Page 10 The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, June 6,1998 Church Hosts Discussion on "Gambling With Our Future" 'Gambling With Our Future' was the topic of discussion at St. Paul's United Church on Wednesday night, May 27. Guest speaker Bonnie Greene spoke to about 25 local residents about gambling. gambling. The speaker is a member of the United Church of Canada's Division of Mission. Greene noted that, especially in areas experiencing experiencing a lack of economic Bonnie Greene resources, gambling is trying trying hard to get a foothold. While many wouldn't think it possible, there arc people who become addicted to gambling and even some who become addicted to bingo, she said. Those who become addicted will do anything to continue their habit, she added. Greene showed a video on the subject of gambling that was made for Canadian viewers. A number of the points discussed within the video included the observation that those who go to casinos casinos usually leave $80 poorer. Also, the video observed that the majority of communities across Canada have voted against the introduction of casinos within their municipalities. One person in the video said allowing the spread of casinos is simply "evil" and that there "is nothing socially redeemable in JAMES R. YANCH Trustee in Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St.-721-7506 Ajax: 50 Commercial Ave. - 619-1473 Cobourg: 72 King St. W. - 372-4744 Saturday and evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. EASTON TRUCK CAP AND ACCESSORY SHOWROOM EXCLUSIVE LEER DEALER FOR THE AREA m HOOD PROTECTORS • HITCHES • BEDLINERS • TONO COVERS Hwy. 115 5 km n. of 401 905 987-2277 ■ people sitting next to each other in front of slot machines." After the 30-minute video, those attending, discussed discussed what they had seen. Green told the group that gambling has spread not only to government, but now, to the Internet. One member of the audience pointed out that "the government moves so readily into gambling that the churches should make it an issue during the next elections." Looking internally, it was noted that the United Church of Canada docs not condone gambling in raffles raffles or as other fund-raising fund-raising events. Greene said, if raffles arc held, congregations are asked that they sell the tickets to each other, not to those outside. Student's Art Featured On Magazine Cover Stuart Johnstone, a recent graduate of St. Stephen's Secondary School, shows the painting used for the cover of the art magazine "In 2 Print." His entry in response to the theme of "Tell Me Who You Are" appears on the cover of the spring 1998 edition that he is holding. NOW QPEN WSBê arms or ; RANGE Gas range •White on REnUGERUTDRS 18 at fc • Adjustable glass shelves •Adjustable freezer shell • Easy view fruit & vegetable •10 Year Warranty w/glm slMlm w/wire shelves $695 375 16QLFT FROST • 9 cu. It. • Low energy • 5 year warranty ÿtürltiS •White on white •Adjustable shelves •Twin crisper \ m •17cu.ft. • Frost free •3 crispe rs oerlrti «9 30* ELECTRIC RANGES PEP9&UUUQT •White on While BAR FRIDGES •Made In Canada •5 year manufacturer's warranty •Defrost drain •Basket FROM SUPER CARROTY HEAVY DUTY ' D..., i AUTOMATIC k BUy A WASHER k Now i VISA J.R. Mills Appliances New & Used 125 King St. E., Bowmanvilley 905-697-1240 EVEN THE PRICE 'tihjih f CORRECTION NOTICE wjtjjF We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Giant Outdoors Sale" flyer. Page 4 - Item #3, 6-Globe Light Set, 52-4147-4. The illustration shows a 4-light floodlight set. This is incorrect. Product is a 6-Globe Light Set. We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Pre-Summer Savings Sale" flyer. ; Page 10-Item #4, Octavo 1.5L Pitcher, 42-3971-0. • Copy reads: 1.5L Should read: 1.4L i Page 15 - Item #1, Tesa Brass Gripset, 46-2794-0. Product is not available. No rainchecks will be issued. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. © J.p. cnote d321/d322 - All Zones Neck & Degenerative Disc Disease Help is Here QUESTION: Telma, I have been told that I have degenerative disc disease in my neck. My symptoms are, my neck is very stiff and sore. I cannot turn it very well, especially when I am going to back my car out. I have been told that physiotherapy can help, but I do not see why I should bother bother because I have been told that the problem Is because of degenerative disc disease. How are you going to change that? Il I had a dollar every time I am asked this know the rest. In short, physiotherapy physiotherapy can help and it will provide provide relief from this painful and debilitating condition. But belore I tell you how, let's talk a little bit about what exactly, degenerative disc disease is and how it affects the sufferer. Degenerative disc disease means that there is a narrowing of the disc space between the vertebrae of a person's spine. A disc is a jelly-like material that serves as the cushion between the bones of the spine. When this cushion or buffer is worn down, the medical diagnosis is degenerative disc disease. Other complicating conditions conditions may follow, For example, the lipping of the joint. A bony formation will occur around the disc space to compensate lor the narrowing that is inevitable will) degoneralivo disc disease, In many cases, arthritis will surface surface in the joints on either sido of the disc. * Unfortunately, there is more to the neck pain you suffer than just the narrowing of the disc space. One of the key considerations considerations is the posture ol the neck. All patients that I have ever seen with complaints of neck pain have one of two postures: postures: rounded shoulders or a forward poking head. These result in neck spasm - the actual actual source of the pain, The neck muscles are tighl and the head is silting on the neck in the wrong position, thus the neck does not have the range it needs to make a simple turn ol the head. Physiotherapy cannot reverse degenerative disc disease; disease; that is not what it was designed to do. What physiotherapy physiotherapy will do is correct your posture and release your neck muscle spasm, then we'll teach you how to realign your body for better posture, The result? Less pain and more range-of- molion. At Grant Physiotherapy we lake a whole body approach, explaining to patients all the possible pieces to the puzzle of why they are feeling pain. We gel to the source of Ihe problem problem rather than simply treating Ihe pain. This is definitely achievable even if you have degenerative disc disease. Grant Physiotherapy Is located at: 214 King St, E„ Bowmanvllle (905) 623-2783 PUTTING PEOPLE IN MOTION NO MATTER WHERE YOUR LIFE TAKES YOU, YOU CAN DEPEND ON CAVALIER TO GET YOU THERE. CHEVROLET CAVALIER COUPE NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 1998 CAVALIER COUPE FEATURES: ? LITRE ENGINE • 5-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION • 4-WHEEL ABS • DUAL FRONT AIR BAGS • REAR SPOILER • PASSLOCK™ THEFT-DETERRENT SYSTEM • TINTED GLASS • RECLINING FRONT BUCKET SEATS • REAR SEAT HEAT DUCTS • BODY SIDE MOULDINGS Smahiüase S1DQ I (III 36 MONIHS ■ $750 DOWN TRIED ? 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