Page 16 The Claringlon/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, June 13,1998 A Review of the Tories' First Three Years in Power June 8th marks the third anniversary since the election of our Provincial PC Party. We must always remember why people voted us into government. People were fed up with 10 years of annual deficits of over $10 billion, a growing debt, high unemployment, unemployment, an uncertain investment climate and diminishing services. People wanted changes in the way government responded to the critical issues. There had been years of study in education reform, health care reform, assessment reform, municipal reform and tax reform. Our platform was based on "Common Sense for a Change". I recognize that change is upsetting for everyone. Perhaps that explains why previous governments refused to follow through with the recommendations in the many studies. Respectfully, the NDP government did start many of the reforms like the "Golden Report, on the GTA," the "Sweeney Report, on School Board Reform", and Health Services Reform. My observation is that we are doing exactly what we promised. In many ways, our platform is like a report card. We promised to eliminate the deficit by 2000-2001 (over halfway there), we promised to reduce provincial income tax by 30% (done as of July 1, 1998) and the reforms I mentioned above are on track. We promised 725.000 net new jobs within our mandate and are halfway there with 350.000 net new jobs as of the end of May 1998. We are restructuring Report from Queen's Park by John O'Toole health care and in this area, we are investing in the changes. Many people report that we arc cutting health care spending. This is absolutely wrong. When elected, Ontario was spending $17.4 billion annually. Despite the cut of $2.1 billion by the Federal Liberal government, government, we are spending $18.5 billion in health care. Our emphasis is on delivering services closer to the patient. Your Ontario government is investing $1.2 billion of which some $65 million is going to Durham to expand long term care and ■ home care services. The Oshawa General Hospital has received approval for the expansion of emergency services, cancer treatment as well as the MRI diagnostic technology. technology. In Ontario, we have committed $3 billion to expand front line services for patients in kidney dialysis, dialysis, cardiac surgery, hip and knee replacements, breast cancer screening as well as expanded home care. Some people are uncomfortable with our changes from the traditional traditional delivery of hospital based health care, while others want us to expand patient choices. People recover faster in their own comfortable homes. The Minister of Health, the Hon. Elizabeth Witmer and Dr. William Orovan, President of the Ontario DURHAM REGION The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department HOURS OF OPERATION EXTENDED AT REGION'S WASTE FACILITY IN OSHAWA The hours of operation at the Region's waste facility on Ritson Rd. N. in Oshawa will be extended an extra TWO hours on Thursdays only from June 4th until October 1st. The gates will now close at 6:00 p.m. on Thursdays instead of 4:00 p.m. during this period. Regular hours will continue Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS e.i.p. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE The Municipality of Clarington has been notified that nominations for the 1998 Flight for Freedom Literacy Awards are being accepted by the Canada Post Corporation. If you know of an organization, educator or individual who is making a difference in the community by teaching our fellow citizens the value of good reading and writing skills, you are asked to submit their name directly to the following office: The Canada Post Flight for Freedom Literacy Awards 2701 Riverside Drive Suite NO640 Ottawa, Ontario K1A0B1 Date of Publication: June 10,1998 CS-lnd.5135 CJ.P. MVNICIf'AUiY OF y/\lariruiton Medical Association (OMA) have announced five pilot projects to examine primary care. The program, although not in my riding, will group physicians into networks within the communities. Features of the new primary primary care model arc: • expanded access to on-call services • enhanced prevention services for patients • evening and weekend office hours • after-hours telephone advice from a registered nurse • improved use of technology, technology, including computerized computerized patient records • voluntary enrollment with a physician or physician physician network I believe that this is an important initiative that we should watch for the next year or so. Dr. Wendy Graham and others have been examining Primary Health Care reform and I am pleased that the OMA are in agreement with this new model of health care delivery. I would be interested interested in hearing your views on this issue, There are many issues that are impossible to examine in this short article. article. A couple of the major items arc: 1st: The white paper on the restructuring of Ontario Hydro. This issue is a very complex and important issue. 2nd: Alan Tonks has issued his recommendation recommendation regarding the Greater Toronto Area Services Board. 3rd: The Min. of Health released a report on access to mental health. This $60 million investment will enhance community mental mental health services. 4th: An announcement on increased funding for the Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere. 5th: The announced consultations on the Ontarians with Disabilities Act. 6th: The Ontario Crime Control Commission released its report on Youth Crime. Each week, I hear from over 200 constituents. If there is information from my column or if you wish a copy of something I have referred to, please call at 1-800-661-2433 or (905) 697-1501. I would rather send you information information that you request rather than mail out information you are not interested in receiving. Web Page Design As the Internet continues to grow in popularity, more and more people have been tempted to design web pages to promote promote their business. However, given that it is such new advertising medium and that rapid technological advancements continue to re-defme the scope of what is possible, it has become increasingly difficult difficult to clearly understand what types of web page designs work best to promote your business. Andrew Nawrot of Friction Design will help clarify these issues, when he discusses effective web page designs for small business at June's Clarington Business Group Breakfast Meeting. Andrew will examine common flaws in web design. He will also take a look at some of the best sites on the Internet and discuss discuss why they work so well. Throughout his presentation, Andrew will provide simple tips that might give your web site the edge that is required to succeed on the world's largest growing and most interactive medium, the Internet. This meeting takes place on Tuesday, June 16, 7:30 a.m. at Silks Café, 73 King Street West in Downtown Bowmanvillc. Admission is $8, students $6 (includes a continental buffet breakfast). Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting. Please register in advance by calling 697-3132 or e-mail collis- The Clarington Business Group is an informal association of small business people dedicated to the sharing of experiences, experiences, knowledge and resources, so that all businesses may learn and succeed in Clarington - now and in the future. ./ \ y i y-: Ï TURKEY SHOOT - The Wild Turkey Weekend at the Ganaraska Forest Centre just wouldn't be complete without a target shooting competition. So, after a half- mile walk and a trek through a forest carpeted with poison ivy, the turkey hunters and the wanna-bes hunkered down for a target shoot. Gordon Green served as the range master. sikkEns A Quality Start Deserves a Quality Finish /\fiBERMETHY'$ PAINT and WALLPAPER ait 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville Hours: Mon. - Wed. 8-6; Thurs. - Fri. 8-8; Sat. 8:30 - 5 ©j.p.; : M ! « ! x ! * ; * ■ r *i ! * ! * | I : 1 MS : # : *i : i 1-3 'll p ! * ! ft v... 24 month lease or 36 months purchase financing ! r - ' < ) ' L.X ' r ._i - o \ / : ir t/v : i/V'y- ■ I r üUnïtlyi Llijy l 7 M yj SmaiitLease X'- .'"I , . iw 1.1 ci L, V ■■■... .1 (e I I r x / 7 7 ly x Vf m CMC JIMMY 2-DOOR 4x4 The redesigned Jimmy is now high on comforts and low on financing. * It's finished with: a 190 HP V6 engine, an automatic transmission, dual air bags, 4-wliccl ABS, power puitcti asp door locks/windows, tilt steering, <ty /mih, 24 months, $3,080dôîi'n cruise control, AM/FM stereo 4> NO SECURITY DEPOSIT with CD, air conditioning. (excludesfivigbt $720) *98 CMC JIMMY 4-DOOR 4x4 SmartLease ^ 190 IIP V6 engine, an automatic transmission, dual air bags 1 4-wliccl ABS, power door locks/windows/mirrors, tilt steering, cruise control, overhead console, Purchase roof luggage carrier, remote <P /mtb, 24 monthi, $2,800down keyless entry, 6-way power ^ NO SECURITY DEPOSIT driver's scat, air conditioning. m > SMAIITLEASE 338 •URCHASE 34,468 (excludes fivight $720) B U fi 4 u jj f f st Limited Time Offers. Hurry In. •J 1 * You should know thin 'flniml nn n ?<1 month lonso lor GMC Jlmmv 1SC/GMC .llmmv 1SD. Annunl kllomolro limit 20.000 km. SO.12 nor oxcotm kiloinotro. Down on' The GM Card® You should know thin 'Dnsod on n 2*1 month lonso lor GMC Jimmy 1SC/GMC Jimmy 1SD. Annunl kllomolro limit 20,000 km, $0,12 por oxcoss kllomolro, Down pny* monl or lintlo ol $3,000/52,000 roqulrod, Tolnl obligation is $9,032/510,012. Ollior lonso options nvnllnblo. 'IFrolghl $720, liconco, Inxos find insumneo nol Included, t Purchaso nnd lonso llnnnclng on npprovod GMAC crodil only, Down paymonl, Irado and/or oocurily doposll mny bo roqulrod. Monthly payment nnd cost ol borrowing will vary depending on down pnymonl/lmdo, Purclinso Example: $10,000 al 1.0% APR tho monthly paymonl Is $205,09 lor 30 months. Cost ol borrowing Is 5295,04, Total obligation Is $10,295.04, Ml Donlor mny soil or lonso lor loss, Ollor applies lo purclinso or lonso ol 1090 now or domonslmtor models nnd nppllos only lo qunllllod rolnll cuslomoro In Contrai, Soulhwoslom, Noilhorn, Enslorn Ontario nnd V/oslom Queboo only. Llmllod limo ollor which mny nol bo combined with ollior olloro, Soo your donlor donlor lor details, Is a Imdomnik ol Gonoial Motors Corporation. OSfloglsIorod Tmdomnik ol Gonornl Motors Corporation, TD Hank llconsod user ol Maik,