Page 8 The Clarington/Courticc Indcpcndenl, Bowmanvillc, Saturday. June 13, 1998 Their Best Feet Forward The Bowmanvillc High School Cooperative Education Department's annual Employer Appreciation Breakfast was held on Thursday morning, June 4. Shown here are student award winners Janet Downey who picked up the Ontario Co-operative Co-operative Education Association Certificate of Merit and the BHS Cooperative Education Award for a Grade 11 student, and Kelly O'Neill who was given the Career Preparation Program Senior Student Award. With the students are Matt Lewskiw of the Bowmanvillc Ambulance and Carol Barrett of Strathavcn Retirement Residence. Police Nab Unsafe Trucks With Surprise Inspections On June 2-4, 1998, the Durham Regional Police Commercial Vehicle Inspectors along with the Ministry of Transportation conducted surprise inspections inspections on local streets across the region as part of an ongoing commitment in truck safety. A total of 34 commercial commercial trucks were inspected and of those trucks, 13 were taken out of service for various defects. In two separate cases trucks were taken out of service for loose "Wheel Assemblies". The chances of these wheels becoming "flying wheels" were possibly possibly just a few kilometres away. The owners of these companies have been charged and the trucks repaired. This year's average is 38% of the trucks inspected inspected were taken out of service. service. Last year at this same time 42% of trucks were taken out of service. The Durham Regional Police in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation will continue continue these inspections together to make our roads safer. CROSSWORD - May 16- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [17 ,8 19 ■ 20 ■ 21 22 23 ■ 24 25 ■ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 L ■ 33 | 34 35 | 36 37 38 39 ■ 40 41 42 ■ 43 44 ■ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ■ 52 ■ 53 54 | 55 56 57 58 | 59 60 61 62 ACROSS 1. What Velcro might replace 5. Colorful Asian dress- 9. Lhasa (dog breed) 13. Goddess of childbirth 14. Haul or hang preceder 15. Steps, to Sophia 16. Feelings of repugnance 18. Tragedian 19. Baseball's Dykstra 20. Potpourri 21. Robert and Jack 22. Followed 24. Name on old Asian maps 25. Affirmative action 26. Road marker 30. At (puzzled) (2 wds.) 33. Before cart or pin 34. " Want For Christmas" (2 wds.) 35. Chinese gooseberry 36. Teetering 37. Like some dazzling fashion shades 38. SI. (Charles Bronson film) 39. Several and then some 40. Delicate 41. Squab or poult 43. Horror-tales author 44. Orient 45. Bits of food 49. Reeks 52. Reason for a tax deduction 53. Baseball's Durocher 54. imitation jewelry 55. Little piggy's entrée (2 wds.) 57. Jannings and Ludwig 58. Remarried royal 59. Andes Indian 60. Refuse permission 61. Heckler's sound 62. Disgruntled comments DOWN 1. Bible verb 2. On the 31st of February 3. Amphitheater 4. for the course 5. Dirty 6. Shun 7. Casino city 8. Taxing inits. 9. Goes with 10. Light strokes 11. Small opening 12. Rowing tools 15. Plastic wrap brand 17. Solitary efforts 21. Spar 23. Earnestly 24. Milksop 26. Taking to court 27. Corrida shouts 28. Swill 29. Wee 30. Cut from the same cloth 31. Type of wire 32. Is obligated 33. Production facility 36. Improper 40, Poorest 42. Chad and George, e.g. 43. Wild West bands 45. Laments 46. Verdugo of films 47. Bloodsucker 48. Overstuffed furniture 49. Accelerated 50. Not feral 51. Ancient Sumerian city 52. Actress Anderson 55. Stadium sound 56. Lobster restaurant giveaway For answers see your Canadian Statesman next Wednesday. This crossword brought to you by: The Book Studio Complete Selection of New Books Special Orders Are Welcome . Books For All Ages and Interests 20 King St, W. 697-2635 Bowmanvillc We Honour Visa and MasterCard "Ckaiitglon's Ftivourtte Hook Store" Many Opportunities for Caring Adujfs Big Brothers of Clarington is looking for caring and responsible male and female volunteers volunteers to share a friendship with a child within the Clarington community. The mission of Big Brothers of Clarington is twofold. The agency strives to establish and foster foster friendships between mature men and boys; and it also develops programs for children that meet the changing needs of the community. The one-to-one friendship friendship program between boys aged 6-16 years and men is a preventative program. program. It exists only with the involvement of mature stable men who willingly volunteer their time to be a friend to a boy in need of improving his self esteem. The waiting list for Big Brothers matches has increased in recent years due to growth in the community community and the difficulty of securing volunteers for a long term commitment. To meet the needs of the Little Brothers on the waiting list, the Big Bunch program program was started in 1994. This program allows more of the Little Brothers who arc waiting for a Big Brother to be served since they participate in group activities with adult volunteers volunteers on a one to four ratio. In 1995 to continue expanding on programs to benefit more youth, the summer day camp, Champions of Change Youth Leadership Camp was started. The camp offers an opportunity for youth aged 12-16 to develop develop leadership skills and learn about themselves and their community. The camp also provides a summer summer job to five students with the support of the Federal Government and Ontario Hydro. Both programs programs continue to be successful. successful. In our continuing efforts to serve the needs of the community, the agency began In School Mentoring in 1998. This program provides provides a one-to-one match for one hour a week during the school year on school property. This program was started at Mother Teresa Public School and it is hoped that this program will grow and expand to other schools. Children in grades 2 or 3 in need of a friend are recommended by the school and arc matched with male or female volunteers volunteers screened by Big Brothers of Clarington. As this program continues to grow, volunteers from Community Care will provide provide mentors (volunteers). An intcrgcncrational volunteer volunteer program will be developed. Big Brothers of Clarington also recruits volunteer mentors from the community at large and plans to develop an employee incentive program program with industries with in the community. An additional additional co-op program with the high schools has been developed successfully in other communities. The In School Mentoring program has grown rapidly in other Big Brother agencies and Big Brothers of Clarington anticipates growth in their community. Big Brothers of Clarington relics solely on volunteers in order to operate. operate. More than 50 volunteers volunteers a year give their time to serve on the Board, Committees, as Big Brothers or Big Bunch vol-j untccrs. , The community as a' whole is also very important important to the existence of the agency since all the funding funding is raised within the Clarington community. Big Brothers of Clarington has provided a service to single parent mothers and their boys over the years and continues to expand services to all children. For information call, 623-6646 or visit the office at 23 Scugog St. Bowmanvillc. FLYERS FLYER PRINTING AND DELIVERY PACKAGE! PRINTED ONE SIDE 8 1/2" x 11 " flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 5.31 each plus '•'Offer good for quantities over 15,000 faxes PRINTED TWO SIDES 8 1/2" x II" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 6.5^ GaCh plus faxes *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 Add a 2nd colour of ink to your flyer $100.00 per colour - per side'of flyer, • James Publishing Publishers of The Canadian Statesman and Clarington/Courtice Independent 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Rhone: (905) 623-3303 Fax: (905) 623-6161 THESE FRIENDLY FOLKS WILL MAKE YOU A SPECIAL OFFER.. Bob Kolari Brian McDonald Doug MacKay Hans Straub ... ON YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER THAT OFFERS YOU A GREAT DEAL MORE! The Canadian Statesman has commissioned these sales representatives to undertake a subscription drive. They will present a special offer and will soon be calling on you to offer year-round reading of The Canadian Statesman at substantial savings over the newsstand newsstand price. ®f)E Canadian Statesman 62 King Street West 623-3303 Bowmanville