i> The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, June 3, 1998 Section Two Page 9 Community Care Dinner Well Attended Orono News by I. Challice Quote - "Some people : reach the top of the ladder ; of success, only to find it is leaning against the wrong wall." Well dear friends, it seems to be moving right into the month of June! XVc'vc really enjoyed a delightful spring and growth is rapid. Our previous next door neighbours the Dicksons, held a very large Auction Sale, all day Saturday, an excellent array of furniture, furniture, lovely paintings, which certainly drew much interest. The Dicksons were ardent artists and also some paintings paintings of the late Mr. Arthur Drummond and Mr. Donald Staples and Mr. Dick Morion. Community Care Dinner There were 48 members members who sat down to a delicious lasagna dinner on Wednesday, May 27, in main hall of Orono United Church hall. Mrs. Dini Schoenmaker, Convener, welcomed everyone and gave the blessing. The ladies of St. Saviour's Church catered the meal. The ladies were thanked by Isabelle for everyone. We were introduced to Holly Miller, R.N. from Durham Region Access To Care Group, Brock St. North, Whitby, Ontario. Holly gave us a very interesting interesting resume of all the facts, available to Sr. Citizens, throughout our areas. One phone call will provide clients and their families with all kinds of information, referrals and personal services. This information is to encourage and help Sr. Citizens to remain (with aid) in their own homes. "Lifeline" Durham Region is providing "Caring Across the Region". Our speaker was much enjoyed. Our next Community Care dinner will be next September. H Have a safe and happy summer! Orono Town Hall Report May Tabb 85, Paul Mucha 80, Shirley Bubar 78, Robert Bubar, Ruth ;Gray and Thelma Vagg tied at 77. Low score - Bill Grady. Lucky draws - Bill Grady, Velma Jakcman, Helen Couroux, Shirley Bubar, Flora Sharpe, Robert Bubar. Sympathy of our community community to the late Hugh Stapleton families, well known throughout our entire areas. Congratulations to members of Orono Horticulture Society, who last week planted all the town flower gardens, town planters and especially the large, well-designed bed at the library lawn. Congratulations to the 4T Club, Durham Sr. Citizens, Station St., who on Saturday, May 30, held their afternoon Tea and Penny Sale and raised close to $700. We arc indeed fortunate to live in our areas. On Sunday, wild storms, hail and tornadoes all around us and throughout throughout Ontario, but local communities communities seem to have escaped the damage. Church News Sunday, June 7, Communion Service at Kirby 9:30 a.m. and Orono 11 a.m. Donations of food items, personal hygiene items etc. arc appreciated for the East Clarington Food Bank. Sunday, June 7, Evening Healing Service at Orono, 7 p.m. Sunday, June 14, Regular service at Kirby, 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Sunday School Anniversary: 11 a.m. at Orono Park. Please bring lawn chairs, cups, plates, cutlery, pot-luck lunch and your smiles. In case of rain, the service will be at the church. Family Community Event: Mark your calendar for Wednesday, July 1st when the 'Orono Town Hall Boanl' is sponsoring a day of events at Orono Park beginning al 11 a.m. with a CALL1THUMP1N PARADE leaving the Orono Fair Grounds at 11 a.m. At the park enjoy free swimming, a band concert, hot dogs, ice cones, games for the kids, softball and a Parade Parasol Contest. Prizes for Adults for best- dccoralcd parasol. Children are prize-winners all!! Tai Chi: The regular classes will be held at the home of Pat Lycelt during the months of June, July and August. In the case of rain they will be held at Orono Church. Beginner's Class: If you arc interested in starting starting Tai Chi next September on a Wednesday or Thursday mornine please call Pat at 983-9475. Cookbooks: Kirby United Church is selling copies of 'Let's Break Bread' and 'Country Cooking'. If you would like a copy please call Marlene at 983-5500. Vacation Bible School: Help! Help! Time is running running out for your opportunity opportunity to be part of this year's V.B.S. It runs July 6-10 in the morning with closing ceremonies on Sunday, July 12, 11 a.m. Annual Car Wash, Bake Table and Yard Sale: Saturday, June 13. Donations and help arc needed for this event to raise money for our V.B.S. Call Donna Morrison at 983-9107. DELIBERATIONS -- Vicki Lcsnick, the judge for the May 21st meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society, views some of the flowers on display during the spring show. This year, the early spring weather meant that lilacs were also among the blooms being exhibited. Outstanding Sea Cadets On Sunday, May 31, the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets of Bowmanvillc held their annual inspection and awards ceremony. The program was held at the Orono Arena. From left arc four cadets who received plaques: German exchange student Katharina Lambert; P.O.2 Randy Walton was Outstanding Junior NCO; Chief P.O. 2 Steven Kraayvangcr was Best Cadet and Most Outstanding NCO; and Matthew Walhout was Most Improved Cadet P.O. 2 New Outdoor Sculpture At Visual Arts Centre Durham artist Wendy Wallace will be introducing introducing her Art on Public Lands project in Soper Creek Park on Saturday, June 13 at 1 p.m. The work, entitled Symbiosis, is part of the artist's Cultural Curdling series and consists of five single support sculptures bearing painted images which reflect local residential residential and industrial practices practices in the urban landscapes. landscapes. Covered with aluminum aluminum fragmented shapes, the pieces suggest both the limestone shale common to surrounding areas as well as the window and brick design used in the architecture of the Cream of Barley Mill, the home of the Visual Arts Centre. The installation follows the contour of the earlier creek bank, blending past and present images from the Northumberland Clarington Region and accentuating everyday urban experience. Wallace will demonstrate demonstrate her artistic process at the opening by leaving one of the five pieces for completion completion at that time. A celebratory BBQ will take place after the installation installation is finished. The Art on Public Lands Project is an annual competition sponsored by the VAC and the Municipality of Clarington. The deadline for 1999 Art on Public- Lands proposals is September 11. Details by calling 623-5831. The Visual Arts Centre is open from Tuesday - Saturday 12-4; Thursdays 12-8; and Sundays 1-4 during exhibitions. Exit 401 at Liberty St. in Bowmanvillc; travel north on Liberty to Baseline Rd. and cast on Baseline to Simpson Ave. The Mill is located in Soper Creek Park at 143 Simpson Ave. Crime Stoppers Regional Lawnmower Thieves Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for your assistance assistance in solving a Break, Enter and Theft that occurred in Clarington between April 23rd and 24th of this year. Sometime during the over night hours, the Orono Co-op located at 5968 Co-op Road in the Village of Orono was bro- ken into. The value of the four stolen riding lawnmowers from the Orono Co-op is in excess of $ 7,000 Entry to the premises was gained by cutting through a fence located on the cast side of the property. property. Once inside, the culprits culprits located four riding lawnmowers. All four units were successfully successfully removed from the property through the opening cut in the fence. The value of the stolen machines is in excess of $7,000,00. They arc described as: two red, 18 horsepower "TURF PRO" riding mowers, one green, 14 horsepower "JOHN DEERE" riding mower, one red, 15 horsepower "TURF POWER" riding mower. Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward lor any information that will lead to an arrest in this incident. incident. Callers never have to give their name or testify in court and we do not use call display. Remember, Crime Stoppers is interested interested in what you know not who you arc. Our numbers arc: 436-8477 or 1-800- 222-TIPS. Sergeant Kevin Slancy is the police co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program and submits this article in the interest of solving crime, "Total dun on signing Includes down payment, freight, 1st payment plus tuxes, GST, PST, gns tux nnd ulr tux. No security deposit required. 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