MP Organizes Quebec Exchange The Clarington/Couriicc Independent. Bowmanville. Saturday, June 13, 1998 Pace 7 . Docs anyone remember the night of October 30, 1995: It's vivid in my mind. It was the night of the Quebec referendum. It was a scary time because the vote was so close. And I think it plunged Canada into the abyss of the unknown. Because of the drama on the night I vowed to work toward better relations relations between all Canadians including those in "la belle province". This doesn't mean special special privileges for the province of Quebec. But it docs mean recognizing that our differences in language language and culture are unique. Indeed, as a nation, we have evolved with this tenet at our heart. That people can be different, yet share common heritage. Remember the threat to our culture isn't amongst ourselves but rather with our much larger neighbour to the south. This summer I am promoting, promoting, with the help of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce and the Claringlon Business Group, an exchange pro- Parliamentary Report by Alex Shepherd gram with Quebec MPs for youth in our riding who are between the ages of 15 and 17 and arc still in high school. Using existing funding from the federal government's government's youth employment program it means Durham riding's young people can get a six-week summer job in Quebec in the public sector, or with a not-for- profit organization, earning earning $6.80 an hour. It would be a great experience to be billeted with a family in Quebec while working there and at the same time, billet a young person from Quebec. Durham Riding will send five students and receive five francophone students from Quebec. I am certain people in &oueA SEHHEBSPKMS * $20 - Full set of acrylic nails * Free set of nails with every belly button piercing * Waxing Specials * Wedding Party - Bride receives free set of nails! In-home service available Mondays • Wednesdays • Fridays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment Also body piercing, Mehandi body art and waxing available, ■ Will come to your home. Call Kelly 697-3243 or 259-1284 Money Back Guarantee! Durham will treat these students with the respect we would give . to Canadians from other provinces. This exchange creates bonds that will unite us as a nation. The idea of two solitudes is something created created in the minds of fiction writers. We have more in common common with Quebec, much more than ice storms, floods and wind storms. We share a common history history that went into developing developing Canada. I want to encourage Durham Riding's youth to take up this challenge of sharing in the existing cultural cultural dynamics of Canada since we are a nation that is still evolving. When I was 18 I hitchhiked hitchhiked across Canada before starting university. Since then I've travelled to Europe, China and South America. My most memorable memorable trip was the one across Canada because it gave me such a great understanding of this country. If I was between 15 and 17 years of age I'd be one of the first to enrol in this exchange program. If you arc, or know someone who might be, interested in living and working in Quebec for six weeks while promoting Canadian unity and earning earning summer income, please contact my office at 985-7569 or 1-800-565- 4105. Why not experience Canada? s 1 { Î i î { 1 ♦ î | 1 ! ! t i î ! i 1 I i ! { { ! 1 ? oooooocoooooooooccocoocooo You are cordially invited to attend the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Memorial Hospital Bowmanville Tuesday, June 16,1998 7 p.m. Hospital Cafeteria (lower level) "Celebrating Our Past, Preparing for our Future" Memorial Hospital is taking on a new role as part of a larger hospital corporation in July in an amalgamation with North Durham Health Services, Oshawa General Hospital and Whitby General Hospital.' We have invited some special guests to the Annual Meeting to share their memories of the Hospital over the years. * Refreshments will be served* Memorial Hospital Bowmanville 47 Liberty St. South Bowmanville, Ont. LI C 2N4 M (905) 623-3331 cj . p .m BACK TO NATURE -- Lord Elgin Public School's naturalization project established established in 1997 was officially opened Thursday, June 4. Taking part in the ceremony ceremony were students Jared Wubbolt, Lukas Thompson, Nicole Campbell, Ashley Campbell, and Rachel Richards along with John Reid, the Superintendent of Schools for District 14; School Trustee Nancy Coffin; and Principal Dan Maclvor. The naturalized area, located on the north end of the schoolyard, behind the portable classrooms, includes mowed paths among the newly planted wildflowers, bushes and even a cedar hedge. The naturalized area will encourage both teachers and students to get into more hands-on nature studies. JDwuft-.Miss Superb Country Shopping 183 Queen St. Port Perry 985-8234 Open 7 Days a Week Our Shops Feature: An Extensive Collection of Country & Casual Accessories, Furniture & Rugs, Yankee Candle Shop, the Latest in Casual Dinnerware, Linens, Curtains & Complete Kitchen Collection Saturday, June 20th, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 10-75% OFF IN ALL SHOPS (Selected furniture excluded) "Tractor Trailer Load of Giftware Seconds in Our Parking Lot Tent Sale" "I look forward to my vacation all year long. The last thing I need is to have car troubles get in the way of our fun. With the heat of summer and the extra pressure of running the air conditioner, my engine has to work a lot harder. So, before I take my time off, I take my car in. My mechanic checks things out and makes sure my car is as ready to go as I am." 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