Courtice Secondary Raises Money for Cancer Society A group of Courtice Secondary School students decided to give cancer awareness a boost during April by putting up posters in the halls and selling daffodils at a dance. Their efforts resulted in $130 in flower sales and donations which they passed on to the Canadian Cancer Society last week. Ryan Bartlett explained why he and his friends decided to take up the cause "We all know people who have been affected by cancer," he said. Volunteers Don Yco and Mary Tillcock gratefully accepted the contribution from Ryan, Jen Kryszak, Bobbi Wignall and April Storey. The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, June 6. 1998 Page 13 Supper for Agnes was a Success Friday, May 22,1998 was pasta night for lonely area residents. Spaghetti, penne, manicotti, turkey and delicious delicious tiramishu for dessert were the fare. Hostess for the evening, Christine Cornell, was assisted assisted by the Lama family - Ishi, Samuel, Tenzin and Rinchen. Irene Payne and Bonita Keates of the Catholic Women's League also volunteered. volunteered. Award winning Mark Sullivan played the fiddle accompanied by his father, Dennis. Mel Roche, star of South Pacific a forthcoming musical, favoured the crowd with several songs. The Being and Doing Guild thank A&P's Ted Kuccra, St. Joseph's Church and particularly, Saverio Montemarano, president of Melody Homes, who cooked, donated, delivered and served, the meal. Bethesda House was grateful to be included in the largesse. Russian and Canadian Youths Coming to Bowmanville this Fall Host Families Needed For 16 Students by Laura J. Richards Staff Writer The Russians are com : ing. But then, so arc the Canadians! . Eight Russian and eight Canadian students between the ages of 18 to 21 arc going to be arriving in Bowmanville for a 10- week visit this fall. That is, if Canada World Youth is able to drum up eight host families here. Jennifer Drummond, a project supervisor for Canada World Youth, ^appeared before 'Clarington Council on Monday night, June 1, asking asking for their support in finding host families and volunteer jobs for the youths to do. "We're looking for host families for eight pairs of students from October to December, this fall," Drummond told councillors. councillors. This is Bowmanville's first time to be selected as a host municipality, she said. The Canada World Youth organization likes to put youths into small to medium-sized communities communities "which would allow for the involvement of the youth into the community" community" The participants in the program will be organizing organizing tours and workshops which arc to foster integration integration into the community. In speaking about the need for host families in Bowmanville, Drummond noted that one Russian student student and one Canadian student student will be billeted together in each of the eight host families. "Host families play an important role. We hope that you will welcome the students into your homes and even give them chores," she said with a smile. Drummond noted, "host families are often shocked by what they learn from their students about their cultures, and other things." She added the host families families learn just as much about other ways of life as the students learn from the hosts. Also, host families are asked to involve participants participants in family activities so that participants can learn about life in the community. community. And added bonus is that host families will receive $60 per week per participant participant to help defray expenses. expenses. Beside the host families, families, the students will need volunteer work placements, placements, and will need to participate in educational activities within the community. community. Drummond would like the students to be involved in issues related to the community, along with areas like community development. One of the main goals of the program is to achieve as much integra tion into the community as possible. The students will be in Bowmanville from Oct. 6 until Dec. 15. Councillors have asked that Bill Stockwell, the municipality's Chief Administrative Officer, work with Drummond to help find families. For further information, interested families may call 983-9221. IN «THE •PARK Join us for this week's concert featuring "Chaser" Country Rock Thursday, June 11th 7:00 p.m. (Rain or shine) sponsored by ■ ■ : ; f // V. ■ 'N - ' The Municipality of Clarington (June 18th - "The Lincolnaires") Concert Series Rotary Park (Queen Street - Bowmanville) FUND-RAISER FOR BURN UNIT -- On Saturday, June 6, from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. at 2175 Highway #2 Bowmanville, in the plaza of Loblaws, there will be a fund-raiser for the Hospital for Sick Children - Burn Unit. The Clarington Fire Department will be on hand as well as a giant Silent Auction, games galore, big BBQ plus lots of surprises. Learn not to burn is the motto for the day. THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUMMER AQUATIC REGISTRATION The registration process for all those Interested In registering their child(ren) in the Summer session of Aquatic programs from Aqua Tots 1 to Aqua Quest Level 12 may do so as follows: COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX DATE: SATURDAY, JUNE 13,1998 LOCATION: COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX TIME: 9:00 TO 11:00 A.M. PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE REGISTRATION DATE: TUESDAY, JUNE 16,1998 LOCATION: COMMUNITY SERVICES - TOWN HALL CLARINGTON FITNESS CENTRE - BOWMANVILLE ORONO PARK POOL NEWCASTLE LIONS POOL •' DATE: SATURDAY, JUNE 20,1998 LOCATION: GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX TIME: 9:00 TO 11:00 A.M. PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE REGISTRATION DATE: TUESDAY, JUNE 23,1998 LOCATION: COMMUNITY SERVICES - TOWN HALL Contact the Community Services Department at 623-3379 for information. 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