l The Claringlon/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, June 6, IVV8 Page 11 Your Guide To: Health, Hobbies and Entertainment : •i v.;v i ■ ■ V 5 f . ;x- ! ...V t and Dance : Members of the Theatre Dance Academy arc hosting their annual recital June 5 and 6 at Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa. Pictured above arc just a few of the cast members from the junior production of "Little Red Riding Hood." They were rehearsing their numbers on the weekend in preparation for the recital. The senior dancers, arc performing in a production called "The Golden Sword." Concerts The- first of a dozen summer concerts in ' Bowmanville's Rotary Park begins Thursday night, June 11th, with a performance by the local country group, Chaser. The concert starts at 7 p.m., rain or shine, with concert-goers advised to bring their own lawn chairs to better enjoy the show. Rotary Park is located on Queen St., at the foot of Temperance St., in Bowmanyijle... Chased 'plays - top -40' country tunes as well as music from the 50s and rock and roll. Among their repertoire arc songs by : Allan Jackson, the Everly Brothers, Guess Who and Huey Lewis. Admission is free, thanks to the generosity of the sponsors. The first performance performance of the 1998 season season is sponsored by the Municipality of Clarington. The next group to perform perform (June 18th) will be the Lincolnaires. They play music from the fifties and will kick off downtown downtown Bowmanvillc's Fabulous Fifties Festival which takes place the weekend of June 19 and 20. The line-up of outdoor performances continues every Thursday night throughout the summer. Other concerts will feature Celtic music, a children's show, old-time fiddle music, brass bands, big bands, choral groups and much more. Area Youths Receive Awards Twelve area youths received awards Sunday, May 24 at the 2nd annual Artistic Aspirations Awards of the Oshawa and District Council for the Arts, The awards ceremony took place at the Oshawa Arts Resource Centre, There were 28 entries this year in the categories of music, creative creative writing, dance, theatre, arts/crafts, visual/graphie arts and multi-media. The winners were: Music - Pauline Deeb (1st place); Lauren Malyon (2nd place). Dance - Nicole Bond (1st place), Creative Writing - Mark Gomes (1st place). Multi-Media - lan Rankin (1st place). Visual/Graphic Arts - Erin Hackney (1st place); Izabella Sown (2nd place); Cassandra Germann (3rd place); Daniel Huyberts (Hon, Mention); Celeste Clarke (Hon, Mention), ' Theatre - Ariana Streeter (1st place); Lisa Farrington (2nd place). 1 There were no entries in the Arls/Criifis category, The winners received a certificate and a cheque, Judges were chosen from professionals in. the, community. community. Please Join Us In Beautiful Port Perry oil the Shores of Lake Scugog for the 9th Annual Antique and Craft Show pf V. Scugog Community Arena ,r. 1655 Reach Street j U ne 13 and 14,1998 10 a.rri. to 5 p.m. each day Over 30 Vendors Admission $3 Seniors $2 ©j.p Port Darlington Marina Hotel Unique Waterfront Setting Çtxùt U4, fan. flutter Blot Brunch 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausages, French Toast, Waffles, Home Fries, Pcrogics, Chicken, Ham, Meatballs, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Rolls, Butter, Apple and Orange Juice, Tea, Coffee. $10.95 plus taxes for Adults $5.95 plus taxes for Children 5 to 10 years (Under 5 cat FREE) Family Evening Buffet Menu 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Beef sliced from the Roast, Ham, Chicken, Pork Tenderloin, Potato, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Rolls and Butter, Dessert Table, Coffee, Tea. $16.95 plus taxes for Adults $7.50 plus taxes for Children 5 to 10 years (Under 5 eat FREE) Reservations Required - 623-4925 70 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville I Wild Turkey Weekend at Forest Centre Birds of a feather will be flocking together as people from across much of Ontario gather for the first ever Wild Turkey Weekend featuring everything everything from turkey calling to camouflage on June 6-7. This inaugural event at the Ganaraska Forest Centre near Kendal celebrates celebrates the return of the wild turkey to Ontario and it is a tribute to the people who have helped bring this magnificent bird back to its native land. Turkeys, once common across much of southern and central Ontario, disappeared disappeared from the province nearly 100 years ago due to unregulated market hunting and loss of habitat. After years of lobbying by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Ontario • government approved a wild turkey réintroduction program in 1984. From an initial release of some 274 birds, the wild turkey population has prospered and more than 17,000 birds now call the province home. As a result of the O.F.A.H./M.N.R. réintroduction réintroduction partnership, O.F.A.H. wild turkey chapters have popped up in several areas across Ontario. These enthusiastic enthusiastic groups arc very active in the trap and transfer of wild turkeys to new areas and they arc often found assisting in ongoing monitoring monitoring and assessment programs programs that ensure the health of the birds. As well, wild turkey chapters arc active in conservation of all natural resources, fundraising and educational educational activities. During this weekend's Wild Turkey event, participants participants will be treated to guest speakers like Ministry of Natural Resources Biologist, Dr. John Harcus and world famous expert turkey caller, master archer, professional professional guide and Quaker Boy Game Calls Pro Staffer, Ernie Calandrelli. Participants are also looking looking forward to a turkey hunter's fashion show and a camp fire feature called "Liar by the Fire." "This is a fantastic opportunity for wild turkey enthusiasts to get together and, pardon the pun, talk turkey," quips O.F.A.H. Membership Services Coordinator Paul Briggs. "There is a large and growing interest in this bird and the réintroduction efforts that have provided a wealth of spin-off benefits benefits to all wildlife as well as the social and economic fabric of this province," Briggs adds. The general public is welcome after 10 a.m. Sunday to listen to the pros talk about turkeys and the turkey hunting culture. Or people may take part in the Winchester Grand Slam Open Turkey Shoot, or sit in as turkey calling champions champions compete for bragging bragging rights. A wild turkey zoo, raffle raffle and silent auction and awards will round out weekend activities. T0MJACKS0N Actor (North of 60); Humanitarian (Huron Carole Benefits); Singer/Songwriter (7 ids)...this only begins to describe Tom Jackson. On stage be is a commanding presence...one moment a song or recitation about the ignored of society, the next cavorting about the stage. A wonderfully entertaining evening from an immense talent. 5-pce band includes Randall Prescott and special guest Tracey Brown SHOWPLACE PETERBOROUGH Sun., June 14 - 8 p.m. Reserved Seating: $22.00 (CST inct. plus facility charge) Box Office: 742-7469 (12-5, M-F; 12-4 Sat.) . ODEON CINEMAGUIDE CtARINGTON PtACE CINEMAS Hwy '2 & '57 BOWMANVILLE (905) 697-0308 CINESAVE TUESDAYS ONLY $>■: ALL SHOWS ✓ PRESENTED IN DIGITAL SOUND SH0WTIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, JUNE 05 TO THURSDAY, JUNE 11 ✓GOOZHLA(PG) (Two Sows) FrvThus: 12:45,120,3:45,4:15,6:45.7:45,9:40 ✓ FEAR A LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS (R) FrvTbure: 6:50,9-20 ✓ BULWOflTH (AA) FrvThurs: 725,9:45 FROM THE CREATORS OF INDEPENDENCE DAY "GODZILLA 1 ✓ DEEP IMPACT (PG) FivThufs: 1:15,4:05,7:15.9-55 ✓ HOPEFLOiY Fri-Thurs: f t'. x reet - Bowmanville) NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call TI/ct nox/upt^- , f fZ MRI NTâl I CO ARM LANOUAM, ' ' ' 1 eRlf» 11 » I viouNci WWW.truman5hllVII.C0 Welcome 4 tagon Since 1930 Sandra Yates Sharia 623-5873 Bowmanville Area 983-8230 Newcastle/Orono Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. JOHNNY DEPP BENICI0 DEL T0R0 LoATfl/Mj* NOW PLAYING www fw-*nd4o« thine, com QnmjàT| COARSE LANGUAGE, SUBSTANCE ABUSE ;w •" .v/ Women seeking... WHATS INSIDE THAT COUNTS Single -while lomalo, divorced, 33, smoKor, light brown hair, brown oyos, lull llgured: seeking single while male, 32-40, musl bo financially securo like myseli, I on|oy collage, fishing, comping, comping, family, animals. Ad* 3279 NEW TO AREA While lomalo, Irom Toronto, finding II herd to gel lo know people hero, Looking lo mool guys or girls lor Iriond- ship only. AO# 3072 OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE Open-minded, easy-going couplo, very attractive, slim and honllhy, seeking open-minded, casual, allracllvo male who likes lo have lun. AD# 3140 Quoslions?? 416-23G-6644 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Single whllo lomalo, 42, 5'9", hazol oyos, charismatic, romantic, Chrlsllan values, family lime very Important, enjoy outdoor aclivillos, walks, cycling, camping, camping, movlos, candle light dinnors, looking lor Irlondship lirsl. Ad# 2017 CONFIDENT A ATTRACTIVE Single wliilo lomalo, silly, lun loving girl, divorced, 2 children, looking lor somo* one lunny, (all, easy going, allracllvo, soli sulliclonl malo. Ad# 2539 GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR Single wliilo lomalo, 32, slnglo mom, shod, culo , Booking mil handsome man who lovos kids 4 has n wild sldo, smok- or, ocasslonal drinker, II you want to gel logolhor for n cup of colloo leave a message. message. Ad# 2G2G QUIET TIMES Slnglo whllo lomalo, queen slzo, 2 children children 37, sooklng malo lor qulot llmos, employed, on|oy ouldoors, family lilo, II this sounds liko you call mo. Ad# 2290 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 HAVE FUN Single while lomalo, 57", 150 lbs., seeking seeking bisexual females lo go out & have lun. Adi# 2413 LONG DRIVES Single while female, 5'4", 120 lbs., blonde hair, enjoy rollerskating, walking along Iho beach, long drives, ealing out, dancing, seeking honest & kind male. Ad## 2310 SEEKING SPECIAL PRINCE SWF, 30, 5'3",135 lbs., enjoy dancing, pool, movlos, seeking special prince, sincere, romantic, 30-40, tall & confidant. Ad## 2254 GOOD TIMES SWF, looking 1er friend, someone lor good limes & bad. AD# 2170 CURIOUS FEMALE SWF, married, 2 children, curious In mooting & being wilh another woman. AD## 2104 SEEKING TALL MALE SWF, 57", br. hair, br. oyos, enjoy fish* ing, skating, camping, hockey games, walks, seeking loll male, 32-40. AD## 2155 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SWF, allracllvo, bl-soxuol, 27, 57", 1GOI lbs., sooking F or couplo. AD## 2080 ATTRACTIVE & AFFECTIONATE SWF, 30, slnglo mother, 5'6", atlraclivo, allocllonnlo, easy going, intolligont, sooking allocllonalo, strong, honosl malo. AD## 1000 COMPANIONSHIP SWF, Intorosted In mooting someone for companionship who has 2 kids, if you aro Intorosted leave mo a message. AD## 2049 DANCING * PARTYING SWF, 19, 5'5", blonde hair, hazol oyos, liko shopping, dancing & partying. AD## 2026 SHY FEMALE SWF, shy, 5*3", 135 lbs,, strawberry blondo hair, sooking malo who Is roll* nblo, sonsiblo, onjoy walking, spending qulot nights al homo. AD## 1943 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH SWF, 20, nvorngo looking, full figured, liko sports, looking for malo 20-30, who is lun, honosl, trusting. AD## 1950 LOOKING FOR GENTLEMAN SWF, looking for gonllomnn, 32-39, tall, nlco looking, trustworthy, humourous, I'm 5'3", 130 lbs., 30, onloy movies, going out lor walks, smoker, casual drinker. AD## 2000 SENSUAL A ROMANTIC SWF, 40, professional, Durham Region, Inlolllgonl, oducalod, vivacious, articulait}, articulait}, sonsunl, romantic, 5'4", auburn finir, brilliant smilo, enjoy stargazing, hot oil mnssngos. lino dining, II you are conll- dont A full of life I'd lovo lo hoar Irom you. AD#/1065 EASY GOING & FUN LOVING SWF, 31, 57", reddish br. hair, br. oyos, have 2 children, easy going, fun loving, great person, enjoy everything, dancing, fishing, camping, dining out, looking for a gentleman interested In a fun relationship. AD# 1782 ATTRACTIVE & ATTACHED SWF, atlraclive, attached, 36, br. hair, bicurious, looking for the same female or well built malo, discretion & cleanliness cleanliness required. AD# 1901 BIG BROWN EYES SWF, 5'2", lull figured, br. hair, big br. eyes, my husband & I are looking for a full figured female. AD# 1080 YOUNG, FUN & OUTGOING SWF, blue eyes, blondo hair, young, fun, outgoing & atlraclivo, love tno outdoors outdoors & sports, looking for a gentleman gentleman who is a professional & knows how to treat a lady the right way. AD# 1566 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND SWF, 37, separated, have 2 children, enjoy dining, dancing & long walks, looking honosl, sincere, slnglo, separated separated white malo. AD# 1541 To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1- 900-451-4552 Ext. 88 Men seeking... DISCREET ADVENTURES Prolosslonal attached male, 5'8", 175 lbs, 30, short brown hair wilh mustacho, sooking lemalo, very open minded lor discreet relationship. Ad# 3523 FILL IN THE BLANKS Slnglo whllo mole, 32, allached, 57", medium build, tanned, muscular, good looking, soaking lomalo, 18-40 years, good sense ol humour, lo lill In Iho empty spaces In my llle. Ad# 3528 DISCREET ENCOUNTERS Gentleman, 32, married, 5T, 150 lbs., dork hair, blue oyos, dark complexion, sooking lady with a good sonso ol humour, discreet, clean, lor discreet relationship. Ad# 3529 WALKS ON THE BEACH Soparalod white malo, 30,5'8\ 180 lbs., brown hair & eyes, enjoy picnics, walks on Iho boach, movlos, qulot llmos, humour, communication, sooking while lomalo, 36-32 with seme Intorosts. Ad#3531 HEALTHY AND CLEAN Slnglo malo, 29, 5', 185 lbs,, vniy secure, responsible, healthy, clean, liko lo work oui, sooking open minded girl who likes lo have lun. Ad# 3590 WANT TO SHARE Slnglo malo, 36, brown linli'4 oyos, looking lor somoono lo slinro Inugfilor, everyday experiences, Ad# 35-15 LOOKING FOR FUN Slnglo male, 31, 6T, brown hair, blue oyos, looking lor mi nllnchod or unattached unattached lomalo. Ad# 3-158 FUTURE PLANS Gonlloman, 38, 5'1V, 160 lbs., very III, handsome, nonsmokor, divorced with 12 year old son, enjoy movies, outdoor aclivillos, working oui, very maluro, bluo collar worker, sooking lady, slim, nonsmokor, nonsmokor, wilh similar intorosts. Ad# 3473 LONELY MALE Slnglo malo, looking lor companionship with a slnglo lomalo ol any raco who would enjoy going lo concerta, long walks, 4 going lor colloo. Ad# 3421 SOUL MATE Successful malo, 28,5'I0", high spirilod, onjoy music, sports, ouldoors, 4 reading, reading, looking lor soul malo who has an understanding ol llfo 4 living II lo Ils polonlial. Ad# 3426 SHARING SPECIAL MOMENTS Slnglo malo, 5'10", 170 lbs., hazol groon oyos, onjoy movlos, outdoor lilo, silling around Iho campllro wilh a glass ol wlno, looking lor lomalo, 110 lbs lo 120 lbs, III, nonsmokor, odvonlurous, romantic. romantic. Ad# 3431 WHOLE LOTTA LOVIN' Slnglo malo, 23, honosl, slncoro, vory down lo earth, sooking queon sized lady lo worship 4 shore all Iho boauty 4 lovo lhal lilo has lo ollor. Ad# 3372 SUCCESSFUL EXECUTIVE Married man, 41,5'B", 165 pounds, likes lo liavo a good limo. Looking lor a special, special, soxy lady, slim and allracllvo lo sharo encounters. Discrollon assured. A0# 3052 COMPANIONSHIP Marilod man, 5'6li", 165 pounds, allracllvo, allracllvo, woll built with a strong sox drive. Looking lor a slim, nllrnclivo woman, lo sharo discrool oncounlois. AD# 3061 LONELY GENTLEMAN Slnglo whllo malo, 65, S'il", 1-10 pounds, non sniokor and social drinker. Sooking lomnlo wilh a good sonso ol humour who on|oys qulol ovonlngs al homo, dining out and walking linnd In hand. A0# 3060 SINCERE 4 EASY-GOING Slnglo wliilo malo, 20, G'-l", blond, muscular, muscular, Llkos spoils, dining, partying, dancing and cars. Looking lor slncoro, oasy-going whllo woman who llkos lo parly, AD# 3071 MOONLIGHT STROLLS Slnglo whllo malo, 36, 5'10", brown hair, bluo oyos and thin build. Intorosts aro camping, walks on Iho boach. moonlight strolls, nights on Iho town and romantic dinnors. Looking lor o gal, ago and appearance nol Importanl, who wants lo lind someone lo spend good llmos logolhor, perhaps leading Ic a long lorm relationship. AD# 3075 CASUAL TIMES Black malo, sludont, 21, 5'10", 250 pounds. Inloroslod In sports. Lookinc lor while lomalo, or couplo, lor discrool soxual oncounlois. AD# 3092 COMPANIONSHIP Malo, 23, non-smokor and social drlnkor, who onjoys sports, going oui playing pool, going lor walks, biking and swimming, Is looking for a lomalo. 19-23. AD# 3120 KIDS OK Slnglo wliilo malo, Into 30's, non smok' or, financially socuro. Enjoys, swimming, swimming, skaling, skiing, long walks ant conversation. Seeking lady who enjoys lilo nnd cuddling up of tor dinner Ic walch a movlo. AO# 3130 Alternative lifestyles.. DISCREET ENCOUNTERS Bl-cuilous malo, 25, brown hair, bluo oyos, 170-lbs,, looking lor discrool ovonlng oncounlois, discrollon is assured. Ad# 3371 ANY RACE OR AGE Couplo, ho Is 40, sho Is 19, looking I or blsoxual lomalos lor lun llmos. Will lako any raco or ago. Ad# 3374 THREESOME Fomalo, 35, 5'6", 145 lbs., looking lor straight malo lo got logolhor wilh mo 4 my husband. Ad# 3304 VERY PATIENT Whllo malo, bl-curlous with somo oxporlonco, 36, 140 pounds, vory pallonl nnd easy going. Looking lor somoono slim, wliilo. 25-35, bl- curious curious or now lo scono, lor discrool cnsual oncounlois. Nothing sortons, lust lor lun. Discretion Is vory Irnpor- lain. AD# 3003