables (kitchen, parlour, etc.), blanket blanket and tool boxes, chairs and rockers, mirrors, pictures, pictures, pipe collection, kitchen collectables, glass and china, china, 3 older outboard motors, fishing equipment, tools and hardware, 1980 850 cc. Yamaha Yamaha bike, plus many more articles found in and around the home. Flower shop contents contents include glass shelving, work benches, mise, flower pots and knick knacks related related to a flower shop. This is a large holiday auction with many unique and useful articles, articles, old, new, refinished and original. A must attend event for one and all. Call for all your auction needs, your location location or ours. We handle complete estates, liquidations liquidations and individual consignments. consignments. Next auction Sunday, Sunday, May 24. MacGregor Auction Services Mike MacGregor 905) 987-3664 905) 623-7949 Thurs., May 14,6 p.m. Auction at Warner's Auction Hall, Hwy. 2 Colborne Selling cars, classic cars, 8' camper for 1/2 ton truck, old tools, house full furniture, antiques, antiques, collectables, dishes, glassware, appliances, china, china, fancy figurines, figurine lamps, everyday household articles, etc. 1981 Pontiac ex. condition; 1966 Ford T- Bird, a nice collector's car, certified, in ex. condition; 1987 Jaguar XJS also good running cond.; 1990 Chev Caprice, Caprice, 4 door, sells certified, runs well; 1986 Maple Leaf slide-in camper for standard box with Ige. fridge, stove, furnace and toilet; tools include include old drill press, old band saw, lathe, planer, and mise, articles originally out of old Colborne blacksmith shop; bedroom suite, dining rm. suite; suite; bed sofa and chair; stove; fridge; washer dryer; bed sofa and chair; coffee and end tables; large quant, small collectable and household household articles; stereo; figurines; figurines; figurine lamps; dolls; dishes; ant. dresser and chest, etc. Note: Very large sale starting 6 p.m. Tools and cars will sell first starting at 6 p.m. outside. Visa, MC, cash, or good cheque, Gary & Bill Warner Auctioneers (905)355-2106 Mon., May 18 11 a.m. Sharp Auction Sale Complete line of machinery, harness/horse equipment and household effects of Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Brown, Hampton, Hampton, 1 mi. north of Taunton Rd. on Hwy. 57. 2130 John Deere tractor, less than 500 hours, in excellent condition; 1962 Oldsmobile car, 55,000 miles, in excellent condition; trail cultivator on rubber; 4 wagons; 3 flat beds; MF 3 pth. disc; trail disc tandem; George White cultivator, 3 pth.; John Deere 24 baler; side delivery rake; 3 pth. scoop; S grader on rubber; electric welder; acetylene torches; 2 vises; 1 conveyor; anvil; jackall jacks; air compressor; compressor; cultivator 3 pht. chain lift; snowblower; 5 sec. harrows; jog cards and race bikes; Ovant harness; electric electric clippers; shoeing equipment; equipment; lots of other small articles; articles; antique drag saw; garden garden tractor, cultivator, harrow and plow; rototiller; riding John Deere lawnmower; wee- deater; 12 hp. riding mower; cap and running boards off 1992 Ford F150; round oak table, 6 chairs, 3 leaves; green stove and fridge; chrome kitchen table; freezer; freezer; dishes (odd); pots and pans; canning pot ladle; lots of quart and pint jars only used once; lots of ceramics, finished, a few unfinished; lots of other craft materials; macramé books and materials; materials; some Christmas stuff; craft books and others. Please attend this sale. Charlie Reid & Arnot Wotten Auctioneers, Charlie & Aimie Harris Clerks Lunch will be served by the Brock Girls Sat,, May 16,10 a.m. Auction at Warner's Auction Hall, Hwy. 2, Colborne Selling contents from home of Mr. Higgins of Cobourg, plus remainder of private collection collection of Royal Dux and cut crystal figurines, ant. glass and china pcs., nice clean used sofa set, sofa bed, nice table with 6 chairs and matching matching hutch, large quantity home movies and compacl disks, small dinette table with two chairs, nice oak armoire, nice clean bedroom suite, qty. knick knacks and dishes, dishes, small tables, some small hand tools, melal storage shelves, small ant. and collectable collectable pcs., figurines, crystal, crystal, glassware, etc. qty. bedding bedding and linens, Sunbeam mlxmaster like new, other like now small kitchen appliances, appliances, Cuckoo clock, small chest freezer, plus countless mise, articles, Sale starts 10 a.m. largo sale plan to bo on lime. Visa, MC, Ini., cash or cheque. Gary & Bill Warner Auctioneers (905)355-2106 Thurs., May 21,10:30 a.m. Auction Sale Machinery, tools, guns, household items, dolls & more Properly of Joe Hulsman, 64 Mathew St., Marmora ON (east of stoplights on Hwy. 7). MACHINERY & TOOLS: MF 3 furrow trip beam plow, 12 - 14"; MF 10' cultivator; 3 sections sections of finishing harrows; De- Walt radial arm saw; cut-off saw, new; Stihl weedeater, new; Homelile chainsaw; 5" heavy duty vise; 1/4 & 1/2 hp. motors; quantify of paint; 6" to 36" pipe wrenches; Swede saw; shovels; rakes; axes; hatchets; sledge hammers; hand tools; Sears tool cabinet; cabinet; quantity of wrenches; hand saws; cross cut saw; set of Craftsman sockets; h.d. high carbon drills; 90' of chain; extension cords; cement cement trowels; pipe fittings; plastic pipe 1/2" to 2"; quantity quantity of used lumber. GUNS (FAC required): Savage Arms .22 cal. rifle, 26" barrel; Remington Remington model 6, .32 cal; Cooey model 60, .22 repeater, repeater, 10 shot; 2 boxes of .22 shells; 4 boxes of .32 shells. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Approx. Approx. 25 dolls, various ages and sizes; bedding; 12 cu. ft. deep freezer, like new; 4 kitchen chairs; 2 clothes line poles; boat paddles; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner with attachments, new, never used; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; electric furnace and cable. Many more items of interest. interest. A good sale. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. No reserve. Lunch available. Roy & Rod Williams Auctioneers Campbellford (705)653-3533 WANTED FOR AUCTION Estates, Antiques, Households, Bankruptcies, Liquidations sold on location or at our Bowmanville Auction Hall. Packing, pickup & storage available. Phone for free confidential consultation. MacGregor Auction Services (905 987-5402 (905)623-7949 Wed,, May 20,10 a.m. Auction Sale Estate of Catherine MacDonald MacDonald (of Campbellford), plus consignments to be sold at The Red Barn, at the Fair Grounds In Campbellford, follow follow Front St. North. Quantity of dishes; antique pcs.; cups and saucers; kitchen utensils; utensils; pots and pans; electric appliances; bedding; 2 bed chesterfields (good); window air conditioner; Woods custom custom freezer; cedar chest; hall table; deacon's bench; Morris rocker; ant. dresser with mirror; mirror; ant. high boy dresser with mirror; table lamps; ant. double double bed with box spring and matt.; Hitachi colour TV 26"; mirrors (1 framed); odd chairs; coffee table; end tables; tables; 2 swivel rockers; chrome table and 4 chairs; blonde bookcase bedroom suite; suite; console sewing machine; pictures and frames; Yamaha Electone B35 organ and bench; Filter Queen vacuum; linens; footstool; kitchen chairs; radio; Home Line microwave; microwave; metal shelves; wooden blanket box; hump trunk; 2 chests of drawers; 4 post bed, complete; platform rocker; walker w/brakes; books; electric appliances; records; stereo; French Provincial Provincial chesterfield and 2 chairs; table lamps; chest of drawers and night stand; lawnchairs; microwave stand; kitchen table and 4 chairs; lawn ornaments; garden tools; Stihl FS75 weed trimmer, trimmer, new; Sears Craftsman 12" wood lathe w/stand and copy crafter, good; Delta 2 spd. scroll saw w/quick change blade and stand, good; box liner for '88 Chev; 1/2 ton truck tool box; 2 hp. air compressor; Rally 12 hp. riding lawnmower, industrial/commercial industrial/commercial engine, 6 spd., 38" cut, good. Many more items of interest. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. Lunch available. No reserve. Roy & Rod Williams Campbellford (705)653-3533 .Sat,, May 16,11 a.m. Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Horses, Woodworking & Shop Equipment The property of the late Doug Caverly, Lot 23, Con. 10, Clarke Twsp. (10109) (Clar- Ington) first place north of Junction 115 & 35 or first farm south of Mosporl Road - east side; 1990 GMC 1500 truck 4X4 loaded; 1981 Ford 1500 diesel tractor 4X4 with Allied loader 330 hrs., like new; Bush Hog rotary mower, 3 pt.; 5' snowblower 3 pt.; post hole digger 3 pt.; Ford 3 pt. bucket hoist; Cockshutt manure spreader; 1990 Travel Mate camper c/w fridge, stove, bathroom; 2 wheeled horse trailer; chicken feeders and waterers; hand sleighs; Tudhope fully restored buggy made In Orillia; wooden wheel braking cart; 2 sets driving harness; bridle; saddle; halter; halter; many more Items for horses. Approx. 150 square bales hay; planers; wood lathe 1000; joiner; table saw; radial arm saw; drill press; vise; wood clamps; electric sander; electric drill; skill saw; central vac.; sawdust collector; chainsaw; hand tools; bits; drills; 2 wheelbarrows; wheelbarrows; very largo quantity of equipment and tools, all like now; 2 quarter horse geldings, geldings, registered, quiet, broke; registered quarter horse yearling yearling filly, show quality, quiet. Terms: Cash or I.D. cheque. No reserve. Sale at 11 a.m. Lunch available. Sale managed managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions Reaboro, Ontario (705) 324-9959 Mobile 749-7084 Mon., May 18,11 a.m. at Pethicks Auction Barn, Haydon Viewing from 9 a.m. Victoria Day Contents Auction of antiques and collectables For George and Stella Car- son, lifetime residents of Orono who are giving up housekeeping. List includes oak daybed, drop leaf table, globe clawfoot parlour table, Victorian velvet settee (6 pieces), Sherlock Manning upright piano, piano bench, occasional tables, plant tables, tables, Rogers silverware and chest, blanket box, old wooden wooden chairs, RCA floor model TV, wooden kitchen table, dining room suite ( 6 chairs), buffet and hutch, mantel clock, set of Limoges dishes, oak table, antique cupboard, dresser w/swing mirror, old cans, bedroom suite, chesterfield chesterfield suite, feather pillows, recliner, fireplace with 8 track stereo, records, exercise bike, f.f. fridge, Viking side by side fridge, wooden step- stool, 12 c. deep freeze, hall mirrors, wringer washer, apple ladder, orange crates, wooden tool box, old tools in excellent condition, set of dishes (12 setting), old cups and saucers, brass tea sets, jewellery, crystal, cranberry glass, depression glass, silver silver trays, carnival glass, lamps, small kitchen appl., pots and pans, canning pots (granite, cast iron), jars, cutlery, cutlery, garden tools, lawn furniture, furniture, linens, paintings, area rugs, books, music books, folding chairs, electric mower, mower, many more items. Terms: cash, cheque with ID or Visa. Auctioneer Don Stephenson (905) 263-4402 or (705) 277-9829 Pethick's Auction Barn Auctioneer: Don Stephenson BARN OPEN IN HAYDON Mon. - Wed.-Thurs. 3:30-6 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.-12 Noon (905) 263-4402 (705) 277-9829 Consignment, Households Estates, etc. Welcome Sat., May 16,10 a.m. Farm sold. Property of Lloyd Bell, R.R. 4, Omemee, 3 km. north of Omemee on Sturgeon Sturgeon Rd. 7 at TD Bank, 1 km. west on Fox 6th Line #105. Selling due to health problems. problems. TRACTORS & MACHINERY: MACHINERY: Tractors - Belarus 610, new motor, 6 cyl., 70 hp. w/cab; JD 510 w/loader, completely completely rebuilt 1997; JD 145 3 furrow trip beam plow; Triple K 8' 3 pt. cull; Int. 16 run seed drill, grass and fert.; Int. 3 pt. 7' mower; Int. 4 bar side del. rake; NH single beater manure manure spreader #328; 3 pt. field sprayer, 100 gal.; 2 drum roller; Dan Huser post hole digger; Sedore dbl. blower snowblower; #34 JD 1 row forage forage harvester, good cond.; eastern forage wagon w/10 ton gearing; MF forage blower; blower; wagon with rack; wagon gearing; set of trail dbl. disc; NH baler #276; Case baler; portable cattle squeeze; Ford 6' 3 pt. blade; 32' hay elevator; elevator; bale buncher; 12 - 20' hydro poles; Patz silo unloader unloader for parts; some gates; bale fork; fanning mill; plus a ply. of other farm related items. ID to register, cash or cheque. Doug Mitchell Auctioneer R.R. 4 Omemee (705) 799-6769 Services CIRCULATION Problems?? Call for free Info-pak on how to clear plaque from your arteries arteries without surgery. All nat- ural. Bonnie (613)472-2034. Free Initial Consultation •Uncontested divorces •Agreements •Contracts Neighbourhood Paralegal and Credit Services 623-0201 In-home & after hour service SISTERS for hire. Grade 10 student and grade 8 student, with aspirations in the childcare childcare fieid, available for day or evening babysitting. References References available. Phone (905) 433-0858 Amanda or Malery. WOULD you like to see your name in print? It's easy - Just drop into the Canadian Statesman Statesman office, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville, to order business cards or your own personalized address cards. For more information information phone 623-3303. Registrations Beach Volleyball League needs a few more players, semi-competitive; competitive. Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Phone Dan 721-4698 or Brad 623-9803. Daycare CERTIFIED childcare worker worker offers 17 years experience of quality daycare, reliability guaranteed, agency ap- proved, 623-0942. QUALITY childcare, mother of two would love to provide quality daycare in my home. Close to schools. Full time available. Please phone 404-2551. Obituary DALRYMPLE Andrew Oliver "Dal" (1919-1998) Andrew Oliver "Dal" was born at Bismarck, Ontario on October October 26, 1919, the youngest youngest of seven children bom to Andrew John Dalrymple and Etta Mae Robbins. He grew up on the family farm near Smilhville, Ontario, where the. Dalrymples raised Ayrshire dairy cattle. He attended attended the Ontario Agriculture Agriculture College (later the University University of Guelph) graduating graduating in 1944. He then joined the Extension Branch of the Ontario Department of Agricultural Agricultural and Food where he served with distinction for 38 years in several counties across Ontario. He particularly particularly enjoyed his work with young people in such groups as 4-H and Junior Farmers. He was active in the Ontario Institute of Professional Agrologists. At his retirement retirement in 1982 he was honoured honoured by several hundred people including the then Minister of Agriculture. He was a devoted member of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. He was a charter charter member and past president president of the Stirling Rotary Club and was also active in the Bowmanville Rotary Club which recognized his service service by awarding him a Paul Harris Fellowship in 1988. In 1952 he married the former Georgina Huffman and in time became the father of threè children, Joseph, Leslea, and the late Andrea, as well as the grandfather of Coulter, Zachary, Kate and Cameron. He passed away at his home on March 19, 1998 at the age of 78. years. A memorial service, conducted conducted by Rev. Nancy Knox, was held on March 22, 1998 at St. Paul's United Church. Interment took place at Victoria Cemetery near Belleville Belleville on March 27,1998. GERRITS Theodore Petrus (Theo) Theo passed away on Saturday, Saturday, May 2, 1998 at the New England Medical Center in Boston Massachusetts as a result of complications following following his bone marrow transplant for leukemia. He was 48 years old and had battled his chronic lymphocytic lymphocytic leukemia since it had been diagnosed In 1985. He never faltered in hope, optimism optimism and determination. He believed wholeheartedly that he would make it through the transplant and he was a happy man the day he was discharged from hospital hospital on the Wednesday following following Easter weekend. Sadly, Sadly, he was only able to enjoy five days with his family before before complications ensued. His wife Judy and son Matthew were at his bedside when he died. Theo was born In Holland but came to Canada with his parents parents at the age of 2. He is survived by five brothers, two sisters and his father. He was well known in the Bowmanville area as a builder builder - part of the family business business of Gerr Construction - and many buildings in the area will remind us of Theo. Some may remember that Theo built and raced boats as a young man. He was also a scuba diver and had his private pilot's license. Theo's funeral was hold at the Morris Funeral Chapel on May 7, 1998. The officiating minister was Rev. Rick Hamilton. The organist was Ross Metcalf and the soloist Grant Coward. Pallbearers were Matthew Gorrlts, Peler Gorrlts, John Gorrlts, Joe Gorrlts, Jerry Gorrlts and David Wilson. Interment at Bowmanville Comotory. Z X Please recycle Jhis newspaper^ Sale by Tender THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FORM 7 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAX SALES ACT Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Thursday, June 18, 1998 at the Office of the Clerk. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the same Municipal Administrative Centre. DESCRIPTION OF LANDS MINIMUM TENDER AMOUNT 1) No. 18-17-030-010-12500-0000 $15,902.80 . Part of east half Lot 10, Concession 1," Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 145732. Municipally known as 4435 Highway No. 2 Zoning: Residential Hamlet (RH) and Agricultural (A) 2) No. 18-17-030-010-17400-0000 $54,903.19 Part of Lot 3, Concession 2, designated as Part 1 on Plan 10R-2797 Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 140406. Municipally known as 4763 Highway No. 2 Zoning: Service Station Commercial Exception (C6-3) Zone 3) No. 18-17-030-100-10700-0000 $18,025.02 Part of Lot 1, Block 7 C.G. Hanning's Plan of the Village of Orono and Part of Lot 28, Concession 5, Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 120927. Municipally known as 5521 Main Street Zoning: Urban Residential Exception (R1-2) Zone 4) No. 18-17-030-130-15325-0000 $4,066.41 Part of Lot 29, Concession 2, Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 153183. Municipally known as King Street West Zoning: Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) 5) No. 18-17-030-130-02110-0000 $8,289.38 Part of Village Lot 11 Block E, C.G. Hanning's Plan, Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham designated as Part 1 on Plan 10R-3121. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 163386. Municipally known as Beaver Street North Zoning: Urban Residential Type One Exception (R1-1) 6) No. 18-17-010-020-11724-0000 $3,706.92. Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 97, Formerly Township of Darlington now part of the Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham. As registered In the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham. Zoning: Agricultural (A) Tenders must be submitted In the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to the municipality municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount. The Municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters related to the land to be sold, Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale Is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under the act. The successful successful purchaser will bo required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. Title: Mrs. Lou Ann Blrkoll, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager Namo ol Municipality/Board: The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Address ol Municipality or Board: 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 (905) 623-3370 (extension 260) J ylaiïiifflnn v - / nil», 1MSC Notices EASTER Seal donations are still being accepted to assist us to help physically challenged challenged children and their families families in the Municipality of Clarington. Charitable tax receipts receipts will be issued for donations donations sent to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville, P.O. Box 217, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C3K9. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GORDON BROWN Deceased All claims against the Estate of GORDON BROWN, late of the Municipality of Clarington, Clarington, in the Regional Municipality Municipality of Durham, and Province Province of Ontario, who died on or about January 15, 1998, must be filed with the undersigned TD TRUST COMPANY, COMPANY, Estate Trustee, on or before June 17, 1998; thereafter, thereafter, the undersigned will distribute distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned undersigned shall then have notice, notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at PORT HOPE, Ontario, Ontario, this 28th day of April, 1998. TD TRUST COMPANY Estate Trustee of the Estate of the late GORDON BROWN, Deceased By Its Solicitor A. RONALD GOOD, ESQ. 11 Mill Street North P.O. Box 208 PORT HOPE, Ontario L1A3W3 Cross Canada Marketplace BUSINESS OPPS. $150,000/yr potential as an information information broker. Canada's fastest growing Franchise. Exclusive opportunity. opportunity. Profit from "the year 2000 bug", employment and computer computer based training. 1 -888-679- 2201. AMAZING FACT. The Internet will grow by 2700% in 24 mo's. Earn up to 15k/mo. with Canada's Canada's fastest growing Internet Franchise. Franchise. Full training. Investment Req'd. 1-888-678-7588. FINALLY...HEALTHIER HOMES! The Beasties Within! According to Asthma Societies in Canada, cleaning methods relying on massive massive amounts of moisture to clean carpels may be damaging to your health. An ideal prescription for these problems is Chem-Dry's patented deep clean, quick dry, process. Deep cleaning occurs because of the incredible patented patented Hot Carbonating Extraction process rather than using harsh chemicals. Check your yellow pages and try it. You'll love it! For franchise information ENTREPRENEURS ENTREPRENEURS call: 1-800-665- 9090. COOL BUSINESS. ICE CREAM BIKES. Distributor required immediately. immediately. We supply eguipment, exclusive products, training and support. Small investment. Proven income. Dickie Dee 1-888-809- 4124. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 3031, Ottawa, ON K1L6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute Institute of Canada offers on-cam- pus and correspondence courses courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Counselling Practice, to begin this month. Free catalogue, call 24hrs. 1-800-665-7044. FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario Ontario POE 1 GO. HEALTH PMS, MENOPAUSE, OSTEOPOROSIS. OSTEOPOROSIS. Natural progesterone cream subdues PMS, relieves menopause distresses, prevents risk of osteoporosis and restores bone mass. Free tape documents benefits. Call: 800-652-2216. HELP WANTED JOCUS EDUCATIONAL TOYS - Celebrating 20 successful years in Canada. Looking for consul-' tanls to represent our quality toys, games, crafts through home parties, parties, fundraisers, catalogue sales. 1-800-361-4587, ext. 9496. SALES HELP WANTED SATTEWTION STUDENTSS Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER or just need extra money? Sell C&M Gifts' unique line of affordable affordable home decor, toys and gifts. Call 519-258-7905, Fax:519-258- 0707 for free catalogues and information information about this wonderful opportunity. KATY'S CLOSET - LADIES FASHION - DIRECT SALES. Looking for enthusiastic, motivated motivated people to open up Eastern Ontario. For more information call Suzannn Wilsdon 1-800-578-7717. PERSONALS MALE IMPOTENCE corrected and prevented. Decline associated associated with ago, medications, surgery, diabetes, Injury can be overcome. Free Informatlon/ad- vice: Performance Medical Ltd., Box 892, Vernon, BC, V1T6M8. 1-000-663-0121. LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Then buy, road and use "Dla- notics" by L, Ron Hubbard, only $8.99 (pb) i GST. Call 1-800-561 - 5008 today.