The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville. May 20,1998 Section Two Pace 5 Big Brothers Honors 10-Year Volunteers Awards for 10 years of service were presented to three Clarington Big Brothers volunteers at an appreciation evening held April 30th at the Baseline Community Centre. Mary Sue O'Connor, a past president; Barb Williams and Ralph Pypkcr ; (absent from the photo) were recognized for their service on the Big Brothers board and committees. From left arc: Sally Barrie (President of Big Brothers of Clarington); Mary Sue O'Connor; Barb Williams and Nancy Scott (Executive Director). Service Centres Hold Draws for Travellers FLYERS FLYER PRINTING AND DELIVERY PACKAGE! PRINTED ONE SIDE 8 1/2" x II" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 5.3^ 63-Ch plus taxes *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 PRINTED TWO SIDES 8 1/2" x II" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 6 • 5 6eLC h plus taxes *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 In an effort to help promote promote tourism in Ontario, Markham-based Scott's Management Services Inc. - which owns and operates a series of service centres along the 400 and 401 Highways - has announced its largest promotion ever, Scott's Taste of Summer Giveaway, with prizes to more than 30 attractions throughout the province. From May through September, 1998, visitors depositing ballots at Scott's highway service centres - Tim Hortons, Wendy's Mr. Sub, KFC and Baskin-Robbins - will be eligible to win one of $25,000-worth of prizes, including thousands of passes to Canada's Wonderland, African Lion Safari, Bowmanville Zoo, Casa Loma, Ccntrcvillc Amusement Park, CN Tower, Fantasy Fair- Woodbine Centre, Royal Ontario Museum, Storyland, McMichacl Canadian Art Collection, Pelcc Island Winery tours, white water rafting and boat cruises in locations across the province and much, much more. "I applaud Scott's Management Services for this innovative program with the many tourist attractions involved," said A1 Palladini, Ontario Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Minister, who has declared the week of May 18 to 24 as Ontario Tourism Week. "I call on the private sector to follow Scott's lead in getting involved and helping helping us promote Ontario as a great travel destination." Palladini also encourages Ontarians to travel more in their own province this summer. Ministry of Tourism studies indicate that the number of Ontarians travelling travelling on the province's highways is expected to be up by 4.2 per cent over last 1997 Most Pivotal Year In Ontario Hydro's History Last year was one of the most eventful years in Ontario Hydro's history and will ultimately be viewed as the most pivotal ill the company's future, said Hydro's Chairman William Farlingcr in an interview published in the company's 1997 Annual Report. "How we respond over the years to what happened happened in 1997 will profoundly profoundly shape our future," he explained. Farlingcr pinpointed specific events and actions in the evolution of the company. These include the Independent Integrated Performance Assessment (IIPA) Report on Hydro's nuclear operations that underscored the need for immediate and decisive actions to improve nuclear performance and subsequent subsequent Nuclear Asset Optimization Plan (NAOP) that addresses issues identified in the IIPA Report. As a result of NAOP, Hydro expects to raise its nuclear perfor mance to within the top quartile among nuclear operators by 2000. Another major event last year was release of the government's White Paper, Direction for Change which sets out a broad framework for introduction introduction of competition in the Ontario electricity supply supply industry. "Our number one challenge challenge is to ensure that we arc truly competitive when the marketplace opens up in 2000," said Farlingcr. "The most important aspect of competitive behaviour is actually being able to efficiently deliver the products and services our customers demand." Farlingcr is optimistic about Hydro's ability to compete in an open market. market. "Because of our unique generation mix, we have very low marginal costs compared to our U.S. competition, so we will be able to compete very effectively on price." Gallery Celebrates Artist's 65th Birthday A party for Canadian Artist Louis dc Nivcrville to celebrate celebrate his 65th birthday and the opening of his exhibition Winged Paper, will be held Sunday, June 7, 2 - 4 p.m., at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery. This fundraising event has been organized to honour Canadian artist Louis dc Nivcrville - a double celebration celebration for his 65th birthday and the opening of a retrospective retrospective exhibition of his collages, Winged Paper. Louis de Nivcrville has been creating paintings with collage since 1981, In creating them, lie works with a collection of papers he has painted over the years. "I draw using scissors," he says, It is a technique that allows the imagination to play. "I never think consciously consciously about my images; only afterwards do 1 realize that I used 'images that are poetic, romantic, funny or lively, perhaps based on memories of childhood." The exhibition celebrates de Nivcrvillc's keen powers of imagination. This celebration provides a wonderful opportunity to gel together with family and friends to enjoy some "artful "artful food", wine and music and to see the delightful works of Louis de Nivcrville! Tickets are available at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery during gallery hours, year, with the number of U.S. travellers estimated to increase by two per cent in 1998. No purchase is required to participate in Scott's Taste of Summer Giveaway, Travellers need only fill out a ballot which must be deposited in one of Scott's 16 highway service service centres on the 400 and 401 Highways. Ballots can be obtained at each of the Scott's locations, locations, as well as through a range of travel and tourist guides distributed to homes across Ontario. Add a 2nd colour of ink to your flyer $ 100.00 per colour - per side of flyer James Publishing Publishers of The Canadian Statesman and Clarington/Courtice Independent 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Phone: (905) 623-3303 Fax: (905) 623-6161 a 6 Purchase 45,698 ^ leviTii.Ii-c II i'i i'll I Sfijtlt Smartlhask .No Security Deposit (rxtlmlvt Height $62(1) J -L 2.2 litre engine, 4-wheel ABS, dual front air bags, PASSLock™ theft-deterrent system, rear door child-safety locks, touring suspension, rear spoiler '98 PONTIAC SUNF.ÏRE SEDA! HOT LOOKS AND DRIVING EXCITEMENT. •Ui months S1.080 down payment freight S620 requited PONTIAC V j BUILT FOR DRIVERS'" ÉÎ The GM Card* El GRADUATE PR! 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Dealer order or Irado may he nccossaiy Limited lime ollor which may not ho combined with oilier ollois Soo your dealer lor details, Is a lindomnik ol Gonornl Motors Corporation. ikXIogisloiod Trade Maik ol General Motors Corporation, TD LI,ink licensed usor ol Maik. Graduate ollor sub|ocl to program niton.