Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, May 20, I99S New Kid on the Block Faces Eviction Karen Puk was given 24 hours to get rid of this orphaned goat she's been caring for at her Bowmanvillc home after someone lodged a complaint with the Municipality of Clarington. Keeping a farm animal on a residential street is against municipal bylaws. Karen is hoping the town will let her keep the animal animal another couple of weeks, or at least until it's off its bottle and can fend for itself on her family farm near Kirby. V _ My Kid" Front page 1 explain it was just temporary temporary arrangement. The new kid on the block was only staying a couple more weeks until it could be weaned and moved to her family farm near Kirby. They wouldn't budge. Town Clerk Patti Barrie said even if the complainant complainant had a change of heart and agreed to drop the matter, the goat is still facing eviction. "This is totally against our bylaw. Now that we're aware of the situation, we have to follow up on it." Any flexibility in terms of extending the deadline would have to come directly directly from municipal council, she says. Puk doesn't dispute the logic of banning farm animals animals in town. It would be insane, she admits, to have a cow or horse, for instance. . But this is a quiet little goat no higher than her knee. Neighborhood dogs bark louder, she says, and the goat is always on a chain or supervised. As its surrogate mother, she feels it's loo soon to move the goat to the farm. "I've got four kids. It's not like I can go off to our farm and Iced an animal every four hours." If seized, the little goat would wind up at a pound- keeper's farm in Clarington until it could be placed or auctioned off. Hoping for Reprieve Puk is hoping the town will grant her a reprieve at least until the animal is weaned. It angers her that someone someone can complain about something she feels doesn't affect them. "All they had to do was come to me to gel the full story." A devoted animal lover, she vows not to let this anonymous complainant deter her from helping other animals in future. In the past she has come to the aid of injured birds, including a big blue heron for Avicarc Bird Rehabilitation center. She has also rescued raccoons and volunteered at the Animal Shelter. "I'm only doing what I feel is right in my heart." BHS Gets Semesters by Lorraine Manfredo Staff Writer Bowmanvillc High School will switch to a semester system this September. The Kawarlha Pine Ridge School Board pul an end to months of debate by granting final approval for the change on Thursday. Currently, Bowmanvillc High is the only non-scmcstcrcd secondary secondary school out of 17 in the board's jurisdiction. Students study all eight subjects from September to June on an "alternate day" model. Principal Joe Hubbard said the change will give BHS students the same opportunities in co-operative co-operative work placements and admittance to college apprenticeship programs that students in semestered high schools have had access to. Support for the change was not unanimous, however. however. Many School Council parents expressed concerns about difficulty their children might have retaining difficult mathematics mathematics concepts and music skills during the half of the year when these subjects arc not taught. "We will attempt strategies strategies to offset these limitations," limitations," Hubbard assured parents. For instance, math teachers will spend lime on reviews at the beginning beginning of each semester. And music students can maintain their music abili- ' ly by participating in ■ school bands which per- • form throughout the year. . UNITY "THE EARTH IS BUT ONE COUNTRY AND MANKIND ITS CITIZENS... LET NOT A MAN GLORY IN THIS, THAT HE LOVES HIS COUNTRY; LET HIM RATHER GLORY IN THIS, THAT HE LOVES HIS KIND..." "THE WELLBEING WELLBEING OF MANKIND, ITS PEACE AND SECURITY, ARE UNATTAINABLE UNLESS AND UNTIL ITS UNITY IS FIRMLY ESTABLISHED." ... BAHA'I FAITH FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL AUTOMATED 1-800-433-3284. Dr. Kevin Calhoun, m.d. is pleased to announce the full time opening of his practice in Family Medicine at 222 King Street East, Suite 300 Local Couple Helps Herbie Fund Guest Receive Heart Surgery Bowmanville Telephone 623-2355 Front page 1 by Dr. Glen Van Arsdell, Staff Physician at Toronto Sick Children's Hospital, and only took an hour to complete. The surgeon made a three-inch cut at the back of Jamal's rib cage, Blaikie explained. Then he opened the rib cage and spread it so that the one- inch hole in Jamal's artery could be blocked and then tied, she explained. Pearl noted, "when they opened him up they couldn't couldn't believe how big the hole was." Blaikie added the cut active sons at home, this was the way to go for her. Jamal was zipping around, playing and always making sure his mother was watching him. Although he was a little shy, lie was always beaming beaming for his mother and Blaikie. "Everywhere he goes, he's making friends," Pearl added. Now Jamal will be able to go back to nursery school. Pearl said his teachers asked that" he be ' taken out when things got to much for them. He will also become As she sees it "Jamal is 200 per cent better" since the operation." Pearl and Jamal left Canada on the Victoria Day weekend. If you are interested in supporting the Herbie Fund in its endeavors, call (416) 813-7234 for more information.. Dr. Calhoun welcomes new and obstetrics patients. . EVEN 1HE PRICE WON'T LH YOU DOWN. will heal and there really shouldn't be a scar. Pearl admits to being scared, but felt that this was the best possible action for her young son. With three healthy and involved in the sports he loves so much, she said. "He enjoys playing cricket, football, and -- like other little boys -- running and playing," Pearl said. NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE Middle Road will be closed to local and through traffic north of Goodwin Avenue and south of the 3rd Concession commencing May 25th for a period of 13 weeks to allow for the Reconstruction of Scugog Street and NO MATTER WHERE YOUR LIFE TAKES YOU, YOU CAN DEPEND ON CAVALIER TO GET YOU THERE. CHEVROLET CAVALIER COUPE 1998 CAVALIER COUPE features: 2.2 LITRE ENGINE • 5-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION • 4-WHEEL ABS • DUAL FRONT AIR BAGS • REAR SPOILER • PASSLOCK™ THEFT-DETERRENT SYSTEM • TINTED GLASS • RECLINING FRONT BUCKET SEATS • REAR SEAT HEAT DUCTS • BODY SIDE MOULDINGS SniariLease 38 MONTHS $750 DOWN NO SECURITY DEPOSIT Middle Road. Contract No. CL98-3 Concession Rd. 3 3 Goodwin Ave. ©J.P. Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. 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