I I 1 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, June 20,1998 "74e *)udefre«tde*tt *74te &9itrttice *)»tdefre*tdettt Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited Publishers of The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K9 P.O. Box 2000,1712 Baseline West, Courtice, Ontario L1C 2S8 905-623-3303 Fax: 905-623-6161 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Internet - statesmanQocna.org For 144 Years, Our First Concern Has Been Our Community Publisher - John M. James Assoc. Publisher - Rick James Plant Manager - Rick Patterson Ad. Manager - Brian G. Purdy Editor - Peter Parrott Production Supervisor - Ralph Rozema, Suzanne Bennett, Tim Bowers, Kevin Britton, Sharon Cole, Laurens Kaldeway, Barb Patterson, Tyler Sellick, Jim Snoek, James Stephenson, Vance Sutherland, Jim Tuuramo Advertising Editorial Laverne Morrison Brad Kelly, Lorraine Manfredo, Laura J. Richards Office Supervisor-Angela Luscher, Junia Hodge, Grace McGregor, Nancy Pleasance-Sturman, Marilyn Rutherford, Libby Smithson They Say, He Has The Right Moves Eleven-year-old Nathan Blake of Hampton has been dancing since he was five-years-old. Here, he shows off his newest trophies: Mr. Junior Can-Dance '98 and Junior Heart Throb '98. This past year he won the opportunity to attend a series of workshops at a resort in Lake Tahoe, Nevada this July. He will be the only male dancer from Canada at the workshop. workshop. And he's all set to go, except he needs help to get him there. His parents Gary and Sandra Blake need about $4,000 to help with transportation and other costs affiliated with the trip. Sandra says she has been told by a number of dance teachers that Nathan has loads of talent and should be encouraged as much as possible. She and Gary would like to ensure Nathan continues to build on his talents. If you would like to help, call Sandra Blake at 263- 8721. JUST FOR YOU, DAD! Men's Fragrances • Preferred Stock • Ginseng by Jovan • Stetson • Raw Vanilla • English Leather OFF 1 Shaving kits, Shavers Gift items, Greeting Cards and More! McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-5792 Region Wants To Host 2000 Summer Games From page 1 into full gear to ensure that all the logistics are organized and to find a high profile committee chair. "We will need to align venues, transportation to and from accommodations, accommodations, accommodations for 3,000 athletes, plus coaches, coaches, families and spectators," spectators," he said. At this time, Leigh says the athletes will be sleep- _ ing dormitory style in two high schools in the region. He hopes that one will be in the western part of the region, and the other in the eastern end. As for the organizing committee chair, Leigh says, "we've considered a few names during our meetings. We need someone someone with a high profile, perhaps someone from the private sector, or perhaps a former mayor and still well known to the entire community." An organizational chart submitted to the regional councillors on Wednesday shows that all those involved in the committees committees will be volunteers. A report to council from the Commissioner of the Economic Development Department states, "with the exception of Finance (which the Town of Whitby has kindly kindly offered to handle) all sub-committee chairs and members will also be community volunteers, One representative from the current Ad Hoc Committee will sit on each sub-committee as an advisor/assistant." However, when it comes down to the final 12 month crunch period paid staff will be hired to support the committees, the report noted, During the next two months the committee will II , I. F2 Medium Pizzas 2 Fresh Toppings 4 Coke a 1*1 üil iiwfl'fivyr'it : BOBS®*! «'®1 » m zJ-- f £ O fti! Add on* of th**« D«als . to any ordarl ho*v Limit on* of each Add-on Dr.'ll per order. No fMAivkHkitianns. Henry.* i?. Medium Ptznis ^ î? Frt>»h Toppings fc' ChicktMi Wings i? 1 L_ Cokt> Fjr j «"■* Mm ad .«ssHi mssmsam^m. dmea toffsti î ..:. J ■■ibskîi îsa a s W ÆHB V i Usscrmi 3K3 irrrrt