The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, June 17, 1998 Pace 2 New Vice President at Nuclear Plant From page 1 1982. From he came to to the Bruce Generating with Ontario 1974 to England, Canada, Nuclear Station Hydro. He came to Darlington in 1984. Packer admits to being excited about his promotion promotion which will see him direct the strategics Ontario Hydro has pul together for the next three years. He says the changes arc part of the whole recovery program and while the company has two to three years to set it into motion "we only have one chance to get these places up and running successfully. "We have a plan to move forward. The basic structure has been laid out. It will be my job to unleash the tiger within people to make it happen," he said. He says the spirits of the employees at the local nuclear station is high, even with the changes that are to happen. His objective is to work "with the human clement. I am looking forward to it -- to making it happen." To make it happen over the next few months there will be a lot of appointments appointments and the on-site employee population will possible. "A lot of things can be done" during a time of change, as long as the pace is kept up, he said. Packer follows in the footsteps of Bob Stricken who has moved on to become the on-site VP at the Pickering Generation Station. Stricken is replacing replacing Gene Preston who has moved on to Ontario Hydro's head office. grow. "There a lot of key people people coming into Darlington," he said. Just under 200 people will be assigned to the area, and so far, those who have come to Darlington have noted that they like the plant and the community, Packer said. To do what is a dramatic dramatic change for the station, Packer' says you need to make it a reality as soon as Fluorescent Signs a Tax Grab Say Residents From page 1 Ward 4 Local Councillor Charlie Trim noted, he doesn't doesn't think the rural residents should have to pay for the new signs. "I've had calls from residents who say 'the council is out of touch with them'," he said. He reiterated that the money for the signs should come instead from a reserve fund which was set up for such projects. Ward 2 Local Councillor Jim Schell says that lie supports supports last week's decision made during the General Purpose and Administrative Committee meeting. "The decision we made was a good one. Now there's even a letter from a commercial venture for the installation installation for the signs," Schell said. Mayor Hamre suggested that perhaps it was time to have a report on the subject from the Pubic Works Department. Trim "asked that the matter be tabled, and Mayor Hamre asked that rural residents be given the opportunity opportunity to comment on the issue. To facilitate comments, she asked that ads be placed in the local papers, and that notices be placed in the tax bills. Regional Police Report TXiesday, June 16 Flags gone -- Two Canadian flags were taken near the municipal parking lot at the corner of King and Division Streets, Bowmanvillc. The flags were recovered and arc to be returned to the municipality. municipality. UNITY "THE UTTERANCE OF GOD IS A LAMP, WHOSE LIGHT ARE THESE WORDS: YE ARE THE FRUITS OF ONE TREE, AND THE LEAVES OF ONE BRANCH. DEAL YE WITH ONE ANOTHER WITH THE UTMOST LOVE AND HARMONY, WITH FRIENDLINESS AND FELLOWSHIP" ... BAHA'I FAITH FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL AUTOMATED 1-800-433-3284. Monday, June 15 Lock pried -- A Cone. 6, Solina resident reported that her car door had been pried open and the ignition had been damaged during an attempted theft of vehicle. vehicle. Mischief -- A softball went through a window at Central Public School. Tires slashed -- A David's Cres., Orono resident resident reported that four tires on a vehicle had been slashed while at a bush party on Saturday night. There are no suspects. Theft -- A Devondale Cres, Courtice resident reported that the hubcaps were" removed and taken off her car while it was parked at the Cineplex Odeon lot on Saturday night. The nuts were also removed, but the tires and rims were still on. Attempted break-in -- A representative of Kentucky Fried Chicken reported that unknown cul prits tried to gain entry into the Bowmanvillc store over night. Assault -- A 15-ycar- old Courtice resident reported being sexually assaulted in the wooded area behind Bowmanvillc High School. The incident is under investigation by police. Sunday, June 14 Theft -- A Ncstlcton resident reported that all four of his tires and rims had been taken off his vehicle while it was parked at the Cineplex Odeon parking lot. Theft -- A Lovekin Road resident reported his 1996 Toyota had been taken from the driveway overnight. The vehicle is valued at $15,000. Hugh Segal, an early campaigner for the federal Progressive Conservative party leadership, shares his strategy strategy for a national election victory in 2001. Mr. Segal was Chief of Staff under former Prime Minister Brian Mulroncy and before that worked with Bill Davis and Bob Stanfield. He spoke to Durham Riding Conservatives in Orono on Monday night. Durham PCs Meet Federal Party Leadership Hopeful by Lorraine Manfredo Stall Writer One of the first Tories to join the race for the federal federal party leadership was in Orono on Monday night bursting with confidence about a Conservative comeback. comeback. Hugh Segal, a Kingston resident, has worked with such Conservative luminaries as Bob Stanfield, Bill Davis and Brian Mulroncy. Active in business and politics, he is also well- known for his regular columns in The Financial Post and frequent panel appearances on Canada AM and on CBC radio. Segal told about 70 members of the Durham Federal Progressive Conservative Riding Association that the parly has retreated from the edge of oblivion in the past and can dd it again. "In debt and on the verge of bankruptcy, that was the state of the conservative parly in 1942," Segal said. But, party faithful rebuilt under the new name "Progressive Conservative". His prescription for rebuilding in 1998 is to " open doors wide to new ideas, new people, and old friends who have voted Liberal or Reform in '93 or '97." "This is not about moving from last place to second or third place," he said. "It's about forming a new national government." If elected leader, Segal does not plan to ask any of thé present 20 Tory MPs to vacate their scat for him. Failing a by-election, he says he would maintain a high profile outside the House of Commons. As far as a "unite the right" merger goes, lie says it wouldn't make sense. "A union with Reform would send half our conservative conservative support to the Liberals and then the Liberals could take the riding with more votes than before." In last year's election, Liberals were victorious in Durham, but they had fewer votes than the combined tally for Conservatives and Reform. Stint Curcatz was the defeated federal PC candidate for the Durham riding. He says he may decide to run again depending on who the parly membership elects as leader to replace Jean Charcst. Being an Ontarian could earn Segal points here, Curcatz says, "Out of 103 scats in Ontario, 102 arc Liberal," Gains must be made in this province, he said Segal, too, says a strong showing in eastern Canada is key to an election win in 2001. "To win the next election, we have to first win in Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario. Sweeping the west without seats in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic won't help us form the government." Most Conservatives arc eagerly wailing to hear if former Prime Minister Joe Clarke will seek the nomination nomination as party leader. This will be the first federal PC leader to be elected elected by all registered parly members. Instead of sending delegates to a convention, every memberWill have opportunity to vote in polling stations stations in each riding. #rr * $20 - Full set of acrylic nails * Free set of nails with every belly button piercing * Waxing Specials * Wedding Party - Bride receives free set of nails! In-home service available Also body piercing, Mehandi body art and waxing available. Call Kelly 697-3243 or 259-1284 Money Back Guarantee! Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. Category 1 Sub. G.S.T. Total Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 n.m. Wednesday. You will be given n card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman. $25 $1.75 per year $26.75 Category 2 Subscribers within Canada $30 $2.10 $32.10 Category 3 Subscribers outside of Canada $100 $7.00 $107.00 Subscription Order Form Nome: Address: - New Q or n Renewal U Postal Code:. Telephone No.:. Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. V1SA/MC Number: Expiry Date: Ilje Canabtan g>tfitetfiMn P.0, Box 190,62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K9 Second Class Mail PermilNo. 1561 Clarlngton's 25th Anniversary Photo Contest For Clarlngton Residents Only Help capture 11 A Day luThe Life Of Cliifltipton" for tire 25th aimiwriary of the creation of tire Municipality of Clitrington. PltotQgrepli iu beauty, heritage, and tire wide lunge of aetivitiei it offers, Wo are looking foe piimires of your tilarlngton experience, m want to sue your mumorablo moment! and the beautiful thing* you experience, EMMsirMo-is these selected photographs will be published in a conunemorattw supplement and will be available to all Clarlngton rendent», rendent», Your picture# may Ire used In upcoming CtaringumToui bm publications or on our web site www.immidpality.clitiiigton.on, a ita Mi You 1 Oil]/ «My 15ÜI to Jtfly 31st Our judgei will be looking for shots that demonstrate creativity and originality and a vision of your Clarington. Photos must be taken between July 15th and July 31st, within the boundaries of Clarington. Just fill out a ballot, send it in and you could win one of the. fabulous pines offered, » There is a $5 per entry fee (fees will help organize community events during 1999), You may enter as many photos as you wish. ♦There aie two categories; professional and amateur. Also a colour and Hack & white category. Visitors entries ate also welcome. ♦ Photographs submitted cannot be returned and will become tire property of the ClaringtonTourism Office. • Registration forms will be available from the Clarington Municipal orTouvism Offices as ofjune 15. cm (908) 6Z8SS78 Hr Ma8s.