/ The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, June 17, 1998 Section Two WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 THE ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS -- The Association of Hospital Volunteers - Bowmanvillc (Hospital Auxiliary) is having a Salad Lunehcon on Wednesday, June 17, 12:30 p.m. It will be held in the Trinity Fellowship Hall, 116 Church St. Bowmanvillc. Tickets arc $10 and are available at the Hospital Gift Shop, The New To You Shoppe or by phoning Norma Hooper at 697-3284. Vocal soloist Lynn Liddell accompanied by pianist Janet Rice. Fashion show co-ordinated by Monica Rose Fashions. THURSDAY, JUNE 18 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - Amnesty International Action Circle 48 Claringlon is having a Special Celebration Meeting at a different site, Thursday, June 18, 1998. Everyone is invited. Contact the following for details and to confirm attendance, Hugh Donnelly 697-3848 or Alice Dana 697-3006. MARTHAS OF ST. JOHN'S PRESENT A STRAWBERRY SOCIAL -- Present their Old Fashioned Strawberry Social on June 18, 1998, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. There will be sandwiches and shortcake served. Adults $5.00, children $2.50, families $14.00 (children under 12). For reservations call 623-2928, 623-4326, 623-9273. Wheelchair access. ers FREE. For tickets call 987-5255 or any Lion member. TUESDAY; JUNE 23 OLDER ADULT ASSOC. HOLDS GENERAL MEETING - The Tuesday program on June 23 at Memorial Park Community Hall, Liberty Street South, Bowmanvillc, will be the wrap-up before the summer break. At 11:00 a.m. the first Annual General Meeting of the Claringlon Older Adult Association will be held to elect directors for the coming year and to receive financial and operations reports. All members are encouraged to attend this important meeting and to vote. The meeting will be followed by a pot-luck lunch. Transportation available for a nominal fee if arranged by Monday at noon. Phone Community Care at 623- 2261. The Fall program will start in September in the newly renovated renovated Activity Centre on Beech Avenue in Bowmanvillc. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 OSHAWA/CLARINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Invites you to Lunch with Alan Tonks, GTA Moderator, on Wednesday, June 24th, at 12 noon. It will be held at the Holiday In Oshawa, 1011 Bloor Street. $25.00 + GST (Chamber Members), $30.00 +GST (Non-Members). Learn about the Key Matters regarding the "GTSB - Greater Toronto Services Board" and how it will affect our Community. needed for a variety of times and days. If you arc interested, please call Memorial Hospital Bowmanvillc, Volunteer Services, at (905) 623-3331, ext. 5430. SUPPORT FOR WOMEN SMOKERS -- If you arc interested in information and/or a support program for quitting smoking please call the Durham Health Connection Line (905) 723-8521 or 1-800-841-2729. BREAST FEEDING SUPPORT GROUP -- New mothers are invited to attend a Breast Feeding Support Group, Monday afternoons afternoons from 1- 3 p.m. at Memorial Hospital Bowmanvillc, 47 Liberty St. South. The group meets in the staff room on the Obstetrics Floor, 2nd Floor, South Wing. No cost, drop-in. For more information, call Durham Health Connection: 1-800-841- 2729 or (905) 723-8521. LADIES' FITNESS AT CHURCH -- Ladies' Fitness and Nutrition program each Monday 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Certified Instructor. Suggestion donation of $2.00. Low impact. Liberty Pentecostal Church, Corner of Hwy. 2 and 57, Bowmanvillc. Call 623-5100 for information. FABULOUS FIFITES FESTIVAL BEGINS -- The Bowmanvillc BIA hosts its annual fifties festival featuring a "Beach Party" sidewalk sale and bargains at fifties prices June 18- 20. The line-up includes a beach volleyball competition with two courts and real beach sand, plus fifties music, hoola-hoops, bubblegum bubblegum competitions, fifties food, classic cars, and lots more. On Saturday, the main street will be closed to enable shoppers better access to all the special events. Everyone is welcome to join the fun. Bobby sox and poodle skirts arc strictly optional. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 DURHAM REGION GLADIOLUS AND DAHLIA SOCIETY - Is hosting a workshop for gardeners on Friday, June 19, at the meeting room at the new Loblaws store (upstairs). It starts at 7:30 and member Sam VanCamp and Bryan Middleton will present slides from the North American Gladiolus Council. This is open to the public, no fee, refreshments available. SATURDAY* JUNE 20 STRAWBERRIES AND ICE CREAM AT MUSEUM - After visiting the Fabulous 50's Sidewalk Sale in Bowmanvillc, on Saturday, June 20, come to the Bowmanvillc Museum, at 37 Silver Street (corner of Wellington and Silver) for some delicious strawberries strawberries and ice cream, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Relax on the Museum lawn.and view our lovely gardens while enjoying your dessert. GIANT YARD AND BAKE SALE - There will be a Giant Yard and Bake Sale on Saturday, June 20th, from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church. It is located at the corner of Park Rd and the 401 in Oshawa. Hundreds of items including clothing for sale. Lots of home baking, with hot dogs and drinks available too. Come and. check it out! SUNDAY, JUNE 28 CHURCH OFFERS FIREWORKS - Everyone is invited to celebrate celebrate Canada's birthday at Liberty Pentecostal Church, Sunday, June 28, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. Our outdoor celebration features music by 'Big Change' and special guest Brian Warren (Former Toronto Argonaut). At dusk the sky's the limit with Fireworks. Don't forget to bring along your lawn cjiair. The church is located at the corner of Hwys. #57 and #2. There's a freewill offering for fireworks. Call 623-5100 for more information. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE -- Community Care Adult Day Program in Newcastle is seeking volunteers volunteers who are interested in working with frail elderly, physically challenged and those with cognitive impairment. Volunteers arc needed to assist with recreational programs. Music, friendly visiting visiting and gardening are examples of programs offered at the Adult Day Program. Volunteering your time can make a big difference in your life and our members' lives. If this is of interest to you please call Jennifer Rusaw at (905) 987-3000. FOR YOUR INFORMATION BE A BIG BROTHER - There arc 17 boys across Claringlon wailing for a friend (plus 14 more waiting to be processed). That means a wait of almost two years for a Big Brother. The organization organization needs volunteers now. Volunteers are also needed for the "mentor" program., For just an hour a week you could make a difference difference in a child',s life and start enjoying the little things life has to offer. Be an In-School Mentor! For more information on becoming becoming a Big Brother or an In-School Mentor, please contact Big Brothers of Claringlon at (905) 623-6646 or drop into the office located at 23 Syugog St., Bowmanville. GOLF SPECIAL /A) 18 Hole Championship Course « Memberships Available or Pay as You Play Tournament Bookings Available 2 Golfers with 1 Power Cart Weekdays $58.00; Weekends after 1 p.m. $60.00 'Does not apply to tournaments (with this coupon only) J BOWMANVILLE COUNTRY CLUB | (905) 623-2670 / CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS - There are Canada Day celebrations celebrations be il! g held at Orond Park. Parade from Fairgrounds at 11 a.m.. Free p.lrk admission, free family swimming, games for the kids, contes/s, prizes, ball games, community cake cut at 1:30. The ClaringtoiiyConcert Band will perform at 2:00 p.m, Come out enjoy the day onWednesday, July 1, 1998. SUNDAY, JUNE 21 NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB 10th ANNUAL CHICKEN BBQ - Will be held on June 21st, 1998 at the Newcastle Community Hall. There will be two settings 4:30 and 6 p.m. Adults $10. Children (10 and under) $5, preschool VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Volunteers arc needed to assist with the Perl/Central coffee kiosk, the HELPP Lottery ticket booth and the Infirmation Desk, all at Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. If you'vraot three hours a week (or more) and are friendly, out-going and ctjoy meeting and greeting the public, the Hospital's Volunteer Servies Department would like to hear from you. Volunteers are "KRACO" CARPENTRY & CONTRACTING Est. 1976 Complete Carpentry Services • Designing • Custom Built Homes • Renovations • Additions • Decks, etc. William Kraayvanger P.O. Box 14, Bowmanville ON L1C 3K8 (905) 623-1101 gya JAMES R. YANCH Trustee in Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St.- 721-7506 Ajax: 50 Commercial Ave. - 619-1473 Cobourg: 72 King St. W. - 372-4744 Saturday and evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday tznmj U < < i h BOWMANVILLE -- ONT. 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396 ©J.P. KARATE CLARINGTON WADO-KAI CLUB Under the direction ol Toronto Wado-Kai • founder Davo Manara 8th degref black boll. • Children and Adult Classes • Develop Co-ordination and flexibility • Learn Sell-Defence Techniques • Increase Self-Confidence and Sell Esteem / • Black Belt Instructors • Instill Discipline, Motivation tnd Pride • Continuous Year-Round Program • Promotes an "I CANÛ0 IT" Attitude NOW AT 2 LOCATIONS Time; 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.ni. BOWMANVILLE CLASSES:TUESDAY 4 THURSDAY at Garnot Rickard Rocroallon Complex on Hwy 112* Durham Road 57 COURTICE CLASSES: MONDAY &)VEDNESDAY at Courtlco Community Contre on Courtier Road & Hwy II2 COST CHILDREN AD.U.LT.S. 1 MONTH $40.00 $45.00 3 MONTHS $105.00 $120.00 6 MONTHS $180.00 / $210.00 12 MONTHS $300.00 / $360.00 Children 8 yoars and oldor, fariily ratus available Register Now - Limited Enrollment For more information contact: Jim or Marg Phone: 905436-2493 or 905-725-7276 Visit us on tho/ritornot at hllp:Z/liomo.oiuo(|Of8.wnvo.c«'VfoidntVclut) , j/clnrln9ton.html F ...nil I, .,.1... / J irli r jir'l mitt Email linimnrtf ldirocl.com ©J.P. THESE FRIENDLY FOLKS WILL MAKE YOU A SPECIAL OFFER Bob Kolari Brian McDonald Doug MacKay Hans Straub ••• ON YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER THAT OFFERS YOU A GREAT DEAL MORE! The Canadian Statesman has commissioned these sales representatives to undertake a subscription drive. They will present a special offer and will soon be calling on you to offer year-round reading of The Canadian Statesman at substantial savings over the newsstand newsstand price. ®fl e Cnnatuan Statesman 62 King Street West . 623-3303 Bowmanville