Page S The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, May 20,1998 Section Two Trophies Rolled Out for Bowlers The Rural Bowling League held their banque at the Baseline Community Centre on May 9. The champions were: Left to Right (back row) - Terry Price, Ken Bragg, Barry Wood. Front Row - Doug Caston, League Secretary, John Lane, Stan Lane, Brian Stripp. Hampton - Runners Up Left to right (back row) - Ken Bragg, Treasurer of League, Ron Roy, Dave Davidson, Doug Caston. Front Row - Brian Annis, Henry Pokorski, Ron White. Musical Sunday at Eldad Church by Harvey Yellowlees "Memory is the diary we all carry with us." "He who wants little always has enough." Thanks for another beautiful beautiful week. You can see the crops growing, especially the grass. Dave MacGregor's girls Pccwcc team won their game last Monday night. There were more games played but I haven't received any results. I took in the cards at Hampton on Wednesday night. It was good to sec the Solina News people again after some time away. Winners were: High - Ace Richards 86, Belly Kuycr 86, Fred Watson 82, Verna Robinson 80, Marie Gibson 76. Low - Vivian Barrett. Most lone hands - Ace Richards. Draws - Fred Watson, Myrtle Gimblctt, Lloyd Broome, Cliff Stevenson and Ada Richards. Four people had to look after the little skunks. I'm glad June Marchant and Myrtle Orono News Really Big Show At Town Hall Durham Philharmonic Choir In Concert ■The Durham Philharmonic Choir, present present "Across This Land" on Saturday, June 13, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army-Oshawa Temple on Thornton Rd. North. The program will feature feature the choir and soloists in a varied program, including selections of Newfoundland folksongs, Celtic songs and spirituals. A highlight of the program program will be a performance performance of Canadian com poser Graham Wcarmouth's "Magnetic North" - a work which paints a musical landscape of the Yukon. Special guests are the "Bach Porch Trio" with their selection of light classical arrangements. The fifty-voice choir is directed by Robert Phillips and its membership comes from throughout the Durham Region. Auditions arc held every spring and experienced choristers are invited to call 728-1739 or 721-9290 for information. Tickets arc available at Wilson and Lee Music Store, 87 Simcoe St. N., and at Information Oshawa-Oshawa Centre, or from any chorister. by I. Challice Quote - "Birthdays arc good for your. Statistics show that the people who have the most, live the longest." Welcome dear readers! This is the "really big show" for Orono's Town Hall! One hundred years and still counting, but this is the big one! Everyone is invited to the 100th Anniversary of Orono Town Hall - May 22, Friday and Saturday, May 23. (1:30 - 5 p.m.). See the displays, artifacts, old pictures, scrap books and more. Local talents entertaining. Reminisce, bring and tell > us about your personal treasurers! Mayor Hamre will attend opening ceremonies 1:30 Friday. Refreshments served. Saturday, 10 displays and a play with local talent "All About Orono", "Ceremonies", old videos owned and loaned by Mrs. Velma Armstrong, these arc silent movies, shown on both days. It's fun for all ages and of course our own "Clarington Concert Band" performs Saturday evening, with "Musical Memories". Let's see you all at this memorable event! Orono Town Hall Card Party Gladys Greenwood 85, Don Ferguson 81, Ray Staples 79, Reid Harness 79, Marion Staples 78, Shirley Bubar 78. Low score - Paul Mucha. Lucky draws - Minnie Taylor, Anne Julichcr, Marjorie Williams, Ncrda Mostcrs, June Wilson, Lorna Crockett. St. Saviour's Church June 3, 6 p.m, Salad Supper. Spaghetti Supper postponed postponed until October 17, 1998. May 30, 9 a.m. Church clean-up. Bring your own cleaning supplies. Anyone interested in becoming a server, is asked to please see Gord, Gcri, or Padre Saunders. In September we will need Sunday School teachers, please sec Betty Ann Woods. If you are interested in being a Youth Leader, you arc needed. Please speak to Gail Ester. Big. crowd of folks at the Auction Sale of items, the property of Mr. and Mrs. George Carson. Remember the "Spring Flower Show" and guest speaker Mr, Ken Brown on "Garden Photography". This Thursday night at 7:30, Orono United Church main hall, for 'Orono Horticulture Society. Also on Thursday night 6 p.m. in Durham Srs. Complex hall, there will be a chicken dinner. Gimblctt were able to chase them, for Ruby Griffin and myself, were older and wc just supervised. Come again this week. A lour year old boy from Guyana lias been convalescing convalescing at the Rowsclls' home. Jamal Renville underwent heart surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto recently. His surgery and hospitalization hospitalization costs were covered covered by the "Herbie Fund". Solina Women's Institute, with other organizations assisted with funding for Jamal and his mother's airfare airfare and other expenses. Without the surgery Jamal's future would be bleak. Roy and Blaikie have been helping helping with volunteer medical teams in Guyana for two week periods for the past ten years. Enid Mountjoy has been a valued member of the team for two years now. Friday evening wc had 11 (+1 ) tables for cards at Solina. After cards, there was a surprise surprise for lunch with pic and icecream or whipped cream, on the table. I had my daughters daughters Brenda and Karen and son-in-law Don serve it. It was Lois' birthday. My thanks to them for doing this for me. Wc had some winners who were: High - Alice Drinkwater 87, Marjorie Crydcrman 82, Ruby Griffin 82, Reid Harness 82. Low - Helen Trewin. Lucky draws - Marion Peters, Marjorie Crydcrman, Sandra Dowson, Joan Sutcliffe (2), Si Trewin, Lillie Finch, Bernice Watson, Charles Langmaid, Marion Broome. Bernice Watson and Lloyd Broome cared for the skunks. Wc have just two more nights of cards, May 22nd and 29th before the summer recess. Come out and enjoy them with us. A good number of people enjoyed the Pancake Brunch Saturday morning, prepared and served by the 4-11 members members and their leaders. Several people from Solina helped Marguerite Hall of Bowmanvillc celebrate celebrate her 80th birthday at Hampton Church Hall on Sunday. Congratulations Marg. Church service at Eldad was Music Sunday. Usually special music and hymn singing happens on the third Sunday of the month. Everyone enjoyed the extra hymns. Jean Taylor was the lay reader. Two children's hymns were sung during the children's story time. Reverend Munro's message was "Raising Songs of Joy." Francine and Bernard Gobcil and Sophie of Calgary arc visiting with her parents Bruce and Jean Taylor and also visiting the Ontario part of the family. Eldad Sunday School anniversary will be May 31st, at the park, weather permitting. permitting. THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FEEL THE HEflT CLARINGTON KIDS OF STEEL WHO: ALL YOUTH 7-18 YEARS (as of January 1,1998) Clarington Fitness Centre, Bowmanville Sunday, August 30,1998 Registration forms available at Fitness Centre DROP OFF: • CLARINGTON FITNESS CENTRE, 49 Liberty Street North, Bowmanvlle • COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX, 2950 Courte Road, Courtice MAIL TO: • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPT., 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE L1C 3A6 Register NOW. Registrations will be received until 9:00 p.m. on August 26. 1998. Come out and join In the fun of this WHERE: WHEN: HOW: event or cheer the event participants on - either way - it's going to be exciting! We offer a "training program" if interested, please call Community Services. S7\. municipality of INFORMATION: _( Clarington carol gonder oNiAnio 623-3392 CS-Ind. 6783 ojr THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOWMANVILLE, CLARKE MUSEUM BOARD AND ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will be appointing members to the Bowmanville Museum Board, the Clarke Museum Board and the Animal Advisory Committee. These appointments are concurrent with this term of Council. If you are a resident of the Municipality, 18 years of age or over and are interested in seeking appointment to one of these boards, please submit your application to the undersigned by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 5, 1998. Application forms are available at the Municipal Administrative Centre. We invite you to participate as your input is important to us. Marie P. Knight, Deputy Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario / > 7\ t MUNICIPALITY OF (Clarington CS-Ind. 6553 L1C3A6 THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE INTENT TO OPEN, ASSUME AND DEDICATE PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE KNOWN AS LONG SAULT ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 4 AND 5 IN CONCESSIONS 9 AND 10, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, at Its meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, June 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., proposes to pass a by-law to open, assume and dedicate the extension of Long Sault Road from approximately 1045 metres north of Regional Road 20 to 400 metres south of the St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway (a division of C.P.R.) as public highway. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT before passing the said by-law, Council or a Committee of Council shall hoar, In person, or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to bo heard. Patti L. Barrio, Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 MUNICIPALITY OF (Clarington ONTAIIIO CS-G238 < Y X A.V THESE FRIENDLY FOLKS WILL MAKE YOU A SPECIAL OFFER Bob Kolari Brian McDonald Doug MacKay Hans Straub ••• ON YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER THAT OFFERS YOU A GREAT DEAL MORE! The Canadian Statesman has commissioned these sales representatives to undertake a subscription drive. They will present a special offer and will soon be calling on you to offer year-round reading of The Canadian Statesman at substantial savings over the newsstand newsstand price. %\)t Canadian statesman 62 King Street West 623-3303 Bowmanville