Pace 4 Tliu Canadian Statesman, liowmanvillc. May 20. 1998 Section Two Durham College Diploma Holders To Earn Athabasca University Degrees Without Having to Leave Oshawd Durham College president president Gary Polonsky said, "A new partnership recently recently signed between the College and Athabasca University (Alberta) to provide degree completion opportunities via distance learning to Durham College diploma holders will be beneficial lor the students and the community community at large." The collaboration agreement allows Durham College Legal Administration and Law and Security Administration graduates to build on their diplomas by applying for block transfer credit. Studying part lime from home, they can earn a desired university university credential by adding university-level courses in a related discipline. By doing so, students obtain the knowledge and skills that arc increasingly necessary, necessary, in certain fields of employment. The agreement covers the following: • Two of Durham College's programs. Legal Administration - 3 year diploma and Law and Security Administration - 2 year diploma, can be applied toward the Athabasca University's Bachelor of Professional Arts - Criminal Justice degree. • Five of Durham College's programs, Marketing - 2 year diploma, diploma, Journalism - 2 year diploma, Human Resources Manauemcnl - Durham College Pockets Gold and Silver Two Durham College students, students, from the Skills Training Centre in Whitby, won gold and silver at the Ontario Skills Competition held on Wednesday, May 6 in Kitchener. Colin Winslow, of the Advanced Motor Vehicle Mechanic Apprenticeship program, won the gold medal in the Automotive Service category. Colin won silver in the same category last year. Durham College's silver medal came from Intermediate Construction and Maintenance Electrician Apprenticeship student Norm Fraley in the Residential Wiring Competition. Norm also competed in the same category last year. Both winners, winners, accompanied by their teachers, will be going to the Skills Canada National Competition in Vancouver. May 14, 15 and 16. Other Durham College students that attended the competition were: Craig Byers, Manufacturing; Brian Grant, Welding; David Weesc, Industrial Electrical; and Kristofcr Smith, Motor Vehicles. Kristofcr is a high school student attending Durham College for the Youth Internship Apprenticeship Program. All competitors were judged on their ability to complete the project in the required time,' how well they followed instructions and quality of work. Getting The Jump On Stroke And Heart Disease Everyone gels into the act on "Jump Rope for Heart Day" at Lord Elgin Public School. Matthew, James, and Jack were among the approximately approximately 280 students from Grade 1 to 6 who participated on Friday, May 8. Proceeds raised from the event will help the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I LAFARGE CANADA INC. Ready-Mixed Concrete Rontypool Plant 905-983-9161 SERVICING: Manvers, Clarington, Northumberland Committed to Total Quality Competitive Pricing Saturday deliveries with ADVANCE NOTICE For Agricultural Community Ask About our "Agrifarge"" Mixes ©j.p. 2 year diploma. Human Resources Management Post-Graduate I year certificate certificate and Advertising Administration - 2 year diploma, can be applied toward the Athabasca University's Bachelor of Professional Arts Communication Studies degree. Athabasca University is Canada's Open University and the largest degree- granting distance education education institution in the country. country. Most of their more than 400 courses arc available available for home-study, allowing more than 13,000 students annually to cost- effectively complete one of approximately 30 undergraduate degrees at their own pace and convenience. convenience. Puppets Bring Recycling Message to Lord Elgin Puppeteer Tom Vandcnhcrg (centre) introduces students at Lord Elgin Public School to a couple of the furry friends who star in his "Too Much Garbage" travelling travelling road show. The presentation used puppets, props and a video camera to remind children how important it is to reduce, reuse and recycle. Unhappy with the quality and price of your printing? ■ - AS. Æ-tiKit/jS #■' T\ "A ■ I fh a 4- 7 ' , J . v z .. .A; lA'f : A/ ' ;/'/ T i\ Next time try James Publishing. Whether it's an order for business cards, or a full colour flyer, James Publishing has the technology and experience to handle any type of printing your business requires...and at a reasonable price. Call for a quote today! 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