t The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, June 17, 1998 Section Two Pace 11 Horticultural Society Attends OHA Convention Newcastle News by Hazel Crago The Newcastle Lioness Club enjoyed a pot luck supper supper at the home of Brenton and Jean Rickard on Monday, June 8th, when they entertained entertained their husbands. After the meal some awards were presented. Lion Frank Hoar, Lioness Liaison Officer, presented presented 15-year awards to Lioness Marilyn Martin and Lioness Betty Adams, L.C.I.F. awards to the following following Lioness: Irene Cunningham, Eva Hoar, Betty Blakcr, Pauline Storks and Kay Powell. A social time was enjoyed. A business meeting is to be held on Monday, June 22nd in the Lions Room. On Monday, June 8 a busload busload of area residents enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara-on-thc- Lakc. Points of interest included the Virgil Antique Market, the Butterfly Conservatory and the Inniskillcn Winery. Volume of traffic in the morning westward westward to the city seems to be increasing. Hence, schedules arc not easily followed. We extend congratulations to Joanne Meredith who recently graduated from Waterloo University with a Doctorate of Optometry and Bachelor of Science with Honours. Attending the grad uation ceremonies were fiance Tom Hope and his parents parents Ron and Judy Hope. Congratulations! Please inform us about these wonderful young people people and their achievements. Twelve members of the UCW Sunshine Unit enjoyed their June 8th meeting at Quinton House. After a delicious delicious lunch a short business period was conducted by Jean .Allin. A request was made for cookies for Vacation Bible School. Anyone wishing to do so can sign up at church. The turkey supper is being changed to November 21st as the Chevarim Youth Choir are presenting a programme on November 7th, the first Saturday of the month. A strawberry tea is being held at Faith United Church, Courticc, 1778 Nash Rd. on June 20th from 1 to 3 p.m. Cost $5.00. Bay of Quinte U.C.W. Conference Weekend at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac is September 11,12 and 13. The ladies enjoyed a tour of Quinton House, a Bed and Breakfast Home. The owners also showed the ladies their Chow dogs. Horticulture News On the weekend of June 11-14, several members of Newcastle Horticultural Society attended the OHA Convention at Trent University, Peterborough. On Saturday, Jack and Hazel Crago were among those who spent the day there. Guest speaker of the morning was Larry Lamb who has a vast botanical knowledge. His interest lies in native and ecologically ecologically efficient plants, slides of which were shown along with his presentation. Local persons manning concession concession booths on Saturday afternoon were Doug Lycett of We're in the Mayfield Now day lilies and Erl a and Francis Jose at the Gladiolus Society table. A terrific thunder thunder storm accompanied by inches of rain made it difficult to proceed from the Champlain Building (where photo competition slides were shown) to the Lady Eaton Hall. Many traffic lights were not working as we proceeded home about five o'clock. No rain had fallen here. The Newcastle Horticulture Society holds its June Rose show on the 23rd in the Centennial Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. Christine Gill will speak on Delphiniums. SI. George's News On Sunday, June 14th Angela Dcvonish gave the address Faith Works. Flowers at the Altar were in memory of Dorothy Bccton given by husband Walter and family. Following the service the parish picnic was held with lots of food, fun and games. On Sunday, June 21st Holy Communion will be celebrated celebrated at both 8 and 11 a.m. services at St. George's. The ladies of St. Saviour's and St. George's recently enjoyed the races. United Church Earth Angels Janie Dodds, Pat Lycctt and Nancy Barber, with John Manuel accompanist, accompanist, were guest musicians at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, June 14, 1998. The trio sang Tell Me Why and Glory Hallelujah. Erl a and Francis Jose and organizers of the Church Family Picnic were thanked. Since only 100 children can be accommodated for Vacation Bible School register register your child early. Clarington Food Bank annual meeting is being held at St. George's Parish Hall on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Making the Grade Ontario St. Public School students Martin Hcslop and Billy Ballik received accolades for scoring some of the best grades in a Canada-wide Math Contest. Ballik tied for the first place with two others. His score was 40 out of 40, and Heslop scored 33 out of 40. Both arc Grade 6 students and were coached for the contest by Msr. Marchand. School principal Steve Fortier was on hand to congratulate congratulate the two boys. Are you interested in Newcastle Lions Install New Officers The Lions Club of Newcastle met on June 10 in a large tent at the Newcastle Marina for their Annual Installation of Officers. Thirty-one Newcastle Lions and spouse's were on hand to share in the ceremony. Also on hand were Zone Chairman John Ogden and Jane, Mrs. Joyce Ogden, Daphne St. Amand and Doreen Langley. Everyone sat down to a delicious delicious hot and cold buffet, svith all the trimmings catered by the Marina staff. After dinner Lion Edmund Major was chosen for the "who's who" segment. Ed was born in the British Embassy, in Warsaw Poland, migrated to England and joined the British 8th Army in 1941. Ed saw action in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and eventually eventually Germany, being wounded twice, though he didn't'say where. In 1946, he was sent to Scotland and was discharged in 1947. Ed met and married his wife, Mona and with two children, came to Canada and settled in Newcastle in 1957, where their 3rd child was born. Ed was employed by Newcastle Hydro, which became part of Clarington Hydro and retired in 1990. He joined the Newcastle Lions Club in 1969 and has served on most committees and offices to President in 1975-76 and Zone Chairman in 1976-77.. His hobby is model railroading railroading and his layout is one to be proud of. Lion Jane Ogden of the Bewdlcy Club presented the President with a belated 50th Anniversary gift for the Newcastle Club, a lovely clock adorned with Lions to be displayed in the Newcastle Lions Den. ZC Terry Graham thanked Lion Jim Brown for doing such a good job as Zone 10 South Secretary for the zone meetings and presented him with a small token of appreciation. appreciation. President George presented presented Lion Murray Paterson with his "10 new member key" awarded for sponsoring ten new members. Lion Brenton Rickard introduced Past International Director Bill Maguire of the Cobourg Lions Club. Lion Bill was invited to induct the new. Directorate for the com-. ing ÿèar. The following Lions make up the Board of Directors for 1998-99 fiscal Horners Arts & Crafts Owner Retiring 15% OFF ENTIRE STOCK All Sales Final Cake Decorating • Wedding • Yarn Instruction Books • Ajrt • Folk Art Sale begins Wed., June 17 Wliile quantities last OPEN ? DAYS Mon. - Tliurs. 9-5:30; Fri. 9 - 8; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 12-5 35 Yfcdton Street, Port Hope El 905-885-2738 KIDS KLOSET 34a King St. West, Bowmanvillc (905) 623-9331 Stop in for up to OFF 30% Huge selection of clothing, equipment, and toys!! Thurs., June 18th to Sat., June 20th year. Membership Chairman - Ron Locke, Lion Tamer - Sierd DeJong, Tail Twister - Sam Lemon Two Year Directors - Dwight Napier and Hams Verkuiscn, One Year Directors - Greg Forget and Joe Mcndonca, Third Vice President - Dennis Walker, Second Vice President - Gord Moulton, First Vice President - Dick Lovekin, Secretary - Frank Hoar, Treasurer - John Bugelli, President - Mike Swaga and Immediate Past President - George Rickard. President Elect, Mike Swaga thanked Bill and presented presented him with a token of appreciation from the Newcastle Club for a job well done. President George, in his outgoing remarks, stated that he had accomplished most of the goals he had set at the start of the year, the only goal unable to keep, was the zero drop in membership, the club lost 2 members. On the other side, eight new members were inducted. President George, commended all the committee chairmen personally personally for their outstanding work in the past year. President Elect, Mike, thanked President George for (lie-past year, helping to make it the best group to be involved with, the Lions wives for being tolerant with their husbands while they arc out on Lions duties and expects 100% support for the coming year. Lion Ed Major reminded the Lions that the Annual Chicken Barbeque is on June twenty-first at the Newcastle Community Hall and asked all Lions to get those tickets sold. Tickets are still available for the 4:30 and 6:00 settings from any Newcastle Lion. Two beautiful hanging baskets that adorned the tent were given as door prizes and won by Lion Roy Hopkins and Lion Frank Hoar. Quality Sunglasses? This promotion is for YOU! featuring Eye ■. Protection and other world-famous brands FREE T-SHIRT and NO TAXES!* on Adidas and our selection of famous-brand sunglasses purchased in our store. Be sure and check out our Bargain Table on the sidewalk, during the sidewalk sale. JUSTIN OO OPTICAL BARRY 30 King St. West 623-3132 *This offer does not apply to sunglasses available on the bargain table. Bowman ville ©j.p. Sieve's &vmcthinç